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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1975, p. 7

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,,Ir. and Mrs. Ruluf Beebe, ,in (Hope Township) were Suniday visifors withi Mrs. Winifred Cameron. Sunday, April 27 will be the stârting date for, "Operation Friendship" by Trinity United Churcb when Eiders, Stew- ards and volunteers Will be calling on memabers and adberents for a 'short social (not financial) visit. This Nvill provide an opportunity for expression, of opinion on matters pertaining fa the work of the church in the commun- ity. Rememïber, people are the church and it is only as strong as the faîth of every member and adherent. The ministers are teachers of the Christian faîthi and it is the responsibil- ity of the memibers ta carry out these teachings by words and deeds to promote the fellowship of your church which is workine for Christ. The Art Galiery of ont-J aio is hloding an Art Swap o)n Ma y9. If yuhave anl original pieceof'art value of $29 minimum n nd $199.00 maximum, please brirng it ta the Museum April 29 or Mîay 3, and then the bargaining be- gins on May 9 for swapping. The winneýrs of the lasf six V Faith teciches LReligion and science must be in harmony. If it does qat conform te superstition For furt hr inf o m t n w rie'tnBo i36 B wma n il eO t Kujur, an instructor at the Ontario Science Centre. He wilI present a short program entifled "Fun wif h Physics." Kendal artist Dik Zander is one of 35 Ontario artists chosen to pesent 'concept sketches' inlthesecond stage of the TTC Spadina Subway Art Project. Eventually, 14 artists will receive commis- sions in mîd-July for key station locations. Their wor will appear on the walls of subway platforms.. Strathav7en Nursing home held an unusual event on Friday nightý a Spring Prom, but unfortunately our photo- graphers and reporters were ail tied up. We havent heard the results of the event yet, but will wager if was a swmngig affair. Senior citizens were also învifed to participate withi the residents of theeborne, in the dancing>t part of the programn. We understand the ig night closed off shortly affer fine p.m. vwith no casualties. Mr. and Mlrs. Reg. Rack- ham, Ajax aîttendedî the 25th Anniversary Kinsmen Dinner and Dance on Saturday in * Oshawa. The Canadian Environmen- tai Law Association, together with People or Planes, is holding an Open House discus- sion at the Rouge Hilis Public Library on Tbursday, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. The associa- tion is calling for eight major amendments'to the recently, introduced Bill 14: The Envi- ronmenfal Assessmenf Act, 1975. AIl are welcome. Awards totalling $3,495,185 have been granted to Ontario research workers, according to an announcement by the National Cancer Institute of Canada. This suma is part of the $7,531,359 to be distributed to support research into the causes and treatment of cancer. Most of the funds will corne from the April cam- 'aigrof the Cnadian Cancer Society which is affiliated with the Institute. Incidentally, if you haven'f made your dona- tion,iplease do so as quickly as possible, the local unit is stili far from ifs objective. The Royal 11ank Plaza s twins in Toronto are far from identieal,-- one tower wil be 41 store ys high, the other 26. Bîut the Plaza is looking for a miore evenly matched pair to act as goodwill ambassadors at its downtown Toronto site this coming summer. The Royal Bank is looking for a set of idenfical twins of e ither sex, ta be on duty for three miontbs af a special information booth to be constructed on the Bay and Front Sts.- site. The jobs will be for approximately three months. Any twins in the area who feel they migbt qualify should write f0 Susan, Smith, Personnel Department, the Royal Bank of Canada, 20 King Sf. West, Toronto M5H 1C4. This Saturday, those girls. who have been involved in the 4-H project "A Touch of Stitchery" under direction of Miss Mary Tompkinis, Home Economisf, will be holding Achievement Day at Bowmran- ville High School auditorium from 9:30 a.m. f0 3 p.m. This will be an excellent opportun- ity for interested visitors to see the work these-girls have complet ed throughout the course. National Forest Week will be observed May 4th to 1 1th on the theme "Trees -- The Green Link."* The week is promnoted to help remind Canadians of the importance of their basic renewable natural resource -- ,the forest. M\,r. and Mrs. Stan, Corden have returned home fromn vacatîoning in Florida for six months. MUrs. Marie Duniop, 12 Frank St., town, spent a very enjoyable weekend in Scar- borougb ais guest of M1r. and Mrs. Part Gauihn Jand The Canadian Statesmnan, Bow manville, April 23, 1975 7 St. Joseph's Students WiiI Porticipote in on Art Show at 'B.H.S. onlMay 22 Kinsmen community service draws are B. Poste,. J. Dunn, G. Brunton, I.D. Parish, E. Brooks and C. Davies. Remember f0 pick up your Sbrine Circus tickets fromn "Fibber" at Specialty Paper. The circus goes May 10th at the Civic Auditorium and by getting tbem early they are reduced *in price. SMr. and Mrs. Art Humpage, Kitchener attended the Kins- men 25fh Anniversary Dinner and Dance at the Polish Veteran's Hall, Oshawa, on Saturday. Advance publicitindicates that there willbe a big women's march on Queen's Park, May loth starting at 1 p.m. They are demanding equal pay for work of equal value, universal access fe quality chiid care, equal right for' women in family and property law,, safe and effect- ive birth control for ail, remove abortion from the criminal code and free Dr. Morgentaler. Wby Not? Funny, ail these equal righfs demands. Yet, on Saturday af the various meetings, if was the men Who went in the heavy down pour of ramn, fe fetch the car. This is Education Week tbrougbout the area. Most schools bave somne special activity planned to show parents and other interested citizens the work that is being done in aur schools. Plan now te attend one of these func- fions. Science Fair '75 wîll be held on Thursday and Friday of this week at O'Neill C.V.I. in Oshawa, when the public is invited ta attend from 9 ta 5Son Tbursday and 9 to 9 on Friday. Guest speaker at 7 p.m. on Friclav wihl be George V an der Faith Baptist Church Wh itby, 9:45 A.M. - Sunday Sehool - Ail Ages il1:00 A.M. - Worship Hour, 7: 00 P. M. - Gospel Hour COMPLETE NURSERY LARE ALL SERVICES Messages by Rev. Wm. Wyrick Cable 6 Evening Telecast Sunday, March 3Oth 9:a.00 P. m. Lev, Ral1p h Dun n 668-2508 St. PauI's' United Church Rev. N.E. Schamnerhorn,' B.A., B.D. Or-ganist-Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "BY THIISSIGxN CONQUER"I Sacrament of Holy Baptism ARE YOU NEW TO BOWMANVILLE? YOU W.LL BE WELCOMED AT ST. 1PAUL'S Parents Are Invited to Bring their Children to OUF Nursery while they attend Morning Worship. SPECIAL DANCE AND CARD PARTY to celebrate 5th Anéniversary of the United Church SAT., MAY 24, 8-11:30 p.m. Get Vour Tickets Early Froni Memnbers of the Hi-C Sunday, April 27, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:00 a-m- - Classes for all ages,9and up 11:00 a.m.- Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE DEDICATION 0F MSIN 2: 00 p* m. - "QOperation Friendship" ~Eideàrs, Stewards and volunteers wilI start calling on. members and adherents for a short social visit (nfo finoancial> and ,hope t0 make ap pQxfmately 700 calis. Please receive the callers inte spirit of this visit - "Friendship" and "Neighborliness". A Warm Welcome Awaits You atL Trinity INSTRUCTION MEETING y FOR VISITATION THURS., APRIL 24, 7:30 p.m., CHURCtI HALL Church E.xecutive,,Mon., April 28, Board Room Sunday, May 11 - "Family Day" Miembers of the U.C.W. are ini charge of the service with Mrs. C. Atkinson, Richmond Hill, speaking on -Family Life". Thurs., May 15, 10 a.imto 12nmon U.C.W. Bake Sale in the Church Hall The Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberlan d and New- castle Separate School Board received a LIV grant this year for $24,000 to emîploy eight art teachers-,to work in the schools. Eva Ochitwa bas four schools to visit each week, St. Mary's in Linidsay', St. John's in Kirýkfiel 'd, St. Luke's, in' Downey ville and St. Joseph's in Bowmanville.'She is one of dfaughter selena, tormerly 01 BowMaflville. Af fier a most ufleasant winter in Florida, Mïr. and Mrs. Forest A. Dilling, arrîvedl home on the weekend. Among the manyý acquaintances and friends they met there during their stay were, some past residents of Bowmanville, now refired and also winterine in Florida were: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Henning, Ruskin, and of New Leskard, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Goddard, Sem- mnole, of Catchacoma Lake, Ontario. , Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tkatcb have returned from spending the winter montbs in Florida. While the re they took a cruise to Nassau which tbey enjoyed very mucb. Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- ton were Saturday -guests of Mr. and Mrts. Leonard Allen, London. The muricipality of -NewA c a'stie, witb a poGpulatiýon of 2969had 39 flires wt damnages of $157,323 in 1974, ac,,cordîng to statistics releas- ed by the office of the fire marshall. Over the 5 vear period the average for 1970-74 was 32 fires and $423,529 lasses. In the Durham regian, wifb a population of 227,752, there were 10 fires with fatalities of 15. (5 men, 2 wamen, 8 children) with a fire deatb rate of 6.61. In Onfario the'-ewere 281 deatbs by fire in 1974.ý Witby's recreation depart- mient under the dîrector Carl Ahlsten, is constructing a creafive playground fort, ln ilutchison Park. The fort, a coming tbing in creative playground equipment, pion- eered in Europe, and catcbing on here, enables cbildren fa make tbeir own use of facilities provided for such games as Cowboys and In- dians, Cops andRobbers. Construction begîns on May 27, by the town parks crew SERVICE If you want to, do somýething about your education . .. you probably can. See Your Aduit CounseIIorý, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 7Io 9 at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential -and f0 appointment is necessary. under thie-direction of Horst Henke, and will take two days., Cost will be $8,700 for supplies and $900 for installation. The Reverend Tomn Gracie of St. John's Anglican Cburcb hag just returnedl from a four day conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The confer- ence, the annual mneeting of the Rural Workers Fellow- sbip, is beld each Spring ta bring, together clergy and lay people who have a specific interest in the work of tbe churches in the smnaller tawns and villages of our continent. "ine etters H-IW.. also stand for Renewall, Witness and Fellowship in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This organîza- tion celebrates ifs fiftieth anniiversary this year and draws ifs imembersbip fromn Mexico, Canada and thie United Stafes. The execufîve is made up of nine Amnerican and! two Canadian cllergy. At the anrLua] rmetîng, iii Forî Wayne, tbie Reverend B. Shepher,' Crimn of Burns, Oregon was electedf President and the Rev. Tomi Gracie of Bowmanville, Ontaria was elecfed Vice President. Dur- ing the past 50 years, the organization bas had only two Canadian Presidents and the conference was- held in Can-> ada for the first timne in 1973. Mr. Gracie would, he glad ta, hear from anyone initerested ,in the work of R W.F. GM Saleu';s ýHigher Thoa March 1974. "Sales of 42,300 passenger cars and trucks by General Motors of Canada dealers in March were 12.8 per cent higher than the same month last year," J.D. Duffy, Vice President and General Sales Manager, announced todav. Passenger car sales' of 30,650 units. were 3,009 or 10.9 per cent over last year's volume of 27,641,units. Truck deliveries of 11,650 vebicles exceeded the 9,843 level of March, 1974, by 18.4 per cent and almost matched the record manth, total of 11,911 set in 1973. Despite a slow start in January, sales of 102,936 GM cars and trucks for the first tbree montbs of 1975 represent the second best quarter, surpassed only by the record 104,774 units of 1974. Mr. Duffy wen t on fa say, "The sales momentum gener- ated in February bas carried, over into Match and sets the stage for the normal bealthy spring upturn. The cantinuing strong demand for cars and trucks is indicative of the underlying confidence of the consumer in the Canadian economy in general and the acceptance of General Mot- ors' prodlucts specifically." Grading Bids The Ontaria Hydro bas re!eîved four, bids for site grad(inig at the Wesleyville Generafiing Station- Work is ta, start May 12, 1975 and be completed on December 1, in time for the pouring of cancrete. Structur- ai steel construction will begin in the spring of 1976. Lowesf tendered bid receiv- ed, was from Ainor Earth' Moving Ltd., of, Oshawa at $3,904,648. Other bids were $3,995,485 from Rumble Contracting Ltd., -of Mississauga; $5,066,435 from Pittý' Con'- struction Ltd., of Toronto; and Maren Bras. Ltd., of Widsor wbo placed a bid of $8,747,450. thle eigbf teachers employed býy the Board. Mrs. Ochitwa conducts tbree programs in the school -one for the Primary, one for the intermediates and one for the seniors. The primary students work mostly in tbree dimensional art forms such as plasticine, etc. The intermed- îates get into using different media and desigining and the seniors are given formai art lessons. The program runs from January until June. AI] the schools under the board are presently. preparing for an art exhibition fa take place at Bowmanvîlle Hîgh School May 22. Mrs. Ochitwa trained in England 'and achbieved a teaching certificate in Arts -' OPEN MONDAY. THRU SATU.RDAY Nt 1~ Te eas1Hwy. 2 ain IN: Place and crafts. On ernigrating, to Canada she took, up residence in Thunder Bay. Recently, she moved to Omemee. Above are students from St. Joseph's displaying their art that is ready for the show. On the'lef t St. Joseph's teacher Sam Jones discusses the. students art with Mrs. 'Ochit- SPECIALIZING pIe Grove's lew Place of, Beauty I. 623-6040 ad Preston Road Tinting - Cutting - Permanent Waving Tips - Frosting - Eyebrow Arching - Manicures Also Evening Appoîntments $ 17Uf1winr Ntake the famniydown south ... to OrifIa' (iaad ie Char lie. Because the: ncw Ontario Lottcrv. Wintario. k gaing ta be f'un to play and f'un ta. think about winning". 100« Particularlv with a new --rand prize ai $100.000 every other Fhursday. And lots more prizes. la the Oirst draw alone. thereý will be up ta iburteen $'10.000 prizes. anc hundred and twenty S 1.000 prizes and hundrcds of $100 prizes-up ta 1,350 prizes in a-l! And Charlic. the tickets cs just anc dollar cach. And vou can1 gel thcm almost anywhere: cigar stores. restaurants, newsstandis. gas stations., milk stores, grocery stores. You sec this sam ple ticket. Charlie? TICKET NJM BER.ý Tickets for cach draw arc prepared 'in series. For example. in the fOrst draw there \vil] be up ta 15 series of tickets. The series number is printcd Ion the corner 0f! the ticket besidc thc date of the draw. Yaur ticket number. made up of fOve digits, is printed in rcd, and is locatcd next ta the suries number. Now. if your secriesý number is the same as theL series number drawn. and Yaurl ticket number is idenGti t the R.R. 6 Bowmanville Special Rates for Senior Citizens iOO Mmuma winning number. theýn \uvl in the.grand prize of$100,000. If your series number is not the samre as the series numbher drawn, but your ticket number is, identical ta the winning number, you win a big $ 10,000. If anly the 1ast fouir digius in your ticket number are iden tical and in the same order as the last! four dgt in the winni ng number. yau win 111$I.000. l I an thie List three digîits are identical and in X the same order as thie 1last three digits in the winnîing number, thien OU VIwi wn $100. Tickets are anly goad, of course, or the draw printed on the ticketan are eligible ta win nl ne ,prize. And Charlie. the first draw wilI be lîv ontelvison ay 5.You'I actuajly theIle iningnmber drawn.TbFlen, if you want tachckth wnnîng numbnerafrars just look in youtr locýal paipe-r the nexcdy 10a Icallct. brîng in aur stub.1 or scnd it. fllled out, by regîsî,ercd mail, ta Ontario Lottery Corporation. Cum- ber-land Ternice ý B-2r Steet Wet.TÏoronto., Don't worry, C harlie e\vering yau Lnecd ta knaw i,, prin'ted rigbt on the back CIf- yaur -ticket. But:tlht",I'sjusî par t ofthle starV.1Becaus,. tbraugb the .Ministry of Cultujre and Recreaition. the millions of dollars raised by the lateLry wi11 support a whiole range ofactivities and facilities right erein Ontaria.] Tbings ,wc can alenjoy. Il oîn t iwn.A it castsjust a dollar 0-4- iust abuck athrowu3 SRigh,'it. Charlie. Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 The Bowmanville Pentecostal, Church. 75 Liberty St. S.Y Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES, 9:55 a. m.- Sunday School 11:O0a. m. -MorninÉ Worship 7 :00 p.m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Yotith Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church 1 m we all Mn

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