12 The Canadian Statesman, BOWmanville, May 21, 1975 CLASS,...,..........Il E RDS En" ,W' l 19W? DEADLINE FOR Tue.,4:30 pm n àes Piowing Cu itivoting 115 un Hour, Cati Now 623-3171 20-2 APPLIANCE REPAIRS RANGES--WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS SPECIALIZING IN Frigidaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 10 -tf PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Certif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner alone, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Techni cian's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9tfi VINCE MOORE CARPE NTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf Ref rigeratlon AND Applianice Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Coolers PHONE BE RT SYER Days ........623-5774 Nights ........ 623-317; Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper I-anging Light Trucking and Odd Jobs PHONE 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE -SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf Bili's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Divisi on St., Bowmanviiîe Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Seaîed Unîts - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patferned and Colored Glass and GIazing. 17-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Weil Borîng. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- ti ve Harry L. Wade. Tele phone98l 4531. . îé16tf LAWN cutting service. Lawns -$27.50 per month and Up. Flower beds, shrubs and tree pîanting (senior citizens fiat rate). 985-7524. 20-2 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Service Phone Risebrough Refrigeration, Orono 983-5702 19-4 Custom Farming Incîuding corn planting, (6 row Cyclo). Phone 983-9421 after 7. 18-4 FOR a swim cail Jim at Courtice Water 725-0302. Pools and wells filled. 20-3 Umm Despetate Bowma nvillie i have a client who has accepted a firm offer on his homeand must give posses- sion the end of June. i need a home in BowmanviIle, suit- able for a family of four. Price rangeý $32,000 - $«0000. C ient is wiîiing to, do renovations. Ail inQ9uiries weîcome Private or Broker. Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches - Drains Foundations and Septic tanks Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjoy B LAC KSTOC K 986-4737 ýý21-1 SPRING SPECIAL OFFER S & R CARPET Steam Cleaning Any ivingroom regardless of size $30, any two-piece chesterfield suite shampooed $25. Car, interior also shampooed. LIMITED TIME Phone 623-4344 21-2 JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN, STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates C'al 623-2641« 33-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîle 26-tf f DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING 5 Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations - Alferations Rec. Rooms Rewi ring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623 -2398 48-tf D>. BEERS &SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovatîng Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE ý623-2263 . 20-tf C&C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona IIy Cîeaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf Custom upholstering; re- covering, re-styling, very reasonable, work guaranteed, 20 years' experience. Free estimates. Please caîl collect 1-986-5072. 21-4 HIGH schooî student wishes babysitting jobs during sum- mer months. Phone 623-3405. 21-2x' MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repairs to ailmakes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 Stf WILL babysit pre-schooler in my home (3, 4 or 5 year oîd). 623-4909. 21-lx Sanridge Sand& Gravel L. Gilbank Blackstock - 986-4868 SERVI CES t5ulldozing - Back hoeing - Sand Gravel - Top Soul - Agg-regates Carbozite Protective Coating _____________ 20-4x FOUR steel tired buggy wheeîs and a wooden wheel barrel. Contact Harvey Part- ner 983-5206. 21-1 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS OF STAF FORD ri Fsj BROS. LIE>. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th 12 noon sharp HOLSTEINS Complete Sunnyfield Hol- stein Dispersai owned by CECIL H. SNODDON, R.R. 4, Sunderland, selling at the farm 3 miles south 0f Sunder- land on Hwfy. 12 and 2 miles east on Con. 3 Brock Twp. 135 Head, Registered, Classified, fR.O.P. tested, 60 milking age, 40 bred heifers, 35 open heifers and calves. This is a fine herd of young c:ows with beautiful working udders. The bred heifers have tremendous size and outstanding quality. One of the good young cows is "Starbrite" a Good Plus 3 yr. old by Roybrook Starlite with 2 yr. 344d 15653m 689f 4.4 per cent (157-186). She is due at sale time. One of the four Nugget's selling is "Benefact- or" Verv Good with 3 yr. 328d 14454M 613f 4.2 per cent (133-153>. This beautiful young cow selîs fresh uddered 3 yr. old by "Chieftain" milking 65 lb. per day. 7 members of this familv selI. Also selling Rhonda (G. P.) 3 yr. 365df 22000m- 850f 3.9 per cent (196-202). Wendy (G.P.) by Thornlea 4 yr. 305d 19525m 809f 4.1 per cent (179-202). Candy (Very Good) by "Dark Leader" 5 yr. 365d 21200m 902f 4.2 per cent (173'197BCA). ýSeve-rai cowjis mlig8-lb. Many due in sumn-fier and fali. Don't miss this sale!!1 Pine- dale U.C.W. wiIl serve lunch. Sale at 12 noon. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer. 1Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 20-2 THURSDAY, JUNE 5 1 p.m. Comp lete Stonehaven Brown Sw iss Dispersai owned by STONEHAVEN, FARMS LTD. on Hwy. 2. Two miles west 0f Whitby. 35 Head, Registered, Classified, R.O.P. Tested. Selling such great cows as Byers Bay Pats Patricia (Excellent) 4 yr. 312d 14747m 635f 3 per cent (154- 165 BCA>. Her dam is also Excellent with 19642m and 778f. Patricia due at sale time to Norvic Lilas9ns Beautician. Her sister also selis with 4 yr. 305d 14623m 730f 4.99 per cent (152-192 BCA). Also Byers Bay Frances (Excellent) with 3 yr. 305d 14850m 493f 3.9 per cent (174-174 BCA) Miîking 75 lb. she was bred April 9 to Norvic Talisman. She selîs with 2 beautiful daughters. A great opportunity to buy foundlation stock. Catalogues available. Also selling 4 Registered Guernsey Cows and 1 Holstein Reg istered Cow. 2200 lb. Craft BulIk Cooler, 2 surge miîkers S.S. milk pails M-F P.T.O. Manure spreader. Lloyd Wil- son, Sale Manager and Auc- tioneer, Uxbridge Ont. 416-852- 3524. 21-1 Wednesday, May 28th Hoîsteins, complete Des- mond Holstein dispersai, own- ed by Donald Simmonds, Port Perry. 20 head, 8 cows in mil,, balance hred and open heifers, registered classified ROP tested featuring an outstand- ing very good cow by Seiling Rockman, also a young very good cow by Surodana Es- quire, others by Nuggett and Orm sby. These cattle will be sold immediately following the Sunnyfield dispersai for Cecil Snodden, at the farm in Sunderland. Lloyd Wilson, sales manager and auction- eer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. 21-1 Wednesday, May 28 Auction sale 0f farm mach- inery, the property 0f Ernest Rumford. Lot 19. Con 6. Mariposa Twp. 1 mile north 0f Little Britain and 1 mile east Nuffieico no. 465 diesel tractor and loader (in good condition) 2 Case tractors both model S. M.H. Super 26 Combine SP. 10 ft. in good condition (re-built motor last year.) Case baler no. 200. Hydrien plow 4 f urrow 14" bottoms. .H.C. manure spreader. 2 M.F. tillers, 6 and 9 plate chain harrows, field sprayer (hydraulic control') M.H. seed drill, 3 rubber tired wagons, 2 with rebuilt racks, Grain auger 14 ft (new) cirain dryer, Farmhand hay condi. tioner, i.D. poWer mower, l.H.C. culfivator 20tooth, J.D. cultivator, Gluten hammer mili, full ime of machinery, smaii Qu. of furniture, frig, stove, cook stove, etc. Farrm sold, terms cash, sa leatl1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, Ph. (705) 357- 3270. 21-1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Update lighting in office areas of Administration Building, Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. TENDER NO. 31C-328 Individual sealed tenders wilI be received until 2:00, p.m. Local Time, June 4, 1975. Tender Documents may be obtained from 4he Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street, West, P.C. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, pleas.e caîl Mrs. E. M. Neale at the above address. Tele- phone (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. U Minist ry of Government Services ONTARIO 21-1 Twilight Auction Sale - Saturday evenin1g May 24th at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Complete Ancona Pharms Grade Cow DispersaI at Lindsay Com- mrunity Sale Barn, Angeline St. North, Lindsay, Ontario. 120 head of Charolais and Hereford Cattle, 20 mature Charolais and Hereford cows with 20 Maine-Anjou calves by side (Dabla) 20 Charolais and Hereford cows with 20 Blonde d' Aquitaine calves by side (Gaspard). 10 Charolais and Hereford cows br-ed Simmien- tai. 30 Charolaîs and Herefordi cows breéd to F ull French son of Cabotin, somne with calves by side, 40 'Charolais and Hereford cows, pasture bred Charolais, some with calves by side. 3 Purebred Charolais Bulîs, somne Commercial Bulîs. Terms Cash, No Re- serve. Sale lime 7:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 18-4 Saturday, May 31 Auction, sale of Antique farm machinery, and antique furniture,' 6 gasoline engines, pine fiat backcupboards etc. property of the late Russell Thomas. Lo'18. Con. 1 Brock Twp. 1 mile north of Saintf ieîd or 5 miles south of Sunderland and 2 miles east. McCormick 10 20-tractor on rubber (not running) 6 gasoline engines, (sev'eral seized up) several. horse drawn binders, 3 bug- gies, 2 cutters, 6 single plows, wooden wheeî wagon (solid wooden wheels) several riçling plows, and mowers, sawing machine ( ail in pieces). Very large Qu. oîf scrap, large Qu. of wagon wheels, Qu. of god dryllumber. 80 pieces ofr dry mple 4' x 8' and 16 ft.p long, inch and 2 inch luniber. Qu. 0f',rafters, etc. HundredsF of other thinqs too numerous f0 mention . Pne armoire, 3 fiaf back cupboards (l has 8 panes in each door) pine chests, pine baby cradie, pine1 flour bin, picture of Dan 1 Patch, large extension fable, iron pots, 2 butter bowls,,print and ladie, gramaphone andJ records, crocks, 2 crock( churns, lamps, bedroomn suites, copper boiler, woodenc washing machine, iron, and5 brass bed, moustache cup,c dishes, tea tins, large Qu. of1 other antique, arti cles. Terms1 cash, sale at il a.m. PinedaleL ladies wilI serve lunch. Note:r furniture seils firsf. Reg andr Larry Johnson, Auctioneers.E Ph. (705) 357-3270.. 21-1- Farm Auction Sale, Satur - day, June 7, for Mrs. Milton Bryant, Lot 20, Con. 6,E Darlingfon Township, 1 mi.h east of Solina or 6 mi. north ofÉ Bowmanville then 1 mi. west;e Livestock includes 7 Holsteine cows fresh 1-2 months withs calves, 2' Hostein springers,u Hereford springer, 3 Hosteinh heifers, 2 Holstein strs., 4 t stocker strs., stocker hfr.,f Hackney pony, saddle andk bridie. Machinery: M.F. 35 t Deluxe tractor, Ferguson ir twenty 85 tractor with front tr end loader, 3 pth Bush Hog s disc (new), 3 pth 3 furrow s plow, 3 pth 2 furrow plow, 3 pth I cuitivator, 6 row 750 series e cultivator (if flot previously ic sold), N.H. 7' mower, manure r spreader, Cockshutt No. il seed drill, side delivery rake, ji hay elevator, chain harrows, 2 ci sets drag harrows, post hole0 digger, heavy duty tractor C chains (new), grain auger, 4z grinder, hammer milI, farm trailer, chain saw, roller, some straw and many other articles. Househoîd furniture includes misc. tables, chairs, buffet, etc... Terms cash. Sale time 1:00 , m. Steve Liptay, Bowmanville, Auctioneer. 416263-2117, 20-3 ioneers not responsible in c :se of accident. Carl Smith, Dwner. Creighton and David -arr, Auctioneers. Phone 613- 176-2212, Picton. 21 CE CASH TODAY FOIt OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH S TA T ESMA N C L A S-S 1 F-1 ED1) 1-1 i I 5 r / AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvi île May 23rd, Friday, 7 p.mn. Solid oak dining room suite, vinyl recliners, occûsional chairs, electric chord organ,' luggage, small maple desk, fridges, stoves, wringer wash- er, treadle sewer, mantie radio, patio torches, drapery track, T.V., beds, inter-com, frikes, glass, dishes, press- back h igh chair, 6 Bowman- ville chairs, Beaver Sealer, china and station dlocks, gramophone, 150 feet chain link fence (new), and many other items. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 21-1 Auction Sale, May 3lst, 12 noon, furniture, antiques and tools. Estate of the late Edmund McCrea in the village of Prince Albert, 420 Simcoe st., u4 mile norih of Prince Albert Store or 34 mile south of 7A and Port Perry. Moffat electric range, oak table and sideboard, rocking chairs, coffee table, chesterfield and chair, oak couch, kitchen chrome set and chairs, cook stove, glass front corner cupboard, pine harness cabi- net, pine flour box, iamps, radios, picture frames, old dishes, ornaments, crocks, pots and pans, coal oill amp, wash stands, lantern, brass bed, walnut dressers, butter churn, spool single bed, cop- per boilers, copper tub wash- ing machine, wipple trees,, neck yokes, large quantity of scrap iron and too'ls. Many more items. Terms cash. No reserve. Arnot Wotten, Mur- ray JacZWson, Auctioneers. 985-2459. 21-2 Selling at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, une mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, May 24. Household effects, fridge, kitchen suite, bed-chesterfield and chair, lawn mower, single bed, Ioads of smail articles. Sale at 7:00 p.m. Clift Pethick, auctioneer. 21-1 Wednesday, May 28th '- Complete J-Mar Dispersai Auction Sale of Livestock and Implemeénts. The property of Mary and Jerry Marvin. Lot 35 Con. 7, Clark Twp., 1 mile north of Kirby on Hwy. 115 to 8th Concession, 3 miles west through Leskard and 1/2 mile south or 26 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 and 115 (10 miles north of,4011 78 head of Purebred, Percentage and Grade Charolais- Hereford cross cattle. Purebred Charo- lais herd sire, 3 recorded Charolais cows with calves, 26 mature Charolais and Here- ford cows with 23 Charolais calves by side. 26 Charolais and Hereford cross heifers and steers 1 yr. old. 1971 John Deere 201Ô bulldozer. 1971 Int. Hydrostatic gas tractor with industrial type manure load- er. 1971 Int. 434 gas fractor, 1970 lot. 624 diesel tractor, 1970 Int. 434 diesel tractor, 1968 MF 50 gas tractor, 1972 lot. 82 combine PTO, 1972 Int. 350 forage harvester, 1971 lot. 2 row corn picker, 1973 lot. 46 baler, 1971 lot. 56 4 row corn planter, 3 Turoco steel grain boxes, 3 Dion forage wagons, 2 forage blowers, 1971 lot. 550 forage harvester, 1970 New Holland 46 Hay Bine, M.F. No. 12 Baler, lot. 430 Baler, Cockshutt 76 seed drill, 2-1971 lot. 175 bus. manure spread- er-s. M.F. 150 bus. manure spreader, 1967 G.M.C. 1/2 ton truck, cultivators, large quan- tit-y of hand tools, full ime 0f modern power machinery. (See posters for complete list). This is an outstanding sale of welI-maintained mach- inery, probably one of the Iargest sales this year. Plan to attend. Terms Cash, No Re- serve. Machine Sale at 10 a.m. Cattle Sale at 2:00 p.m. Carl Hîckson, Auctioneer, Nea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 18-4 Saturday, Ma y 24 Auction sale of Livestoc k and Impie- ments. The property of Neil Curtis Lot il, Con. 1 Manvers Tw nsh ip 11/2 miles north of junct on of Highway 115 and 35 on Highway 35. 63 head Angus cattle, 5 purebred Angus cows, some with calves by side. 20 Angus cows, 10 with calves by side, remainder bred for May and June, 10 stocker heifers, 15 stocker steers weighing about 400 to 700 lbs., 1 pure bred Angus bull, 1 Hereford bull, 1 Charolais cow with caîf, 2 mares with foals, 1 Standard bred stallion, 4 ponies. 1 John Deere 430 tractor with loader, many miscellaneous articles. Terms cash, no reserve. Sale 1:00 p.m. Arnot Wotten, Hampton, Ont. 416-263-258.3. 20-2 Auct ion Sale of antfiques and used furniture, Saturday, May 24, starting at 10 a.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28, in village of Bewdley. Sale held under the Warehousemnan's Lein ACT consisting of 2 china cabinets, Salem rocking chair, cedar chest, bedroomn suite, side- board, usual dlock bookcase, Victorian swing mirror, chest~ of drawers, cupboard, end tables, lamps, 3 T.O.'s, Frigi- daire refrigerator, wash stand, dishes, glassware, chesterfieîd, metal filing. cabinet, linens, new table saw, quanitity of small.appliances and other items foo numerous to mention. Roger Bannister, auctionleer. Please note time of sale, starts at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Prevîew Friday even- ng f rom 6 to 7: 30. 21-1 Auction Sale of Farm Ma- chinery (some Furniture) Propery of Carl Smi th. To- be sold at the Farm just off 7A -Iighwa y, 1/2 mile E ast and 1/2 nile South of Bethanv on Man vers anid Cavan Boundary Saturday, May 31sf. at 1 p.m. :arm Machinery: 135 M.F. Tractor power steering (ai>, 3 furrow M.F. 12 in. bottom trip beam plows, 44 M.H. Tractor (good), 3 furrow M.H. trail pl0ws, New Holland No. 268 Baler, New Hollanid side delivery rake, New Idea spreader No. 17, New Idea VMower, Fleurey Bissell double disc, M.H. Cultivator H.D., triple K Cultivator, M.H. seed driIl, 15 run No. 20A, 4 section spri.ng tooth ha rrows, 6 section drags, 3 drum roller, M.H. 3inder, Robert Bell Threshing EALEATE LTED 181CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC MT 623-4428 Farm - 49 acres of excellent agricultural land, almost 80 rods square, -excellent barns, 1,500 square« foot home with finished rec. room. Close f0 Bowmanville. $99,900.00. Un- beat-able value. $43,900.00 - Assume the large 83/4 per cent mortgage due in 2008 and save whiIe you live in this lovely 3 bedroom 2 storey semi, featuring a separate diningroom, 11/2 baths, par- tially finished rec. room. Ail this on a large 1150 ft. lot. Lots, Lots, Lots, we have several smalî acreages within commuting distance, starting as low as $8,900.00. 21-1 P'i3-6194 137 King St. E., Bowmanvile 623-7694 .-.623-7661 R E ALTOR Bowmanvile, close to schools and hospital, solid brick 2 bedroomn twin home with full basement, Dbl. car garage, arge hedged lot with shade trees, ideal starter home and we can do the financing. Income Property, Bowman- ille, excellent 4plex, 2 fur- naces 10 yrs. oîd, private drives, compîetely ren ted and showing good returns, cali for particulars. 21/2 Acres - 1/2 mile from Bowmanville with an immac- ulate 3 bedroomn brick bunga- lw and attached garage. Better than new - This 1l-year-old bungalow on a lot 56 x 251, carport, finished rec oom, finlshed laundry room. Asking onîy $52,900. Saturday, May 31st. Auction Sale of Livestock and ImpIe- ments. The orooertv of Mil,- burn Hutchinson,Lot 26,Con.1 1 Ops Twp. 3 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 'and 3 miles east or 5 miles east of Lindsay on Downeyville Road and 2 miles north. 19 head of Hereford and Charolais cattle. 9 mature Hereford cows. 6 due n August, 3 bred Limousin for Feb. 2 Hereford heifers due in August, 8 Charolais steers and heifers 1 yr. old. 1973 A-C 170 diesel tractor complete with cab, 1973 A.C.500 manure loader, hydraulic bucket approx. 650 hrs. WD A-C gas tractor good. 1974 Int. 4-16'S semi-mount trip beam p lough, M.F. no. 10 baler PTO, M.F. 110 bus. manure spreader PTO. Allied automatic stooker with mutor, New Idea 7' trail type power mower, Int. 13 run seed drill, Little Giant 28' hay elevator, A-C 3 pt. hitch post hole digger, 1963 Int. 12 ton truck with stock racks -oood. Cockshutt Side rake. Case 6 blade tiller, cutter, 2 sets of sleig h s cedar posts, some lumber, grain auger, fanning Mill, fulll me of machinery Approx.' 200 bales of straw.. G. E. automatic washer, television, 2 wash stands, antique cupboard, table, other items. Terms cash. No Re- serve. Sale, at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 21-1 URGENTLY REQUIREDI! We have cash buyers for homes in the BowmanviIle area, Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville576-6120. 17 tf, eaf PRIVATE - Bowmanville 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick, family room with fireplace, sliding doors to back yard, 11/2 baths, attached garage, com- pleteiy broadloomed. $57,500. Phone 623-4536. 20-2 623-3702 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 ""Waverly Gardlens" in Bowmanville Built by Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 9/% $4,150 DOWN Features include. Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large famiîy kitchen -Finished famiîy roomn Completely broadîoomned 11/2 baths Fireplaces -Attached garages -Ful y sodded lots -Comnpletely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday,1 4: 30 p.m. Choi-ce0f-2 Delu-xe Model'sfo' Choose From., MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limnited WeII known for qua lity construction and superior .workmanshi p. EXCri II:I 234 Kïg St. E., Bowmanville 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 43-tf 1TYRONE ' Monday evening at Mosport Park was the scene of much actîvity and entertainment, due to the hardwork of Tyrone Community Centre and local citizens. A spectacular fireworks dslywas' scheduled for dusk and preceeding it was a variety of entertainment. Bowmanville High School band entertained the crowd on the west grandstand with several numbers and some marching maneouvres. Court- ice Judo Club dîd a display of the art of Judo from the limbering-up exercises to the harder moves of that art. The third number was Courtice High Schooh Gymnastic Girls who more than proved their agility and grace in their spectacular programme. A trio, named the Adeles then rlydreal "moving and crowds occupied until the fireworks began. Soon the sky was aglow with the beautiful and colourful fireworks, as were the grounds glowing from the many sparklers of the child- ren. Many enjoyed the hotdogs, coffee and pop sold a nd everyone agreed it was an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Clark, Leaside, spent a few days with Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. W. Rahm in the passing of her brother Mm. Russell Griffin, Enniskihhen. Sym- pathy is also extended to the family in Enniskillen. Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Mrs. Don Stainton attended a miscellaneous shower in Orono Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. C. Gray for Miss Cathy Walker. Mm. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and boys, Mrs. W. Park, Mrs. Douglas Park and boys attended a pot luck birthday .alt t the home of Mm. and ers.y Peter Murdock, Bow- manville in honour of Mr. F. L. Byam's birthday. Somry to report Mm. Tom Peter Kowal, Jr. ReaI Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvilîe Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR Twin home on deep lot with garage, 11/2 baths, kitchen, living room, and dining room. The perfect starter home for a young couple. Larges5 bedroom home, with ail kinds of room for any size of family, on a 210 ft. lot, weil treed, very quiet area to live. Just reduced in price. 18 Acres of commercial property facing on three roads, possibilities unlimited, make an offer. Farm with frontage on two roads. Large L-shaped barn, beautiful home on this 93 acre farm. Caîl for details. Dodd had the misfortune to, fall through his barn floor and is a patient in Memeorial Hospital, suffering bruises and lacerations. Mrs. F. L. Byam is stili a patient in hospital. Master Richard Bruce, Orono spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs. Other visitors at the Gibbs home during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. L. Thornett and family, Good- erham and Mrs. P. Westlake, Solina and Mrs. F. Ferguson, Enniskillen. Plan to attend the Thursday School Friendship Service Sunday morning May 25 at 10.30 a.m. when Mrs. Edna Phil p will be the guest speaker. There will be a Social hour after in the C. E. wîng of the church. Children are asked to he in the S.S. room by 10.15 ar. At church service Sunday morning Confirmation was held when Misses Margie and Marlene, Craig, Miss Heather Southwell and Mr. Peter Craig were welcome into our church as members and Mrs. Edna Wood and Mr. Douglas South- well, newly appointed Elders were inducted by our Minister Rev. L. Bigby. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Snowden, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pleasance. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys %pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefield. Mr. Edna Philp spent the week with her sister Mr. and Mrs. L. Hauber, Philadeiphia, U.S.A. Mr. Jean, Abrame visited her family in Kingston. .The Ron Philp family spent the B * e S a Mm ---d -Mr- . -. Y u --.Z ian, Jim and Betty attended ie Institution of the L.A.P?. O rillia on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. irs. Mîcheal Wesa (nè;e rlene Hall) who were iarried in Tyrone U., Church, t. afternoon, May 17 with i reception following in the ionsC entre, Bowmanville. r. and Mrs. C. Clark, Mr. d Mrs. H. Hall and Stuart, r. and Mms. A. Knowlton ere guests at the wedding id reception. 234 King St. E., Bowrnanville 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 Outstanding Value Owner must SelI 72 acre dairy farm, Newcastle. Picturesque setting. Fast running trout streamn. 15 acres orchard. Two-storey brick home. L-shaped barns, milkhouse. Price $175,000.00. Terms. Cali Peter Feddema. Newtonvilîe Area 10 acres on good road. Mostly bush. Asking $21,900.00. Cali Bill Turansky. 100 Acres Hampton 2 road frontages. 7 room 2-storey brick home, large barn. Good future develop- ment property, pond, 20 acres wooded. Estate sale. Asking $250,000,00. Terms. Newcastle Area - 55 Acres Beautiful rolling land with spring and natural pond site, small hardwood bush, some pines, terrific view. On good road, close to Village and 401. Vendor will hold mortgage. Full price $63,000,00. Cali Elfie Jost. Orono Ranch Bungalow Two bedrooms, attached gar- age, large "L" shaped living - dining area- next to Clarke High School. Weil landscaped. Asking $52,900,00. Cali Stew Mcîavish. Bowmanviîîe Outskîrts Il rooms, large lot beside an orchard. Fireplace in living room, large di1ning room, good garden area. An excellent large home. See this one and try an offer. Asking 564,500.00. Cali Bill Turansky. Bowmanville Brick 2-storey oldeý home close to downtown. Large lot. A good family home for $46,900.00. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky.- Bowmanville 3 bedroom bungalow, rec room, nice lot on sewer and water in quiet Part of town. Priced to selI quickly ati $41,900.00. Cali M. Yeo. Courtice - Bungalow and pool t Be ready for summer with this lovely 3 bedroipm bungalow and yourown pool. Beautifully ad s caped lot with circular cdriv e. F inished rec roomn Detached g-arag ,e. -Higlhwa y locat ion. AIl for 559,900.001 Cali Bill Turansky for appoint: mient.ç 5 Acre Building Lot - Cavan a ..ovely site for a counfryhome a with 400 ft. frontage. Trees,v good road. Asking $16,000,00. rerms. Cali Bill Sutherland. nvestment Property, 3owma nvi île Fully rented, solîd brick S 5plex, central location, 'close h: to shopp ing, schools and bus ervice. Asking $68,500.00. Cali Elfie Jost. E fi Double Lot - Bungaloýr Brick with attached garage. f Large landscaped lot with hi tees, shrubs, gardien and pi atio. 3 bedrooms, lovely B ving room and diing room. Close to shopping and bus.M Ideal home. Asking 553,900.,00. Don't delay. Cali Bill Suther- 2E and. Are You Considering a e( MOVE or TRANSFER? MV We are lEquppd f handie vi 'our homened anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. M +cCoast to CoastNt th Real Estate Service o OBJTUARY PERCIVAL AVERY WESTLAKE Following a lengthy illness, a \vell-known resident of the area, Percival Avery West- lake, died suddenly at his residence on May 9, 1975. He was in his 59th year. Bornin Solina on May 1, 1917, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., hie was educated at Solina Public School and Bowman- ville High School. He married Tva Marion Ferguson on May 13, 1943, who survives. A resident of Solina hie was emplo'yed at Hampton Cream- ery until 5 years ago. A part time farmer, hie was very interested in sports, partic- ularly soçcer, which hie play- ed, and then coached for many years and howled in the Rural League for some time. Surviving besides his wife, Tva. are Allan in HamDton. Arlene (Mrs. Grant Glaspeli) Tyrone, Don of Oshawa andi eight grandchildren. Two brothers Frank of Solina and Tom of Oshawa and prede- ceased by Mae (Mrs. Nelson Fice). Mr. Westlake rested'at the Morris Funeral Chapel with funeral service on Monday, May 12 at 1. 30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Erb. Pal) bearers were Messrs. Doug Ferguson, Keith Fice, Doug Fice, Howard Westlake, Ron Broome and Bob Black- burn. -Interment was in Hampton Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp of Kitchener were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power over the holi- day weekend and ahl were guests of the Stark-Hales wedding in the Newcastle United Church, Newcastle, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn also attended. The reception and dance was in the new I.O.O.F. Hall near Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîl, Miss Susan Baîl, Mr. Les Hrebicek were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Mercer and sons Kenny and Trevor of Hampton. Miss Mae Glenney of Toron- to and her brother, Mr. Levi Glenney of Fenelon Falls were- Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lanceà Plain. Mr. Harry Cowan of Divis- [on Street has been a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital for the past ten days. Miss Simpson from the Southern States has returned home after vîsiting hier grandfather and other relatives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrene Hlarris were Sunday evening hinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Herd of Whithy. Miss Marilyn Hamm of ;ault Ste. Marie spent the holiday weekend with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamm and other relatives and friends. Miss Susan Baîl and Mr. Les Irebicek of Toronto spent the .oliday weekend with hiem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîll Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. Edward (Ted) Coatham who mecently celebrated their 25th Weddîng Anniversary., Mrs. Jim Middleton return- cd home hast week from the lemorial Hospital, Bowman- jille. Congratulations to Mr. and Wrs. David Smith - the former Iiss Janice Rutherford on icîir marriage at the home of he bride's parerts, Mr. and Urs. S.B. Rutherford of Kirby )n Satumday, May l7th, 1975. Miss Marilyn Morton and [r. Ken Minion of Peterbor- .igh spent the holiday week- ýnd with her parents, Mm. and qrs. Robt. Morton. "50th"~ Anniversary Service obe held at- Orono United 'hurch on Sunday, June lst, After Hours Cali G. Brown J. Barton G. Beech P. Kowal George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 COUJRT-ICE 5 room br ick bungalow wvith a 5 room self contained apartment rented for $200. per month over double garage. Separate en- france and large lot. Priced at $59,900. NEWCASTLE area 1350 sq. ft. weIl built brick bungalow, heavy insulated, good welI and close to schools. Asking price $52,900. CONVENIENTLY located in north-east Bowmanville is fhis 3-year-old very dlean bunga- low. Large secîuded lot. Own- er transf'erred. Asking price $54,900. PHONE Dick Woudstra 983-5915 Geo. Blyleven 623-5300 21-1