10 'IrheCanadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 9, 1975 Section Two OBITUARIES ZILLAH MIARY MARTIN Axel known and respected member of the area, Zilah Mar? Martin, died on Tues- day, April lst, 1975, at her resi( ence, Martin Road, South, Bowm-anville, wliere she 1 ad resided for 56 years. 111 for a prolonged time, Mrs. Martin, was born in Dar ington Township, the dau liter of Matliew DeWell and Ida Williamison, and was in her 77tli year.. E ucated in Solina, she was mar -ied to Arthur Wesley Mar in on January 29, 1919.A dev ted wife and mother, she wasa member of Maple Grove Unit ad Churcli. Mrs. Martin's greatest in- terest and interest te many othe-s was lier beautiful gar en. She spent many hours loi gly tendine it to be able to share with family, friends and pass ers by. Left ta mourn lier passing are ber liusband, and lier sons and dauglters, Marion, (Mrs. Fred Wriglt), Wesley, of Bow ranville, helma, (Mrs. Lloy Flintoff),;Oshiawa, Aud- rey, (Mrs. Keitli Bickell), Saul Ste. Marie. James, Cal ry, Atla., Greta, (Mrs. Me i $hiels) Newmarket, Don- na, : Mrs. Maurice Preston) and E)ona1d, of Bowmanviile, lier brotliers and sisters, Sam jel, of Hampton, Hannali (MrP J.A. Lovel), Dexter, Michigan, Frank, Toronto, Perdy, Hampton, Ruby Dew. el, Oshawa. She was prede- ceased by tliree brotliers Mathew, Afred, and Wlfred. Reverend David Harris con- duced tlie funeral service on Friday from tlie Morris Funçrai CliapeL. Flôrai tokens in lier mem- oyere reeived from Mapie Gro le Churcli, J. and H. Feed tor , Baseline Good Neigli- bou sGM. Parts Pricing and Othe s. Interment was in Hampton Cemetery. JOHN THOMAS KRAWCHUK A aormer employee of Gen- eral Mlotors of Canada, wlio retired in 1971 from the part department cash sales, John Thomas Krawcliuk died at tlie Memoriai Haspital, Bowmnan- ville, Saturday, April 5, 1975. He i ved at R.R. 6, Bowmnan- ville. Born Jan. 31, 1912 in Montreai, Que., lie was a son of he late M1r. and Mrs. Thomas Krawcliuk and liad lived in Maple Grave for 20 years, prior ta maving to Bawmanville. H1e was married April 2,1949 in Toronto. A member of St. Josepl's Ron an Cathalic, Church, Bow- mnanile, lie was a member of the UAW, tli General Motars Reti ýees' Cluib, and a member af te Rayai Canadian Legian Bra cli 43. Surviving are lis wife, the former Stella Mý,ikoliew; one dau lter, Clieryl at home; two aons, Barry Krawcliuk, of Albany, N.Y.; Dennis Kraw- chu, of GueIpli; twa sisters, M rs. Jean Arycli and Mlrs. Bernice Werbecki, bath of Oshawa and two brothers Edward and Walter, both of Oshawa. One brothier, Michael, died i 194. Mr. Krawdhuk rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home. Requiem Higli Mass was ceie1brated in St. Josepl's Churcli, Bawmanville, Tues- day at 10:30 a.m., witli inteirment in Bewmanville Cemetery. Rev. Frank Mihl. ic ESLEY VILLE Winter 1975 decided it could- n't leave witliout reminding us we stfhli ve in Our Lady of the Snows. Unýseasonial weatlier, didn't do mudli ta lelp witli the adjustmient ta new temiperat- ure readi ngs but tliey did get a lot of attention. There was littie trouble in this area in spite Of the very higli winds, we did see at lea'st one anteinnae tower leaning an a lieuse, drifted dr-ivewÀays were easily ploughed out. Several folk had made the mistake of rennoving snaw tires thougli Bartiett's message for the chîdren concerned birtlidays, especially that of the United Churcli with a brief outlineof its beginning. His mnorning worcd for the congregatian was one of empliasis on the meaning and vital pat n. qhristian's lie, of tlie Lord's supper. The cliir's lovely anthem was Ail in an April Evening, and flowers in the churci were iii loving memory of M\,r. Fred McConnell. Local memnbers attended the m~eeting of the Women's Institute hled at the hýomne of Mrs. chas. White, PortxHope last Tuesday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ashby on Saturday even- ing wvere lIr. and Mrs. Gerald Ingramn and Mr. and Mrs. Witt CassýIton of Oak Hill. Goôod Neighbour Steel Fences by Spacemaker White enamrelled steel th,-,I maintenance-f ree. Fin ish,-<. guaranteed for 15 years. atoCorner i 28~5'x 8'x 8' DO-IT-'YOUR LF A&NDSAVEZ Fencin g Hints Plan your fnce and measure accurately. Building a fence is easy when you know how-and Beaver shows you how with detailed instructions. You can choose f rom many types of fencing materials and fence you r home in style-any style! Corne in and see us! Cedar Fencing Cedar is a superior choice for outdoor use because it naturally resists moisture and însect damage. Quality cedar fencing lumber is available now from Beaver in these typical sizes. (Const . Std. D4S) 1 " x4" x8' x "x"8' 2"x4"x8' .,Ft. FENCEf S>pruce Fencing (Construction Staný-dard Grade D4S) 2" x4" 2" x6e' 1" x2" x 8 Igths. Igths. Li.Ft .* i-n.Ft. 4 ach 1" x 3" x 8' 2" x 2" x 8' 4c 5g -'r:LU 2"x6"8' 4"4"x8 2" x 4" Studs 92l/2" 0or 96"SI Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. iirr TrTr ~ ha nLin k Fe nc Aluminum Fence Panels The Iatest thing in fencing!,Quality-made of Iightweight, n on-rusting aluminum. Prefinished with Duracron enamel in white, green or brown. Panels slide-Iock together for strengthand rigid ity., 12"W x 4'2H. 1Each Aspen ite Economical for general, 7/all-around use. 4' x 8' x 14 Sa krete Ready-to-use concrete mix. 90-lb. bag. 2 29 Pou Itry. Mesh Handy way to enclose large areas. 36"H x 1" Mesh 7 9 0Lerjin.Yd. Free Del.ivery Wlith All Orders Over $20.00 FINANCING IS AVAILABLE YOU MAY USE YOUR B EAVER LUMeER CREDIT CARD CHARGEY AND MASTER CHARGE ALSO HONORED Aluminum solfit & Fascia ;tud Grad e ÎU' a SDiding' Masonite X-90 TYPE. Pre- finished in white. 12" x, 16' X 3 ,8"- 1 0-yr. guarantee. S D Per Bundie 8' Fence Section One post and alA components needed foron)e8 8'section. 49 Gate Kit 5-ft. hîgh gate trame. Includes ail hardware. Fence panels extra. Not shown. Beaver Stain Stains and seais in, one coat. Cedar, Redwood and Walnut colours. AluminurliDoor Pre-hung combination type. Witlh safety/ glass andý screeýrn. Natural finish. n 9 standard sizes. 4 9 7 Whfite ename.. finish - .UVti b .)g l ) E x te n s io n L a d cte rs 16" x 12'6" Igth. 9 Roof Shinle. Made f 'rom strong,liîghtwveight aluminum. tp1520' 24' 28' 32' Fascia ........2 210-lb. weight. èA3 2 6" ~~~ 10' ~~ 3 bdls,. per sq. Sur 48 1u 5~ SOME ITEMS AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDtK UNLT PHONE 623-3388 2877 c FURC, F--X