Yo%-uth Bowlers HoId Banquet and Award- Presentation during Don's stay in hospital. Mrs. Verna Sanderson entertained a bus load of East Durham Historical Society members on Wed. evening ta, view her button collection and antiques. Also present to welcome the gathering ta Manvers Twsp. were Reeve and Mrs. George Neals of, Bethany R.R.' Born Burns East 0f Newton ville eK An open barn belonging ta Stan Gujda of Lot 8, Con- 4 , cession 1 of former. Clarke Township, burried ta the ground, Monda y night. Dam- age is-estimated at $7,000. The 4 1b termn open barn means that the cattle are able ta walk in and out. Juvenites are sus- _e pected of starting the fire. The Newcastle Detachment of the OPP are investigating. The _________ Newcastle Village Fire De- partment responded ta a catI Bowmanville was sent. t took firemen an haur and a haîf ta extinguish the blaze. Lot 8, concession l is east of Newton- ville on Highway 2. At 9 o'clock Monday night, the Bowmanville fire station In th junor grls ectin, th wining eam as, rom lft t rîgt S ampbll C ane . Va Bakl, rspandd taa cai atHobb In th junor grls ectin, te winingteam as, rom eft o riht, . Ca pbel, C.LaDr.N.and BSaper. aCreek. Cre A.treee Capt. L. Lavigne, L. Bishop and J. Van Goor. which had blown down Su nday was blazing when firemen arrived. Juveniles are sus- peeted of starting the fire. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 28, 1975 5 Young1 Adults Winning Team Presented with Trophy The annual banquet for the Young Aduits Bowling League was held at Centennial Hall on Saturday evening, with this team taking top honors and the McGregor Hardware trophy. They are, from the left, Jim Welsh, Don Ellis, Capt. Lois Richards and Tom Gordon; absent, Kathy Milner. VAN BELLE "OR Thursday NTurserymen and Florists THO WEEÂK" May 29, Friday May3O, Saturday May3l. Mrs. C. llopcroft presented the trophy to the winners of the junior boys section, lef t to right, P. Ke'<nnedy, S. Zealand, Capt. D. Murphy, M. Visser, P. Thierault and J. Stacey. YELVERTON The Don Whittakin famil~ were visitors this week wit the Howard and Terry Malcolms - The unprecedented May heat wave continued unabated tili Sat. afternoon with mid- day reading in the shade even wavering between 94 degrees and 96 degrees F. (or 35-35 Celsius).- On Sat. Mid-after- noon, temporary relief was enjoyed when the heavens opened and drapped 3.75 inches of rain according ta aur rain gauge- in less than an hour. Even the parched earth couldn't absorb such abun- dance in such a short period and we were treated ta the unusual sight of iittle lakes and streams ail over the place - a million dollar rain and the first of the month. Less than 2 miles away ta the east no ramn whatever. Lucky ducks us! On Tuesday evening, some 125 female chauvinists gathered in Yelverton Church Hall ta honor a popular Janetville girl-bride elect Miss Lorraine Shea with a miscellaneous shower. Janet- ville, Nestleton and Yelverton communities were well repre- sented and Lorraine was the recipient of many lavely gifts. She was assisted in opening the 'gifts by Miss Sharon Nesbitt and Mrs. John Cain. Miss Shea expressed hier SALE Alil Spring Coats and Jackets Complete Spring Stock of Long Pants and T-Shirts 20%OFF Regulair Price ý--AIl Sizes lncluded in this-Sale thanks in a few well chosen words. Members of the com- mittee who heiped arrange the evening were Mrs. Terry Malcolm and Mrs. John Cain assisted by others, we know not who. The Church Hall is looking much better with its new face lift - a double coat of paint with Mr. Paul Bowen the artist in charge. On Sat. evening similar tribute was paid the other haif of the future partnership as Mr. Trevor Nesbitt was hon- ored by his large number of friends with a sta ge party. One of those delightfui affairs where you ecw as many as possible into a' hot, humid, smake filled room and every- bodyp retends they are having a bell of a good time playing cards, inhaling second hand smoke and absorbing a skinful of liquid refreshments in an ahl maie atmosphere. A tidy sum was realized for the honored guest and was officially pre- sented by Mr. Doug Hamilton. Trevor expressed his grati- tude shortly and to the point. Best wishes ta this popular yung couple who will shortly be tripping down the avenues of life together. On Sunday afternoon, Yel- verton Raockets failed ta get into orbit as they blew a three run lead ta lose their game in Port Perry 7-5. A few fielding errors, a cou ple of costly watks combined with the fact some of aur big u ns were silent in the ba tting box created the deficit on the score sheet. On the position side - il strike outs by Stinson and Timms vs 7 for Port Perry by an ex-Kedron player Don Warmbey, a home run by Bryce Jimmo scoring 3 of the 5 runs, 5 stolen bases ta bis credit, four times on bases in five. Terry Malcolm pushed a 2-3 bagger ta a homerun on errors. Ian Page-2-two bag- gers and batted 3 out of 4. Next week we meet Scugog at Yelverton. D. Crawford for Port Perry scored a home run and 3 of Ports seven runs were unearned from walks. Lucky that one certain aging veteran pressed into service dîdn't get a baîl near hlm. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Draper and Miss Kathy Bristow have moved back into aur village ta their former residence. Mr. and Mrs. Gar y Bristow and girls are presently staying with Mr. Witbert Malcolm in their own quarters. Mrs. Lettie Carter has been visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. Date Stinson and family. >Several from this commun- ity attended the big anniver- sary celebration of the Bayý of Quinte United Church held in Peterboro Memorial. Centre on Sunday evening. Miss Jane Connellv was a week-end visitor with Miss Candice Macolm. Miss Jeninifer Snushall of Bethany spent the week-end with Miss Mona Matcolm. Miss Phyllis Armstrong of Toronto Spent a few days this week w3t Mrs. Don Brown 'Hardy Garden Mum With The Purchase of $5.OO Ie Orth ProuctsThis mu m wiIIbîoom in the faIli for a mass of flowers... Orto PodutS Color our choice. Available at ail stores. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT ON SATURDAY MAY 31, 1975 WE WILL HAVE A IN-;'T AND WEED CLINIC WITH GARDENING EXPERT MR. ED. HOWELL FROM THE ORTHO CHEMICAL COMPANY AT OUR EAST STORE ON HIGHWAY NO. 2, TO HELP YOU SOLVE INSECTS OR WEED PROBLEMS! !!! », ' SECT andýWEED -I~ L A F HOPPER ON RASpB3ERRIEl SCHICKWEFED CLINIC"À eILER " 4/Saturday,. May 31,1lO0-M., 12a'. m., 2 p. m., 4 p. m.,À DROP IN FOR A COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS!"""'!! JUST A FEW 0F OUR GARDEN CARE PRODUCTS: WE ED-B-GON .~1. Spot Treat Lawn SWeeds S2. Push-Button Contrai of Dandelions 3. Easy-To-Use Aerosol 8 oz. $1.79 PRICE: l6oz. $2.59 32 oz. $3.98 ALL ABOUT VEGETABLEFS-N ALIBOU 1.A Great Book VEEMLSiFor Al Gardeners 2. 112 Pages - 48 With Pictures - 3. Contains Exotic Vegetabie Dichondra a 2. Easy2To5Ue nOrho 1.h s syetOteaso A 6o..$,5 ST:. FLOWER SHOP AND GARDEN CENTRE Highway No. 2 Oshawa M Bowmanville 5 Minutes VU 5 Minutes 623-4441 Highway No. 2 Open 9-9 Daily FRUIT &VEGETABLE INSECT CONTROL 1. Wide-Rarn e nsect Oo Contrai For MstFruits & Vegetabies MI PRICE: 8 OZ. $2.49 16 oz. $3.89 32 oz. $6.49 (WEED-B GON JET WEEDER' 1. Kilis Lawn-M - Weeds, Lîke eOR1HO Dandelions, Roots WEED- and Al' GO 2. Spray Lw Weeds Away PRICE: SSPRAY-I 1. Automa Mixes &' To 4 Gallo 2. 4 Year WEST'. rO iSE AND FLORAL DUST 1. Dust lnsects Away OUM 2. Stop Rose Pests Fo 3. Controls Bath lnsects Fo,eI And Disease PRICE:i lOoz. Duster $1 .98 ISOTOX INSECT SPRAY i. Multi-Purpose Gard- en Spray OmD 2. Kilis_ Sucking and Chewing lnsects 3. Systemic Action PRICE: 8 oz. $2.49 16 oz. $3.69 32 oz. $6.49 WEED-B-GON BAR 1. Ready to Use - Covers 20,000 Sq. Ft. 2. Will Not Harm Desir- ~j able Grasses Wh en Used as Directed 5PIC 4.98 Bar, I T FLOWER SHOP AND GARDEN CENTRE -cI Bond Street VBgxx IKing Street 579-1118 292 King St. W. Open 9-9 Daily TOMATO VEGETABLE»-R DUST 1. Grow Healthy Worm- Free Tom atoes__ 2. Contrais Insects & ~~ Disease On Your Tomato Plants 3. rHandy Puffer-Duster a 10Ooz. Duster $1.98 LAWN 1. Easy-To-Use Hs End Sprayer 2. 15 Gallon Capacity 3. 4 Year Guarantee Omow PRICE: $4.98 Each SUP-START ROOT STIMULATOR 5-15-5 1. Solu Early Root DE PR IC FL Open 9-6 ition Stimulates i And Stronger avelopment 5Onni - 5R- 16 oz.$1.49 32 oz.$1.98 NORTH;-, .OWER SH-OP va Beatrice Separate School, 728-5159 1124 Simcoe St. N. 4 Thurs., Fri. to 9 p.m. YOU COULD WIN A Kodaiklnstamatic Pocket Camera LEAVE YOUR FILMS FOR PROCESSINO Offer good only to June 25th LUCKY DRAW MADE FRIDAY JUNE 27TH .*.0 LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! .0 QUALITY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE ED - I - s- a a s *s à -- 67 lcinq St. E. 623-2546 Bowmanville, Ont. s o j-, J -J ~.Ail Sales F inal1 No Exchanges or Refunds Johnand Judy Shoppe "Clothing for Little People" -.TTE 4 lticaiiy Sprays Up Ins -Guarantee PR IC E: $4.98 Each 115 King St. E. 623-3293 Bowmanville ËMw 67 Xinq St. E. 1 623-2546 BowmanviUe, Ont. . 1