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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesma kk âme . .. . .. . . ........... . ... ....... .... ....... .... .......... - ..... ....... .... ý - .M : ............ : ..... . ...................... . .. ............ .. .. ..... . .-.....-......«.,*...,.~. .. -an, Bowmanville, May 28, 1975 13 DEAD LINE FO'%R CL-ASSIFIED gTues., 4:30 p.m e o E e n ">- - .. .. .. . ticW farosmwe, o \NNAERT - Luke and, Paf pleased ta announce the 'b Irth of their dlaughter Sherry LË'n, 7 ibs. 7 ozs. on Tuesday, May 27th, 1 975 in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Spec- !l thanks ta Dr. A. B. Sylvester and nursing staff. - 22-ix CONNAGHAN - Richard and Shiela Connaghan, (nee Fask- ett) wish ta announce the birth of thein son Michael Wayne, 7 lbs. 3 qzs., on May 22, 1975 af Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother ton Michelle. Proud gnandlparents are Mr. and Mns. M. Connaghan and Mr. and Mrs. :. Fosketf al of Bowmanviiie. Thanks ta Dr. H. C. Anfossi and Dr. E. L. Ewert. 22-lx HONEYMAN - Morris and Beth (nee Robinson) are pleased toahanounce trie sare arrivai of their fitst chiid, A son, Derek Gregory, at Osh- awa General Hospital, on Friday, May 16, 1975, weigh- ing 5 ibs. il ozs. Proud ran dparents are Mn. and ns . C. Robinson, and Mrs. J. A. Honeyman. Special thanks ta Dr. R. K. Lai and matennity wand staff. 22-1 STORK-Rad and Marlene are pleased fa annaunce the birth of their son, Trevor John, bot-n May 21, 1975, weighing 5 ibs. 8/2 oz. at Memoial Hospital. A brother fan Michael.' Proud gnandparents are Mn. and Mrs. Oluf Lundsten and Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Sfork, ail of Eastend, Sask. Special thanks fa Dr. Westgarth and matern- ity nurses. 22-1lx VAN DYKE-Judy and Myno at-e pieased ta announce fhe safe arrivai of a daughter Sheila Lynn at the Oshawa Genenal1H ospifai on May 25, 1975. Weighing 5 lbs. 14 ozs. Praud grand parents are M. and Mrs. Gardon Till of Estevan, Saskatchewan and Mn. and Mns. Marfen Van Dyke of Brooklin, Ontario. 2- un'", Rfl 22-1 DUNN-EVANS - Mn. and Mrs. Jack Dunn at-e pleased ta announce the mat-nage of thein son James Edwand ta Donna Marie Evans on Satur- day, May 24, 1975 at -Sf. Stephens' United Chut-ch, Tor- ori a, Ontario. 22-1 iLME-TEN DAM-Mn. and ,..Mt-s. William Tendam at-e pnoud ta announce the necent_ mat-nage of thein daughten, (Shirley) Rosa, fa Stephen William, son of Mn. and Mns. Trevar Huime, ail of Bow- manville. The wedding took place quietiy in St. George's Anglican Chut-ch, Newcastle, on May l6th, 1975, the Rever- end H. R. Hayne officiating oven the double ring cet-e- Md, .22-lx Mn. and Mns. J. Douglas Fiett, Solina, are pleased fa announce fhe fothcoming mat-nuage of thein daughten Linda Joan ta Ronald Robet, son of Mn. and Mns. F rank D. Dauphin, Bruce Mines, Ont- aria. The wedding fa fake place June 28 at 4 p.m. in Eldad United Chut-ch. 22-x Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Geach, Kendal, are pleased ta aný nounce the fothcoming Mat-- nage of thein daughten Bannie Marie ta Bruce Allan, son of Mn. and Mns. Robin Alidned, Newcastle. Ceremony to take place July 12, 1975 at 3:30 p.m. n Kendal United Chut-ch. 22-1 Mn. and Mns. Ross Lane, Bowmanviiie announce the fothcoming mat-nage of thein oniy daughten, Muriel Jean ta Douglas Enwin Woods son of Mrs. Nana Woods, Toronto, and Mn. Gardon, Woods, Mankham. Wedding ta take place at Trinify United Chut-ch, Bowmanville, on June 28. 1975 at 4: 00 p.m. 22-1lx Mn. and Mns. Douglas E. Coates at-e pleased fa annaunice the tathcoming TheI chid or IIOiJC[îie adO Donald Lamb wish ta invite relatives, friends and neigh- bons ta open house in honar of thein parents 25th Wedding Anniversany on June 1, 1975 tram 2 fa 5 p. m. at theit- home at R.R.1, Bailiebono. DENHOLLANDER, Jack J.- Suddenly at Trenton Memi aria i Hospital on' Tuesday, May 20, 1975, Jack Den Hollander of Orono in his 43rd y ear. Beloved husband of Helen Kruys, dear father of Richard, Ronald, Jack, David and Cindy. Rested 'at thé Northcutt Elliott Funerat Home. Funeral service was held Thursday atternoon at 3:30 p.m. in Maraniatha Christian Reformed Cht-ch. Interment Bowmanviite Cem- etery. 22-if HATHERLY - At Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, May 24h, 1975, John (Jack) Hatherly, 252 King St. E., Bowmanville, aged 68 years, beioved husband of Marlon Roach, dear father of 6 daughters and 5 sons, dear son of Annie anri mie late Richard Hatheriy. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chape[, Bowmanville, on Monday at 1:30. interment Bowmanviiie Cemetery. 22-1 VEITCH - At Memariai Hospital, Bowmanville, on, Tuesday, May 2th, 1975, Josephine Gridiey, forrneriy of 68 Westmount Ave., Tor- ontfa, aged 87 years, wfe of the late Audley Veitch. Servce was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Thunsday at three o'ciock. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 22-1 CARNATION For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND'SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO SEA&T Carnation Flower Shcp 33 Division St.- 623-7141 12-tf VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf BROWNLEE-ln memany of John Alexandet- Btownlee who passed away May 23, 1974. t's heen a year since vou have been gone dad You neyer said gaad-bye, and I otten wonden why. i know you are up in heaven Somewhene abave the sky My Lave fan yau is still stronig. -ovingly nemembered by daughter, Mat-Jean. 22-1 BROWNLEE-In loving memon y of a dean husband and fat het-, John, wha passed away May 23, 1974. God saw that you were getting tired and stretched out His loving at-ms i have a mansion pnepared for yau, came unta me and test. We miss yau. -Lavingîy ememfbened by wife Jean and daughter, Claire. -22-1 COWLI NG - [n loving mem- on yof a dean husband at-d father Hariey T. Cowlinig, who passedi away May 31, 1967. lhe wonld changes yean ta year And friends from day f0 day. But neyer wili the ane we loved From memory pass-away. - Even nemembered and sadly missed by wife Nina and famiiy. 221 COUCH --- In loving memany of a dean mathen Winanà Pansons Couch, who passed away May 24,1939. Also a dean father Harty Couch who passed awayeOctober 25, 1950. May yau always walk in sunshine, And God's love anound you flo0w. The happiness you gave us, No one wili even knaw. -Lavingly remembeYed by daughten Denelda and son-mn- iaw Sid. 22-I1x FOWLER -ln Ioving mem- at-y of a dean husband Robel'i James who passed away May 30, 1971. Those we love we neyer-lose For aIl we say wiiI be Laved nemembened treasuned Always in my memony. - Sadly missed by wife Annie. 22-1 SNOWDEN - In Iaving mem- at-y of a dean mothen and gnandmaother Hiilda Bessie who passed away May 29th, 1972. - Lovingly re-nembened by the family. 22-1 KING - Daniel. In laving memny 0f a dean husband, fathen and gnandfather who passed away June 4th, 1962. Dean husband you at-e not 1f argot ten Thaugh on eanth yau are nc mare Stilli n memnory you are wifni us As you always were before. - Lovingly remembered by wife Stella and famîly. 22-1 x 1 wi$h ta sincereiy thank my family, neighbors, friends, St. George's Anglican Churchi, Lionettes, Lions Club, and C.N.î.B. for tlowers, gifts, cards and visits received on th-e occasion of my 10th birthday. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. Mabie Le Gresiey 22-1 i wish ta thank Dr. West- garth,-staff and nurses on 2nd f on and therapy dept. for help towards recovery affer my operalion. Als0, al W110 sent cards, fiowers etc., and ail visitons. Mick Brown 22-lx To my famiiy, friends and neighbors, 1 thank you ail s0 much for the loveiy flowens, cards, leffers and gifts dlut-m my iiiness in Civic Hospitap Peterborough. Thanks one and ail of you kind people. Nellie McCullough 2- I wouid like ta express my sincere thanks fa my rela- tives, neighbors, and nnany friends for thein g ifts, tlowers and many visi ts while in Oshawa Genenal Hospital and after I came home. -'Aiso thanks ta the doctors and nurses on the sixth floor for their kindness. Freeman L. Eddy . 22-1 The famiiv of the late Sam Raaphorst wish ta express their sincere appreciation ta their friends, relatives and neuqhbors fan beautiful floral fributes, cards, messages of syrnpathy and prayers. -ona- fions ta the many charities and many acts o f kindness un the recent loss of a-husband and tather.. To Pastar - L. R. Harvey for his comforting messages and ta the Northcutt Elliatt Funeral Home. Mrs. S. R ahorst, Isaac, john, Nelly, Ria and!Jae. 221 Thîs s ta convey my sincere tf-anks Ia relatives,' friends and.neighbons for cails, cârd&, f oWers and gifts during My stay in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Special thanks Io Ors. A. Clark, J. Rundle, McKenzie, H.B. RundIle, nurses and staff of sungical floot-. 22-lx DANCING June 7th at CLUB ANNRENE -on Scugog Island -The Concordia Stage Band" Proceeds for Crippled Children Advance Tickets Availabte At' Frederick's Pharmnacy 67 King St. E., Bowmaflville or Phone 623-2468 22-2 MONSTER BINGO N~ew Starting Time THURSDAY-7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JIJBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50-tf WOOOVIEW COMMiJNfTY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf EXHIBITOF PAINTINGS by ARIIHUR A. DRUMMONOD 1at Bowmanville Public Library May 29 - June 12 ý-Admission Free- For funthen information call 623-7322 BOARD 0OF STEWARDS Auction a nd Bake Sale SAT., MAY 31, 10 a.m. AIl donations gratefully ne- ceived. For pick up caîl George Moore 623-5901 or 1623-5610. Chanlie Reid, Auctioneer. Coffee and donuts available. 22-1 Dancing Saturday Night May 31 at CLUB ANNRENE on Scugog Island 1featuring JOEY VAN Orchestra 22-1 HADASSAH FINAL CLEARANCE SALE Thursday, May 29th 9 a.m. - 9p.m. 144 King St. E. Oshawa Lovely new fabrics. Bazaan merchandise. Neanl y new at /2 price. Rummage S pecial af $2 a lange bag. 22-1 CARN IVAL To celebrate opening of the New Junior Library. « Saturday, June lth 2 -4 p.m. BO WMAN V ILL E PUBLIC LIBRARY Games, Contests, Pizes and FREE Refreshments. Al Children welcome. For more information -phone 623-7322. 22-2 LOGO CONTE ST Designý a symbol for the Anea Libraries for the Town of Newcastle. Contest open ta all ;tudents qnades K-13 in Town of Newcastle. Deadline June 30, 1975. Pni ze wil11 be awarded fit-st week of Septemben. For f unthen information phon'e 623-7322. Send enfnies ta: Newcastle Libnary Board 62 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 21-2 ESCORTED TOURS Ottawa Tulip Festival May 2th. My-stery Tour June 1sf. Lanark Perth Shopping June llth. Upper Canada Village June 8th. O'Keefe Centre "Odd Couple" Matinee June 4f h. Lion Safari botanical Gardens June lSth Basebaîl Weekend June28-29 PennsylIvan ia Dutc h Tour June 19 -22 North Bay, Sudbury &Manitoulin Islands June 28-Juiy sf. Ottawa Tour JuIy 8 - 10 Western Canada and North West Teritories Au.2 -25 Maritime Tour - Sept. 6 -20 For information write Box 214, Sunshine Tours Port Hope. Phone 885-4822 or Evenings 885-2200 Plan ta attend the Lake Scugog Histonical Society Chair's presentation "Cran- della Croise", Safurday, May 3lst at 8 p.m . in the Enniskii- len Public Schooi Auditorium. Sponsored by the Enniskiilen Sunday School. Aduits $1.50, Chidren .75c. Maximum $5,a -2 family. 22-1 KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH SENIOR CHOIR PRESENTS THEIR ANNUAL CONCERT Featurinq KINGSVIEW SENIOR CHOIR ROSS METCALF DIRECTOR AN D THE CLASSICAL BRASS (A Renowned Quinitet) Affiliated with the University of Toronto. An evening of var choral and instrumental musical selections for ail ages in KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH, OSHAWA Sunday Nighf June 1sf, 1975 at 8 p.m. -ADMISSION: ADULTS- 52.50 STUDENTS- 5.50 "INTERLUDES" of Fashion and Music Presenited by students of Home Economics & Music Depatments Clarke Higli Schooî Tues., June 3, 1975 at 7:30 Free Refreshments Admisgion - Donations t-led i the Town League Hockey Ban- quet, Sat. 3lst. May, Tickets available tram: Bob Hellam 623-2072, Brian Bradley 576- 5286, Gene Baisom 576-3037, Ran Hoooer- contact Hoop- er's Jewellers, Lanny Burns - Tim's Rent-Ail. 203 Fish and Chips. Ail yau can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Antiques bought and sold. open every Sat. and Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. 20-4 The United Church 0f Canada 5th Anniversary Play "THE BOOK, THE BUSH AND THE DOVE" in Newcastle United Church by the THEATRE FIVE PLAYERS. of Kingston ON Sundlay, June 1sf, 7:30 p. m. (Offering to help def ray expenses). Everyone Welcomie 21-2 Bus trip ta Ontario Science Centre and Edward's. Gar- dens, Saturday, June 7th, sponsored by the Canadian Club of West Durham. For information cali 623-3351 or 623-7150. 22-1 Kendal L.O.L. Church Ser- vice and parade, Sunday, June 1lst at10;30 a.m. 22lx Hampton United Church lOOth Sunday School Anniver- sary, Sunday, June 1sf, 11:30 a.m. -g uest speaker Mr. Denzil Daie and Suniday School -Choir. 7: 30 p .m.- Home Cominq Service. Guest minis- ters Rev. Frank Cryderman, Rev. Lloyd Kersey and Rev. E. J. Kersey. Guest organist Raiph Peters. Choir of present and former choir members. Fireside.foiiowing evening service. Ail weicome. 22-1 Hampton North Cemetery is observing Decoration Day on Sunday, June th, at 2:30 p.m. with Pastor Paul Erb as speaker. 22-2 Dance in Janetville Hall, -Sat., May 31. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. 22 lx Bazaar and Tea by'residents o,f Sunfset Lodge, '106CI,ulrchi St., Wed., June 18, 1975 at 2 9 mr. Music courtesy of mem- -eof the Salvation Army Band. 22-1 COLECO swimming pool, size 15' x 8' x 36", with all accessories. Phone 623-7785. 22-1 6000 BTU air condîtioner, reasonabie, 623-4617. 22-1 ALUMINUM boat, 15 foot Mirro-Cratt with back-to-back seats, 35 h.p. Evinrude'motor, Explorer Tilttrailer, excellent condition. Appiy 135 Orchard Heights Drive, Newcastle or phone 987-4435. 22-1 25 MERCURY Oufboard M-ofor and contrais. $250. Phone 623-2084 atter 5. 22-1 CALCIUM chioride - 100 lb. bag si ze. Phone 623-3914. 2 - ONE complete 10' diamefer pool, 24 inches deep. Phone 623-2877. 22-1 Used 1 month. Size F78-14. $60. Cali evenings atten 8, 1-983- 9485. 22-1 DOG house. Suit lange dog. F. Nickerson, 107 Liberty St. 22-1 CANUCK battery which operafes eiectric fence. Like new, $30. Caillevenîngs atter 8, 1-983-9485. 22-1 25" RCA colon television in goad condition $200. Phone 623-3883. 22-1 SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distnibuton has above graund aluminum pools leftaven fnom 1974 season. 1/2 price. Guaran- feed installation and terms. Cail Credif Manager coiiect 416-292-2268. il tf CE DAR fence t-ails for antique fencing. Phone 263-8142.208 CHESTERFIELD and chair, good condition. Phone 623- WATER supply pools, weils etc. George Maguine, R.R. 3, Bowmanviile. 723-6980. 22-tf DESK $49,, desk $69, dressing table and bench $49, vanity $39, rocking chair $49, cribs complete $20, variety of small tables and smnall appliances. Towne Used Funnitune, 19 Tempet-ance St-, Bowman- ville. 22-1 CHESTERFIELD suites tram as low as $69 and up. 5 ta choase tram at Towne Used Funniture, 19 Tempenance St., Bowmanvilie. 22-1 ~<W HIT ES -l'TV ANTENNAS 0 Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotons & Repains SApartment & Homes - Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-ff Oshawa TV. e;- Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Coloned Aeriats Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl1 priced to SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Compressons, Generators Also Drill Presses, Ginders, Power Hack Saws etc. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Ace Machinery Company 859 A Nelson St. Os ha wa 723-0933 21 -tf AI1R compressons, qye, - - power hack and band saw, sump and waten pumps, electric chain hoists, drill presses, etc. Ace Machinery Ca., 859A Nelson St., Oshawa, 723-0933. 20-4 1ONE third off ail pruning shears, awn shears, lawn sprinklers, Rubbenmaid bord- er trim, fence, bricks on tnee trim at Carnation Flowen Shop, 33 Division St. 623-5577. 22-1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available fan most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Oun repains are done with modern up-to-date equipmeni and qualified Swiss tnained watchmatet- HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D.,. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf WOOD'S tent trailen, with extra noomn. Phone 623-5148. 22-2x FRESH eggs dauly. John Fayer 623-2653. Na Sunday sales. 22-lx SCREENED and unscreened top soul, scneened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 22-tf GARAGE Sale, May 31- June 1, M. Lake, 23 Parkway Cnes., Bawmanviile,. Antique car accessonies, wicker funiture, lamps, misceilaneous. 22-1lx BOY'S 10 speed Peugeot bicycle. White. $130. 623-2009 at ter 5. 22-1 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES __________ ---__ SALE S- SE RVICE- RE NTA LS LLOYD baby canniage, navy on.2860 blue, good condition. Phone Phoe7860 623-2643. 22-1 16-tf OSHAWA 22-1 - SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND- GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PROPUCTS Ail Sizes for Dniveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (E ast of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 ler, feeder, cultivator, disc, water trough, post hale dig- ger. Phone 1983-5590. 2 - LION EL Hard Top Camper and Travel Trailers Canadian Built 15 Models Bank Rate Financing KAMPING> UN LIMITE D i mile N. on Townfine Rd. East City Limits Oshawa 728-9942 17-6 AIndow uites. ceal Hane Panto ner. Onono 83Ha20veo Zenith 14620. 21 -tf SECONDS Mac apple s, $2.50 a bushel. Phone Bill Feddema affer 5-at 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 17-tf HORSE frailen for sale, twa stail, double axIe, excellent condition. $825. Phone 983- 9293. 22-1 ONE set continental bunk beds, posture boards and maffresses, used four monfhs, cail any fume 623-7290. 2- 10,000 APPLE boxes, 11/4 bushel and 2 bushel, neason- able. Wiiiam's Grave Onch- ard Ltd., Newcastle. 987-4563. 22-1 10-20 TRACTOR on nubber, in nunning condition. 1-986-4257 22 1w ASPARAGUS and nhubarb for sale. Phone 263-2501 in evening ta place orders. 22-1 CLEAN oaf stnaw, Glen Glas- peul 728-6908. 22-1 GREEN wool rug 12 x 12 aid fashioned hall seat. Phone 623-2342. 22-1 NEW tent 9' x 9', used once, best offer. Phone 623-4358. 22-1 INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER MFZA«t:p AIR CONDITIONERS No Payments for Six Mumithqs 1 CALE HARVEY PARINER Youn E SSO Service Dealer FREE* ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zen ith 14620 24 Hour Service - 21-_tf BABY buggy - like new, Phone 623-4950. 22-tf DIFFERENT varieties of per- ennials for the flawer garden. G. Verbocht, R.R. 5 Bowman- ville. 193x BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining roam, 9 piece; living raam, aIl Burma-Danish teak. woad.- New furniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377 52-f! PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furhiture and appliances. Will accept trade-i. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 261~ USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf BIKES- several gaad used bikes, very reasonable. Alsa, wili sell a quantity of parts and wheels. Caîl 623-6002. 22-1 CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- for for CamDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16 tt SOME nursery stock and gladiali bulbs-50 cents a doz. G. Hartemink, R.R. 2, New- castle, 987-4430. 19-4 cm Buy direct fram Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selectian af fine, quality monuments, large and smail ta fit any need. Camne by aur display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Part Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf f NE QUALITY 1 1 MARKERS 1966 OLOS F85, excellent condition. 137 Liberty Street North. Phone 6235939. 2l ----------- 1972 MUSTANG 2-door hard- top. V-8, autamatic, power steering and power brakes. Asking $3,100 firm. Phone 623-2755. 22-1 '71 MAVERICK, good condi- tion. Asking $1,300. Phone aften 4, 1-983-5606. 22-1 1970 MAVERICK, ýman's bicycle, boys' high rise. Phone 263-8184. 22-1 1968 METEOR Montcalm 47,000 miles. Certifid. Must' Selil. Phone 623-3814. 21-2 o, * as. s P..)OM and board or noom funnished with kitchen fties fan single girl in castle. Phone 725-0696. facil- New- ROOMERS wanted. 623-7750. Call after 3p.m. .22-lx HOLSTEIN bull strayed on my praperty. Phone 1-786- ?QRý 22-1 '69 PONTIAC, g ood condition, low mileage. Phione 623-5784. 22-1 1965 CHEVY Van partially converted into camper, good shape, $800.' Phone after 5, 1-786-2919 Newtonville. 2- '69 EPIC, 36,000 miles, 4 cylinder standard, selling as is for $400 or best offer. Phone 623-5866. 22-1 '73 GMC 1/2 ton V-8 autorratîc, power steering, power- brakes, custom, interior wifh a: cap, $3,450. 623-3639. 22-1 '67 FORD pick-up. 6 standard, radio, good condition. Asking $750. Phone,983-5248 after four P. 22-1 G. BAR S. RANCH Horseback riding, $3 pet-haut-. Our members hip is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalîs for rent, plenty of raam. Speciai iding ring and mndlvi- dual corals for your canven- ence. $50 pet- month. CALI US ANYTIME 623-4027 19-tf Wan s e . We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 fi USED Furnnifune and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp-, ton 263-2241. 33-tf WE buy and seil evenything and pay cash. Caîl day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea U Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-ff Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Res idence 623-7112 45-tf prt fume RN.posins fullhn haven Nu psitiome. Sut Austin 987-4441. 21-4 TOBACCO heip wanted for anea fat-ms. Appiy at Canada -Fat-m Labour -Pool~, 53".Alber-t St., Cobourg, Ontario. 416- 372-8737. 22-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications wiil be neceived by the undensigned until Wednesday, June 4, 1975,,fan the position of Suppiy Cane- taken, 40 hau-s pe- week at the variaus Schoals i n the Bowmanville Newcasle Anea. Knowledge 0f cleaning mat- et-ls and canetaking prace- dut-es pnefenned. Abiiity ta wonk tram verbal and wriffen instructions and with other people nequired. Applications wili be neceived by the undensigned until Manday, June 2, 1975, for the position of Part Time Cane7 taker, 15 haut-s pe- week. (10 haut-s pet- week at the Central Public School, Bowmanville, and 5 haut-s pet- week at the Lord Elgin Public Schooi, Bowmanvil le.) Knowledge of cieaning mat- erials and canetaking prace- dut-e prefenred. Ability ta wonk tram verbal and written instructions and with othen people requined. Reply in writing sfafing quali- fications, addness and tele- phone number fa: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 2 - qIred, June. aacrypen. Aied benet pad and ons program. 5 d anweek.nTh best ront ed andrakTe bequifrent tondorkdwith. N eavy monto orktrnsissi on hev mork.oA or t rsanmisit Fiorestone Cobou rg. a 20-tf PART-time service station attendant required, good opportunity for energetic, re- [jable persan. Apply Imperial Oil Service Centre, Waverly Rd. and 401. 20-tf CLEANING lady 1 day for 2 hours Per week for ight office cleaning. Brookdale-Kings- way, 150 Duke St. 623-334 ,5à - DISHWASHERS - part and full time required immedi- ately.,Mature students accep- table. For appointment cati 623-3373, Flying Dutchman Motor, Inn, Mr. Bourke., 22-1 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat ion Invites applications for the following position BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL One teacher of ris' physical and health ed ucation and geoglraphy.-, This is a temporary position from September 2nd to pèc- cember 19, 1975, inclusive. Please apply in writing stating qualifications, experience and references to: Mr. E. Wolff Principal 49 Liberty St. N. Bowmanvi île LIC 2L8 Telephone 416-623-4416 22-1 St. Marys Cernent Company Bowmanvilîe Plant Requires: One Maintenance Mechanic with a minimum of at least four years WELDING and MILLWRIGHTING EXPERIENCE, in the repaît- and maintenance of industrial machinery as contained in a cement plant. Applicants fan this position should apply in writing ta: Personnel Dept. Box 68 Bowmanville, Ontario P ET E R BO ROUG 14-V 1ICTOR 1 A-NORTH UMB E R LAN D & NEWCASTLE Roman Catholic Separate School Board Invites applications for the following position effective Septemben lst, 1975 Primary Teacher, for St. Joseph's Schooî, 90 Parkway Cnes., Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, LiC 1C3 Apply to: Mn. R. Gutteridge Principal (416-623-5151) Chairman Dietrof Education 22-1 for

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