6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, May 7, 1975 CANADA RD I EF CANADA GRADE, "A" BEEF C VD4GAE' ROAST RUMP ROAST ORm' SIRLOIN POINT ROAST H C E S'l1 A LONG REACH: New steel transmission polIes appearing on Ontario Hydro rights-of-way re- quire special work methods. Un- able to easily clirnb out onto crossarms as they were with older style lattice towers, men must use platforms> affixcd to the tower arms or ladders suspended from them- both time consuming efforts. For two months, Hydro tested a Condor 150-foot tele- scoping aerial boom as an alter- native. None of the units are used in Canada, so this one- seen almost fully extended at a tower near the QEW - was brought in from the United States. Duplicate controls for the boom- the high- est known - are on the crane base and the work platform. The $200, 000 ùnit can be mounted on a crane carrier, a tractor-trailer, or a large al-terrain vehicle. Besides providing easy access to tower arms, the Condor 150 eliminates the need for dropping conductors to the ground during stringing. This facilitates better selective cut- ting of trees betwe en towers on a transmission line. I mmediate ac- quisition of the aerial boom would be uneconomic, but with more steel poles being erected, such equipment will eventually become a necessity. By pre-testimg the boom, Hydro will know exactly the value of- and optimum time' for- purchasing or leasing a similar unît. Ontarîo Hydro Photo IGARDENINGj A hobby greenhouse enables a gardener to produce bis own g arden fresh vegetables and flowers al yVear round. "Hobby greenhouses corne in many sizes, shapes and price> ranges," says Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist J. K. Hughes. "Styles include, con- ventional greenhouses with straight lines, lean-tos, free- standing ones with curved ea ves, window greenhouses, circular ones, gazebos, and greenhouses shaped like min- iature teahouses. Their cover- ing materials range from glass to polyethylene to fiber- glass." Choose the site for' a greenhouse carefully. Make sure it is convenient to reach in ail seasons. Since natural daylight is relatively limited in Ontario, locate the green- bouse on the south, west, or east side of any shade-pro- ducing structures. Make sure the site is level, has good drainage, and is uniikely to be covered with fallen branches after a windstorm. To prevent the heaving caused by frost action, set the g reenhouse attached to a uilding, or unheated through part of the winiter, on a footing below the frost line. ,A foundatiQn of poured concrete or some other durable mater- il can prevent the cracked glass panes caused by set- tiing. "In a glass greenhouse, the panes should overiap rather, than butt," says Mr. Hughes.' "This reduces the chances of cold outside air seeping in. Several types of greenhouses arqut loose and a thorough Ca kin helps make, them more sound.' Practical ýways t o heat a greenhouse include a forced air duct from a bouse furnace or a 220-volt electrical heater. However, heat provided by these means is relatively dry and may lower the humidity. Space heaters that use natural -gas or oil can also be purchased for greenhouses.. Ventilation and framework materials are aiso factors to consider. Before starting a genouse, consult an estab- lihe greenhouse building company for more informa- tion. May 8, 1975 is World Red Cross Day. t honors the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross. This year's slogan is Red Cross: Your Emergency, Lifeline. In times of war or disaster ail over the wvorld, Red -Cross Societies BONELESS - CHEÇK THE TRIM! CANADA G'RADE "A" BEEF SCIINEIDERS BRAND, BLUE RIBBON Sirloi PointSteakb . 8 ologna BY THE PIECE CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHEDR RNSIE Top Round Steak or Roast lb $1 .48 SCookEdERA mLI FUL.L SLICE - CHECK THE TRIM Round Steak CUT FRPM EYE 0F SIRLOIN POII Cube Steaks 6-oz Ve SCHNEIDERS BRAND, PORK SAUSAGE 1b128 Mini Sizzlers «T. CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF CHECKI TETRI M 16$1.78 SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES Cooked Meats FRESH PRIDE 0F CANADA M inced Round Steak lb $1.18 Wieners TOWN CLUB OR SUPER-RIGHT TOWN CLUB, SWEFT PICKLED Sliced Side Bacon'l1-lb Vac Pac $1. 38 Cottage Rolis 2-IL 6-oz V, (1. b1 Vac P ESSEX BRAND, STORE PACK lb 89W Beef & Pork Sausages b69< MAPLE LEAF, 5 VARIETIES, COOKED acPac 89< Mleat Chunks VAc PAC lb $1.09 Sliced Beef Liver lb 68< lb 99<Hamburg Patties 2-lb pkg $1.3 8 (Pac4 ý HIGHLINER, FROZEN 5-LB PKG $2.89 12-LB PKG $6.89 acB VCPC40 Boston Bluefish Fillets lb 59< LB VACPAC ~ GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE ,4 145 Chicken Cutiets lb 78< GOLDEN SKIILLET, FROZEN, HEAT &, SERVE lb $1.09 hicken Legs & Breasts îb$1.3 8 A&P CONSUMER N "h &P Consultant teal a o o adviceon any food or e M avall orletertain na probfer Write ta Us for Our booklets: iigpolm 0. Sa You're Sho-pn o W b. Meal Planning and Shopping Older Persan Guide for the c. Shopping To Save At A&p d. Lunch for the Children e. Tips on Purchasing and Lsing Meats 'D'A B3URNS & ASSOCIýATES IC 1260 Lakeshore Road East IC LMISSISSAJG'AOntro L5E 388. ftro if A etP Selfs It, A &P 61urUn te es kt! r CORONATION - WHOLE OR POLSKIE 'ACTION PRICEDI DILL PICKLES 3 jr-z i69< 8O'CLOCK -- A SUPERB BLIND, RICH IN BB1RAZILIAN COFFEES (SAVE 16c) BEAN COFFEE R':bag9< CORONATION - SWEET, HOT DOG, CORN, HAMBURGER ACTION PRIICEDI, e12-f-oz 3 9 Shop A4&P - ÀAhsoluîtely No Compromise àn Qouity! IN TOMATO SAUCE 14-FLOZ TIN CATELLI 3$ SPAGHETTI i STRAINED - MEATLESS VARIET IES Gerber's Baby Food 43/4 -fl-z ar21< PULL-ON - SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE EXTRA-LARGE or TODDLER SIZES Gerber's Ec Baby Pants 89Ç REGULAR - 20's & 25's CARTON 0F 200 Belvedere Cigarettes $5.89 Sof Margarine 1-lb tub -8 9 OATMEAL Dad's Cookies 24-.z carry pack $1 .39 ORANGE FLAVOUR PKG 0F 2, 6%-OZ ENVS A&P SUNMIX 09<b CRYSTALS é9 LIGHT 'N LIEL - PLAIN OR FLAVOURS Yogurt 4 6-z cartons $1 .00 ALL PLIRPOSE GRIND Maxwell House 1-lb bag$1.09, FUN SIZE Mars Candy Bars 1-lb pkg $1 .49À SALTINES OR PLAIN A&P Crackers 1-lb box 65< DETERGENT ACTION PRICEDI Ivory Liquid 32-fI-oz plastic btl $1.19 MILD CHIEDDAR Schneiders Cheese 12oz wedge$,5 Arrving Fresh from auar o wn o vens! MARVEL BRAND, SLICED JANE PARKER, SPICY. RAISIN RICHI (SAVE lOc), dm 0 19-o z M SanRisphBar Ci- ake C79<' JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 21c) Twin Roils 2 12 F9< More Quality Jone Parker Baked Coods! LOVS$100O Jane Parker, Rhubarb Apple or Meringue «SAVE ]oc) Lemon Pie FULL 8-INCH PIE Each 8 9< JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) JeIIy Donuts pkg of669< JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CIIOCOLATE <SAVE 10c) Chiffon Cake 13-oz cake79< JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN (SAVE 4c) Coffee Cake 12-oz cake 7.5< JANE PARKER (SAVE 4c) Babka Coffee Cake 16-oz cake 93<, F ROZEN, DESSERT TOPPING ACTION PRICEDI Cool Whip 16-oz carton 5 9< PRIOR PARK A CTION PRICED! S alada Tea Bags pkg of 110089< REGULAR, GARLIC, ONION, WITH MEAT TENDERIZER Heinz B3.B3.Q1. Saute 18-fi-oz btl 79 Id Flowers Available F~or Mother's Day: 1 Potted Tuberous -Chrysan- Begonias fhemums Mixed Pans Flower African Hanging, Violets Baskets Geraniums ALSO A GOOD VARIETY 0F CUT FLOWERS: Cut Pom Poms Cut Daff odilIs Cut Tulips Mixed Bunches t'e (0o PRODIKE DEPARTÀMENT FEA TURES! CANADA No. 1 GRADE, TEXAS, LARGE FIRM HEADS "N 'We Redeem AL food Store Coupons!" CALIFORNIA - EXCELLENT IN SALADS CALIFORNIA, FRESH, CRISP, LARGE HEADS Avo0cado Pears 3for,OO qpRomlai*ne ,Lettuce CALIFORNIA, NEW CROP, VALENCIA, SIZE 113 CANADA NO.' 1 GRADE, à% FLORIDA, FIRM. RIPE s~Oranges Dozen99W Tomatfoes 2-LB. T Each 3 9< y 99c '-t dpo u K-M I aTHROLJGH SAT1JRDAY, MAY 1th, 1975. JANE PARKER (SAVE lOc) Frosted Bail Donuits pkg of 16.5 9< JANE PARKER' (SAVE 10c) Bran Muffins pkg of 6 49< JANE PARKER FULL 8-INCH PIE Strawberry Pie Eacl, 99< JANE PARKER 18-OZ PKG Honey Molasses Cookies 89 JANE PARKER 10-01 pKG Raspberry Turn-Overs 5 5< SPARKLING ANTACID-Regular Size ACTION PRICEDI Eno Fruit Saits 3.75-oz bottle 1 .07 PINK OR BLUE ACTION PRICEDI J-Cloths pkg of 12 $1.09 DAYTIME - PKG OF 24 OR OVERNIGHT PKG Of 18 Diapers & JOH4NSON pkg $2.3 9 IMPOTDEIDAIL $00 lllq>N 1 A '0(Ole 1 V\I 4\11 IMPORTED -rFRESH PA à Y ý 1 ik ,WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREM'ENT-ri 1