One Rural School Will Be Closed Another Is in Jeopard by Foster M. Russell softly, for you are disturbing What has been happening in their dreams." val Ontario becomes more The comment which is I more painfully evident, directed to closing a rural when the closing of a church church or school could hardly or a school vitally affects you be deineated "soft and con- in your community. siderate" but "cold and de- While the procedure of liberate" to those citizens who authority may at times appear are affected in the change to be ruthless, there is the from the literal death of the argument that it is a matter of small community to the per- School Board policy to close petuation of the colossal small schools in favor of the stràcture in the urban centre larger centre of learning, At Shaws Scbooi "equal opportunity" and I went to the premises of ultra-modernequipment. Shaw's Schooi Iast Frida On the other hand, that afternoon. t is situated north noted scholar, Arnold Edin- of Highway Two, across from borough points out: "Al the Rickard Estate (Garnet parents were once children: Rickard is Mayor of the new that is why, when you speak to Town of Newcastle) near them about education, speak Bowmanville. Thwometw ichi BOWMANVILLE DENTURE CLINIC 33 King St. E. - 623-4473 PATRICK G. DEEGAN, D.T. Office Hours: Monday teFriday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Satuday 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon If you don't need our help we need yours » t Red Shield Appeal, BOWMANVILLE BLITZ, MAY 5, 1975 The school grounds an enclosure were meticulous and the building of brick, wit 'portable' attractively attach ed, looked inviting. I wanted t go in. But, of course, the door were locked. It was after th school hour. Why did I go to Shav School? I will explain. I mak regular reports of Boar meetings in Cobourg, and have a burgeoning interest i the problems which affect th Canadian community. At the April 24th meeting o The Northumberland an Newcastle Board of Educa tion, I was intrigued an impressed by the presentatiol of two gentlemen, Jim Robin son and Gerry Brown, wh spoke on behalf of Sham School and the community. The Board Proposal The Board proposal was t close Shaw's Public School oi June 27, 1975. Septembe enrolment, 1974, was 35. It i planned to transfer thes pupils to Vincent Masse: Public School in Bowmanville The recommendation to th Board was as follows: "Tha the Board approve the closinî of Shaw's Public School an the transfer of these childrei effective September 1, 1975.' Robinson and Brown At the Board meeting ir Cobourg, Thursday evening Messrs. Robinson and Brown on behalf of the Shaw's Schoo community, asked that thE Board reconsider the closing of the school. Speaking in turn, the twc gentlemen said that for the last 100 years Shaw's Schoo bas been the focal point foi community fairs. It wasa community centre for parents and children, with the schoo as the viable centre. The closing of the school, th men said, would utterly de stroy this intimate relation ship. The school was a common denominator foi everyone. There is an adequate play ground for exercise, no expen sive gymnasium was needed "The children have never wanted for lack of exercise.' There was no need of a cafeteria, the children bring their lunches to school. Years together in such an intimate school is hard to replace, with older ones helping the younger ones in class; the resulting power of concentration, and a great sense of pride in the school. Messrs. Robinson and Brown spoke of the examples of vandalism. (these have been so evident at Bowman- ville in major fires and break-ins), reported from time to time at Board meet- ing. In the small school perhaps the pace was slower, but there was a very definite life style and social atmosphere which molded the child for the adult world. "To put these children in a new school would destroy this whole trend of development. In a survey of parents, it was almost unanimous that the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education be asked to keep Shaw School open." Some Reaction Trustee Reisler, Port Hope, remarked that it seemed the parents wanted "a littie cd s, h 1- o s e w e d I n e f d - id n '- o n r s e y C. e t g d ýn n e g Rotry Club Wins Attendance Trophy Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 7, 1975 3 at the Church began on Tuesday evening. The Officiboard met on Orientation Course Wednesday eveming at Tyrone. Please watch "Com- Beginning in September Accounting, Personnel Man- ing Events" for 4 outstànding Durham College plans to offer agement, Industrial Manage- occasions in the merry month an eight week orientation ment, Managerial Statistics, of May: course for retiring officers Economics, Law, Business (a) Auction Sale in church and senior non-commissioned Mathematics and Marketing parking lot on May 10th. officers. Sales. b) S.S. Anniversary Service The course will be designed Cost for the course will be on Sun. May Itfm at 2 p.m. to provide insight into the $150. per student, and support with Rev. Wm. Wells, disciplines which are the basis to defray this expense is Peterborough as guest of business and commerce, anticipated from Canada minister and singing by and to clarify career plans. Manpower. Sunday School.choir. Subjects will include the Those interested in the (c) Annual S.S. Dinner Wed. Business World, Management course should contact R.J. May 2lst at 4 p.m. and Organization, Manage- Vincent, Durham College, Box (d) Concert sponsored by S.S ment Accounting, Financial 385, Oshawa. at the P. School auditor- ium on Sat. May 31st at 8 p.m. Recently 35 members of the Kersey family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton to celebrate Mr. S. Kersey's birthday and a bridal shower for Miss Janet Pooler. Children should be taught at an early age never to put unknown plants into their mouths, warns St John Ambu- lance. Many house and garden plants are poisonous, and if taken internally can cause sickness and in some cases Bowmanville Rotarian Harry Cooke (right) on behalf of the club and District 707, presents Rotarian Jack Terpstra (centre) with the trophy for the best attendance record in the past year for a club in the district. The presentation was made a week ago Thursday. Mr. Terpstra is the attendance chairman for the club. Congratulating Mr. Terpstra on his and their achievement is Rotary president Alf Allin (left). 0cocoon around the children. Lt ewas only two miles'to the new îschool. How far are they going to be removed from the local r atmosphere? " -1 rs Jim Robinson replied that )lthere would be 300 or more at the Vincent Massey School in eBowmanville. A child, in. a school of 35, would suddenly be moved into an entirely different 'atmosphere of the a larger group. r The fiftieth anniversary of Shaw's School had been cele- brated last year. Whîle the building was old, it was sound and in good repaîr. r Trustee W.H. Carman asked if there were alternatives. g Gerry Brown said that there swere in the educational field. L t could remain as a six-grade school or kindergarten, a rdi ama centre, and for festival prcice. The community sprtwas high. Mr. Carman said that "we lived thmough this at Brown's; the building down,,the comn- mnunity gone.", Mr., Robinson pointed out that the area' has not declined in population, expansion may be needed i a Shaw's. Trustee A.J. Werry re- marked' that it was not the intent to, take the building down-. Heie en>tioned the- sentimnental values, and "we closed -Burketon". Three churches Were closed. No one likes change, but change is necessary. "Children after grade six get into trouble, not before. There is more trouble in grades seven, eight and nîne. Moment of Decision Motion by Trustees Hum- phreys and Johnson, with some members dissenting, was carried "that the school be closed, but not disposed of, for a period of one year, at whîcb time the matter would be referred to the Committee for the Disposition of Closed School Properties." Before the motion was voted on, Mr. Holmes explained that there were two different things; not only the closîng of the school but the Board's continuing program on the tri-level system. The distance from Shaw's to Vincent Mass- ey was 1.9 miles. The move to Bowmanville was in the best interest of ail children. Poten- tial growth at Shaw's was non- existent. Trustee Howard Sheppard said his sympathy was witb the delegation, but hie would have to su pport the motion. Trustee Carman asked that the motion be clarified. Superintendent of Instruc- tion H.R. Moorerof t said other alternatives could be ex- plored, even a museum school. Decision how Shaw's could be used should not be made at this moment. At the moment of truth, 10 voted for the motion. Four did not vote for it. Two Board members were absent, Dr. I.C. Wilson and George Blyth. Another Sehool in Jeopardy Histonicah.fact now is that Shaw's Scbool is to bc closed. Anotbîer scbool'is in jeopardy. The Board of Education received this communication from Mrs. Joyce McColl, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, Ontario:- "Board of Education, D)'Arcy Street, Cobourg, On- tario. "Enclosed you will find a photostatic copy of a petition which illustrates the concemn of parents and taxpayers in the East Mape Grove area. "Mr. S. Worden has inform- ed me that our school will remain open in September, 1975. Thank you, to t h ose who were instrumental in making this decision. "However I must impress spon this Board, our concern ifeot for the present year alone but for the future! We feel a shool, whicb bas an enrolmen of 84 plus two kindergartens should be ept open indefiitely.pi the Petition Thepetitio reads as follows TO NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE-BOARD 0F EDUCATION: - We, the undeicsignedfind ours.ves an sap~îidnt th"e thaned culding dofn Mae m thatoe Eare snt Puli coed intent o Mapke Groe buildn ENNISK LLEN (intended for last week) we with God, if The cold winds do blow but requirements ni fortunately the sun shines happy membet brightly too which proves we Choir and lead cannot have everthing. The musical messae change to E.D.S. Time basthem 'uigher not, apparently, caused any added solo part b frustration perhaps due to the and duet by Sus fact that change usually Paul Bigby. 1V means progress as we have Lyns submitte already experienced in the ing Prayer."* gradual conversion to the given in unison w Metric System with its Celsius poetress Mrs. Temperature reading etc. wellTyrone. Tv Attendance at the Sun a.m. "The Church' services has not -"flugged" Thanks and except in homes where illness Mr Elgin R. is the restraining factor. The closingprayer v church-going folks continue to Mrs. J. Kelly, worship in the Assembly area Dorthy Sharp h of the school but in the near the Jr. Congreg future will be able to gather at auditorium. the Church again as the S.S. session wr alterations are progressing brevîty by Sup satistactorily. The Church Bowman. Mrs. Service had a special tone as bers assisted b the prayers, devotional read- McGill continue ing and two hymns came from practice with the pen of 3 congregation The monthly peî members whom we will weregiven to Ti mention as this report con- Eleanor Werr tinues. Rev. Bigby's story t adopted girl Toi the children was really well staff attended t chosen as he referred to kite booksand held a flying. He told how kites jerk "torLanize pla and sometimes break theAniversaiy ser string as if to say "let me be also concert. free from restriction" and are The Commun then carried far away and was Sunday p.m wrecked in a tree as a resuit. Our Cubs and Likewise some girls and boys îng was Mondaye resent guidance and rules to school Cleanin meet the same fate as the "Prodical Son" and really miss the warmth and love of home. "Faith Is the Found- ation of the Church" was the title chosen for our minister's sermon. He clearly showed A that faith is personal and bas a definite time in each one's life similar to Peter's. The explan- ation revealed that Baptism and Confirmation are proof of our standing, then we, with God, after conversion, repent- ance with willingness and readiness will live the new life in Christ. These requirements are accompanied by difficult- ies which need strength to stand against opposition, persecution, suffering and huran proneness to mundane desires. Attention was turned to a list of several Bible people who met this challenge nobly and were victorious; so can North, Lot 19, Concession Two, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, formerly Township of Darlington, for the following reasons:- 1. We believe a small school provides a more personal relationshi p between Teacher and Student. The Principal is able to know each child. 2. It is inpossible to maintain childhood friendships if children attend three differ- ent schools, this tends to produce insecure children. 3. The present school is cen- tral, so bus time is mini- mized. 4. The existing community spirit is doomed. 5. The Maple Grove Christian Education Centre, adjacent to the school, could be pmade available as a gymnasium or auditorium. 6. It is most important for a child to obtain his early education in a friendly neighborhood and to feel a part of this group. 7. Fifty percent of the child- ren at present are able to go home at lunch. 8. We feel that there would be no benefit to the individual child's education to attend a different school at this stage of his development. 9. Durham Region population is growing, thus more schools will be needed in the future. It is a waste of tax dollars to close this school and in the near future build another. 10.The tax dollars paid by the Maple Grove East Com- munity are ample to war- rant a voice in their expenditure. The same equipment such as desk, books, paper, etc., would be necessary per child in any school. Additional bus ser- vice and continued main- tenance of present school would outweight any notice- ablweawithvGod, if LNNIVERSARY SPECIAL Buy Party Barrel at Reg. Price (18 Pieces Chicken) You Receive FREE $2.00 Box of French Fries 16 - Oz. Cole Slaw Buy 13 - Piece Box at Reg. Price You Receive FREE $1.00 Box of French Fries 16 - Oz. Cole Slaw THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY FRI.-SAT.-SUN. MAY 9 - 10 - Il This Special Is Perfect for a Mother's Day Treat!! VIRGINIA FRIED CHICKEN Treat Your Faimily Like Con !i 1969' TRADEMARK THE MARY BROWN CORP RICHMOND. VIRGINIA 75/2 King St. E. Bowmanville Next to I.G.A. onnummu