-,,Details of The Town of Newcýr-asfle's Ratepayers' Assoc. Advîsory B~ardmeetng, nownas T.O).N.R.A. hield ifs fourth meeting on April 2nd at Courfice High School for the Ssecond time as,;thie subject under-discussion still, was The Courtice Concept Plan for expanIsionI. John L -iptay , President, openied fthe me.eting and the Minutes wer rad by Maurice Bradley of Kendal of the last mleetingo held on March 6tb anid approved. Treasurer. D1-elbert Huether Cuts the grass and eliminates the clip pngs! This mower'culs the grass, then cuts and re-cuts the clippings int a fine mulch that disappears down int yo ur lawn. No bag t0 empty. No clippings to rake. No thaich build up. No danger- ous discharge chute. Faster, safer, cleaner than anything else you've used., Available n 22" self-propelled, 22" and 18" hand-propelled models. Bolens. A good yardahd S Consumer FUC'S SHELL. T ntnand Wilson Rtd. Oshawa, Ont. 728-2021 VAN BEL Courtîce of, Newcastle Village, made his financial report, to the executive board and directors as well as those ratepayers present. The turnout was not as large as expected because of the inclement weather. Mr. Huether's report of finances included the cost of printing membership cards, the cost of rental and key to P.O. box 46, Bowmanville, the official ad- dress of T.O.N.R.A. To this address, people wishing fo write to the Association, may address any and all mail perfaining to the Ratepayers' Assoc. business. Other ex- penses outside of postage were Xeroxcoyng of the informa- tion=sees ready and avaîl- able f0 tax-payers in the Town of Newcastle. The entire expense account was $23067. A motion was made by, Mauricet Bradley that a sav- ings account and a current account for future expenses be held for T.O.N.R.A. by the Association at the Imperial Bank of Commerce so that requests might be made f0 the board for approved expenses. As the various reports of the Executive Commiftee were noted and discussed, unfin- ished business and new busi- .ness, the meeting ran an hour over ifs scheduled time of 10 p.m. The first item on the agenda was the nomination of two more directors Mrs. Ann Cowman and Mrs. R. Lilley. A second motion was made thaf one of the directors be a ssigned to write press re- ports f0 the four local papers-- The Oshawa Times, The Canadian Statesman, The Newcastle Reporter and The Orono Weekly Times. In this manner, ail areas may stay well, informed as to the progress and business dis- cussed af the Ratepayers' Assoc. meetings. The best manner of housing and servicing for a large growfb in population fook up most of the time at the meeting. If was concluded, that the concept must be modified and the 'spili-over' spread more evenly thtough- out the area. A suggestion was made by director Ron Amyotte of Courfice that 18 family units f0 the acre in the proposed area for development might be consiaereci. nus suggestion Concept, was met with strong disap- - proval by the ratepave'rs present and the associa- tion igeral. Overcrowding and hih esity population in cheaper famîly - unit.- type- nousing, it was teit, would degenerate soon into a less than desirable environment. The Ratepayers' Assoc. passed a motion to take a stand in regards to the development in Courtice area. Whereas: a totalcon- cept plan of the type prep'ared bv Murrav V. Jonesand Asso- diates, is far superior tô a L atchwork development po- icy, the association supports such concepts providing that: 1: Roads and parks be s0 designed as to affect as few exisfing dwellings as possible. 2: No decision be made as to population or densities until such time as the public and the association have given ample opportunity for meaningful input. 3: Any decision of the town and the region refleet the input of area residents and-or the association. Jim Robinson read the minutes to date concerning the Courtice Concept Plan meetings in the Courti ce High, School. Mr. Robinson stated on being' questioned that requests to view documents pertaining to the legal aspects of Advisory Boardr meetings were available by contacting Town Clerk Mcllroy at~ Bow- manville's old Toý.vn ýHall, Temperance St., Bowman- ville, 623-3379. Mr. Mcllroy Mr. Robinson stated, bad always been most cooperative in this respect. Lawrence, M.P. was read in answer to a letter of Mr. Bradley's of Feb. 28th regard- ing the shoring-up of the breakwý ater protection at Dar- ling ton Beach. A'letter from Mayor, Garnet Riekard was read, suggesting that furtber study of1 the population growth ,expected and some more input from the residents already in the area were received and considered. H1e suggested a furtber consid- eration period of serveral weeks. Association Objectives 1: To encourage communi- cation between the ratepayers and elected officials and civie servants, in order to improve the whole community. 2: To su pport legitimate requests and complaints by ratepayers, either as groups or persons, to council or other governing bodies. 3: To develop ideas for better planning of the coin- munity. 4: To encourage active interest in public office amiong' ratepayers. 5: To promote a commnunity spirit and identity in The Town of Newcastle. 6: To organize social affairs. Board of Directors Prsident: John Liptay, 126. Martin Rd.. Bowmanville: ist Vice-president - James Robin- son, B3owmanville; 2ncf Vice- president-Joseph Leavens, Haydon ; 3rd Vice-president- Keith Shackleton, Bowman- ville; Secretary, - Maurice Bradley, Kendal; Treasurer- Delbert1 Huether, Newcastle, R..2,Directors Harry Beauchamp, Enni- skillen; Wilbur Blackburn, Haydon; Ronald Amyot te, Courtice; Catherine Bojkov- sky, Hampton; Dirk Brink- man, R.R. 1, Bowmanville; Stewart Cisholm, Bowmian- ville; James Coyle, Bowman- ville; Anne Darch, Bowman- ville; Victor Grabco,* Cour- tice; Marlene Leavens, Hay- don; Raymond Leblanc, Hampton; Warren Lowes, FROM OURGARDEN CENTRES': LE LAWNFOOD SPre-Spring Sale! ! ! le Covers 60 x 100 $4'IyReg.$5.99 (6000 Sq.Ft.) 3 DAYS ONLY THURSDAYI FRIDAYI SATURDAY LIMIT 3 BAGS TO A CSOE! BUILD A BETTER BEAUTIFUL LAWNII AT THE RIGHT PRICE The product is The Same as Last Year, And At This Pre-Spring Sale You Buy-if a $1.00 Less Than The Spring of 1974. How Is U,: T)at For Value! FREE LOAN 0F SPREADER FOR 2 HOURS, 0F COURSE!!! AVAILABLE AT BOTH GARDEN CENTRES EAST FLOWER SHOP AND GARîDEN CENTRE Highway ivNo. 2 Oshawa mBowmanville 5 Minutes V 5 Minutes 6,23-4,441 Highway No. 2 WEST FLOWER SHOP AND GARDEN CENTRE _________ Bond Street VB*.2 KingSt-reet 579-1118 292 King St. W. I NORTH FLOWER SHOP va Beatric School 72 8-5159 1124 Simcoe St5 N Cons ultànt Shows Equipment Used By Diabetics Mrs. Marion Burgess (left) and Mrs,. Beth Morton examine equipment used in the treatment of Diabetes as explained by Gordon Romans, retired director of the insulin division of Connaught Laboratories, wIio now acts as a, consultant. The display was set up by Connaught Laboratories during a symposium "Diabetes in Review '75" at Bowmanville High School, Màrch 26. succeýUssf ul Sympoim PHeýIid' On theTc 1Mrs. Beth Norton, Dîrector of Education at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville is con- fident that a recent symposi- um "Diabefes in Review '75" held, Wednesday, March 26 at Bowmanville High School was a success. She has received approximately, 35 telephone calis, six personial lutters and commnenits fromi the 14 hospital emiployees wha<±tho âiei he i symposium as to the success of the event. The purpose of te symposi- um iwas to provide an oppor- tunity for the hbealth care worker to improve their knowledge and skills id the provision of Diabetic Care. Approximately 150 attended' the symposium which was open to t he public.. The symposium which ran from 8:15 a.m. f0 4 p.m. featured lectures by Dr. Anne Kenshole who spoke on "Dia- betes Mellitus-A Challenge" and "Pregnancy and Dia-, betes", Dr. Roy Rowsell who spoke on "Treafment of the Aduit Diabetic" and "Method of Assessing Diabetic Know- ledge", Dr. N. Howard who spoke on "Diabetes in Child- 'hood and Adolescence" and "Todays Research", Miss Barbara Hone wÀho spoke on the "Treatmenf of Diabetes with Diet" and "Meal Plan- ning." Mrs. Elizabeth Laug- harne and Mrs.' Bonnie Ship- man spokeý on "The Vital Role of the Nurse in Diabetic Care', Mrs. Laugharne also spoke on "Teaching the Dia- betic SeIf-Care," and Mrs. Bonnie Shipman spoke on "Your Comrnunify Re- R.R. 2 Orono; James MilîIgate, Courtice -; Hughi Neill R.R. 4, Oshawa; Don Samis, Cour-, tice; Cecil Simmons Cour- tice; Reg Willatts, Bowman- ville; Enid Brewer, Kendal; Gary Sirov,' Hobbs Drive, Bowmanville; R.,Lilley, Bow- manville; Ann, Cowman, Courtice. A membership drive 15 ON for ,the new ,Rafepayers' Association. The annual fee is one dollar, $1.00 SEach taxpayer in any and every municipality of the region of the Town of New- castle is URGED to join by fîlling out the yellow sheets being placed in accessible places such as banks, varietyý stores and libraries, or from any director. Or yon can just tear off the yellow information slip on the yellow membership sheet and send it filled in with your namne,- address and telephone number to the official mailing address of ýT.O.N.R.A. to Box 46, Bow- manville, Ont. The April 2nd, meeting which was f0 have adjourned at 10 p.m. ended at il p.m. Ail the members were tired at tbis time, though there were still many things of interest to discuss. Future Ratepayers' Associ- ation meetings will be held' every first Thursday of the mionth--we think. The next one is to be held on Mlay 1, 1975 at the old Town Hll in Bowmanville on Tem- perance St. 1 It was moved by Reg. Nillatts and seconded by R. Lilley that commnittee meet- ngsbe held once a month and that the directors, executives and any 'ratepayers who so h emav attend. )PIC of Dia souLrceIs, Mrâis. Jeanette Mac Donald spoke on the "Emofional Aspects of Dia- betes", Neale McLean spoke on "The Pharmacist and Diabetes", and Mrs. Morton spoke on "Diabefie Educafion Centres -- Whaf are They?" The symposium opened with infroducfor-y remarks by Mrs. Vera Kiiiçg Reg. N., Nursiiig Supervý\isor, Memoriai Hlospi- fal anmi R..Fstnhospifal administrafor. Dr. D.K. Mosienko, MedlicaL Liaison- Dept. of Education, Memorial ibet es Hospital gave' the closing remarks. Mrs. Beth Morton joined tbe staff of Memorial H-ospital in her position as Director of Educafion in September of 1974. She ouflines her objec- tives in this position as organizing and implementing educafional activities which will be appropriafe to bospital emPTP)oyees nO mat fer vwhat departmenf fhey are emplyed in. Mrs. Morton expressed her desire f0 hoid anottier symposium in the late faîl or early spring. Ratepoyers AdvisoryBoard Holds Lengthy Meeting on T h e In the- Edtor's Mail MeanwPile Back on the Ridge Dear John: 1 have always believed I have a concerned'guardian angel. If a cow gof sick or a sheep died, I could genenally remember back f0 when my angel had suggested this or that and. I had ignored the warning.î Lasf night I, bad a dream. If seemed 1 had this terrible, compulsion f0, dive info this swif t, deep river, swim down fo a sanidbar, wialk back a pafh fhrough the woods and do the same thing again. Under the dock I dived from there were four or five big crocodiles and each time I' swam I looked back, daring fhem f0 follow but trusting in my swimming speed. Aftter each trip I seemed to be shorter and shorter of breath but I sfill kept on. On the lasftnrp back I came upon a tiger in a bunch of cedar' frees. H1e had caught and was eafing a small donkey. The donkey still hald his harness on and the tiger had chewed tbrough the back-, band and one tug f0 get at the' donkey's lungs which I could see were almosf devoured. The donkey looked at me with very sad eyes. I confinued on over a hill f0 a large opening with a small brushpile in the centre. Just then a bunch, of soldier8 'in light blue uniforms and faîl fur ba ts came running after me, shoofing as they The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 9, 19753 AREA CODE 705' 277-2261' came. I ran as fast- as 1 could and dived under the brush scratching my cheek in the process. I woke up with my heart poun ding like a drum. 1 got up and crushed ail my cigarettes and flushed them down the toilet, broke 'both my pipes,, put a bandaid on my cheek, which was bleeding, went back to bed and slept like a baby. This morning on my way to work, in the. clear light of dawn I said to myseif; Sandy you are flot Joseph, you ain't got no coloured coat. So I =stopped in atthe Coronation adbravely bought another deck of cigarettes'. Yours truly, Sandy KENDAL, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoy have been holidaying at Myrtie Beach with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.- Stevens, Mrs. G. Cathcart, Mrs. J. Stapleton, Miss Catharine Stewart and, Mrs. R. Elliott were in Oshawa last Wednes- day and attended the Oshawa Presbyterial U. C. W, thir- teenth Annual Meeting. Mrs. Cathcart took Part in the skit "The Golden Celebra- tion". Mrs. Stevens' gave the appreciation1 to1 the guest speaker of the day, Dr. Robert MeClure. The theme of the daywas 'Praise God'. At Church on Sunday morni- ing three Young peopfle sang a trio 'I' ve got a Mansion just over the Hilltop", with Mrs. I"oster accompanying tnem on the~~ pin.Rv .Montgom- ery- chose as his first sermon after Easter, 'The Difference Easter Makes'. Next Sunday mrigthere is ta be ýa guest spakrfrom the Gideons International. N COMMEF leaners "Darling" cooed the bea ming wife, "I haven't told you before, but I onl; paid five hundredgdollars for this series of beauty treatments a nd aftèr only three weeks V've been taken for Marilyn Monroe." "You," corrected her husband, "have been taken for f ive hundred dollars." CLOTHES CARE HINT:, CURTAINS AND DRAPES will disintegrate from atmospheric, and acid deposîts unless they are cleaned at least once every six months. Please Support the Cancer Society's Annual Appeal for Funds. April 7-14 M BiOWvMAN'v"ILLE C L E ANmlaE RS ,O LD. 84 KING ST. 'W. 623-5520ý tLEANEI We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" I '-'I Write Your Own Deal MacDonald Ford Corne Un and Beat the Spring Price Increase 1974 FORD GALAXIE 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto., power steering, p ower brakes, radio. Lic. 1HFZ223 1974 ASTRE WAGON with woodgrain and roof rack. Nice bright red. Lic. HPW715 1973,GRAN TORINO- Station Wagon. Green. V-8, steering, power briakes, radio. Lic. ALC221 auto., ffower Low mifleage. 1973 PONTIAC- VENTURA 2-Dr. 6 cyl., auto., with power steering. Nice econom-y car. Lic. AOK518 1972 GRAN TORINO 2-Dr. 'Hardtop. Real sporty looking car. Lic. AEC699 1971 V OLKSWAGEN "Bug'X. Pretty green, ready to go. Lic:. DYS130 "AS 15" SPECIALS 1970 ENVOY Wagon. Lic. EBK465- 1968 ENVOY 2-Dr. Low mileage. Lic. EA0953 SEVERAL OTHER GOOD CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 2 19 King St. E. 623-4481 Bowmanville ICARTER'S OF BOND STR-EET OSHAWA EARLY SPRING, ~FsiON1--' CLIAAC 3 0*IO OFF ON *Holiday and Crujse Wear *Pant Suits and Co-ordinates Dresses Si zes 6 to 24'/2 4'1 ~ n~tBOND TOWVERS MAIL Photographer ýRCIAL - WEDDINGS - PORTIT WAYNE HUNT 1Pontypool Ontario CIwcAIe E ti a Il ZTRAITS