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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1975, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 21, 19,75 il .....*..*.*.**.*. .U.4b.RSLP~L.? V. ..:...:... . . CL 5 1 II R IIàII À Il 111H? DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. BROOME - Larry and Dor- een Broome, Campbellfard, announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Doreen, 8 lb. on May l6th, 1975 af Peterborough Cvic Hospital. A sister for Jennifer. 21-1 MAY - Steve and Karen (nee Bickell) are pleased to announce the birth of twins Bradley Steven and Brenda Lee on April l8th. Proud grandparents are Mrs. KarI Bickell and Mr. and Mrs. Donald May. 21-1 POWLENZUK - Darnny and Elva (nee Kinnear) thank God for the safe arrivai of their first ch'ild, Dionne Kimberly. Sie was born on Tuesday, May 13, 1975 at 2:47 ar. weighing 6 bs. 14 ozs. Proud g r andparents are; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinnear.of Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. John Powlenzuk of Oshawa. A ver y special thanks f0 Dr. A. T. Spear and fourth and f iffh floor nurses of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray Malcolm ot Bethany are pleased to announce the en- g agement of their daughter, Marleah Joy to Mr. Paul Bernard Bowen of Lindsay. Wedding to take place af Yelverton United Church, on Saturday, June 21, 1975, at, 3: 30 p. m. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tighe, Bowmanville, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Theresa f0 AllieAllen, son of Mr. and Mrs. G[en Allen, Bayfield, New -Brunswick. Wedding plans will be announced at a lafer date. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs' Frank Conlin are happy to announce the forthcomina marriacie of their daughter Jean Frances to Ernest Frederick Fleetwood son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleetwood, all of Bowman- ville. The marriage to fake place on June 28 at 4 p.m. in St. Paul's United Church. 21-lx Mr. and Mrs. William ,cCracken of Newcastle are Spleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daighter Eleanor f0 William-,; son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atkinson of Kirkfield. The wedding to take place in Peterborough early in July. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson, F thany, are pleased to --,çnounce the forthcaming marriage of their daughter Judy Lynne f0 George M. Davidson, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George David- son, Brockville, on Safurday, June 7th at 4 p.m. in St. Pau l's Anglican Church, Bethany. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne W. Annis, Hampton are pleased f0 announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Elaine Margaret to John Ross Carter, son of Mr. J. E. Carter, Willowdale and the late Mrs. Carter. The wedding will take place, July 5, 1975, af 4 p.m. in Walmer Road Baptist Church, Toronto. 21-1 "Golden Wedding Anniver- sary . Open House, for Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Goheen of Newcastle, Ontario, f0 be held n their home on June 28h, 2-5 and 7-9. AIl welcome. Best VVI L..>Vfl, ULJI bJI I 7 b iiy 7 At Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, Tuesday, May 2th, 1975, Dorofhy James, R.R. 2, Bawmanvilie, wife of the late Clifford Wilson, dear mother o? Mrs. William Kolenko, (Naomi) and Harold (Hap). Grandmofher of Karen and' Julia Ann Koienko, Todd and Sfacey Wilson. Also survived by a brother, Archie James, of East,Angus, Quebec. Resfing at the Northcutt Ellioft Fun- eral Home. Funeral service, Thursday, 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. In lieuof flowers, donationstfa the Canadian Cancer' Society, would be appreciafed. 21-1 GRIFFIN- At Oshawa Genierai Hospital, on Monday, May l9th,, 1975, Russell Grif- fin, Enniskillen, aged 77 years, beloved husband of Lula (Abernefhy) Griffin, dear father of Wallace, Ennis- i C en onalda (Mrs. Ernest VàIiker), Tillsnburg, and Mary (Mrs. John Belle), Thunder Bay. Resting af the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville, for service on Tursday af 1:30. Inferment îýI mptan Cemefery. Do- h çLns fa Ontario Hearf é Y_ýafion would be appre- ~ed. 21-1 LACKO- Suddeniy a? R. R. 1, Bowmanville, an Thursday, May lSth, 1975, Anna Lacko, aged 68 years, wife of the lafe John 'Lacka, dear mother of John, Jr., Anna (Mrs. Aldrich Vyskocil) .and Mary (Mrs. Arthur Balch). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday at 10:30. Interment Bawmanville Cemetery. HAMBLETON - Retta G (Rabbins). Entered into rest, April 4, 1975, in Marquette, Mich., formerly of Rochester, N.Y. She leaves her husband, William, son, Frank of Mich., daughter, Mrs. Irvine R. (Mildred),Taylor of Rochest- er, one sister-in-law, Mrs. Amy Curran of Kinqston, Ont., one brother-in-law, Robert Hamblefon of Fairpori. Pri- vate service held on Tuesday, April 8 in Marquette, Mich. 21-Ix RAAP HORST, Sam - At J.O. Ruddy, Hospital, Whitby, on Friday, May 16, 1975. Sam Raaphorst of 199 King St. W., Bowmanville, heloved hus- band of Neeltie Laros, dear ather of Isaac of Whitby, John, Mrs. G. Groeneveld (Nelly) of Bowmanville, Mrs. D. Presson (Ria) and Mrs. L. Patterson (Jane) of Oshawa,ý also survived by Il grand- children, in his 69fh year. Rested at the Northcutt El1ioft Funeral Home, Bowmanville, from 2 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service was Monday affernoon at the Emmanuel Reformed Church, Whitby. Initerment Bowmanville Cemetery. Do- nations to your favorite char- ity in his memory would be appreciated. 21-1 IFowers ~"FSay it Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION For Alil Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE. OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 12-f ALLDRF-AD =-~In Ioving memory 0f C65180 Private D. A. Dick who was killed in action May 25, 1944 at Lini Valley, taly and buried at Casino Cemetery on May 26th. - Ever remembered by brothers and sisters. 21-1 PAYNE - n loving memory 0f a dear husband, Jack, who passed away May 2Oth, 1971. The gates of memory neyer close Sunshine fades and shadows tai I But sweef remembrance outlasts ail. - Lovingly remembered by wife Edie and family. 21-1 SHEEHAN - Thomas Paf- rick. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfafher who passed away May 22nd, 1930. Years ago to us you came, Gave us life and your family na me. May we who are leff, by God's gaad grace. Always remember your kind Irish face. - The Sheehan family. 21- McKNIGHT -In loving memaory of a dear husband, Ross, who passed away May 15, 1973. So many fhings have happened, Since you were calied away, Sa many things ta share wifh yau, Had you been left ta stay. I mention your name, And speak of yau often, God bless you dear Ross, McKNIGHT - In loving mema'ry 0f a dear father and grandfather, Ross, who pas- sed away May 15, 1973. "Memories last forever." - Always remembered by Joan, Daug and familles. 21-ix The family of the late Percy Westlake wish fa express their sincere fhanks and aoorecia- flan ta their friends, relatives and, neighbors for beaufiful floral tributes, cards, mes- sages of sympathy and dona- tions fa the Ontario Heart Fund and The Canadian Diabetic Association and many acfs 0f kindness in their recent bereavement. To Rev. Erb for his comforfing mes. sages. Ta Solina W.. i.]U serving lunch af Solina Com- munity Hall and fa Morris Funerai Chapel. Mrs. Percy Westiake and Famriiy 21-ix A very sincere fhank you ta ail those who assised in the search for aur dog, Tamniy. Your help was greatly appre- ciated. i Cliff and Audrey Anderson 1 21-lx ME ' l _ Our sincere thanks for all kindnesses shown ta us during aurrecent fire. Special thanks fa the firemen and those who woke us up. Edithand Pam Macînfyre 21 lx i would, like ta fhank friends and relatives for cards, gifts and kindnesses shown during my recent stay in hospifal. Special thanks ta Doctors C. Anderson and J.D. Rundle, nurses and staff o? Memorial and Oshawa Haspifails. May Hodgsan 21-1 The family of the late Alexander G. Alexander would like ta thank their friends, neighbars and rela- tives for cards, flowers, dona- tions fa Cancer Society. Spe- cial thanks fa Rev. Rainey for the kindness and sympathy received during the recent loss of a dear husband and fat her. Marjorie, Alex, Jackie, Alexander and Belle, Rudy Eyman. 21-1 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7-:30 P M. 1 Spansoredby Oshawa Minar Softbali JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50 t? WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED> BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -ff Eldad Sunday School Anni- versary, May 25fh at 10:15- a.m. Speaker is Rev. Paul Erb assisfed by the Junior Choir. June 8th af 8 p.m. Rev. Paul E rb wil11 present an even ing of music alang wifh the Senior Chair. Please note changes o? fime. 21-1 Bus tip ta Ontario Science Centre, J une 7f h, sponsored by the Canadian Club of West Durham. For information cal 623-3351 or 623-7150. 21-1 Dance in Pontypool Com- mjt*ty Na[L-on'vSa F. May 24h. Music: Wayne Hopkins and Friends. Adm._ $500 couple. Refreshments. 21-lx An invitation ta a Hobby' Garden Party, on June 14 af Hobby Corner, 27 Horsey Sf. Anyone wishing fa parficipate or confribufe please phone Helen's Hobby services, 623- 3587. Everything available for wheelchairs. 21-1 Rummage sale 1- 4 p.m. af Bowmanviile Public Library, Friday,-May 23. Spansored by h-irst and Fifth Brownie and Third Guide Mothers. 20-2 Town League Hockey Ban- quet, Saf. 31sf. May .Tickets available from: Bob Hellam 623-2072, Brian Bradley 576- 5286, Gene Balsom 576-3037, Ron Hooper- contact Hooo- er's Jewellers, Lanny Burns - Tim's Rent-Al. 203 Fish and Chips. Ail you can eaf, every Safurday $1.49. Antiques baug ht and sold. Open every Eat. and Sun. Acres Restaurant. Taunton Road. 20-4 We need your valce in planning a projecf fa help seniors. Social Planning Coun- cil, May 22nd, 8 p.m. Council Chambers, Bowmanviile. 20-2 Plan fa attend the Annual Coffee Party and display of "Interestinci Oddifies" at Mrs. A. Sfrike's, 8 Beech Avenue, on Wednesday morning, June 4th, tram 1lOto 12. Arranged by Unit 7 of Trinity United C-hurch Women.Babysifing Dancing Saturday Night May 24 AT CLUB ANNRENE on Scugag Island featuring Art Halman Orchestra 21-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, May 27th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pr izes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spansored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 21-1 Open ing 0f The Clarke Museum Sunday, May 25 Recept ion for MR. ARTHUJR DRUMMOND Time 2 - 4 p.m. Held in con junction with the Library. ALSO "Garden Party"" Tea on the Lawn, Sunday May 25th CIa rke Museum, Orono 21-1 The United Church of Canadla 50th Anniversary Play "THE BOOK, TKE BUSH AND THE DOVIE" In Newcastle United Church, by the THEATRE FIVE PLAYERS of Kingston ON Sunday, June lst, 7:30 peme. (Offering to heîp def ray expenises). Everyone Welcome 21-2 ESCORTED TOURS Ottawa Tuîip Festival fA3y 2 5th. Mystery Tour June 1sf. Lanark Perth Shopping June 1llth. Upper Canada Village June 8fh. O'Keefe Centre "Odd Couple" Matinee-June 4th. Lion Safari botanical Gardens June lSfh Basebaîl Weekend June 28 - 29 Pennsyîvania Dutch Tour Junel19 -22 North Bay, Sudbury &Manitoulin Islands June 28 -July 1sf. Ottawa Tour July 8 -10 Western Canada and North West Territories Aug. 2 -25 Maritime Tour Sept. 6 - 20 For information write Box 214, Sunshine Tours Port Hope. Phone 885-4822 or Evenings 885-2200 Ma pie Grave United Church will celebrafe the 5th Anni- versary 0f Church Union, June ist at 9:30a.m. 211' Bowmanviile Museum wili open May 23, 7:30 p.m. Craff demonstrations, display tram Bick's Pickles Canadiana Cruet Collection. Free ad- mission apening night anly, children must be accom- panied by adult. Open daily thereaffer 2 ta 5 except Mandays. Group appoint- ments ca1l1623-2734 or 623-3427. 20-2 GARDEN'PARTY & RECEPTION in honour of Mr. A.A. Drummond, Orono CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY, ORONO - 2-4 p.M. 1-Sunday, May 25th Mr. Orummond's paintings are on show a? the library. In attendance Concordia Pops Concert Orchestra and Country Four Quartet. Cookies, cakes, lemonade. NO ADMISSION CHARGE. Everyone Welcome 21-1 KINGSVIEÉWUNITED CHURCH SEN IOR CHOIR PRESENTS THEI RANNUAL CONCERT F EATURING KINGSVIEW SENIOR CHOIR, Ross Metca If, Director and THE CLASSICAL BRASS (A Renowned Qintet) Affiliated with the University of Toronto. An evening of varied choral and instrumental musical selections for a Il ages in the: KINGSVI EW UNITED CHURCI4, OSHAWA Sunday Night, June 2lst, 1975 a? 8pm ADMISSION: Aduîts $2.50- Students $1.50 21-1 A * e * - 100 BUSHELS of buckwheat, 700 bushels oats, for reason- able price. Phone 1-786-2211. 21-1 BIG variety of tropical fish. This week's special Siamese Fighfing Fish. 263-8838. 1l ONE bag cement mixer. Phone 623-5491. 21-1 FRESH eggs daily. John Fayer 623-2653 . No Sunday sales. 21-ix SET of 6 wooden chairs $50, dining room tables $35, steel bunk beds $30, cribs complete $20, baby cairnage $12, child's rocker $7, electric heater $15. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 21-1 SCANDINAVIAN style frame and headboard with non- allergenic foam mattress and box spring. Very good candi- flan. $65. or best affer. 623-4909. 21-lx POTATOES excellent quality fable stock, also small pota- toes for seed. Sebagoes and Irish Cobblers. 623-2847. 21-lx AIR conditianers, central and windaw units. Cail Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 or Zen ith 14620. 21 -tf GREEN chesterfield. Goad condition. $100. Caîl 623-5104. 21-ix 1964 MERCURY 12 tan truck, child swing set. 623-5068. 21-1 TWO infant's launge chairs; two walkers. Phone 623-2484. 21-1 EIGHT pce. dining roam suite, 6 pce. dineffe, set, Morse recliner, chesterfield suites, dressers, platform rocker, 3 pce. chrome suife, library de-,k. frunks. small appli- ances. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bawman- ville. 21-1 ABOVE ground pool 18' x 18 x 4 ft.deep with ail equipment. ope'n ta besf offer. Phone 623-3568 anyfime. 21-1 KITCHEN cupbaards, paint- ed white; Citation 25' trailer, ail conveniences. 623-3934. 21 lx WHI1TE'S TV ANTENNAS STowe rs, UHF, VHF ' Aerials, Rotors& Repairs SApartment & Homes -, Pre-Wired U Ask About Our Guarantee ,~Phone 576-5606, E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Anten na. & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Compressors, Generators Also Drill Presses, Grinders, Power Hack Saws etc. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Ace Machinery Company 859 A Nelson St. Oshawa 723-0933 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES T R AC.T R S TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT LAWN &GARDEN EQUIP. 1 E H L: FARM MACHINERY 12KUBOIR1 COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES- SERVICE -RENTALS Phone 728-6901 ANTIQUE C LOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modemn wafches and c lacks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-ta date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf Buy direct tram Manufac- tujre- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selectian of fine,, quality monuments, large and small ta fit any need. Came by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf DlFFERENTvariefiesof per- ennials for the flower garden. G. Verbochf, R.R. 5 Bowman- ville. 19-3x SECONDS Mac apples, $2.50 a bushel. Phone Bili Feddema affer 5 at 263-2074. Na Sunday sales. -17 tf 6 Rt:FLECTOR type liaht txtures. 16 inches diameter (ureen caler. Iargain. States- man Office. tf-_f CE-DAR fence rails for antique fencing. Phone 263-8142.208 AI R campressorb, generators. power hack and band saw, sump and water pumps, electric chain hoisfs, drill presses, etc. Ace Machinery Ca., 859A Nelson St., Oshawa, 723-0933. 20-4 CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distri.bu- for for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16 t? SOME nursery stock and gladiali bulbs --50cents a doz. G. Hartemink, R.R. 2, New- castle, 987-4430. 19-4 LION EL Hard Top Camper and Travel Trailers Canadlian Built 15 Models Bank-Rate Financing KAMPI NG UN LIMITE D i Mile N. on Townîine Rd. East City Limits Oshawa 728-9942 17-6 Leading manufacturer and distribufor has above ground aluminum pools left aver from 1974 season. c/2 price. Guaran- feed installation and ferms. Caîl Credif Manager collecf 416-292-2268. ilff BEDROOM suife, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living roomf, ail Burma-Danish feak- wood. New furnifure very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377, 52-tf PADDY'S Market naw has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances, Wii accept trade-in. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263. 2241. 33-tfi USED Furnifure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Marke. Hampton 263-2241. 26-t? JAEGER campressor, 125 C.F.M. Make offer. 623-7729. 21-lx 1973 KAWASAKI, 125 Endura, (street trail) good condition, only 1,000 miles, asking $650. Phone 1-983-5973. 21-1 FOU RTEEN Ff. maulded ply- wood boat, gaad condition. Best offer. Phone 623-5510. 21-ix THREE furrow piow, hay mower, rouler, harrows, disc, wafer trough, seeder. Phone 1-983-5590. 21-1 SAILBOAT, 13 ff. fiberglas cartop "'Bandit" class sal- boat, camplefe wifh Laser mast salis and fittings, as new. See af Gili's Marina ýor phone 623-2552 or 623-5061. 21-1 250 BALES Hay, suitable for horses. Leslie Welsh 263-2784. 21-ix ONE double Trentow ski-doo trailer, new spare tire and wheel. $130. Cail 623-7458. 21-1 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Senior C.ilîzens iu per ceni off ail hair needs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week, Thurs. and Fni'. evenings. Kut 'W Kuri Beauty Shop. 623-5019, 71 King Sf. E. 21-1 Dr. Anfessi's office will be closed f rom Manday, May 26th until Friday, May 3Ofh. L. C. Masan, Q.C. Law Office closed fer the menth ef May, 1975. During this time, if required cancerning ctûrrent matters, please phone Tues. or Wed. evenings 8:30- 10:00 p.m. 623-5688. 18-5x CERTIFIED QATS, BARLEY FUNKS CORN READY TO SOW CustomCîeaning and Treating CERESMORE FARMS LT D. R. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE 623-3552 6373 7-16 STEWARTS SEED CORN SC - 3W - DC Variefies 78 -85 - 87 - 89 - 95 -97 Days f0 Maturity Available High Yields Good Staîk &rength R. Bruce Taylor 263-2741 186 UMM' WHITE Embden goslings AI Venema, Hampton. Phone, 263-8888. 16 t? GOATS for sale. Phone atter 5. 1-786-2671. 21-1 FOUR year aid geiding Pinta horse. Phone 623.5116. $250 or 1l -tf best off er. 21-lx Om I'NSTALL AN Q ~F UR NAC E BOILER HUMIDIFIER o r HO0T W ATE R AIRICONDITIONERS No Payments for Six Muoths CAL L HARVEY PARTNER Your E SSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 21 -ff 1972 DATSUN 240Z, 39,000 miles, mags. Cail 623-4425, ask for Brian. 21-1 1971 VEGA Hatchback. Phone 623-5461. 21-1 1968 METEOR Montcalm 47,000 mil 'es. Certified. Must Seil. Phone 623-3814. 21-2 1969 CHEVROLET, 6 cyl., 2 door hardtop, $650. or best offer. Cail 623-4749. 21-1 1974 YAMAHA 125, excellent condition. Phone 623-3949. 21-lx '68 BUICK LaSabre 2 door hardtop, 350-4 barrel, power steerihig, power brakes, radio, asking $1,000 or best offer. Ca [l 623-5495. 21-1 '74 TOYOTA CelicaST 14,000 miles, thocolate brown color, rust proofed, excellent condi- tion. Cali 623-2429. 21-1 ROY NI CHOLS MOTORS LTD. Courtice Bowmanville 728-6206 623-2556 1974 Chevelle 4-Dr. Sedan, 6 cyl., auto., power steering. Blue with matching trim. Lic. HRC435. 1973 Chev. Impala 4-Dr. Sedan. Gre en with white vinyl top, beige vinyl trim. Radio, Power steering, power brakes, V-8, auto. Lic. EBS636. One owner, dlean.,car. 1972 Pontiaqý Station Wagdi. Gold with matching vinyl trim. Radio, power steering, power brakes, V-8, auto. Lic. EBC411 1971 Dodge Polara 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, auto., power steering, radio. Maroon with matching trim. Real good car. Lic. EBB712 1970 Montego 2-Dr. Hardtop. One owner. Power steering, power brakes, radio, V-8, auto., dlean. Lic. EBPO89 1970 Chev Station Wagon. Gold with matching trim, very dlean. Power brakes, power steer- ing, automatic, raqio. Lic. DZT563 GBAR S. RANCH Horseback riding, $3 per hour. Our membershiP is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalis fer ent, plenty o? room. Special riding ring and indlvi- dual camais for yeur conven- ence. $50 per menfh. »A IM L%~IA 623-40, EXPANDING Car Company needs( person wbo can wc supervision. Earn year plus bonus customers in Be) area. Limited auto train. Air Mail 0 Pres., Southwesfi leum Canada Ltc Drive, Brampton,C 2J6. R.N.'s -R.N.A.'s part-time positio haven Nursing H. Austin 987-4441. LICENSED mec ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-ff PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52 t? Ear piercing service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for appoinfment. 7 if ln the estate of JULIA DARCH, deceased. AIl persans having dlaims against the- estate of Julia Darch, late of Seaford Long Island in the Stafe of New York, U.S.A., who diedo.n the 2th day cf March, 1973, are required te file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day cf May, 1975, affer which date -the estate will be disfributed wifh regard only ta the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have natice and the undersig'ned will nof be hiable to any persan o? whose dlaim he shaîl not then have notice. Dated at Bowmanvilie, Ontario, this Bfh day of May, Arthur Raymond Darch, Executor by his soJlicitors herein, Strike, Strike & Van Nest, Box 7, Bowmanviile, Ontario. L'IC 3K8 20-2 HOMES wanfed for four kiffens, black, litter box frained, free. 623-7358., 21-lx HOUSE in Bowmanviile or area. Phone, 623-4322. 21-ix LANDLORDS - Houses, Aparfments, Rooms, urgently needed. Durham Housing Regisfry 1-579-0622. Extension -48,69. 16-26 ê u- J FURNISHED roam in private home, private bath. Phone affer 5, 1-983-9593 Orono. 21-f ROOMERS wantecl, turnisn- ed, Martin Road area, 623-7463 before 1 p.m. 20-2 9y'ilL Room and Board by a lady, 27 sumrer employee at ine 19 t? Salvation Armv). riadian 011 Required by Bowrnanviîîe dependable Nursery School ork wifhaut September 15 $14,000 in a for 9 month term. . Contact wmanvilie Quaî1if ied Teachers travel. We . T. Dick, One Supervisor ern Petro- 4 Days Weekly i., 87 West Ontario L6T One Teacher 202 4.-1/2 Days Weekly - Aoply in writing sfafinq - full and Qualifications, Experience, ns. South References: ame . Mrs. A. M. Thompson 21-4 17 Concession Street West chanic r e- Bwavle 21-1 quired, June 2nd. Salary open. Ail benefifs paid and bonus pragram. 5-day week. The best front end and brake equipment ta work with. No heavy, motor or transmission work. Apply in persan at Firestone Cobourg. 20-ff PART-fime service station attendant required, good oppartunity for energetic, re- hiable person. Apply Imperial 011 Service Centre, Waveriy Rd. and 401. 2O-tf St ,ae sC ret o pn Bowmanville'Plant Requires: One Maintenance Mechanic with a minimum of at least four years WELDING and MILLWRIGHTING EXPERIENCE, n the repair and maintenance of industrial machinery as confained in a cement plant. Applicants for this position should apply in writing fa: Box 68 Bowmanvilîe, Ontario USED Furniture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- tan 263-2241. 33-tf We Buy Scrap Cars OMM' BIC YCLES Ladies', Men's, Chiîdren's 3 Speed. Phone 623-4745 FREE TOWING 21-1 DOM'S AUTO WE buy and seil everything PARTS and pay- cash. Caîl day or- night 7259783. Fiendly Flea 723-1121 t Ma rk et, 23 King W., Oshawa. _____________________19 t? Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles 1Snowmobî les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-t? AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harm-ony) CALL 725-0232 FIVE ROOM HOUSE, NO SMALL CHILDREN OR PETS. Phone 623-3764. 21-1 THREE bedroom bungalow, close ta school and shopping, June 1 possession, $250 per monh. Guy LeBlanc Real Estate Limifed, Reaifor. Phone 623-7461. 21-1 BOWMANVILLE ground f bar apartment, twa bed- rooms, livingroom, kitchen and bathroam . Central loca- flan. Possession June 1. 623- 7523. 1. 19-tf TWO bedroom bungalow on Wellington Street. Available July 1sf. Phone 623-5510 or 623-3090. 21-ix VERY spaciaus aparfmenf for rent. One bedroom, $200, aIl bis-included. Phone 623-4697. 21-1 UPSTAIRS apartmenf for rent, for more information please caîl 623-7363. 21-1 FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced prernises, reasonable rates. Castle Hotel, Bowmanville,623 7072. 51-f? MATURE lady requires an apartmenf in Bowmanville. Has small well trained dog, also aown fridge, stove and furniture. Write Advertiser 549 c-o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bawman- ville. 21-lx ONE bedroom aparfmenf in Bowmanville on ground floor. Phone 987-4823 between 10 a.m. lla.m. 21-1 DESPERATELY needed, two or three bedroom apartment or house. Phone 623-7335. 21.ix WOMAN with one child wants one or two bedroom- apart- ment. Phone 623-2790. 21 -lx m GET CASHI TODAY FOR OL) APPLIANCES -TIIROUGII ST AT E SNI AN CLASSIFIE DS m e

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