TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman Sorry t and Betty visited Mr. and Mrs. Davey isî R.C. Theobald (Mona Vice) ial Hospit Saturday afternoon at the Mr. and home of Rev. and Mrs. Clare and boysv McGill, Toronto. Mrs. Theo- visitors o bald is an aunt of Mrs. English, r Youngman and they live in Messres Pa'burn, Saskatchewan but Goble vis have been spending the winter John Den with their daughter and hil- day. band, C. McGill, Toronto.. aMrs. I Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Young- Dean Fin man and Betty attended the Unionvill pdd Fellows Church parade tors of M -id service at Seagrave Bigelow. Jnited Church, Sunday morn- Little J ing. poolspenl Mrs. Don Real and Mrs. his gra John King, Greenbank visited Mrs. Stan their mother Mrs. Laverne Mr. an Taylor one day last week. and fami Carolynn and Joy Craig Mrs. Gor spent Saturday afternoon with were Sund Judy and Louise Kovacs. Mrs. G. G Mr. and Mrs. Gerry on Mr. an Cornish, Shannon and Ken Mr. ani were Sundaysupper guests of wegen an Mr. and Mrs. Don Real, Sunday gu Seagrave. Shannon remaining Hank Van for a holiday. Mrs. E Mrs. H. Steel, Peterborough John wer spent a couple of days with guests of i Mr. and Mrs. W. Park and Mr. Trivett, W and Mrs. Jim Park, Peter- Mr. and borough were Saturday after- andrfam noon visitors.« visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Lightle, S Bowers, Nestleton were Mr and Thursday evening callers of Mauvern Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers Morgan, ? and family. Comberm Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd All- guests of] dread accompanied Mr. and Knowlton. Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Enniskillen Mr. and to Bailieboro and were Sunday Mr. and M evening dinner guests of Mr. Bowmanv and Mrs. Don Lamb and super gu family. JOn Run Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Peter So Byam and family were Sun- were Sund day suppet guests of the the Rundl James Woodley family. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckett and Mau returned to their home in Mrs. AlfrE Stratford last week having ded the 50t spent a weekand a haîf with sary of M Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Geissberg Hall Board had 13 tables of Church. euchre Friday night with Mr. anc prizes ging to Francis arrived ho Thompson, Bowmanville, three mo Maxine Brock, Oshawa, F.L. sunny Flo Byan, Mary McKeen, Hamp- Mr.Sand ton, Evelyn Lavertjy, Oshawa, were Sund, Earl Prescott, with the 50-50 Mr. and M draw going to Billie Steel, Peterborough. Our April Mr. and Mrs. Ron King, held Wed Seagrave were Sunday supper beginning guests of Mrs. Laverne home of Taylor. Osborne t, It was with deep regret collectionc when it was learned that Mr. shapes anc A.A. Hills, Bowmanville had Osbornes c very suddenly passed away. This prove Sympathy goes to his wife and hour for a family and relatives in their we return loss. of the c Even the Street Lighting Business Has Its Ups and Downs to report Mrs. Don a patient in Memor- tal, Bowmanville. I Mrs. James Rowan were Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. M. Newcastle. S Stan and Keith sited Mr. and Mrs. nis, Picton on Satur- Mary Findley, Mr. dley and son Curtis, e were Sunday visi- r. and Mrs. lintpn ohnny Goble, Ponty- t the weekend with- dparents Mr. and Goble. id Mrs. Leslie Goble ily, Pontypool and 'don Wolfe, Ottawa day guests of Mr. and oble and later called nd Mrs. B. Heming. nd Mrs. C. Groen- d son, Toronto were uests of Mr. and Mrs. ndorp. dna Wood and son re Sunday supper Mr. and Mrs. Harold West Hill. d Mrs. Murray Yeo ily wereSunday SMr. and Mrs. Oscar terling. Mrs. Ray Conway, een, George and Mr. Pat Wernham, nere were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Stuart Young, [rs. Ernie Fernlund, ville were Sunday ests of Mr. and Mrs. .dle. Mr. and Mrs. snowski, Oshawa .ay evening guests of es. d Mrs. Ray Conway verneen, Mr. and ed Knowlton atten- thl wedding anniver- Ir. and Mrs. Hans ger held in Zion ut Mrs. J.C. Cook me Saturday after a onths vacation in, rida. d Mrs. W. Vaneyk [ay dinner guests of Mrs. John Vaneyk. UCW meeting was . evening the 9th with a visit to the Mr. and Mrs. O.K. to view his large of clocks of all kinds d sizes and also Mrs. ollection of buttons. d a very interesting ll who went before ed to the C.E. wing hurch for the re- Birds of the kOshawa-Lake Seugog Region BY R.G. TOZER AND J.M. RICHARDS This is an authoratative, up-to-date account, recently published hard cover book, well illustrated, 384 pages in length. This publication is available at: Saywell«s Book Store, Oshawa, Thomas Books, Oshawa, or Hamilton's Insurance Office, Orono This unusual machine, which has the agility to effortlessly pop up and down like a "jack-in-the-box" recently made an appearance on King Street. The machine owned by Mitchell Maintenance Service of Downsview appears bi-annually in the Town of Bowmanville to change and wash the incandescent street lights. The company have a contract for $1.37 a unit. Bowmanville at present has 983 incandescent units. There are 1,200 street lighting units in Bowmanville of which the difference are Mercury Vapor Lights. Morley Watson, manager of the Bowmanville PUC, told the Canadian Statesman'that mainder of the meeting, Our president, Jane Wood- ley took charge of the meet- ing. The committee in charge of the pregram conducted a devotional basedcondEaster. Jacqueline Vaneyk opened it followed by the scripture by Mrs. Marion Hoar. Two verses of the Hymn of our Easter Service was sung followed by each member lighting a candle as they gave a wish the last two verses of same Hymn was sung and Jacqueline closed with a reading. Our president then conducted the business while we ate our lunch owing to the lateness of the hour Jane Woodley gave a few highlights'of the Presby- tery meeting held in Whitby, April 2nd. Much business pertaining to bills, donations and caterings was dealt with. The sick of the community were.mentioned and were to be remembered by cards. It was decided to bel p our our 4-H Club financially. Atten- dance 16. Lewis Sets Hectic Pace Stephen Lewis, Ontario NDP leader ran through a hectic one-day schedule in Durham Region Arpil 16. Lewis' first stop was at Anderson High School in Whitby where he gave the keynote speech to students at Canada Day celebrations. ç~. Take a look... the linen-look for spring A look so cool and fresh you can hardly believe it. You can wear this suit when the heat and humidity are at their worst and still look your best. Wrinkles are no problem, nor is shape retention. Corne try one on in a subtle natural shade. $9000 DUNN'S OSHAWA CENTRE AMIRICAN IXftESS - I \IWL OPEN WED.,THURS. & FR1 TILL 9 P.M. it was planned to change all the lights to mercury vaporo years. The nercury vapor lights have a life span of 24,0 incandescent lights will burn from 1,000 to 24,000 h commented that the mercury vapor lights were more exp and install, but the running cost and maintenance was 50 pe Bowmanville PUC have put $15,000 in their capital budgett 106 lights to mercury vapor. Elemen tory School Pupîls WiII Have Holidays on A pri 28-29 But Teachers WilI Be at Work On April 28, 29 the elemen- tary school pupils of Northum- berland-Newcastle will have a school holiday. Their teachers will report to work as usual. April 28th, 29th have been designated by the Northum- berland-Newcastle Board of Education as Professional Activity days. This year there are nine such days and the Ministry of Education has laid down strict regulations asLto how P.A. days are to be used. In the long run, all activities must benefit students. Follow- ing are some of the activities that take place: Schools used to hold Par- ent's nights to discuss pupil's f rogress. This resulted in long ineups, lack of privacy and a rigid schedule. Now teachers can set up a schedule for a P.A. day which gives as much time as necessary to each parent. Sometimes, teachers invite all the parents from one class to a meeting for a general discussion of the class pro- gramme and methods or to plan an activity with which parents will help. P.A. days may be a convenient time for such meetings. Teachers need time to plan good programs in their class- rooms and in co-operation with other teachers. P.A. days supplement the time, all too short, that is available on instruction days. While provincial curriculum guidelines are provided, teachers are encouraged to design courses of study around local conditions. Plan- ning units of study is time consuming. P.A. days are one source of time. If schools are to serve a community effect- ively, they must know what the community expects. Com- munity representatives may be invited to a meeting with Then, it was on to Durham Regional Council headquart- ers in Oshawa. After an afternoon meeting with Local U.A.W. executives, Lewis visited the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre where he talked with members of the local senior citizens' club. Mr. Lewis went on to Bowmanville where he heard delegations from the Ratepay- ers' Association and two environmentalist groups--the Oshawa Field Naturalist Club and a Pontypool citizens club. The Durham tour concluded in Brooklin at a meeting with the North Ward Ratepayers' Association. M.L.S. Sales Up In This District The first quarter sales through the Oshawa and District Real Estate Boards' (O.D.R.E.B M)ultiple Listing Service (M.L S.) shows an increase over the same period last year. For the first 3 months of 1974 there were 256 M.L.S. Sales for a value of $10,924,000.00. January through March this year there were 321 M.L.S. Sales worth a total of $14,882,000.00. These sales were of properties placed on M.L.S. by individual Brokers in Bowmanville, Port Perry Oshawa, Whit- by, Ajax, Pickering and points in between. teachers, principals-and offic- ials on a P.A. day to discuss the purposes of education.> Many of the activities out- lined so far are carried on as well during evenings, week- ends and holidays. Teachers spend many hours of their own time onprofessional upgrad- ing. Almost all teachers have taken or continue to take University or Ministry of Education courses during evenings or holidays. But a 1i professional activities can not e conducted in the teachers spare time. Some requiré larger blocks of time than can be alloted during an evening. Many programmes requime that large numbers of teach- ers take part and that experts be brought in for a day. Only the P.A. day is suitable for such programmes. The Ministry of Education has established a common framework of goals and aims for Education in Ontario. These provisions are embod- ied in a document known as "Circular P1 Ji". On April 28, 29 the teachers of Northum- berland and Newcastle will be gathering to take part in workshops, listen to speakers, and ask questions of Educa- tional consultants and other expert PiJi", Pro. are no These as are Minist teache to see are. Is from child's anytirr the o] parent are tr work princir superv be hap 1-ývv p' a- li a re c ors stay clean and bright * fast drying; soap and water clean-up 0 washable The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 23, 1975 5 Sandwood Estates Report Break-In A Manvers Township home was broken into in the Sandwood Estates subdivision of View Lake on April 16 and was looted of a radio, TV, pellet gun and .22 rifle. Owner Leslie G. Weber reported to police his back 7 do'or had been kîcked in when the house was burglarized the previous evening. In other Newcastle OPP news, Corporal Francis Dry- den reports one Toronto man bas been charged and another is wanted for a rash of cottage tbef ts in the area. Peter John Connally of 456 Brunswick Ave. Toronto, was arrested by police officer G.L. Kozak of the Newcastle De- tachment of the OPP, April 16 with the aid of P.C. Weller and P.C. Imrie of No. 14 division, Toronto. According to Corp. Dryden, the stoleni property was lo- cated at Connally s Toronto address. An Oshawa man had his 1971 Meteor painted a new color April 16. While visitin a Newcastle friend on Mill St. NJames Heickert of, 1266 Tentland St., Oshawa, bad his car sprayed with black paint and scratched all over. Ap- parently no other car received a new paint-job. LONG SAULT Sorry to report Mrs. Bert Johnson was rushed to Port Perry Hospital Saturday even- ing by ambulance. Visitors with Mr, B. Johnson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Ugene Bent, Newcastle and Mr, John Johnson and Mrs. Fletcher, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, over the next 5 to 7 Mr. Micheal Baker and friend, x Burlington were Sunday sup 00 hours, while the guests of Mrand Mr ours. Mr. Watson Baker. 'ensive to purchase Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker, rcent cher. The Garry and Ruth attended the mcntchaper.Th "Johns"' family reunion at this year to change noon on Suiida at Solina Hall. Mr. and 1s. Ted Hall, Dunsford were Saturday even- ing visitors with their parents, ts concerning rcular Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Sympathy of the community fessional Activity days is extended to the wife and t holidays for teachers. family of the late A.A. Hills, are working days, just Bowmanville. instructional days. The Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs, Judy ry bas been surveying and Louise attended a misceli- ers, parents and trustees aneous shower in honor of how effective the days Miss Lucy Hejna, Oshawa at the St. Hidwigs Parish Hall, your child benefitting Oshawa. P.A. days? Call your teacher or principal WOMEN'S ne. Teachers welcome )pportunity to talk to WORKw ts to tell them how they ying to improve their in the classroom. The pal is responsible for ising this work and will >py to discuss it as well. sa Get lot fi Regal WaII Satin interior lateX walI paint *fast, Clean and easy painting * dries to a beautiful flat finish in minutes *choose from 1400 decorator colors SPECIAL GALLON also in quarts $1 2 0 GALLON also in quarts SATIN IMPERVO SPECIAL Low Lustre Enamel $4 25 e tough and washable e ideal for furniture, walls and trim QUART e dries to a beautiful smooth finish also in gallons Get all the help you need for a beautiful paint job from: ABERNETHY'S Paint & Wallpaper Mo PAINTS 55 King st. W. 623-5431Bomnil A BERNETHY'S and beautify your home with Benjamin Moore Paints. REGAL AQUAVELVET Latex Eggshell Flat Enamel a 1400 net i -frp, sh nl SPECIAL 1 4mmmoý