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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1975, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmran, Boxrnnvilliie, April 9. 1971 DELOITTE,'ASKc0 ISl& eLLS OFFICES INNMAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: JosefA, BSc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. ButR. WaNters, F.C.A. BOWMIANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. DEPARTMENT presents A Woýrk-shop for Parents on ActiOve Listeningj WIHAT IS YOUR CHILD REALLY SAYING? Tuesday, April 22, 7:30 p.m. BA',$.Resource Centlre Due tte he fchüý0at attendance wil be lim-ited to 1,50 pronailparents ms regîster'Lby Friday, April '18. Registration FmsareaaiaeatBHSSudt ervice Dept Blizzard (from page 'f "This is a very mîinor problem for us," hie remark- ed. No major breaks in the hydro lines occurred. Hutton Transport reorted three of their Ottawa rivers were laid over at Silver Lake for 30 hours, according to Wayne Steere, butý no acci- dents were reported. Corporal Francis Dryden of the Newcastle OPP reported 30 accidents over the entire weekend period. These were minor accidents. Frederick W. Andrews 59, died Friday afternoon of' a heart attack when his pick-up truck veered off a concession road just east of Highway 35 and struck a tree. Investigating officers said the gravel road was extremely SIppery. Týon y Brand of Brookdale- Kingswvay Nurseries remark- ed that the unseasonal storm would delay planting of trees and shrubs by two weeks. Hie told the Statesman that $15,000 in deliveries were held up by the Storm, as no deliveries went out on Friday and very few on Thursday. Farmers generally were not affected too seriously by the Storm, as livestock were kept close to the barns and milk production was not halted for a long period, of time by plugged roads. Eldad United (from page 1) Yellowlees and Miss Faye Langmaid. Then David John- son of the Junior Boys' class, entertaîned on his guitar. The Young People led by Lawr- ence and William Taylor (on guitars) provided music, the g roup sang the Freedom Land! Then Lawrence and William had a humorous nurnber which delighted the children. Mrs. Harvey, Yellowlees presented the explanation of our United Church Crest, from a banner placed on a flannel board. She told about the chuirches that united, and which part of the crest they represented., This was some- thing ail our members should know. Pastor Erb was glad we added the symbol of the Clasped Hands to represent the United Church B rethren which joined in the 6's. One of the special numbers was gîven by Mrs. Marguerite Fraser - The History of Our Church. Since Mrs. Fraser is writing a book on Solina, she had ail the material at hand, to pass on to us. This proved most înteresting. and we are most appreciativ e to Mrs. Fraser and realize we owe s0 much to the Founders of Eldad Churcli. At the conclu- sion, Mrs. Fraser asked us to sing 'prnise Goc( f rom Wh7omn Ahl Blessjings lo' Mr's. fohn Kno aavery entertaining readîng in heýr usual expressive- style. The -progrm oncluded With asld pt n by lEldad Ui.C.W. Ladies tîtled-"Ath En of Life's Road." Those taking part were - Mrs. Francis Johnston, Mrs. Murrav Vice. Mrs. Howard Spring Re-Roofing Bargains SHINGLES - 8 coliors to Choose froin - * 16. 1 C9Square g0 LB.,ROK FACE ROOFING, Black, Green, Red - It,7 oli (108 ISq. Ft, Per Roli) 18 Inch (Same Colý'bors) 54 Sq. Ft. Per Rolil- '.0Per Rol 36" SMOOTH SURFACE ROOFING - 501h. - 36" 15 LB.A1 PAL FELT NO. 2 D' 19" SALýiVGE EDGE ROO0FING Wite, Red, Black, Greemn 54 Sq. 1'. - *5,~9PerRol IRY SHEETING 36" Wide 12.199 Roll 7e9Rolli iNSU LATION FIBERGLASS 21/2- 150 Sq. FtL Per Carton 'ý 13. 89 2-1/" 135 Sq. FL Per Carton e'l1 55S 3/"15sq. Ft. per carton 71 4.6 150 46" FRICTION -'13"7 Sq. Ft, ZONOý-LITE ATTIC FILLq.F ,k2,.40 Bag (3 Cubie Feet) PAL-O-PAK - ',2.49 Bag POOL, PAD (20lb. Bag) $3.15 Enniskillen Pupils Working on Special Photo Pro ject Recreation Bantamn: Cubs 5 - Kevin Grey 1, Tony Yeo 1, Andy Jarvis 1, Doug Paterson 1, Doug',Hoy 1. Franks 2- Dan Strike 1, Randy Owens 1. Girls: Bloers 0. Purpies 3- iadyMacheiSelly Fry, 1 Ann Rowsell. Pee Wee B: Rotary Kings 2- Darreil Jonies 1, Steve Siggins 1. Nichols Motors 2- Ken Hoy 1, Kevin Rînes -1. Pee Wee A: Franks Varietv 3 Andy Platon 1, Terry Deluca 1, Randy Hawtorn 1.-Rice Bowl 1- Ryan Kparney 1. Atom B: Lime Crush 1- Calvin Yeo 1. Marrianna 2- Scott Richards 1, Steve Martin 1. Atomi A: Local 12219 4- Russell Hogg 1, Don Daigle 1, Kevin Taylor 2. Grahams I.G.A. 4- J. Hogarth 1, R. Rozema 3. Tyke B:- Gary 's Sport,-s 3- Wayne Mutton 2, Robert Geidlinger 1. Vic Mt!etals C0. Tyke A: Kool 3- Ron Holgan 1, Shawn Debruyn !, Brent Neill 1. lires Root Beer. KINSMEN SUPER BINGO e-1 M*%EMýORIAL(CE NTRE FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1975 4 EARLY BIRDS Share the "0 REGUTLAR GAMIES - - 50 EA Since November,. 1974, community recording daily twenty-two Grade Six students events in their own. lives. from Enniskillen Public From the 500 color images Sehool have been working on a created, 160 have been, chosen special projeet. Using simple for a 15-mlinute color slidle- instamatie cameras lotaded sound presentationc enitled with Kodak color slide film, "Our Part of the Beavýer" the students went about their whic wil be shown at WheelchairSaeyCnc Enniskillen Public School, April 24, 1975 during an evening "Open House"' mark- ing Educatin Week. An- exhibition of photograph- ic prints fromn these sldes has been on view at The Photo- graphy Gallery since early March and is being held over to April 22so that ahl who have expressed interest may see it. Represented are about 40 of the most striking images createdd by the students who are in the 11-12 year-old, age gru.The project iîs spon- sore bte Ontario Arts Council and, the Northumber- land-Newcastle Board of Ed- cation as an "Artist in the School" program. Also showîng at The Photo- graphy Gallery is an tion of work by Neil Newton including photographs, gumn prinits and silk-screen prints which continues unitil the end of, April. Children participating in thie program were: Lisa Kinsman, Lynn Gaudet, Kim Borchuk, B3etty Mantel, Cherie Madili, Debra Van Dorp, David Wright, Paul Svetec, Albert Schoonderbeek, Eric Gaebél, Pat Edwards, Leanne Haines, Janet Littley, Karyn Bigby, Carolyn Loveless, Janet Row- an, Sandy Lloyd, Gail Lamb, Martha Jonah, Ruth Baker, Susan Slemon and Laura Butterv. Three $150 Games $300 Pot of GGid iv, !,55Numnbers or- Less or Consolation Kinsmen Arena Gaine $300 I ~ -$100o Per Lige I $500 FuIl Card $2.500 JACKPOT If Won fin 53l Numb-ers or Less $1,500 mustgo ume nrse eaeh Bïing-o $2.500 not won $100 Free Lap Card Gamne 'Prize 6.500 oneyI Early Biîrds - 7:3 .mU Sharp - Kà N sim FN ~MHITIE1U~M~AINUH~ How ;do thebrakes work on your wheelchair? If they don't work so well, bring your wheelchair to the Safety Clinic to be held a urham College, Saturday, April 26, and it will be fixed. The Cliic w"ill be ouPen 9 a .m.P to 4 p.m.. and is sos~e by the March 0of Dijmes in coniunitcin withi the District Handicap Club. This is the first Cliniic ever held in this area although others have been hbeld in Hamilton'and Nor th Bay. According to Mrs. Marie McCannn Chairman of Oshawa Handi-Transit, more tha 100 people are expected to attend. For those that attend, entertainment, refreshments, activities, counselling and, films will ail be ayailable. For those who need more information, contact Mrs. Marie McCann at 576-0771. Milîson, Mrs. Wesley His, Mrs. Stanley Milîson, Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, Mrs. Clarence Bray, Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe, Mrs. Bruce Taylor, and Mrs. Fred Watson. Pastor Erb made an ideal chairman telling a number of stories between numbers and assisting with the accompani- ment. Owing to the weather prob-, lem, our ch urch service had to be postponed till next Sunday, A pril l3th. The -Special Choir wîhl sing and the Confirmation Service will be conducted. A coffee party will wind up our celebration. Many thanks to theceommit- tee in charge - Mrs. Charles Langmaid,' Mrs. Donald Taylor, Mrs. Harry Knox Mrs. W. Yellowlees, Mr. Lloyd Broome, Mr. Francis Johnson and Mr. Harvey Yellowlees. This is also the l2Oth year of Eldad Church., Hopefuily we shaîl celebrate many more years together. No Overali (From Page One) dru gs decrease the body's ability to ward off foreign infections. 1 Surface cancers, like moles, can be arrested b y local vaccine treatments, b ut bld- den tumors have to be treated with radiation or drugs. When drugs are used, the patient is more unlikely to resist tu- mors. Dr. Quirt said about three per cent of tumors spontan- eously remit. At the Rotary luncheon, Bud Allin, Easter Seal Chairman, remarked that the goal of $6500 by March 31, fell short by $2200., Honored kFrom Page One) gear box break-up indications occur and, during a' short hover session, the two pilots assessed the emergency indi- cations, Since the patient was in very, critîcal condition, the flight track was directed to the nearest mnainland and then followed a main highway at low level to St. John. The aircraft arrived safely one and onie haîf hours after the initial chip detector warning. Capt. Lucas and Capt. Pennie, faced with a crucial emergency, carried on with their mission to deliver the critically-ill patien--t to his much needed medical atten- tion. The professional analy sis and decision made by both pilots exemplify their know.- ledge oý the aircraft and it.s complex systems'. This contri- buted to saving the patient's lif e. Capt. George Lucas is the son of Mrs. Margaret Lucas of Bowmanville, Ontario. He is currently a qualified flîeht instructor at 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Ban ta ms Win (from page 1) with left winger Dean Ruther- ford and Ron Visser for the score. Rick Bain scored the third goal on a fine effort af ter comipleting a play set up by Godfrey andEd Visser. In the third period, Essex pressed to get back in the game as they realized defeat was closing in on them but the superb conditioning of the Bowmanville club showed up in the late stages as they hit hard and dlean and' the defence came up big on the blueline. Britt Murphy in goal for Bowmanville came up with his biggest game of the season, earning the shut out and making some unbeliev- able saves. Full credfit has to go to the team for a fine season and as well to coaches Jim Peters and George Sainsbury who guided and coached the team with great success. In conclusion, this writer would like to thank the team sponsor, Mr. H.W. Knapp, the Canadian Statesman for their fine coverage of the games and also the fans who support- ed us during the season. Kramps Kramp's Furnitre q4!LiL~ out with-a drive simîlar ta last ý7 eekw*th fouruuick olsh andyBrown, his fîrst of four, Rick Morrow, JJoug rough also his first of four, and MiE Donoghue. Hoopers Jewellers Lanny Burns finally ge, them on board. Krams didni't stop there before the first ended as Mvorrow got hîs second and Crough picked up two more. The second D2eriod went ahl the Kramp's again with three more goals by Brown with 2, and Crough with one more. The third started off with Brown getting his fourth with only five seconds gone by. Hoopers talflied their last two by IrvCGil and Steýve Burns. Krïamps nit t1wice more before the game ended 13-3 by Wray Rendell and Barry Oliver. s s. s s, s su A Siizes1" to 2/211 s$1,44 I Your ChoiceI Each j MAYTIE PEAT POT PLANTER j 12 Pots To Tray 2 Pkgs-. REGAL BRAND PERENNIALS MANY TYPES TO CHOOSE FR,'OM Phlox - Carnation - Mums '4Each MANUCURE SET NAIL FILE , EMERY BOARD Etc" , iSet STAY FREE JIohnson .&Johnson mIlN i pAD s Special ~Package 3" LASICFLOWER POT S LIGHTWEIGHT & DURABLE 5 To package 4 3 3Pkgs. s 6 ASSORTED CHOCOLATE BARS 10OTO BAG$1940 'I 100 PER CENTACYI 4 StylesRe.29 iesAssorted Colores SzsSmaIl, Mediumn & Large Reg. $1.00 Special 2 Pair5 Il Boys ORLON SOCKS, I SOLID SHADES BLUE. NAVY G-REE N RED I ~OR WHIqTE .4 If Sizes 8 -1012 3 Pair I j' ONE, SIZE FITS -ALL STIRETCH NYLON Special 4 Pair v MAYTIME MINI GREEN HOUSE HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TRAY with 24 Peat Pots.5 di4 I ERRY FACECLOTHIS ASSORTED COLORS Size About 1l" x 119' 8 ln Package $j,4 Special akg PLAS>TIC âDRAPES FLORAL PATTERN Size 72 x 84 2 Panels 2 Pair $ , SeLADIES Tops SHREDDED FOA-M SCOOP NECK ILW Sizs ML.-RA O Well Filled Assored Color Tiekings siz s , _ __ __ __ _ sp1ea4 4ih acn "OHARGE-IT !" BOWMANVILE STORE ONLYI0 n n ILS 1 , a &% 4-

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