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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1975, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesmai C LflS SIFIE D....RD S y. ,:..;.:.::.:....: . ...,.......... .. .. ............ . ...... . .. ... ...... . ...... .... .. . .............' .................................. M lle.. . . ..::sc.,.. ...&..:::::y... ~ ................. ., :.......... .............. ...... ..:S Y.«. an, Bowmanv]il May 14,,1975 1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:.30' p.m. PIRADLEY-Brian and Sue 1 îounce the arrivaI at Mem- jrial Hospital on Saturday, 'ýay 10, 1975 at 10:08 a.m. of '-,rYacy Michelle. Pnoud grand- .,,Xparents are Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Badley of Toronto and Mn. and Mns. R.J. Nolan of Ï London, England. 20-i McREELIS-'Paula, Steven and Kevin are pleased to announce the arrivaI of thein new brother, Christopher Gardon on May i1, 1975._ Mammy doing fine. 20-1, OKE - Steven and Barbana are pleased ta announce the birth of thein daughten, Sarah Ellen, 5 lb. 61/2 oz. on Friday, May 2nd, 1975 in Memanial Hospital, Bowmanville. 20-1 SETO-Wally and Joy (nee Wohg) are pleased ta an- naunce the arrivai of thein daughter, Karen, 7 lbs., 101/4 ozs. on! May 6,, 1975 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special thanks ta Dr. Ewert and maternity floon. 20-i WHITE-Dave and Sandy (nee Jones) are proud ta arnnaunce the birth of their son, Scott Edwand Lyndon, 9 lb. 61/4 oz. on May 6, 1975 at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Proud gnandpanents are Mns. Pauline' Jones and Mn. and Mrs. Lyndlon White of Bowmanville. Special thanks ta Dr. Hubband and the nurses an Maternity. 20-1 WORDEN-Keith a nd Lois (nee Ashton) are happy ta announce the arrivai of thein, daughter, Elisabeth Maynene, 7 lb. 9 oz., on Sunday, May 4, 1975 at Oshawa Genenal Hos- i tlaI A sisten for Richard. himd grandchilýd for Mn. and Mrs. Harny Worden and second gnandchild for Mn. and Mns. Orville Ashfon. 20-1 VAN SCHELTINGA-Gearge and Alice are happy ta announce the birth of thein daughter, Alicia Louise on Friday, May 2, 1975 at Oshawa Genenal Hospital. A sister fan Ricky and Tanya. Special thanks ta Drs. Spean and Cheah and nurses. Proud qra ndpanents are Mns. A. De aaoyen, Bowmanville and Mn. C. VanScheltinga, Holand. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bickle are happy ta annaunce the engagement of thein eldest dau ghter, Dia ne Marie ta Mark, son of Mn. and Mns. J. P. Murdoch, al1 of Bowman- ville. 20-1 "~. Robertf Lambert is pleased ta annaunce 'the engagement af his daughter, Dianle Cynthia fa Mn. Jack Mayberry, son of Mn. and Mns. Ken Maybenry of Bcw- manville. 20-1 Mn. and Mrs.' Roy Anger, Bowmanville, are p Ieased ta announce the fathcaming marriage of their daughter, Catherine ta Douglas, son 0f Mn. and Mrs. Charles Staple- ton, Orono. The wedding ta take place Saturday, June 21, 1975, 4 p.m. at Sf. John's Anglican Church, Bowman- ville. 20-1 Mn. and Mrs. Russell Oke are pleased ta annaunce the forthcomin gmaniage ut their da nher Dbonah Lynne ta Edwr tnajwons, son of Mn. and Mrs. Dimitra Strojwans, Oshawa. The wedding ta take * lce J une 14, 1975 af 4 p.m. in in ity Church, Bawmanville. 20-ix Mn. and Mrs. Beverley Pearce, Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Clair Allen are happy ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter and son nespectively, Patricia Jean and Wayne Clair, on June 20,' 1975 at Trinity United Church, Bowmanviîle.' 20-lx Mn. and Mrs. Donald Visser, Bowmanville, are pleased ta announce the farthcoming marniage of their daughfen, Ann, ta Frederick Abert, son of Mn. and Mrs. John Mars, Whitby. The ceremony will take place May 31, 1975 af 3 p.m. in the Rehobofh Christ ian Retormed Chunch. Bowman- villg.9 20-l WESTHEUSEIR - Suddenly at his residence, R.R. 1, Newfonville, on Thursday, May 8th, 1975, Edward Charles Westheuser, in his 77fbth r beîoved husband of Mïat rie Noakes, dean father of Sy yjla (Mrs. J. Biribauer), Hugh, Frank, Robent, James, Linda (Mrs. E. Warshawski) and Peter. Service was held in the Marris Fonenal Chapel, Bowmanville,. on Tuesday at 1: 30. Cremation. 20-1 WEýfLýAKE - Suddenly at his residence, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton, on Friday, May 9th, 1975, Pency Westlake, aged 58 c ars, beloved husband of Iva Ferguson, dean fathen of Allan, Arlene (Mns. Grant GlaspelI) and Don. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Monday at 1:30. Interment Hampton Ceme- tery. .20-1 ALEXANDER- At Oshawa Generéfl Hospital, on Wednes- day, May 7th, 1975, Alexander G. Alexander, Oshawa (fonmerîy of Coutice), aged 66 yeans, betoved husband of Marjorie Alexander, dean father of Belle (Mns. Rudy Eyman), R.R. 1, Part Hope, Alex, R.R. 1, Oshawa, grand- father of Cheryl, Cathy, Jamie, Susan and Marie Eyman, Douglas, David and Daryl Alexander. Service was held in the Morris Funera*l Chapel, Bowmanville, an Saturday af 1:30. Interment Lakeview Cemeteny, Newton- ville. 20-i BANNISTER - Suddenly af Scarborough General Hospital on Friday, Ma y 9th, 1975, James Robent Bannister, 76 Liberty St. S., Bawmanville, aged 19 yeans, beloved son of Mn. -and 'Mns. George Bannis- fer, River Glade, N.B., dean brother cf Joseph, Clarence, Johnny, Bernice (Mrs. Robent Gray), Eldon, Arthur and George. Rested af the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until Satundlay affer- noon. Service and interment Petitcaodiac, N.B. 20-i OGDEN, Wilfred M.-At the Oshawa General Hospital an Wednesday, May 7, 1975, Wilfred M. Cgden beloved husband of Stel la Inene Ly- cetf, in his 79fh year, father of Mrs. Henry Ellegetf (Betty- Lau), Oshawa, gnandfather of David, George and Sherri-Lou Ellegett, brother cf Mrs. Vlda Parker, Oshawa, Mrs. Clama Cosco, Palmyra, U.S.A., Mrs. Emma Penders, Aubamne, U.S.A. and Earn Ogden, Rochester, N.Y. Rested at the Armstrong Funenal Home, Oshawa, with funenal service in the chapel Satunday, May 10 at i p.m. Interment Onono Cemeten y. Memorial dona- tions ta the Heant Fund would be apprec iated. 20-1 OVENS, (Lena) Evelena-Af Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, May 8, 1975, Evelena Burîey of New- tonville, in her 95th year. Wife of the late George Ovens. Dean mothen of Frank of Newton- ville and Mrs. Kenneth Ware (Charlotte) af Oillia. Rested at the Nrthcuft Elliott Funeral Home. Privafe funeral service 1:30 o'clock, Saturday affennoon. Inter- ment Newfonville Cemetery. 20-1 CARNATION For AIl Your Fîower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT C arnation Flower Shop 33 Division St.. 623-7141 12-ff "FIc VAN BELLE lowers ay ît 3est" DAILY Delîveryto ... Oshawa - Bowmanviîîe Ai Phone 623-4441 CARD-In loving memomy cf a dean husband, John who passed away May 14, 1970. Alone but neyer quite alone I face an empty chair But sometimes in the silence 1 imagine he is there My companion fan 50 many years No langer here with me And yet in same mystericus way He keeps me company. -Lavingly remembened and sadly missed by wife Evelyn. 20 1 RUNDLE- Mrs. Gea. In memory cf mather, who passed away May 15, 1954. Thoughts today, memories foreven. - Even remembered by daughfer Mel and son-in-law Jack. 20-i RUNDLE - Mrs. Gea. n memory of mothen and grand- mother, who pas5ed away May 15, 1954. God has her in his keeping, We have hen in aur heants. -Lovingly remembered by daughfer', Lola (Flanida) and granddaughter, heather (Ill- nais). 20-1 My sîncere thanks toalal who voted for me nr the election. Congratulations f0 Mrs. Ann Cawman. I wish hem much success an the Newcastle Cauncil. Raymond LeBlanc 20-1ix I would like fa thank everyone who sent me <ards, flowers, visifed me in the hospifal and since caming home. A special thanks ta those who have helped in cf hem variaus ways. Also Dr. Keith Slemon'and nurses on Floor 1, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Jean Slemon 20-i x Special thanks 'to Dr. Masienko," Dr. Shaw, Dr. Grant, the staff of 8G of Oshawa Genenal Hospital and the third floor nurses at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville fan thein kindness during my recent stay in the hospital. I wauld also like ta thank relatives and friends for their gifts, flowers and visifs and a special thank you ta the Pont lacs.. Mns. Manie Lane 20-1 1 wishré express my blhks ta my friends arkid relatives for cards, flowens and visits during my stay in hospital, and f0 Dr. Fenguson and the nurses and attendants on the third floor for services cheer- fully rendered. J.H. (Jim) Abennethy 20 lx I would like ta thank the nurses on emergency, Dr. Ewert, nurses on surgical floor for thein cane and kindness ta me. Also my friends and family who visit- ed, sent cards and flowers while I was in Memorial Hospital. If was tnuly appre- ciafed. Kathleen Davey Wewould liketo express aur sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to friends and ne'ghbar rea for cards, messageso sym- pathy. acts of kîndness during 43-tf the loss of m y father. Jean and Jack Ogden and Family. Is BEST-ln lovin g memory of a dean son and brother, Bob, who passed away May 16, 1965. Beautif ul memories are wond- enfui things, They last 'tiI the langest day, They neyer wean ouf, they neyer get aost, And can neyer be gîven away. To some you may be forgatten, To others a p art of the pasf, But ta us who loved and aost yau, Your memory, will always ast. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his family. 20-ix FALLIS-In loving memonyof Max who passed away on May 13, 1973. In aur heants a memony is kept. -Sadly missed by wife Moira, Doug, Suzie and Rosie. 20-1 MARC HANT-I'n loving mem .- ory of a dear son, Richard Francis Marchant, who pass- ed away, May 15, 1952. Just as you were, you WiII always be tneasured for- ever in aur memary. -Even remembered by the family and mather.. 20-1ix Mc K EE-I1n 1av i ng m e mory of aur dean brother, Orma McKee who passed away May 8th, 1946. We cannof hait fhe hands of time On live again the past. Within aur hearts and mem- ories That wiIl forever last. -Lovingîy remembered by brothens and sisters. 20-i PAYN E-In Ioving memony of a dean brother, John Payne, who passed away May 2th, 1971. Four yeans have passed Our heants stili sore We miss hlm mare As time goes on. -Sadly missed by sisters Evelyn and Esther. 20-lx The family of the late Raymond Hutchinson wish ta express their sincere fhanks to friends and neighbours for their kindnesses during aur recent bereavement. Many thanks for donations ta the Cancer Society in his memory and for the many floral arrangements. Particulan, thanks ta Florence Nightin- gale and, Beehive Rebekah Lodges, Club 59, Marris Funenal Chapel and special thanks ta Rev. W. Oake. 20- lx I wouîd like ta express my sincere fhanks ta neighbouns, friends and relatives for visits, cards, gifts and flowens while in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Special fhanks ta Dr. Sylvester, nurses an 3rd flbar. Mrs. Mary Beatrîce Gould 20-lx The family of the late Roy Bunley wish ta express their sincere thanks toalal their friends, relatives and neigh- bars for thein acts of kindness, floral tributes and memorial fund donations made during their recent bereavement. Special thanks fa Rev. Long, Rebekah Ladge and the Morris Funeral Chapel. 20-1 x Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy wish ta thank Mr. and Mrs. Camenan, Ruth Anne and neighbors from Long Sault who contributed towards aur wedding gift. 20 ix The family of the late Evelena (Lena) Ovens wauld like ta thank the Newtonville iTiendIs and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy during their recent bereave- .ment. 20-ix Plant Sale. Bowmanville Horticultural Society, Bow- mariville Public Librany, 7:00 p.m., May 2lst. Regulai meeting affer sale. Visitons welcome. 20-1 - e BAKE SALE Fri., May 16th At 10 aI.m. CLIFFCREST CLEANERS SPONSORED BY BOWMANVILLE KINETTES 19-2 Ennistkîllen S.S. Anniversa ry Service WILL BE HELD Sun. May 18 - 2 p. m. Guest speaker Rev. Wm. Wells, Peterborough. Please note change of date. Annual Buffet Supper, Wednesday, May 21 t ram 4:00 p.m. on. Adulfs $3.00 Chiîdren Under 12 Years $1.50 19-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Spansoned by Oshawa Minnr Softbail JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Don't forget ta attend the "Spring Musical Festival" by Ross Metcaîf and Associates an Wednesday, May 21sf at 8 p.m. in the Bawmanville High School Auditorium sponsoned by O.E.S. Tickets are $2.00- each. Caîl 623-3134 on 623-5701. 17-4 Garden Party & Reception in hanour of MR. A.A. DRUMMOND, ORONO CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY, ORONO - 2-4 Sunday, May 25th Mr. Druffmmnd's paintings are on show at the library. in attendance Concordia Paps Concert Orchestra and Country Four Quartet. Cook- ies, calke s, lemnonade. NO ADMISSION CHARGE. EVERYONE WELCOME. 20-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday May 16 - 17 Dancing 9-i 20-1 Dancing Saturday Night May 17 AT CLUB ANNRENE on Scugog Island featuring CHOO Radio's Bill Johnson 20-1 SUNSHINE TOURS Victoria Weekend Rochester Lilac Festival May 16 - l9th Wheeîing West Virginia Jamboree May 16 - 19th Dunderin Castle Bell Telephone Museum Sunday, April 2Oth Mystery Tour April1 27th Western Canada and Alaska Highway August 2 - 25th For details phone or write: Sunshine Tours Box 214 Part Hope or phone,885-4822 Cobourg 372-9961 or evenings 885-2200. 16-4 Sunshine T'ours Niagara Falls Sunday, May 1ilth, Ottawa Tuîip Festival May 25th, Victoria Weekend Wheeling, West Vîrginia May 16 - 19, Rochester Lilac Festival May 16 - 19, Western Canada and North- West Ternîtories Aug. 2 - 25 Maritimes Tour Sept. 6 - 20 For information write: Box 214, Part Hope or phone 885-4822 or 372-9961 or even- ings 885-2200. 18-4 Bowmanville Museum will- open May 23, 7:30 p.m. Cratt demonstratians, display tram Bick's Pickles Canadiana Cruet Collection. Free ad- mission opening night anly, children must be accom- panied by adult. Open daily theneatter 2 ta 5 except Mondays. Graup appoint- ments caîl 623-2734 or 623-3427. 20-2 Month of May is Open Bowling at Liberty Bowl. For Reservations Phone 623-5663. 18-3 Rummage sale 1- 4 p.m. at Bowmanville Public Library, Friday, May 23. Spansored by First and Fifth qrownie and Third Guide Mothers. 20-2 Town League Hoýckey Ban- quet, Sat. 3lst. May. Tickets available tram: Bob Hellam 623-2072, Brian Bradley 576- 5286, Gene Balsam 576-3037, Ron Hoooer- contact Hoop- er's Jeweîlers, Lanny Burns Tim's Rent-Ail. 20-3 Fish and Chips. Ail you can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Antiques bau ght and sold. Open every Sat. and Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. 20-4 Eldad United Church will sponsor an auction sale at Sauina Community Hall on June l4th at 1 p.m. Donations of articles for sale would be appreciated. Cali 263-2107 or 263-2329. 20-1 We need your voice in Planning a project ta help seniors. Social Planning Coun- cil, May 22nd, 8 p.m. Council Chambers, Bowmanvilîe. 20-2 Plan ta attend the Annual Coffee Party and display of -Interestina Oddities" at Mrs. A Strike's, 8 Beech Avenue, on Wednesday morning, June 4th,f rom 1lOto 12. Arranged by Unit 7 of Trinity United Church Wamen. Baby sitting provided. 20-2 Community Dance, Sauina Hall, Friday, May l6th, 7:30 11:00 p.m. $1.00 per persan, $2.50 per couple. Proceeds ta M.J. Hobbs class trip. - 20-1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done wîth modemn up-ta dlate equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East 5Phane 623-5747 34-tf SIX piece dinette set, librany table, Morris recliner, rocking chair, platform rocker, 3 pce. chrome suite, chesterfield suites, desk, tnunks, dressers, vanity smaîl appliances, cribs, fowne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. Open Wednesdays 9- 1. 20-i DAHLIA bulbs, good selec- -tion, 5 for $1.00, also a few geraniums>. Phone 623-5898. 20-1 POTATOES excellent quality table stock, also small -pota- toes for seed. Sebagoes and Irish Cobblers. 623-2847. 20-lx ROTO-tiller, 31/2 hanse oower. direct drive, Briggs and Stratton engine. Used only 3 times. Cail 1-983-5955. 20-1 ROTO-Tiller, 8 h.p. new, Micro meter odd ta four, 30" stove, good condition. 623-2625. 19-2x TV ANTENNAS STowers, U HF, VH F Aeria s, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes, Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced f0 SAV E you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN O FURNACE soor MOT WATER H EATE R No Payments for Six Months CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206,Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf ALLIS-Chalmers tractor D17, 6 cyl. diesel, complete engine overhaul, pulley, power steer- ing, wheel weights, coul and pre-heater, tires g ood; also 3-point hitch. T e le phone 263-2185. 20-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, ramn carrying systems. Lamne Allin, 1 Prince St. 623-3871. Supremne Window and Door Ca. 20-lx SET of golf clubs, 1 and 3 wood, 3, 5, 7, 9 irons, putter, cart and bag. Excellent con- dition. Phone 623-7509. 20-1 ,CEDAR fence rails for antique "fencinig. Phone,263-8142. 20-8x AI R compressors, g enerators, power hack and band saw, sump and water pumps, electric chain hoists, drill presses, etc. Ace Machinery Co., 859A Nelson St., Oshawa, 723-0933. 20-4 LARGE size wooden crib, car seat, old style baby carrnage which converts to stroller. 1-986-4257. 20-if GARAGE Sale, Friday, May 16th at Art Priestley's, North Street in Newcastle. Look for sign. Somne antique furniture and miscellaneous articles. Time 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or phone 987-5156. 20-1 HARDTOP tent trailen, sleeps 4. 263-2914. 20-1 CEMENT mixer (no mator), 212 cu. feet, $45. Bicycle bay's, 18" t rame, 3 speed, may need some adîustment $20. Phone 623-5445. 20-1 DURO waten pump- and mator. Goad condition. Phone 1-983-5118. 21-ix %OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and, DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il-tf 81 RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA 576-55, MAY WAREHOUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION . As Low As 1/2 Price and Less On Remanents and Ends of Rolis 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next doon to Ruddy Electrîc) Open tram 9ta 8p.m. Monta Fmi., Sat. 9ta 4 CLOSED ALLDAY SUNDAY TWO brand new G-60 tires on 15" slotted chrome rims for a GM car. Phone 623-7335. 20-1ix 1974 LIONEL hardtop camper trailer, sleeps four,' like new condition. Ph one 623-3295. 20-1 1,000 BALES dlean straw, 65c bale. 1-983-5474. 20-1 x ONE baby car bed $8, 1 Gendron stroller $10 and Mansfield acoustic guitar $125. Phone 613-7956. 20-1 22" BLACK and white T.V. console, excellent coridition. Cal 623-7979. 20-1 TAPAN range, captain's bed, B &W T.V., electric organ, telephone bench, table and chairs , rabbit cages. 1-983- 5373. 20-1lx ONE 30" push button Viking range electric; one 2 burner electric rangette. Phone 623-5934. 20-1 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak. wood. New furniture verý reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377 52-t PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances Will accept trade-ins. Paddy'ý Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-tý USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf SECONDS Mac appl es, $2.50 a bushel. Phone Bill. Feddema after 5 at 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 17-tf OLIVER, 3 furrows plow trip-beam. Dunham, tandem disc with cylinder. 50 feet steel manger-feeder on wheels. After 7, 1-986-4679. 20-1, '69 APACHE hardtop tent trailer with canopy. Asking $1200. 623-5966 after 6 p.m. 20-1 LIGHT weight 13' Scotty house trailer, fully enclosed, added, equalizer bars, mirrors, jack, spare tire, many extras, like new. $1,290. Phone 723-0368. 20-1 FREEZERS- 7,12,16 and 23 cu. ft. Carnegie, Pro Hard, ware, 36 King S t. JE. 623-5408. 20-1 SEVEN bundles of Seal O- Matic shingles, black. 623- 3123. 1 20-1 SA ILBOAT- 13 ft. fiberglass cartop "Bandit" class sa ilboat complete with Laser mast sails and fittîngs. As new $590. See at GiIl's Marina or phone 623-2552 or 623-5061. - 20-1 RIlDl1NG lawn mawe, 7h.p., 3 speed, 30 inch cut. 'Gaod condition. $250.00. Phone 623- 2802. 20-ix BICYCLE bay's 3 speed C.C.M. Mustang like new. Phone 263-2135. 20-1lx SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributon has above graund aluminum pools left over from 1974 season. 12 price. Guaran- teed installation and terms. Cali Credif Manager callect 416-292-2268. il-tf OSHAWA TRACTOR. SALES TRACTORS & EQUI PMENT LAWN & GARDEN EQUI1P. FARM MACHINERY ffm KUIGIRU COMPACT FARM T RA CTOR S SALES-SERVICE- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 16 tf SCREENED and unscree top soil, screened sand gravel. Phone 623-3412. Final Sale CoId Storage Appi( Spy No. 1 - $5 a Bushel Seconds Spy and Deliciaus $1.50 a Bushel Some Potatoes $2.00 a Bush Bring own containers. DRYWOODS FARM Frank Hiemstra 263-2260 LION EL Hard Top Camper and Travel Trailers Canadlian Bult 15 Models Bank Rate Financing KAMPING UNLIMITED i Mile N. on Towniine Rd East City Limits Oshawa 728-9942 1" and i7-4 CENTRAL Marine Elect'ron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- tor for ComDPv Marine Pro- ducts. 16 if SOME nursery stock and qiadioli bulbs-50 cenltsa doz. G. Hartemink, R.R. 2, New- castle, 987 4430. 19-4 DI1F FE R ENT varieties of per- ennials for the flower garden. G. Verbocht, R.R. 5 Bawman- vl e. 9,3 Buy direct from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd., has a huge selectian cf fine, Rçuality monuments, large and small to fit any need. Confie by bur display yard at 73 Ontario ; treet, Port Hope or telephone ~85-5216 for a monument that endures. 5-tf, Outboa rd Motors The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatian invites sealed bids on the fcllowing Outboand Matons: 4 - Johnson 6 H. P. Outboard Matons 1 - Evinrude 9.9 H.P, Outboard Mator The matons may be seen at C.D.C.I. East by contacting Mr. George Davis at the schoal for an appointment. There is a resenve bid on these matons. Bids should then be mailed ta the undersigned no later than 4:00 p.m., Thurs- day, May 22, 1975. Ali en- velopes'must be plainly mark- ed "Outboad Matons". M.A.* Mac Lead Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board ofEducation P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 41-2 a=' 1970 HORNET, SST, 4 Coior, automatic, radio, $1000. or best affer. 987-4454. 20-i 1972 CL 450 Hýonda, low mileage, good shape. Best affer. Phone 623-2081. 20-1 '69 CHEV. Impala Sport Coupe, blue, body in faim condition, nons weII. Best offer. Phone 623-5082. 20-lx '65 G.M.C. three quarter ton truck, excellent tires, as is. Fnank Stengen phone 263-2328. 20-i 1968 CHEV. Impala, 4 door sedan, V-8, power steering and brakes, 327 engine, 4 bblý carb., safety checked, goc mechanical' condition. Besi offer. Phone 623-3541. 20-i GIVE away to yuuuuhome, part German Shepherd pup- pies, 2 months aId. 623-2689. 20-ix FREE female collie shepherd pup and dag house. Cal 623-5496. 20-1 x FREE ta good home- maie golden lab part collie, 11/2 yrs. aid, obedient, affectionate and laves children. 623-7892. 20-1 SAMOYED pup for sale, female. Phone 1-985-2720. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLA SSIF TE DS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Update lighting in kitchen and dining aneas cf Mess Hall Building, Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. TENDER NO. 31C-323' SEALED tenders will be me- ceived until 2:00 p.m. Local Time, May 28, 1975. Tender Documents may be obtained tram the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lind- say Regianal Office, 322 Kent Street, West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For funthen informa- tion reganding this tender, please caîl Mrs. E. M. Neale at the abave addness. Tele- phone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender nnrt necessarîîv accepted. »Oonq U Ministry 0f Govern ment Services ONTARIO IN THE MATTER 0F THE BANKRUPTCY 0F DEMETRE GOTZAMANIS, 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE, IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, FORMERLY CARRYING ON BUSINESS IN THE NAME 0F KAROB FOOD SERVICES AND TOPO'S, PIZZA VILLA, BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO. SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION S EAL E D tenders marked "Tender - Topo's Pizza Villa" wiII be received by the undersigned Trustee until 12:00 noon.on Thursday, May 22ndI, 1975 for the purchase of the folllowing assets: PARCEL 1 - Pizza aven, mixer, slicer and other equipment owned by the bankrupf which is lacated on the premises of "Tapo's Pizza Villa", 242 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario. TENDERS must be accampanied by certified cheque payable ta "F. Alan Lawson, Trustee" for 15 per cent of the amaunt tendered which will be returned if the tender is not accepted or which will be forfeited ta the Trustee as liquidated damages if the tender is withdrawn any time before receipt by the bidder of notice fnam the Trustee immediately falîawing the opening of tenders or if the tender is accepted and the sale not campleted by the bidder. THE CONDITIONS of salé may be obtained from the Trustee and must farm part of the tender. TH E ASSETS may be inspected at the business premises of the bankrupt at 242 King Street East, Bawmanville, Ontario, on Tuesday, May 20th, 1975 frnm 10:00 a.m. ta 12:00 noon. THE TENDERS will be opened at the office of the Trustee, 69 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, on Thursday, May 22nc1, 1975 at 12:00 noan. Alt bidders are invited ta attend. DATED AT OSHAWA, this 8th day of May, 1975. F. Alan Lawson. C.A., Trustee 69 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 1B4 Telephone (41'6) 723-3800 (416) 723-2229 20-1 MUSHROOM FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER ies This business pmaperty Iocated an R.R. 3 (first noad ta the Leftton Mill Street, sauth cf Highway 401), Newcastle, Ontario (described as part Lot 24, Concession B.F., Township of Clarke, County of Durham, naw in the Town 0f Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham and building thereon) is for hel sale under Power of Sale by vintue of default in I oans secured by ealty and chattel mortgages. The praperty comprises land (appmoximately 9.5 acres) and one steel clad, insulated, trame building, designed for the growing of mushnooms, (approximately 108' x 56' - 6,048 sq. ft.>. 17-4 lncluded in the sale are some items of vehicles and equipment -for the oper.ation of the mushroom tarm (full Iist available upon request). Arrangements ta inspect the realty and chattels may be made by contacting Mr. E. Lomeland in Oshawa, Ontario - telephone (416) 576-6800. Wmitten tenders addnessed ta Mr. E. Lornieland, c-o P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ontario, LI H 7N2 wilI be accepted until 3:30 p.m. on May 3th, 1975. A certified cheque for 10 per cent of the amount tendered must be incloded as a deposit (payee to be designated), and will be retunned without interest if the tender is not accepted, or forteited as liquidation damages if the tender is accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser. Provincial sales fax ta be paid by the purchaser. The highest or any offer shaîl not necessarily be accepfed. Assistance ta finance the transaction will be cansidered. 17-6 20-1 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS STAF FORD LArF0 BROS. LTD.

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