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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1975, p. 15

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Elected ta the Memyoriai HospiiBar Listed ait be[ow market value at $47,500.00. Check and comr. pare this four bedroomn side split semi. Must be seen., Finished rec roomn. Comtplete- !y fenced 5ackyajrdïw\ith ovely patio. Cail K. Brown. Oronio Area Be-aif'ul sidespltlon rural lot., Richly, broadloomed, fînished famnily room, bri'ght kitchen, wailkout t0 sundeck. A lovely famrily home. Asking $69,900. caIl Blîl Turansky. Trout pond on teni sceniic acres fed by on-pr-oper-ty spDrin)gs. 9 C room dwelling with 'attached ga-rage. Renovations niearly com -pleted. Many unque feat'ures. Asking $78,500.00. Cal Paf' Yeo, Bowmrranville. Newcasle Countrysiýde One cf the nicest decorated homes 1ri the area. Lot 75 x 200. 3 berroom backsplit, large lîv;ingrcoom, separate cdining room, brighf sunniy kitchen, rec room done in old barn boaîrdi. ! Lludedi in purchaýse price are iity shed, new drapes and carpet. Comne and sele this one. Aýsk ing $52,500.00. Caîl Charlie Reid. Orono Value packed wt counfry liigat ifS besf in this 3 bedr oomn brick bungalow. L-arge kitchen with lots of pine cupboards, spacious finishied recreation roomn with real log burning fireplace. Double gar- age wýifth ample storage space. Fenîced lot 290 x 150. Let us arrange termns for you. Asking $58,500.00. Caîlj Phyllis Mc- Robbie. O-rono Reduced R ecently r enovated 4 becroom hmre featIuringj lovely pine kitchen, large living area and si tuafed on oDver 24 fully fenced acres with small sfreamq, 2 barns and utility shecis. ideal for horses and other lvefckâchool bus at dloor. Prïced FaI $99,500.00 to settle estai-e For details caîl EfeJosi. Vendor anxious tIo sepI as this SpraclOus 42bedroomn, 2 st'orey brick homne has become to0 large. Bgfamnily kitchen wlth lots of co,,nve/nientcuiboardls, nicly decorafed. Could easily be converted tfo original du- xor a business. Conven- iýt'Y Close to uptown. Asking ý,ùTeü rrs. CaliPhyllis A greal starter home. This 5 room bnglo has_ a double atfached' garage. Finished rec basemnent. Patio, tool shed, ;. gpid lot Asking ofly $42,500. wvit î: ce>1 nfterms. CaliRon Bowmanvlle - artîin Road Clseto101and No. 2 Hîgc-hwcys. -1 year old 3 bero,2-storey brick and almnmsemri. Extra large kitchien. Goodi roomj sizes. Fenced rear y .ard, with toli he.Askinig Only $41,700.00, Good termis. Cal Bud Virfue. BowmanviSarter Home Comen- and look at ihis im- maculate fhîree bediroomi homne with separate dining or famfily roomr on landscaped lot with swimming pool for only S,12,500.0O0 wijth termis. Cal ChristaWitehet Oshawa 15 Minutes Traditional style 5-bedroom sidesplit on 1.8 acre counitry lot now nearing, completion. Large eat-in ktchen, fireplace in fmiy-Oom, 3 baths, two sid ing doors to balcony and deck, tw-car garage and many extras. Asking $98,500. Caîl Elfie Jost. BowanvlleBacksplit Very attractive 3 bedroom homne with af-tached garage and faimily room. on fenIced lot. Price Iust reducedi to s51,90(). Your oiffer mnay do. Cal Tony Klomrpmnaker. br'.ungaow locafed in Bou-,iile Finislsed rec r 'oV d aved drive. Asking only $5,90.0 ith easy terms-. Caîl Albert Kerekes. Bowmanille state- Sale A delightfL home f'or retire- ment or starter is this three bedroomn brick bungalow. Store and schools nearby. Spaclous kitchen, wifh ample cup1boards. Large lot for gardeing.Only $45,900,00. C'allPhyllis MVcRobbie today. Famnous Kendall HUis This neât cdean 3 bedroom home is situated on a 100 x 150 lot. Terrific view. Large panelled rec room, angel stone fireplace in living room. Separate dining room. Broad- loomn throughout. Priced f0 selI at $49,900.00. Caîl Ron Hurst. Bowmanvi le> Custom side splt home in good neighbourhood.- Close ta ail shopping, schools and church. Walko ut from family room, 2 baths, 1-4 pc. and 1-3 pc. Beautifully decorated -you can tnove rlght in. Asking $61,900.00. Veridor is anxious. Try- your offer after you irispect with Kay Brown. Bowmanville 5 Miles Here is a 3 year old immacu- late 3 bedroom bungalow on 75 x 200 lot withh o llywood kitchen and finished family roorn only one- m4le f rom 401. Price is only $49,900.00 wifh terms. Cili Christa Winter- helf. EstateSale - Orono 2 storey, 3 bedroom home in perfect condition, large living room, separate dîning room, enormous hallways, spacious kitçhen lookitig on f0 garden, and dpark. Single car garage, suniporch. This house is an excellent buy. Asking $45,000. Caîl Charle Reid. Cavan Old school lot with old foundcation. Weil. Mature maple frees. Lot 132 x 165. High and scenic. Caîl Bill Turansky. $16,500.00. Mini Farmn - Newcastle 12 acres with good brick and block farmhouse with 10 rooms. Small springs and plenty of maturé trees. Less than 1 hour from Metro. Only $59,900.00. To inspect caîl Kay. Brown. 26 Acres Enfied A beautifully sconic property with creek. Ideal building site. Close to Oshawa. Asking $75,000.00. Ca-il Bill Suther- land. Panoramic View Excellent location yet seclu- ded. A-1 building site. 24 acres with stream.- Near Orono. $493500.00. Terms. Caîl Peter Feddema. Newtonvi le 31 acre farm wif h fwo road, frontages. 3 miles from 401 lighway. Six room house. 70 x 30 barn Ilcealy set up-foi'- horses. 50 fruit trees. Many extras. Asking cnly $69,900.00. Caîl Ron Hurst. Papineau Lake Summer cottage., Completely furnished wif h boat, canoe and oufboard. Boat house. Sand beach. Good lot on pollution free lake. Asking $40,000.00. Terms. Caîl Bill Sutherland. 10 Acre Building Lot Newton- ville This site just waiting for your home. Approximafely 4 acres clear and the remainder in bush. Askin g $29,900.00 with easy terms. Cal1 Tony KlomP- maker. 5 Acres Cavan A good building site on top garden soul. A very scenic area, close to 115 Highway. Asking $15,000.00 Terms. Cal Bill Sutherland. 31h Acres Bowmanville- Large fruit and vegetable packing plant. Cernent block. Refrigerated storage. Ideal for transport terminal. On CP main line. Large brick office building separate f rom stor- age plant. Owner retiring. Asking $185,000.00. Easy terms. Cail Charlie Reid. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped tg handia your home needs anywhera ir *& anada and U.S.A. ÎMCoast fo Coast Real Esfafe Service 17-1 VERTE NTE Real Estafe and Mrs. Rae Cowling, Whit- bY, for their 2th wedding anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce ýBow- atJulîet and. Shelley Londo'n, spent the weekencl with Mr. and Mrs. J.- W. Bowman and Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Russe] Best, Miss Jennifer Best, M\iss Bertha Cassidv and Miss 5 76 -333 3 BOWMANVILLE - 9 yr. brick and aluminum side split, 3 bedrooms, rec room, attach- ed garage,, paved drive. $56,000. BOWMANVILLE $59,900. brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, attacbed garage, finished famîly room, superior broad- loom throughout, profession- ally designed draperies, stone Bar-B-Que, inground founfain. 75' x 125' lot. BOWMANVI LLE '-Country Estafe, 3.5 acres wîthin the Courtice concept. Execuitive home 2 fireplaces, maids' quarters, 3-car garage, pri- vate sirroundings, creek. By appointment only $98,500. OSHAWA - 4 bedroom, 2-stor- ey, family ro6m with wýalkout, 11/2 baths, broadloom, excel- lent 9/ per cent mortgage. $58.900. 'OSHAWA - $44,900 first fimre bedroomn bunigalow, 136 ft. lot. east location. Musf be sold! OSHAWA - $49,500- brick, 3 home buyers, waiinrg for you, 2 bediroom, brick bun-galow, separate dining room, garage, east end location. A-) condi- -tion. Country Properties IMMACULATE- 3 bedroom bungalow, new alui ing, complete neý delightful livingi large picture wi beamed ceiling. ment, country lot. BUILDER ANXIC offer. 8 miles fror ville, new brick: bungalow, attachE separate diningr large kitchen w area. 66 x 165 ft. Io in fireplace, in basement. Caîl toc Rubylng leton Valerie But Kathleen Twaites May Delory .10e Longo Bruce Scarlett Neil Pot Janice Corley Herta Kuleshnyk George Twaites Martha Prodaniuk Douglas Trivett "Waverly Gai InBowmanvi Built by Marianna Develol Your Guarantî Quality Constru HOMES FROMI 9 3/4 /C $4,15E DOWIN Features include: Clean Dependa Electric Hea -Large famnily kitchg Finished famnily roc *Completely broadi< -11V2 baths -Fireplaces -Attâcbed garages -FulIy sodded lots -Completely service Open for lnspeci This Weekend and 10OAM. to7 P.1 A SO Open Hou! af Newcas- Saturday &Sunday 1- Choice of 2 Del uxe N Choose Frorr MARfANi DEVELOPM1 Built by Div isiai Veltri & Son Lin Weil known for it construction and st workmanshil: EXCLUSIV-E AG- REA 234 King St. E., Bowr 623-3393 Direct Toronto LUne, Myrtle Tamblyn, Toi and Mrs. Lloyd A, Kevin, Orono, Mr. Dean Warden, Osha recent dinner guest and Mrs. J. W. Bowr Master Steven V~ Hampton spent the with his cousins E' Brent McKay. Mr. and Ms.Car and boys, Cavan, and Pearson, Bowmanvil and Mrs. Wallace1 Mr. and Mrs. Flc and famnily visited h- Mr. Frank Sims, Crest, Minden and Mrs. Bill Rutter, Co] Mr. and Mrs. D( Griffin attended the1 Patterson, weddingi view Church, Os]. Saturday. 1Mr. and Mrs. Cha hait, Oshawva with Mrs. Donald W. Gr Julie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Che Whitby, visited with Mrs. Elmer Lee. Mrs. Rud Tomliji .Mr. Keifh Peters is pleased ta announce thaf Mr. Allan J. Werry has Ioned bis real estate firm. Mr. Werry bas successfully completed the prescribed real estate, course as well as the rural real estafe course f0 qualify hlm as a real estafe salesman. Mr. Werry bas had considerable municipal exper- ience in council and af present is a memberof Northumber- land Newcastle Board of Education: .Wifb bis farm background and livestock buy- ing and selling experience he wou ld be happy to help you -witb your real estafe trans- actions. Please caîl hlm any- ti me at 263-8412 or 728-7328. 17-1 m1inum sid- ýw kitchen, room with ELI SKILLEN ndow and t would appear that the Full base- montbs of March and April $39,900. bave excbanged their weather patterns witb the resuit that U S -m k unday a.m. bad a typicai and n Bowman- owerfui wind but witb bril- 3 bedroom liant sunshine to encourage ed garage, many to attend the morning room, plusi services wbich continue to ith eating take place at the scbool. of. Roughed Rev. Bigby's mess ages ïfuil dry were first the children's story lay 51500. about 2 sons wbo had diverse 623-2627 careers as one worked with 985-2122 umbrellas and the other witb 723-2008 fans, causing their mother to 705-357-3085 be concerned in reverse, but 725-6735 as she changed to think 576-7593 positively ail was well. Se- 263-2126 condly, the sermon was entit- 576-6857 led "Loyaity to Christ Means 683-8245 Carrying a Cross", where our 723-2008 minister pointed out that 1 725-5054 loyalty bas many facets, c.g. 723-7390 to friends, to family and to 17-1 Christ and lie continued to say - that cross carrying means ýrdens"- sacrifice and suffering even to ifle death at which time eé made hIe some poignant ;reference to pmenis conditions in Saigon and ee of Phnom Phenh, He said the iction cross sigifieis a ciia' $795 ness ctisfion w0m f ai by omiitting self-see;kig. Ilis- tory is assurcd only if we examine our faith and hold firmly to it and in conclusion Rev. Bigby's question inquir- ed if we are prepared to show by action as well as words a proof of our faith, Our minister rcported brief-, Ne ly on one phase of the tConference of Five Oaks last week. The 16 members of tbc an Jr. Choir and its leader gave a 0M ~th-ird message la the anthein oed "One Tin Soldier." The Sr. Choir were leaders in' the Hymn singing. Mrs. Dorotby Sharp had the Jr. Congrega- tion ia ber care in the Auditorium. tion ut Mrs. Ella Bowman I Dily story on lanters and ended it M. with a question "Are our lanterns lit as we swing them like the railway engineers." Mrs. Bowman readi a letter ýse from our adopted girl, Tonya fi1e Torcui. S.S. members maày 4:30 pr write letters to Tonya to be ýodels to given to Treas. Mrs. Eleanor n. Werry who will mail tbem. The happy birtbday jingle was MA sungc to those with April ,ENTS birthd!ays and these were )n of remninded to bring birthday money, aiso money gif t for our rited foster girl. uality The Communicants Class met in Tyrone this weck. iperkor Cub's, and Scout's meeting P. was on Monday evcning at tbc school. ENTS The 5th Anniversary coi- mîittee had a short meeting on Tuesday in Tyrone before the combîned Choir practice at' LTOR pr:ctice time was changed to flnuskill e shoolCoir Thursday .evening. ranville' Another "Open House" was 74 on three days this week at 923-917 Solina Scbool froin 9 a.m. to 43-tf 2:30 p.m. We did appreciate and, extend congratulations ,ronto, Mr. for tbc kind invitation froin kver 'and Hampton U.C. congregation to =m Mrs. attend the Dedication of a new wa, were organ on Sunj. evening. ts o Mr. The Church Community sale ,man. date bas been cbanged from Vright of May 3rd to May loth. Please ,weekend do not send clothing in your -eith and donation to this sale. In 1l Sargent d Mr. Tom lle at Mr. Pascoes'. yd Lloyd er father Hyland Mr. and bcoýnk. ýonald W. Ce ment - in Kings- hàwa on ries Gra- Mr. and iffin and ster Lee, iMr. and nson and ited with, L andý Four directors have been elected to the Memorial Hsia or i c are (from lef tto right) Miss M. Couch, William A. Kiîpatrický, Tom Cowan andý-ýý William Hay. The election was held Wednesday, April 16 in theBo anle Council Chambers at the Hospital's Annual, Meeting. Thi-ere er five contenders for the four se4ts open on the hospital board. Keith"-.Shaîckelton lost in his bid for a seat, when one of the voters signed his on aeaihebto of the ballot. The ballot was then counted as spoiled, brýeakIing a tie vot e. ThLere are 16 directors on the board, of which eight seats are subjeet to an election every two years. Four seats open one year and four the next with the chairman running for election to the board every year. Tom Cowan was last year's chairman. "Coming Events" soon will appear a list of articles and final details., Our ailing folks are pro- gressing slowly back to re- storedbgealth in bospital and at home. Our constant, good wisbes and prayers are for tbem . We extend our deepest sympathy to the familles of tbc late Mr. Albert His (formcrly of Tyrone). Maay attended the superla- tive performances of "Ap- Slause" preseated by Courtice .S. Draina Club for 4 even- ings last week in Bowmanvîlle High School when j oa students of our communities piayed a p art and we are mnost proud of onc of our clever n datidaghters, Mrs. Kathy ovry(nec Slemqn) wýhou maiïsterpiece of actrIng. Our .-eigI1bours who bý ave spent the winter basking in the Florida sunshine are hom-e again. May we welcomne back Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werryv. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright attenided tbc Baptismal Service at Hampton U.C. Sunday mrrorai- iag when Master Darryl James Muller, son of M. a nd Mrs. James Muller, R..Ï Ennîskillcn and baby Juief: Ana Axford, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Axfor-d were among the cbildren wowr baptizcd, foilowingte service Mr. and Mrs. J. Mle a Mr. and Mrs. M. AxýfordJ entertained at Mr. and Ms Axford's home, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Erb, Miss Mcei Simpson, Gran-dpa3rentis and immediatefmiy Mr. and Mrs,-. Toniy Smith, Oshawa were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. C. Aeys Mrs. R. Muller, Co'irCe was a wcekend guest with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulîir, R.R. 1 Enniskillen. Very pleased f0 report Mr. R. Howe is home from surger y at Dr. Ruddy Hospital, Whit- by. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carlson and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson, Etobicoke were Sun- day vîsîtors at Mrs. E. Stainton's and Mr. and Mrs. L Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- wicb, Oshawa, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry. Mr. a=dMrs. R. McGill werc callers at Mr. and Mrs. Charley Langmaid's, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Carence Stainton and family were Sunday afteraoon callers at Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Barker's, Oshawa. Brent and Brooke Clernens wcre ovcrnight guests on Saturday of Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Wilson, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailieboro were recent visitors at Mr. and Mýrs L. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor attended the1 dedication ser- vice of the new organ aýt Manvers Council Manvers Council approved a motion April 8 to notify the Federal Member of Parlia- ment about poor postal ser- vice in the area. Council is planning to send a letter voicing the concern of the peopie regarding the mail service due to strikes in the larger post offices. t was felt t hat if the fiederal government was unable to manage the postal service, consideration should be given to contracting the work out tb private enterprise. In other motions carried by the( Counýcil it was decided that thie ReeadClerk be Lt as nmoved that ai]ý se1veranices cand !lots ýin the rnew reýgistýered plans., pay an imn- pos,ýt fee of $300. Briuce Bagsbaw and lawyer Hampton UnitedCi Cureti on Sunday.11 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton and Miss Elva Orchard, were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey's, Bowmnanville. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd All- dread, Tyrone accompanfied Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb to vîsit on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and family, Bailieboro. The U.C.W. held a "Family N,,igbt" on Wed. evening, April l6th with a good attendance. President Ruth McGill opened with a poem, entitled "To- day"*'and weicomed everyone. Thýe theme for the Devotional, capalbly given by Shirley Draper, was "Love Onie An- other." 1Diane Werry introduced the guest speaker, Inspector' John Powell. Inspector Powell gave us a real insight into the work thepolice departmnent does, miuçh of whicb is neyer mientioned in the niewspapers. Police today haveý to b e well eduJCated and higbly ,trained to bhandie the ma;ny 'compLflex situt ions they are call1ed i nto. lnspector Powell blamied tbe violence on T.V. for giving young people the wrong idea, thiat killing and robb,ýrv is the normial tbîng. Rée cîa1lenged us Io do sometbiJng about cbagin th las or our own proecion He stated that Cndisthe greatest country in thew world and we must try to ke (ep JIt this way. We were tolId that the new Regional PoieForce was equipped wit h a lairgernumber of better trained nmen, wbo would be mnuch better able to cope with a-ny disasters that might bef al Inspector Powell was chosen Policeman of the Year iii 1970 and after listening to bis compassinnate and under- standing viewpoint, it was evident lie was justly chosen for this reward.1 Joyce Virtue tbanked In- spectoýLr Powell and presented a sm-all gift on bebaîf of the U.C.W.' Judy Virtue and Brian MeGîlI gave delightful piano solo'$. Mrs. Bigby closed with the Benediction, after ,which a lovely lunch was served by dbe east unit. Boys' Soccer The Newcastle Recreatîin Department will hold regîstra- tions for boys soccer, sýtartîng on Mý,onday, April 28th to May 2n, onday tbroughFrda frm830 to5):OObm) i the Fer!io ficTw year. The registration f e is $5.00. Rod Fara appearcd betore council conccrning a proposed Mobile Home Park Trailer camp in lot 25, Concession 3 of Manvers Township. At present there are two wclls witb a capaciby of 40 and 12 gallons respcctiveiy at tbc site. The first area would bave 107 lots witb an area of 100' by 150'. Eacb lot will be 15,000 sqaefeet and will have a pulcwatcr systcm. It is cxpcctcd that the dcvclop- ment wouid grow la phases of approximatciy 3Xtalesper ycar. Counll so rcie granti n tbbcaîon t 14 Rjoberb VJ-ivianrcev a Welcome f0o MEt, DOwVIEW FHEIGHTS Ai 'inleFajmily Homes NOW!1I is the time to ibuy anid s EX ECUIE HOMES (Up fto 2,000 Sq« FfL) ESTATE SIZE LOTS - FM80ftfo00f:FNTE Pricedfrom ~4,995 and U -',rtist Renderirg Only MA DOW VI EINBLVD. o, -Mark Mot. n Iding Bxt-eoece Ihird tGenerati n Bulders- U,-L BOWMANVILLE 623-33M3 TélROJO NF 923-9-'174 skor F 4 PHYLIS14cROBIE................623-7159 RON IJRS........................83-5131 BILt~~ ~~ TUAX....................8,3-5420 1-- .2~ FRAK = Escorted Bus 'Tours WITý4H TRENTWAY TOURS The Maritimes & Newfoundîand 20 Days Western Canada & Yellowstone Park 22 Days California 23 Days The Maritimes 12 Days New England &Cape Cod 7 Da ys Washington, D.C. 4 Dy Nashville, Tennessee 4 Dais Boston 4 Daysý Moosonee 3 Day s Quebec City 3 Days Agawa Canyon 3 Days FOR MORE INFORMATION, PRICES AND BROCHURE 1PLEASE CONTACT; BOWMAANV ILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-3182 47 KING ST. WV 623-5933 The Canadian Statiesman, Bowrnanvilfe, April 23, 1975 1 one ac-re lot severance for hi as of May 1, 1975, as ictn son at lot 6, Concession îil. Couflty will provide thbe ser- This sever ance is subject to an- vice at that date. impost fee oýf $3ý00 payable to Coýuncil agr eed to pay $420 in the townshipý11. wolf bounties ýto) Glen Skýuce. Wolf bounities will be dico- lex Skl ,Lod Sumri tinued iin Manvers Township mners and Normani Engflish.1 WEEENDSPECIALS iLIOW! LOW!! PRICE FRESiI PACKED \TOAST1MASTER Brussel WHTE SLICED SproutsBREAD 492 2 94oDy79 '.~ FRICOBRAN2 Tra Sml $194 ~ HOLLAND Ial. D E EP C UT SPEIL NABOB OFFEESAVE 0c 99b JOLLYâMILLER a pkg. &f4 e-ps OrageCrstlsSAVE 40 97 ,AI CARE SAVE 20e D'eodorizer spray t59 PURîINA, TENDER VITTLES SAVE lic- CATFOOD 1ASST, FLAVOURS 3 g FLAVOURS DykstrasDiatse 731-77 King V . Food M arket FREE PRIGOFQUEEN-11ST. HWY. 404.

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