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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1975, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmvianville, April 2 irate 2th Anniveê-nrsarýy Bowýmanvi Bowmaniville Kinsmnen, former members, guests, visiting representatives of the Kinsmen ,[ssociation and their ladies celebrated the local 'ýiiub's 25't'h birthday at a din-ner party and dance on Saturday evening at the Polish Veterans Hall, North Oshawa. It was a great night, packed with mremnories and good fellowship as friendships were renewed and events of the past quarter century in which the club took part were recalled. Ross Metcalf at the organ, provided appropriate music during the 'happy' Jhour precedinig the banquet. Legion pîpers Art Brooks and Ron Therteli led the head table guests into the large dining hall, atratvey deco- rated for the occasion with banners, specially prepared hanging cutouts with mnem- bers' names and the clbs~ achievemients painted on. At the back of the hal a table was covered wifh chppings, photos and other miemorabilia and a huge banner exfended congratulations to the club on reaching ifs quarter century mark. Wayne Thertell headed the Decorafinig Commit tee. President Harvey W,ýebster was chairman, calling on Dave Sebben- for Grace, fol- lowed by the Kinsm-en song led by Lloyd MRbi and the .Kinette song by Kmnette co- ordinator Connie Wisemnan. The introduction of head table guests came at the, conclusion of the dinner, ,,vtli Anniver- sary Commiýittee Chairmn Justin Mtiray doing the honors. Their namnes appear under the photo on this page. Charter President Jack Lander, Bob Nicholîs, the newesf mnember of the club, and President H1arvey Wveb- ster took part in a cake cutting cerem-ony. A draw; for $2,)000 cash prize waïs p-erformed by Miss Kinsmen Rosemlary Ken- nedy, assisted by Don Baýgneli. The winner was Mlrs. Samr Tremeer of Lindsay. Addi- tionai door prizes were won by Ross Metcalf and Em -.Stuft. Justin Mray presened the presidtent's wife Marilyn- with a bouquet of roses. D'istict overjnor Don Maýs- terson, a mnember of the Bowmanvile club, presénted f0 Preident Webter a new bannerette that hadi been infroduced by District 8 this year and offered a toast tu the associaton of Kinsmen Clubs. He suggested tat each and every Knsmen at the parfy probably had his own reason for offerig such a toast If could be because of the association's beginning back in 1920 when if was founded kby Hial Rogers. Or beca use of the impressive hsoyofsevc f0 coriunities af home and abro)at, the most eoal ingle act probablyeig tce ndk for Britan campAign work and leadership being provided by Governôr Don Masterson and pointedi ouf the scope of beniefits fhat accrue fromn work being dlone by Kin clubs; and their affiliates on1 a worldw.ýide scale. Hie pointed ouf that internationally their association can do more good than governments because they sit down and falk at Wýýor]ld Counicil sessions on a fellow,ýship basis about pro- blems and solutions affecting their particular countries. somnefhing that governments are unable to do. Other speakers included Deputy Governor Walt Sweet of the Oshawa Club who brouglit greetings, Charter Presîdent Jack Lander wh-,o replied to a toast by Presidenit Webster to Charter members and Hlistorian Jake Browvn who reviewed the history of the club and its accomplish- ments over 25 years. MIr. Brýown also introduced the charter miembers who were present, including Jack Lan- de(r, Stan Dunn, Art Hooper, Ken Nicks, Bert Syer, Art Humpage, Keith Lathangue, Bill MceFeeters andi himnself. Special mention was made of five mnembers wh0o have pas- sed' away' , Jim Nokes, Dr. John) Werry, John Graham, Jack Gerbe and Hiarry Colla- cott. H e also expressed a ppre- ciation f0 The Statesman for their coverage of Kin events and achievemnents over the years, and f0 Jim Bourke of The Flyîng Dutchman Motor Hotel wvhere the club meets regularly. Letters were read from Kin Founder Hal Rogers extend- ing best wvishes and regrets that hie and his wife were unable f0 attend as fhey are wintering ini Arizona, from Natioinal Presiçlent Max Skim- nerI andi from Bob Holmes, Deputy-Governor Zone D).1A le!ffer was also received from Past Pre(-sident Bill Tait and Stan- Dunin relayed regrets from Roy 'Red' Swindells in iinipeg. The evening concluded with dancing f0 Ross Jaickmcan's mnusic, bringinig a memorable, event tIo a close. Head, R. WliU Wý dlationis a tBill Watson of from the national attend but sent his at the 25th Anniversar n Club on Saturday were, en Lush (Lions), Stan-anè Peter Dubyk escorting IV, rake and Helen Brown (1 harter President Jack, vernor Don and Ginny Ise of whaf y\our association with) le folr you, in many m;i-ess,' keeping you rmi-ed and better )e wihproblemns; a m-ore dedicafted your commuý-ýLnity , eage-r 'f serve, or wýýship enijoy ed or Dron tied by poinfing ouf, y Ksmnshoulti thieir associat-ion:ý lions a year raiised cy,; tic Lnos,, parks, yout Senior citizens, anh tailaci] Irol fori cysfic fi ýýted w'ith-in fiv,,e ;mlen !shouhd ai they in-itiated 'arcli clinic in Tor esupported t lfoi si National Pres son] of Brigo speaker.' He irflafîonýl!-"-s anld i the Ntoa A number fromp Kendal and Newton.ville met in our Sun- dayý School hall, f0 discuss plans for our participation in tbe 50th -Anniversary of the tlnî,ited Church, f0 be held in Peterborough on, May 25th. tibrosis Local ladies among the bus tion~ ce- lo ad coing f0 the Scarborough Toaîd1n i Centýre, ast Wednesday, eoîs, Play- ncluded, Olive Henderson, Jean. Ogden, Shirley Staple- fli groups ton, Bernice Milligan, Jean Governor Hiall, Dorothy Stapleton, Ma- a epoirt rie Trim, Mlary Jonies, Eileen ireJr a Stapheton, Iva Frrw Mar- ibrosis is gar-et Eliott, IsabeïlImlach, >'ex~sand Be'a Jones, Bernice Hender- bt oroc ;on, Ca role Gardner, Acey Ne C.'F. Farrow, linez Bougheni. roýnto and1 1the past Mr. qind AMrs. George Eliott. iden Bih Mr.and Mrs. 'C. M. Jones, and ýidjý Bil Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid were , w-as t he am-ong dhe local people a ttend- brought ing the supper andi celebration greeting 1,n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alex ~, in Port Hlope, rng. Charter President of the club in 1950, Jack Lander extended congratuations on behaif of al charter mnemberýs of the club and wished them many more years of achievement. Hlistorian Jake Brown reviewed the club's activities over a quarter of a centuryv and also briefly recalled' places and events that brought back many miemnories. He also introduceci the charter members who were present and paid tribute to those who had died. LyaII Accuses Council 0f "Weaisling"" on C Of C Request for Xmas Lights Councillor K en Lyali sfated referred f0 the Commitfee of mended f0 council thaf the Lthe fhree thingsIhe disliked the Whole on April 14, asked chamber be encouiragedti f mnosf ,vere "Politicking, Lo- the town. to put up the money improve fthe decorative light- rolling and Weaslîf. He Lto buy anti insfaîl $7,206 plus 5n. ing if they consider if, nec- then, accused Newcastle Coun- per cent salJes f-ax, worth of essary, at their own expense, cil of doing tïhe latter with Christi-ras lighfs for Bowman- for fthe cost of tLhe lights and regard f0 ifs treafment of a ville. The chamber agreed to installation. request from the Bowmanviile pay back the fown over a three Af council on M,,onday, John Chamber of Commerce. v ear period, .50 per cent of the Pogue, presîdent off the cham- The chamber in a letter cost. The commitfee recom- ber. stateti that the chamber would like f0 raise $1300 this year and see the town match if, and thereby instail what lights they, could pay for. Mr. Pogue commenteti on the recommendàtion f0 council, that if would be quite a burden f0 raise the money at this time, as not everyone partic- ipates in such a project. Councillor Ivan Hobbs stateti that he was not prepared f0 a pprove such a request until the budget figures were available for the towni. He remnarked to Mr. Pogue thaf if was in every- one 's interest f0o keep the mili rate down, andi indicateti that if mighit be excessive, with a rumnor going that education may be up 20 per cent this year. On behalf of the Kinette Club, Jane Thertell presenited Presidenit Harvey Webster with a plaque showing the Kinsmen Clu b's meeting day. It wil hang on the wall at The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel to supply information to) visiting Kinsmen. Councîllor Hobbs made a motion that the request be helti in abeyance uýnfil the overail figures for the budget were in. The motion was passed. If was at 'Ihis time Councillor Lyali accused the council of "weasiing." He added it was disgraceful f0 see council "scrambling to back- track." He related tf0 the dehegation of Mr. Pogue and L.arry Shank thaf if had been discusseti at the committee meeting on the grounds that what was done for Bowmanvilie, would have fe, be done for Orono and the Village of Newcastle, if their chambers requesteti if. He stated that when he had learneti that if wouid be area rated at the commîttee meet- ing, tie had Ieft if up f0 the councillors from Bowman- ville. Mayor Garnet Rickard ask- ed about the cost of operating the Ilighs andi Mr. Pogue related f0 council that he hati beeni talking f0 Morley Wat- sun, Manager of the Bowman- ville PUC and hati obtaineti a figure of $42 a year for the ý resent Christmnas lights. Mr. ogue added that with the new iights the cost would double. Councillor Don Allun com- mented thaf Council was being "pretty niggerly" over the cost of power, the questiorn fot being4very significant at the present time. Buys Land Bock At 90 Percent The Newcastle Comm.!ittee of the Whole on Monday, April 14th, on a motion from; Councillor Ivan Hobbs, voted f0 have landis purchaseti by Penwest Corporation conveyý- ed back f0 the town as stati in the agreement. The corpor- ation had nfot started f0 builti on the date stipuhated, se, now thie town will pay back 90 per cent of the moniey f0 rechaim the landi. The land is four acres near the junction of the Baseline and the Cemnetery Roati. Purchase price of theý landi by Penwest Corpoirationr was 928.O0O of to mn ýen nd grou and Doli Presti

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