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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1975, p. 15

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3/4 Acre - Orono -A beautitul 3 bedroom side- split set on one of the nicest lots in the area. New shag carpet throu ghout, large fam- ily room with fieldistone fire- place, sunny kitchen looking on f0 new inground 20 x 40 pool. Circular driveway. Trout stream flows, through ceclar bush beside property. Asking $79,900.00. Cal Char lie Reid. Bowmanville Beautiful family bungalow with a pooî. Finished farnily room with tire place. Richly broa.dloomed. Garage. 'Good area. Asktn g$69,500.00. Terms. Caîl Bi?,l Turansky. Orono Sidesplit Three bedroom home tocated in presti glous area. L.arge ltô 85x 205. Owner anxious f0 sell. $56,900.00. Terms. Cal Tony Klompmaker. Country Living - Orono Area 7-year old 5 bedroomn home, 2 baths, separafe guest cottage situated on bank of bubbling brook. Ideal for artist, pottery -shoçT etc. Pond, ýmal I barn, large garden. Ail on lovety, well treed lot 205 x 330. Asking $67,000.00. Cati Elfie Jost. Bowmanville - Elgin Street 6 room, 11/2 storey brick home on deep lot. Close f0 schools and downtown. Excellent starter home. Asking $42,500. Terms. This won't I ast. Cal Bud Virtue. Newcastle A home for living, inctuding a bright kitchen with stove and oven. Separate dining room, fireplace, fult basernent and an excellent view ait for $47,500.00. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. The Price is Right On this 3 bedroom home located close f0 schools and shopping in Bowmanville. Features incIude f inished T.V. room in basement, well land- scape-d lot and a single car garage ail for only $46,900.00. Caîl Albert Kerekes. Hampton Cozy, spotless, 2 bedroom 11/2 storey home with 2 unfinished roorns upstairs. Finished rec- reation room, bright sunroom, new 2 car garage and work- shop. Productive garden soit on this 96 x 216 lot. Creek close by ontly $47,500.00. Terms. Cali1 Phyllis McRobbie. N'ewcasftle Countryside 3 bedroom backsplit, large à'ving room, separate dinlng room,, bright sunny kitchen looking on to-f a 75'x 200 lot which is completely tenced. Rec room done in barnboard. Price included new carpet, drapes and utility shed. See this one. Asking $52,500.00. Cal Charlie Reid.' V ýrh Shore Lake Scugog tjh scenic lot 100 x 350 on BaIl Point Beach Road. Fuît view of lake and Washburn Island. Asking price, $12,900. Cal Stew Mc Tavish. Peter 'Kowaî1, Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR 10 Rooms -11/2 baths, large famiiy--srze kitchen, farnily room, separ- ate -dinin g room, laundry room, garden shed. Lot 90' x 210'.-Priced to seil at $65,000. Private terms. 7 Rooms Semi detached ver y centrally located at $36,500. This is real value for a sfately home 0f this type. Nicely decorated. Gar- age. Deep lot. Terrns arrang- ed. 1.8 Acres Commercial lot Iust north of Bowmaniville town lirits. Ex- cellent speculative potential. Prlced f0 selI. Working Maj's Home Older 1'/2ý storey trame, Alum- inum-clad house with 6 rooms, forced, air oit heating, very neat throug bout. 2 car garage and workshop. Terrns arrang- ed. Asking $35,000. 'J;GENTLY REUIEDI! We have cash buyers for hornes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dolar? We'Il be pleased f0 appraise it for you and help you locate the "hýome of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, cati P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. i 17-tf Newtonvi le $41,500.00 buys this 10 room home in village on 1/2 acre lot. Close f0 school. Large rooms, walkout basement, bright kitchen. Ask for Bill Turansky to see this one. Bowmanville Estafe Sale Exceptional otder 4 bedroomn, 2 storey brick home. Newly renovated, 19 x 14 kitchen, spacious rooms, 2 full baths. Easily converted f0 original duplex as there are cupboards upstairs. Asking $54,500.00. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRob- bie. Hwy. No. 2 Location - Bowmanville 1 acre onty $60,900.00. Legal duplex. Two brick honmes. Good condition. Lovely land- scaped lot, 2 garages. Live in your own home with added income. AIl offers looked at as owner must seli. Cal Stan Lockyer- Leskard Road - Sidesplit Owner -is transferred. Twvo jear old beautiful, 3 bedrôoor orne witb stiding glass doors to sundeck. Attached garage on large 75 x 200 ft. lot. Spaciaus insulated basement ready to finish with corner fireplace. $58,900.00. Cali Christa Winterhelf. Gardener's Deligh - -1 15'x 158' Lot A huge 4 bedroom home with a double car garage situated on a, spaciaus lot. Attractively decorated and lots of room for a garden. This property has endless potential for Mr. Green Thumb and is priced at only $49,500.00, Caîl Albert Kerekes. Tyrone Estate Sale 7 room, 11/2 storey trame home on main street in friendly village. 14 acre lot. Hot water cit heated. Needs a litfle fixing but is a good.- sturdy home. Excellent starter home for large famil y. Asklng only $33,000-00. Cash. CatI Bud Virtue. Bowmanville - Owner Trans- ferred A delighttul 3 bedroomn back- split in good area. Farnily roomn 21.6 x 12.9 with real log burning fireplace. 11/2 baths. Fully broadtoomed. Asking $58,500.00. Terms at 9/ per cent. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. 5 Acre Building Lot - Cavan Ideal site for home in countr y, over 400 teet f rontage. Ask*n $16,000. TerrÏs'.-CîlBiI Sutherand. Are You Corsidering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handie your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. *Coast to Coast Real Estate Servicè 191 REA sTTq LIXTED 181 CHURCH STREET- BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO Li C 1T8 623-4428 Newcastle - Lega I duplex. i wo bedrooms in each. Modern oit furnace, new cernent block basernent. Separafe hydro mefers. Lot 76 x 150. Affached double space garage. Asking only $39,500.00 wifh easy term s. Bowmanville - 4 bedroorn serni. Nicely decorated tbroug bout. Good rec. rooffn r tential. F u ly fenced -lot. ocate'd wifhin walking dis- tance of schools. Asking $42,900.00. Newcastle - Brand new 3 bedroorn imposing side split gives extra roorriness. Sep- arate dining room. Brafi loomed'throughout. Situated on large 100 x 150 ft. lot. Priced at only $-49,500.00. 5 Acre Building Lot, roliing ýwifh some frees. Only 59,800. 19-1 FOR RENT MODE RN STORE OR OFFICE King Street West, BowmaAiîle AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Conta ct Statesman Office 66 KING ST. w SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper for you. Ail sizes, shapes and colors in bundles of 50 cents and $1 .00. Great for crawings, leavinq Trnessacges, Sroup craft work, etc. Trhe tatesman office. 42-tf m a - 1576-3333 Pontypuol - country home, 70 x 170 ff, lot. 3 bedroamn bunga- low, new aluminum siding, new kitchen, beautitul ma- hogany cupboards, beamed ceiling living room with view of rolling ilîs thru picture window. Daily commuter to Toronto. $39,900. Blacksfock - 2 yrs. new - brick sidesplît., huge, living room, dining room, Ultar- Modemn kitchen. 2 full basements, double, atfached garage. $52,900. Brooklin - Great Patential for "Market Garden, Antique Shoppe, Hobby Farm". Your choice! 12 acres, 392 ff. frontage an Highway. Farm bouse features, floor ta ceiling stone fireplace in main level family roam, with cathedral ceiling, sliding glass doors. 2 barns. $135,000. Bowmanville - brick bunga- low, exquisitely decorated, customn made drapes & sheers, superior qualify broadloom, patio with stone Bar-B-Que, inground fish pond, covered picinic area. Panelled rec room with bar. $59,800. Nash Road - rnodernized 2 storey home. 3 bedrooms, séparte dining raom, kitchen with eating area. Separate in-law apt. kitchen, bedsifting room, enclosed porch. Family room, stucco and walnut acorn fireplace. $98,500. Bowmanville - otder, solid brick 2 sforey with 2 apts. 1 up and 1 down. 4pce. &2pce. baths, full partially finished basement. $71,900. Neil Paf. Ruby Inglefon 623-2627 Joe Longo 725-6735 George Twaifes 723-2008 H. Kuleshnyk 683-8245 Kathleen Twaites 723-2008 May Delory 705-357-3085 Neil Pot 263-2126 Janice Corley 576-6857 Bruce Scarlett 576-7593 M. Prodaniuk 725-5054 Valerie Butf 985-2122 Douglas Trivefi 723-7390 Before stepping on a ladder, check and see if it is safe. St. John Ambulance suggests that you check wooden ladders for stability and aluminum ones for bent legs before you take a step that may cause serious injury. Announcement "Waverly Gardens" in Bowmanville Buili by Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 $150 DOWN Features include: Clean Dependa ble Electric Heat Large family kitchen -Finished family room Comnpletely broadloomed 11/2 baths Fireplaces -Attached garages -FuIIy sod ded lots -Cornpletely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. toi7 P.M. A LSO Open House at Newcastle Safurday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Deluxe Models-ta Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVEL0PMENTS Bulit by Division of Veltri & Son Limifed Well known for quality construction and superior workmanship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS W. Frank, President of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., is pleased f o announce the appoint ment of Albert Kerekes as Sales Rep. work- ing in the Bowmanville Office. A bert has lived in Bowman- ville for the last 12 years, during which he completed his schooling here and then went on ta work for Honeyweil where he obtained his intro- duction n-ito the business world. Affer leaving Honey- welI, he enrolled in and successfully completed the real estate course. Albert invites ail his friends and acquaintances to cali hlm for any real estate information they may desire. 19-1 RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf ORONO Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Fred Lyrett were Mr.. and Mrs. O. Fagan of Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cooper of Agncourt, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fagan of Toronto and Miss Karen Fagan of Barrie - memnbers of the family of the lare Mr. F. Olver (0111e) Cooper - age 78, husband of the late Mrs. Viney -Winter Cooper, (Se pt. 1973) - Mr. Cooper passedi away on Friday May, 2nd after a long illness. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home and the funeral service was in the Lang Chapel on Monday afternoon. Interment Orono Cemnetery. Mr. Gordon Walker and daughter Miss Gail Walker of Thornhill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîl. Mrs. Harvey Brantun (Shirley Flintoff) of Windsor attended the funeral of ber uncle, 0111e Cooper, was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mr. Jack Bairstow is a patient in St. Michael's Hospi- tal, Toronto. The A.C.W. of St. Saviours There, When Disaster Strikes! Disaster, natural or man-made, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun are one human iii that science is Societies are actively involved with unlikely to eliminate in the predict- the authorities to which they are able future.. Instead efforts must auxîliaries in developing such plans focus on preparedness and on the and translating them into reality by swift, efficient supply of. disaster training volunteers and regularly relief. rehearsing for action, assuring a Red Cross, an international dis- minimum stock of relief items and aster veteran, has long recognized means of communication, and trans- that the days of well-meaning port. charity are over. Help that dosen't The international nature, impar- match needs, arrives too late, or tiality and neutrality of the Red isn't distributed, is no help at ail. Cross stand it in good stead, Instead Red Cross is developing an enabling it to respond quickly to international force of trained disas- needs in many different situations. ter specialists, a purchasing net- Despite its harnessing of modern work, a reservoir of technical and technology, the Red Cross intends to logistical know-how, to do justice to remain a relief agency with a human the public's generosity. dimension., It knows its most In this development, the Red important asset is its human Cross has helped pioneer the only resources - millions of men, women rational approach to the, disaster and young people who channel their problem: countries in disaster- urge to help through their National prone areas must be prepared for Society. In an age when the the worst-with a national emer- individual feels he counts for less, gency relief plan of action. Many of Red Cross is saying people matter- the world's 122 National Red Cross, and holding out a lifeline. Walter Frank, President of W. Frank Real Estate Limited is pleased ta announce the appoiniment of Stewart McTavish as Sales Represent- ative in the Bawmanville Office. Stew retired in 1974 as President of C. Stewart McTavish Ltd., owner and aperator of the Canadian Tire Store in Bowmanville. n Oshawa he is a member of the Advisor y Board of Guaranty Trust Company and on the Board of Trustees of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. He serves as Directar of the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce and is a member and Past President of the Bowmanviile Rotary Club. Stew will be serving the area t ram Oshawa ta Newton- ville and north ta Orono and Blackstack and Port Perry. Caî11 h im at 623-3393 or 2i53-8800 at his, home. 19-1 Fust Change Artists Hit Two Orono e Apparently two fast change artists are at work in this others on the bus load of people, from Port Hope area. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cryderman who spent the winter in Florida, returned the latter part of April' to enjoy the sumnmer in their home at the west end of Hope Township the lakeshore road. Old neighbors here were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Roy Burley in Orlono last week. Mr. Truman Austin, with other cattiemen, went west on April 22nd to purchase cattie and returned with several head on Thursday, May lst. The 95th anniversary of Welcome United Church build- ing was lield on sunclay morning, May 4th with Rev. R.M. Freeman, M.A., B.D., PH.D. of Kingston as guest speaker. Services wiere with- drawn at Garden Hili and Canton that they and Rev. R. Bartlett might participate in thîs special day. Bright spring flowers and a large basket with floral arrangement add- ed much to'the service. The choir's anthems were "The Lord's Prayer" by Malette and "With a Voice of singing"_ by Matin Shaw. Dr. Free- man's message was based on the topic "Liberation" and was the result of much thought over a period of years and a four day study session con- ducted by hlm in Naramatta, British Columbia, and started some different thinking ýpat- terns. Following the service, those who could, remainedfor a cup of coffee and visit. Al were glad to have Mrs. J. Groeneveld back after an absence through illness. it has been a week of annîversaries, for Port Hope United Church celebrated its hundredth on Sunday at ser- vice and on last Tuesday evening, when the ladies, of Welcome UCW catered for the dinner on April 29th. area. The OPP advises that two stores were victimized recent- ly in the Orono arcd. The scheme involves two men. Tbey each enter a different store and hîîy an inexpensive item, showing a bill of large denomination, witbout banding it over. Tbe clerk is conned into banding over the change in small bills, then the customer asks for change in bills of larger denomination, all the while keeping the clerk involved in conversation and possibly an argument . . . anything to create confusion. In the end, each man walks out witb an article, plus the large bill he showed, plus the change -and tbe clerk is lef t wondering wbat happened. Police have two middle- aged suspects but say it is difficult to make a theft charge stick in these cases. HOPE TAXES TO SOAR Municipal taxpayers in the Township of Hope can expeet a wbopping big in- crease in their tax rate this year, according to Deputy- Reeve Weston Banister. "It looks like a 35 milI increase at least," be said. The county rate bas gone up, the education miii rate went up over 20 milîs, and everything else bas risen lu cost, he continued. Hope was bardest bit by the education levy this year. In previouis years, grants bail been-gi ven the -township to help offset the increases, but there were none this year. NO MORE BEWDLEY If Hamilton Township council bas its way, Bewdley on Rice Lake wilI- no longer be a police village, its status will be dissolved by a byiaw that was given first reading at Hamilton council'meeting last Thurs- day. The news was given to The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 7, 1975 15 txwo Bewdley trustees who attended the budget meet- ing. It's a matter of finances and responsibility apparent- ly. Hamilton is already tak- ing care of ail local services, so they can wipe out the trustees' salaries by doing away with their positions. Needless to sav, Bewdley residents are.- protesting vigorously. DRUMMOND EXHIIBITION The Drummond Art Exhi- bition that has been attract- ing large crowds at the McLaughlin Art Gallery in Oshawa will soon becoming to Orono and Bowmanville. Attend >Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C., Martin attended the wedding of their nephew, Robert McNeil, and. Wendy Arm- strong, on Saturday May 3rd., in Ottawa. Stayed with their son Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Martin and family at Mano- tick, and visited Mrs. Martin's brother Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNeil and familv in Ottawà and. Mr. and Mrs. .lbrt Mellow, also Reverend and Mrs. W.W. Patterson in King- ston on the way home. Dif-jàY K ST RA'S MOTHER'S DAY GIFT 'H EADQUARTERS' k4êC09 01: FULL CUT "BONELESS' Round 'Steak 1 .65 b. SWIFT PREMIUMI TOASTMASTER BACON WHITE SLICED ~1,191b.BREAD $ 1b. 24 oz.7c 1,2 oaves 7il DEMPSTER Save 16e A C. a pkg. ONION1 ROLLS 4 of 8 FRESH CRISP du C a Ige. LETTUCE 31 head FRESII CHAPMAN'S OR CUCUMBERS ICE-CREAM each IASST. FLAVOURS MONARCH SV 2e ca 40oz. TEA-BISK SV 2e891 pkg. YORK, SMOOTH Or CRUNCHY PEANUT-BUTTER 9c a 16oz SAVE 16e Y9 jar We Can Solve Your Gift Problem o.ç By Making You a Fancy Food or Gift Basket To Your Specifications. -Ç~0' Place Vour Order Ahead to, Avoid Disappointment. ~ ~--~-GWFT-BOES 0F W1 CHOCOLATES AND FANCY TINS BISCUITS. Anglican Church held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald Tansley on Tues- day evening, May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Vert Wilson of Florida have been spending a. few weeks visiting with their .family and friends in this district. On Saturday, May lOth the Mad Midlands will be meeting in Lindsay to attend the unveiling of their Cenotaph. Miss Ruth Mutton is now staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams, Church Street, af ter being a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. Syd Lockhart of Port Hope was a supper guest of his cousin Mrs. Geo. Morton on Saturday, after attending the funeral of the late Mr. Roy Burley. Mrs. Gordon Leamen of London was a house guest of bier sister Mrs. Fred Lycett, Wednesday to Friday of last week and visited other rela- tives and friends. Mr. Lyall Lowery and Mr. Marshall Keast Sr. are pa- tients in the Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. Mrs. Ab Harris of Oshawa with bier granddaughter Mrs. Dough Hird of Wbitby visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and sons on Tuésday evening of last week. Orono United Church Wumen bheld their meetings for this month as follows: Units 1, 2 and 5 - a joint meeting in the Main Hall on Wednesday afternoon May 7th, Rev. Gordon Montgomery of Newtonville showed pictures. Unit 3 - was held at the home of Mrs. A R. Hollingworth on Tuesday evening and Unit 4- was held samne evenrinig at the homeÏ of Mrs. Helmut Blaschke, Divi- sion Street. Unit 6 - was hield on Wednesday afternoon at 1Leskard Church Hall. WESLEY VILLE Residents and former resi- dents of Wesleyville, and surrounding communities lost a dear friend this past week with the death of Mrs. Percy Sniell in Port Hope hospital on Saturday afternoon. She was bier usual cheery self et Welcome Church service on the morning of April l3th but was taken to hospital that night and remained since. The blessing of bier life is left with bier husband, f amily and many friends to be a cherished memory. It is not news to say, that the past weekend saw buge flocks of geese heading north. The years neyer dim the thrill of seeing and bearing them go, harbingers twice a year cf a changing season. The early mornings are cheerful with the songs of many birds, especially the lovely sound of the wbitethroat. Last Monday night Mr. and Mrs. K. Ashby entertained Mrs. U. Wagner, Cobourg at dinner in honour of ber birtbday. Mirs. Emma Darke attend- edi a re-union at lber former church in Toronto, Earlscourt, on Sunday April 27 in company witb bier daugbter, Mrs. H. Wakely. The next day she entered Port Hope hospital to bave treatrnent for an injury to hier leg which she liad received some time ago and wbicb did not respond to home treatment., Mr. eand Mrs. George Tuf- ford enjoyed the bus trip to Kitchener a week ago, and were especially impressed witb the craft show seen by the D èýykstra 's Delicatessen Food, Market 73-77 King St. W. FREE PARKING OFF, QUEEN ST. ToAID A R LI1N G TO0 N Residentsl An A P P EA L from Your COU RTI CE Neighbors Our Newcastle Council "Supports In Principle" A Plan for'Our Area, to Permit Up to 64,000 Residents in Low Cost Housing. A Plan that Shows North-3outh Arterial Roadis, Mainly on Residential Lots. A Plan That Permits a "Don VnIley Expressway" Through the Centré of This "Cosy' or, nunity. A Plan That is Clearly a "Develope s Plan" with Littie Regard for Present Residents HELP US ELECT A CANDIDATE WHO OPPOSES THIS SELL OUT AND WHO HOLDS THE RESIDENTS' INTERESTS FIRST AND FOREMOST 1 Vote AmNN COWM AN Next Monday This Message Sponsored by a Concerned Community Committee Remember Mother With Flowers From "Carnation" Send her your love with a beautiful arrangement, the F.T.D. "Sweet Suprise" or aur own Orchid Arrangement for $4.95 (Cash and Carry Special) Lovely Blooming Plants, Green Plants, or Planfers, Terrariums, Cacti Gardens, Roses, Mixed Cuf Flowers, etc. Also, especially nice are aur *"Dry" Arrangements. Corne in and see them. We're close f0 you, right in town. Order early, We'lI take care of the rest f0 make if a day fo remember for your mother. 4 - "Your Extra Touch Florist." 623-7141 - 623-5577 33 Division St. 1 1

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