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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 9

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The Canadian Siaiesman, Bowmanville, May 28, 1975 9 BOWMANVILLE SENIOR ELECTRONS SCUEDULE - 1975 BOWMANVILLE LEGION PEE WEE E.O.B.A. SCIIEDULE Thurs., May 22 Sat., May 24 Tues., May 27 Thurs., May 29 Mon., dune 2 Thurs., dune 5 Thurs., dune 12 Sat., dune 14 Tues., dune 17 Thurs., dune 19 SSat., dune 21 Sun., dune 22 Tues., dune 24 Sa t.,dune 28 Tues., July 1 Thurs., duly 3 Tues. , duly 8 Thurs., duly 10 -Thurlow at Bow. -Bow. at Peterborough - Minor - Bow. at Cobourg - Peterborough Minor at Bow. - Bow. at Thurlow - Cobourg at Bow. Peterborough Major at Bow. -Bow. at Lindsay -Oshawa at Bow. -Bow. at Oshawa -Legion Zone Play-off -Bow. at Peterborough - Major -Lindsay at Bow. -Kool Aid Tournament-Cobourg -Bow. at Whitby - Ajax atjBow. - Bow. at Ajax - Whitby at Bow. Home Games at Memarial Park Weekday games- 6: 30 p. m. Saturday home games- 2: 00 P. M. Saturday away Games- 1: 00 P. M. Sunday away Games -1: 00P. M. (Except June 22nd game which will be at 3: 00 p.m.) DAIRLIN,,,GT]ONSOCCER MAY Sat. 12 -Ail Star Game Wed 28 Mon. 14 -Salem ai Zion- Zion at Tyrone -Courtice at Orono Wed. 16 Sat. 31- Hampton at Zion Tyrone at Hampton- Solina at Orono Salem at Orono Sai. 19 .JUNE Zion at Solina Mon 2- Orono at Salem - Zion at Orono Mon. 21 Wed. 4- Solina at Tyrone -Courtice at Tyrone Hampton at Salem Solina at Zion Wed. 23 Sat. 7- Zion ai Courtice -Hampton at Courtice - Orono at Tyrone -Salem at Solina Sat. 26 Mon. 9 Hampton at Solina -Tyrone at Salem Salem at Zion -Orono ai Hampton Mon. 28 Wed. iiCourtice at Orono *Solina ai Courtice TWed. 30 mto -Zion at Hampton -Sem a Soin Sat. 14Sae toln - Orono at Courtice Zion at Orono - Salem ai Hampton AUGUST Mon. 16 Sat. 2 -Hampton at Orono Courtice at Tyrone -Courtice ai Salem Solina at Zion Wed. 18 Mon. 4 -Zion at Salem Courtice at Hampton -Solina at Tyrone Salem at Orono Sat. 21 Wed. 6 -Tyrone at Zion Tyrone at Salem -Orono at Solina Solina at Courtice Mon. 23 Sat. 9 -Tryone ai Orono- Zion at Hampton Wed. 25 Orono at Solina -Solina at Hampton Note: Sunday, June 22 and 29 -Salem ai Courtice are tentative dates for the Sat. 28 Carling Cup. -Courtice at Zion Gamne Times -Hampton at Tyrone 7:15 until June lst Mon. 30 7:30 p.m. until August 151 Solina at Salem 7:15 thereafiter until playoffs JULY commence. Wed. 2 -Orono ai Zion JUNIOR LEAGUE -Tyrone ai Courtice MAY Sat. 5 Thurs. 29) Oronlo at i Hamptonl - Tyrone at Courtice -Courtice a aiaem JUNE M1o11. 7,Tues. :3 -Courtice( at Hlampton - Courtice at Hampton -Tyrone ai Zion Thurs. 5 Wed. 9- Solina ai Tyrone Salem at Tyrone Tues. 10 -Courtice at Solina Hampton at Tyrone uyigng Or Selig? If You Nleed an Safety Check Cornue to Us! We Are a Licensed Motor Vehicle Inspection Service Centre W. Offer Complote Automobile Service Commercial Hockey League Enjoys Annual Banquet On Saturday night, the Commercial Hockey League held their annual banquet at the Darlington Marina Hotel,' with the presentation of tropnies and special awards following the dinner. Top photo shows the winners of individual awards, from ý,f t to right, Rick Woolner, leading scorer and most valuable player during the regular schedule; he played with Brooks' Supertest; Doug Smart, of Spencer's Real Estate, the rookie of the year; dohn Vance of Spencer's, the rùost under-rated player; Ron Baker of W. Frank Real Estate, winner of the most spi)rtsmanship player award; Bryan Hughes of Frank's the most valuable player in the playoffs; Ron Hooper of Brooks', the best defenceman; Grant Wright of Frank's, the leading goalie. Below, the champions, the W. Frank Real Estate team, are shown with their trophies.. Thurs. 12 -Solina ai Coutice Tues. 17 -Solina ai Hampton Thurs. 19 -Courtice ai Tyrone Tues. 24 - Tyrone ai Solina Thurs. 26 - Hampton ai Courtice JULY Tues. 1 - Tyrone ai Hampton Thurs. 3 -Courtice ai Solina Tues. 8 -Hampton ai Solina Thurs. 10 -Tyrone ai Courtice Tues. 15 Solina ai Tyrone Courtice ai Hampton Thurs. 17 -Hampton ai Tyrone -Solina ai Courtice Tues. 22 -Solina ai Hampton -Courtice ai Tyrone Thurs. 24 -Tyrone ai Solina -Hampton ai Courtice Tues. 28 -Courice ai Solina Thurs. :31 - Tyrone ai Hampton Pitches Pee Wees ta Win in Opener Mon. May 19 Sun. May 25 Sun. June i Sun. dune 8 Thurs. dune 12 Sun. dune 15 Sun. dune 22 Sun. dune 22 Sat. dune 28 Sun. dune 29 Sun. duly 6 Wed . duly 9 Sat. duly 12 Sun. duly 13 Wed.dJulyl16 Sat. duly 19 Sun. duly 20 Sat. duly 26 Sun. duly 27 Wed. duly 30 Sat. Aug. 2 Sun. Aug. 3 Port Hope at Bow. Bow. at Little Britain Bow. at Ajax Kings ton at Bow Bow. at Oshawa Little Britain a t Bow. Keene a t Bow. B ow. a t Port Hope Bow. at Kingston Ajax at Bow. Bow. at Kendal Bow. at Port Hope Bow. at Kendal Kendal at Bow. Keene at Bow. Bow at Oshawa Oshawa at Bow. Bow. at Keene (River- side Park, Peter- borough) Ajax at Bow. Little Britain at Bow. Bow. at Ajax Port Hope at Bow. 2: 00 p. m. 2: 00 p. m. 1: 00 p. n. 2:00 p.m. 8: 00 p.n 2:00 p.m. 2: 00 p. m. 7: 30 p.m. 7:30 p. m. 2: 00 p.M, 2: 00 p. m. 7: 30 p. m. 2: 00 p.mý 2: 00 p. m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2: 00 p.m. 7:3 0 p.m. 2: 00 p. m. 6:30 p.m. 2: 00 p.nî 2:00 p.m. Nina Cowling;, Runner-up: Joan Suteliffe, Capt., Grace Downey, Jean Burton, Betty MacDonald, Marie Bissoneite and Cathy Sim; Low Team lst scheduie: Nyhi Sheehan, Capi., Mary Bates, Ann Plazek, Dot Richards, Mel McNuliy, and Ann Berry; Low Team 2nd sehedule: Ann Plazek, Capt., Mary Gray,~ Dorothy Oke, Hilda Simnick Rena Bathgaie and Ann Ber- ry. High Single, High Triple and High Average for ,ihe lst sehedule, Joan Sutcliffe and High Triple, and Hi h Average for 2nd schedufe, Joan Sutcliff e. Higl. Single for 2nd schedule was Nybl Shee- han. Low single for lst schedule won by Ann Berry. 2nd schedule was won by Audrey Baie. The members of the 275 Club were Mary Gray, Irene Whitney, Ann Plazek, Linda Downey, Mary Bates, Bernice Pantner, Hilda Simnick and Grace Murdoch. 300 Club winners were Diane Howarih, Joan Suicliffe, Nyhl Sheehan. 700 Club members were Joan Sutchiffe, Nybl Sheehan, Mary Gray, Irene Whitney, Ann Plazek, Bernice Partner, Diane Howarth and Grace Murdoch. Perfect aitendance prizes went to Joan Sutchiffe, Grace Downey, Jean Burton, Nyhl Sheehan, Nina Cowling, Mary Gray and Grace Murdoch. Hidden score winners were Dot Oke, Hilda Simnick, Mary Baies, Kay Barrett, Audrey Baie and Ann Plazek. Nina Cowling won the Most lm- proved Bowler Award for the second year starting wiib 146 average and coming up to 163. Treasurer Jean Burton pre- sented ber Treasurer's report for the year. Nominations and eleciions for 1975-76 Executive were held and the positions taken as follows: President: Marie Bissonetie, isi Vice: Mary Baies, Secretary: Joan Sutcliffe, Treasurer: Jean Burton, Social Convenors: Diane Howarth and Ann DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0FNEWCASTLE Swim-mming ClIoss Regmistration, CLASSES START: Four week course starts July 4th and completed July 29th. Second classes start July 30 completed August 26th. PRE-BEGINNER will be held Monday through Friday at the Flying Dutchnîan Motor Inn Outdoor Pool. BEGINNERS, SURVIVAL, Junior, Intermediate, Seniors, Bronze, Monday through Friday at the New Memorial Park Pool. AGE LIMIT: Bronze must be 14 to try test. Senior must be 12 to try test. EAil others 5 years of age, as of .Iune lst, 1975. REGISTRATIONS: Fee is $8.50 per child and $4.50 for third and succeeding child. At the Newcastle Recreation Department Office, Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Monday, June 2nd, and Tuesday June 3rd from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. No registration will be accepted until that date. After June 3rd from - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. aitheli Recreation Office if openings are avaîlable. Iiring your achievement card from last year. Southpaw Steve Braun had a great night in the opening'Pee Wee ball game here at Memorial Park on Thursday. He held the Thurlow visitors to five hits and only two runs as the locals defeated them 13-2. Lit tleBn ïtaiïn D âefea ts ÉLocke's Elecàotrot#s 10-m7 Behind 7-0 after four inn- ings, the Bowmanville Seniors scored seven ruas in the nexi 3 innings but could flot hold the Generals from Lle Bitain, who came back wiih three more 10 give Bowman- ville their second siraight defeat. The Elecirons were'oui-bit 13-6 and had 13 go down by the sirikeout route compared to Little Britain's 7. J. Morra gge led Little Britain ai bat with three hits and Pat O'Reilly got the only home run of the game for the Generals. Newcomer Chuck Thompson got a triple for Bowmanville to be the main threat for the Electrons. The nexi start for the Electrons is bunday, June isi ai Ajax - Game Time 1:00 p.m. Two newcomers, Chuck Thompson and Jim Dunn, will definiiely give the Electrons some needed experience t0 go wiih from other. oung players from the Jveie ranks. It is going 10 take lime to get ihem togeiher, but by play-off lime they should be hitling iheir stnide. Legion Ladies' League Holds Bowling Ban quet The bowling season con- convenor Phil Rose and berf cluded for the T.gion Lad<ies heiners for the delicious Auxiliary Bowling League on Saturday, May 3rd with their banquet ai the Legion Hall. President Marie Bissonette welcomed guest bowlers and Llew Burton said the grace. Sonny Sheehan ihanked turlkey supper which everyone had enjoyed. The following presenlations were made: Champs: Irene Whitney, Capi., Diane How- arih, Betty MacDonald, Grace Downey, Linda Downey and I I R5SOCIRTE STORE 1W. Johnson Enterprises Bowmanville 16C Church St. 623-46011 1975 L.S.S.A. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Ail Ga mes Start at 2:00 p. m. May 18 -Lindsay at Yelverton -Nestieton at Pontypool Scugog at Kedron Port Perry at Utica May 25 Nestieton at Lindsay Kedron at Pontypool -Utica at Scugog Yelverton at Port Perry June 1 Lindsay at Kedron Pontypool at Utica Scugog at Yelverton Port Perry at Nestietun June 8 -Utica at Lindsay -Yelverton at Pontypool Nestleton at Scugog Kedron at Port Perry June 15 Port Perry at Scugog Pontyppool at Lindsay Plazek, Absentees: Nina, Cow- ling. Three draws were held and Jean Burton won the Hond Table Flower arrangement; Dot Richards wonl the Liquer set and Grace Murdoch won the cup and saucer set. Music for the dance was provided by Suburban Sound, Mr. Bill Kay, and during the evening spot dances were held and the winners were Sonny Sheehan and Marie Bissonette, Llew Burton and Reva Parker. On behalf of the Executive, we would like to thank the Canadian Statesman staff for printing of our weekly bowling -Yelverton ai Nesileton -Kedron at Utica June 22 Lindsay ai, Port Perry -Scugog at Pontypool -Utica at Yelverton -Nestleton at Kedron June 29 -Port Perry ai Pontypool -Lindsay at Scugog -Yelverton at Kedron -Nesileton ai Utica July 6 -Yelvenion at Lindsay Pontypool at nestieton 7Kedron at Scugog -Utica at Port Perry JuIy 13 Lindsay at Nestleton Pontypool at Kedron -Scugog at Utica , Port Perry ai Yelverton July 20 -Kedron ai Lindsay -Utica at Pont ypooî -Yelverton ai Scugog -Nestleton at Port Perny July 27 Lindsay ai Utica Pontypool ai Yelverton Scugog ai Nesileton -Port Perry ai Kedron Aug. 10 -Scugog at Port Perry -Lindsay at Pontypool Nestleton ai Yelverion -Utica ai Kedron Aug. 17 Port Perry ai Lindsay Pontypool ai Scugog Yelverton ai, Utica Kedron ai Nesileton Aug. 24 Pontypool ai Port Perry Scugog ai Lindsay -Kedron ai Velverton 0 5 5 0 ( 1 P T E 5 T 0 R E

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