14The LR ,e June 4, 1975 MUE R "ei IliuM? DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFI ED ý:ý Tu es., 4:30 ýp.mR .....,. ~...:...............,..5.5.........,.:.:.:. ....:.:.:.:.....5.: ...:.......... . . . . . . s .5. .~.* . .*.~ ,......., ~. . ...~.::..~ ..a ,,... ,...s.::.::. ::.:êw...'. Lawn &Garden Ca re1 Roîîing, roto-tiling, with a commercial machine. Seeding down new Iawns or aid. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone, 987-5222 22-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY, Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms, Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48ff TWO honest dependable te- maie teenagers require sum- mer work, available June 1th. Phone 623-5295 or 723- 139. 23-lt Custom upholstering, re- covering , re-Styling, very easonable, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Please cali coliect 1-986-5072. 21-4 PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Certified, Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner a lone, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Techncian's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf Refrigeratiori AN D Appliance Service Comnmercial and Domestic Rvefri geration - Milk Colers P HONE BERT SYER Days. ..... ... .. 623-5774 Nlghts ............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF Willi am G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hangiing Light Trucking and Odd Jobs PHONE 623-4728 3t NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES SHarvey Partner Orano,983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmànville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sea le d Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colared Glass and Glaring. 17 tf WATER Wels bored, 30" tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf onte H=ennessy Carpentr - Renovating pecializing in Fencing 728-0131 23-5x APPLIANCE REPAIRS RANGES-WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS SPECîALIZING IN Frigidaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 10-tf C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoîstery Professionaily Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 3-tf D. BEEÈRS & SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes- Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 20-tf Custom Carpentry and Signs Limnited PAINTING DIVISION interior - exterior, reasanable rates, free estimates. PHONE OSHAWA 723-1822 or HAMPTON 263-2772 23-2 JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bawmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Pîumbing - Heating Pressure Systemns New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 33-tf MAPLEGROVE SMALL ENGINE Repaîrs to ail makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 Stf STUDENT with backhoe and dump truck requimes summer womk. 623-4529. .23-lx Sanridge Sand & Gravel L. Giîbank Blackstock - 986-4868 SERVICES bul Idozing -Backhoeing -Sand Gravel - Top Soil - Agg-regates Carbozite Protective Coating 20-4x Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches - Drains Foundations and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjoy B LAC KSTOC K 986-4737 23-1 GET CASHI TODAX' FOR 01,I) APPIANCES S T A T E S M A N CLASSIFIE DS, OPPORTUN ITY To Be An INDE PENDENT BUSINESSMAN with High Earnings potential As a FUEL OIL& GASOLINE DISTRI BUTOR Bowmanville - Newcastle Area Experience in the foliowing or related areas an asset. -- Plumbing & Heating Bumner Service Mechanics -Tank Truck Drivers -- Contractors Building Suppiy Cali or write Clif Lumbers Sun Oul Company Ltd. 1 Thorncîiffe Square Toronto, Ontario 416-924-4111, 23-4 THREE bedroomn cottage, Hal iburton area, sandy beach, oil furnace, inside conven- lences, row boat. $100 weekly. June 16 to Juiy 12. 623-5420. 23-1 BRAND new, 3 bedroomn bungalow with double garage, just north of Orono. Available Juiy îst, $275 a month. Aduits oni y Heat and hydmo not incr i ed. For details phone 1-983-9360 after 5:30. 23-lx TWO bedroom cottage, Twin Lakes, Kawarthas, from June lst to July 19th. Private beach, ail conveniences. $125 week. Phone 623-2891. 23-lt THR EE BEDROOM apamt- ment. Available immediately. Ail inclusive, $250 monthly. First and last month's ent ir advance. Fridge, stove anc Cabie T.V. 623-7574. 23-1 FURNISHED bedrooms by rnonth, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premises, reasonable rates. Castie Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072. Loans 51 NEEDMONEY? For cars, new or used or any other worthwhi le purpose Ca l: THE TORONTO DOMINION BAN K at 623-2514 and ask for Mr. Weldan or Mrs. Coe. 23-2 WHITE Embden goslings. Ai Venema, Hampton, Phone 263-8888. 16-tf WE have on hand at ail times Holstein Springer cows and e oung calves. Schwarz Bros., .R. 6, Bowmanville,-623-2895. 23-tf SEVENTEEN head of Here- ford cattie, 1 yr. old. C. Brown, Tyrone, 263-8496. 23-1 PERFORMANCE tested Du- roc Boars. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone 263-8167. 23-1 S ,IMMENTAL Hereford Bull by AI . Bantz, 14 months, also sides of beef. E. L. McLaugh- lin 1-986-4456. 23 lx WELSH pony standing at stud service. Also ponies for sale, well broken to harness single and double. Phone 263-8474. 22-3x Auction sale, Pethick's Auc- tion Shed, Safurday evening, June 7 at Y p.m. Large quantity of articles and things. Ciff Pethick, auctioneer. 23-1 Sat., June lth- clearing farm auction for ROGER A. BEARE farm located on sideline 34 - Con. 3, Pickering Twp. (being 21/2 miles west of Cherrywood). Farm has been expropriated. Includes nearly new implements, furnîture, antiques etc. Diesel tractor (527 hrs.), 2-3 Fr. plows, disc rouler, side rake, R.T. wagon, new elevator 32', new bale buncher, Mc. 3 pt. mower, baler (like new), no. cedar posts and anchors, new water bowls, trailer Hy duty, roll new fence, new tarpaulin, new green fibergias sheets, arge' no. new 8' steel fence posts, with clamps and flutes, antique dinner bell with bracket, new stone boat, tongues, shelving, 36' ext. ladder, new jackal jack, new draw rope, new fence wire, new cow chains, no. whiffle trees, neck yokes (new), tools of ail kinds, kegs of nails, spikes, no. new ace bottom shares with steel1 points, drums, pile manure, 2 large traps, 30 new sheets galv. roofing, new sr'ow fence, qty. new lumber, 290' litter carrier track pt., milk cans, 3 milk units, bulk tank, double sink,, H.W. heater, gafes, also follet- set, retrigerator, qty. antique dishes, pine cupboard, glass doors, washer, no. oddchairs, jars, crocks, wash stands, chest drawers, many, many other items not listed. Note: There is a lot of extra good items in this sale, make thîs sale a must, (the farm expropriated, everythîng must go). Refreshments, 2 auction rings. Sale 1 p.m. Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. 23-1 Auction Sale of household items and some antiques, Sat., June 7, 10:00 a.m. for Mm. R. Collins at 103 Garrard Rd., Whitby. Consisting of in part 16' Wavecrest fibregiass boat, 6b7Èvinrude motor, tilt trailer, McLaughiin cutter, Anderson cutter, buckboard (no wheels), oul lamps, crocks, set of 6 carved back chairs, set of 4 round seat chairs, antique car wheels and tires, wash- stand, numerous odd, chairs and rockers, some giass and china includinig Bristol vase, bride's basket flow blue china, pine table, pine chest,- 2 Pc pine flatback, dlocks, gramo- phone and 78 r pm records, dome top trun k, spitoons, many more articles too num- erous to mention. Refresh- ments. Auctioneer Ted Lyon. 23-1 A q Aucti on sale of tarm impie- ments, cattie and, some furni- ture, properly of Jan Zyistra, Lot 7, Conc. 1 3, first farm east ot Janetville Village on left side (1/4 mile), Saturday, June 7 at 1 p.m. B275 International diesel tractor, B250 Interna, tional diesel tractor, Farmali H with loader, 7' International 3 point hitch mower (good shape), Cockshutt side deli- vemry rake,' (good shape), John Deere 1AT baler, (good shape) Alîs Chalmers two row corn planter, thmee point hitch, crop sprayem, three ooint hitch, internaTional one row corn harvester, John Deere 33 power take-off man- ume spreadem, 118 busheis, (good shape) Cockshutt 422 seven foot pole type combine; two-three furrow plows, three point hitch; thmee point hitcýh cultivator; nine foot pole type cuitivator; Massey Harris' tiller; Spring tooth cultivator, double disc (drag type) ; Massey Harris 15 disc seed drill; tertiiizer spreader; set of harmows (soIid>; stooker, tube type hay ehevator; Allis Chaimers beit driven bîower and pipes; two corn wagons; fiat bed wagon (hay); con- verted power take-off ham- mermili;g reen fanning miii; thmee point h itch snow blade; small utility trailer (car); grain auger; 2,550 lbs. fertil- izer, 16-16-16; chain 'hoist; forage; cream separator; shovels; chains; quantity of scrap; numerous other small items. 14 steers and heifers (good freezer orders), one Jersey mîlk cow; antique oak round table, (thmee leaves); dressers. Famm sold, no re- serve. Grant Werry auction- eer - 263-2603. 22-2 Auction Sale Grist Mili Auction Barn Newtonvi île, June 6th, Friday 7: 00 p.m. Han ging lamp, walnut desk, Victro ia horn, bmass tea ser- vice, cookstove, chairs (press- back, moundback and pine), hall tables, captains chair, double bmass bed, blanket box, buffets (oak and butternut), copper bolier, drop leaf Dun- can Phyfe, trunk, rockers (Bowmanville, Pressback, Wicker), trames, 2 door fmidge, stoves, mirror (3 x 5), portable pool table, chester- field, bikes, netting, hall tree, wide headboamd, occasionai chairs, 22 rifle, and many other items. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapieton Bros. 786-2244. 23-1 Auction Sale, Thurs., June 5, 6 p.m. on the pmopemty of Mr. Tina Viola, 29 Elizabeth Cres., Whitby, f irst street nomth of No. 2 Hwy. off Thickson Rd. N. Uphoisteringmtiiiso wood trames, springs, foam pieces, foam cushions, chrome table and 4 chairs (hike new), washer and dryem, scrap mron, box trailer and misceilaneous househoid items. (Concession) Plan to attend sale. Ted Lyon, auc- tioneer, 725-1613. Also sales Monday and Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Lyons Auction Hall, 18 McMiilan Dr., Oshawa. 23-1 AUCTION SALE The Town of Newcastle wili seli by public auction the dweiiing and accessory build- ings, iocated on the south-east corner of the intersection of Scugog Street and Ormiston Street, Hampton, on Sat., June 7, 1975, at 11: 00 a. m. The premises, formeriy known as the Prescott proper- ty, has been puchased by the Town of Newcastle and the buildings must be moved to permit the future widening of Ormiston Street. The buildings wili be sold subject to the following conditions - 1) Buildings to be removed not later than August 15, 1975. 2) Purchaser to assume all iiability elated to the demolition and-or emoval of buildings. 3) Purchaser will not be equimed to backfiil the excavation. 4) Purchaser to provide a per- formance bond (50 per cent of purchase price) to guar- antee that the buildings wili be removed by August 15, 1975. 5) Terms Cash. Property may be inspected trom 9:30 a.m. on the day of sale. For further information con- tact: Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works or H.R. Best, Secretary of Public Warks Committee, Hampton ,Mun- icipal 'Office, Hampton, On- tario. Phone: 263-2231. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer Phone 623-2313 22-2 Saturday, June lth - Kendai Valley Farm lst Charolais Production Sale. The property of B. & O. Bogdanovic, 40 miles east of Toronto on Hwy. 401 to Junction 115 and 35; 10 miles north on Hwy. 115 to Kirby; 4 miles east to Kendal Valley, Farm. 50 head of Charolais cattie, 14 purebred and percentage females, Il puebred and percentage bulis, 18 grade cows with caives by side. Social hour 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with entertainment. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Something for everyone. Catalogues availabie. Contact B. Bogdanovic R.R. 1, New- tonville, Ont., or Carl Hickson, Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario. 705-324- 9959. 22-2 a - s -. Farmn Auction 'Sale, Satur- day, June 7, for Mrs. Milton Bryant, Lot 20, Con. 6, Dariington Township, 1 mi. east of Solina or 6 mi. north of Bowmanviiie then 1 mi. west; Livestock i ncludes 7 Holstein cows fresh 1-2 months with caives, 2 Hostein springers, Hereford springer, 3 Holstein heifers, 2 Holstein strs., 4 stocker strs., stocker hfr., Hackney pony, saddle and bridie. Machinery: M.F. 35 Deluxe tractor, Ferguson, twenty 85 tractor with front end loader, 3 pth Bush Hog disc (new), 3 pth 3 turrow piow, 3 pth 2 furrow plow, 3 pth cultivat or, 6 row 750 series cuitivator (if nof previousiy sold), N.H. 7' miower, manure spreader, Cockshutt No. il seed drill, side delivery rake, hay elevator, chain harrows, 2 sets drag harrows, post hole digger, heavy duty tractor chains (new), grain auger, grinder, hammer miii, farm trailer, chain saw, rouler, somne straw and many other articles. Househoid fumniture includes misc. tables, chairs, buffet, etc... Terms cash. Sale time 1:00 .m. Steve Liptay, Bowmanvilie, Auctioneer. 416-263-2117. RESULTS COUNT!ý Mull &ý Rý I UR~ We hom a reê Wou be F you "hoi frier hom Conr Rd. '68 1967 will nevý 623- '73 f ibr stari Sno 16,7 safE afte wee 1 970 full 4661 1967 conc 1966 Pho 1975 V-8. 5000 '69 ible, 1-98: '73;7 aski 7488 '67 hea( neei 623-ý 1968 47,01 Sell. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 181lCHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1T8 623-4428 Open For Personal Viewïng - These estate size lots f rom 21/2 acres and up wiIl be open for viewing this; Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 6, 7, and 8. Watch for Mobile Office on Hwy. 115 at Millbrook cutoff. Pretty Shrubs and grass add mellowed charm to this 3 bedroomn bungalow in, Bow- manville. This home is close to school s, park and shopping and is priced right to seli at only $43,900.00. 23-1 tiple Listing Service Daîrymple Lake - cosy two shaw & isrc bedroom cottage, compietely shawa& D tric furished, and winterîzed, leal Estatýe Board oa oue 4 t bacedar~ tf trees.,Cail for information. Mapie Grave - four bedroom, c two storey home and garage. Large lot, good garden soul. C Oniy $44,900. GENTLY REQUIRED!! Orono-Triplex - A good income have cash buyers for property on Main St. near the nes in the Bowmanviiie park.563,900 full price. a. Perhaps your home Blackstock Area - two beauti- id bring top dollar? We'ii fui treed lots, one with an oid peased to appraise if for church, ideal for art studio, iand help you locate the storage, carpenrtry shop, etc. ýme of your dreams". For Oniy 522,000 each. 2- ýndly efficient sale,0f your 2- e, cali P. & R. Reaity npany, Reaitor, Bennett. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman-¶'R~L e 576_6120.,7tf 'RVI CH EV., as is, 623-4580.,23-79 41 2lx137 King St. E., Bowmanville 7 CHEV. van, uncertified, 623-7694 - 623-7661 cost very littie to certify, REALTOR ,vmotor. $900. Phone MBL OE r i -6096 atter 4:,30 p.m.> MOIEH E,1r 23'l located in trailer parall _____________ furniture included aiso ail G.MC, 34 ton piCk uip, with appliarices, ideai starter or e glass Rcap. P4 rikes, teti remYent home. ndard shîft. . Two mountecd VACANT LANOD, better than 1- )w tires. 350 four barr-iel acre overiooking Rice Lake, 80 mi les. ideal for camper' ail permits available, close fa ety check. Phone 623-7700 store and marina. er 5, weekdays; anytime, BRICK BUNGALOW, 10 yrs. -kends. 23-1 oid, 3 bedrooms, large kit- ___________________chen,'ail tastefuiiy decorated, D FORD pick-up with 1973 finished ec room aiso large 1 size camper. Phone 623- bedroom apartment to com- 1. 23-1 pensate the mortgage, paved drive with carport, large 7METEOR, excellent completeiy fenced lot with dition. Phone 1-983-5269. above ground pool and patio. 23-1 23-1 5CHEV. 2831, certified. ne 623-5311. 23-1 V R E T iCHEV. 2 door hardtop, LIMITED auto., excellent condition, RelEte )miles. 623-2643. R af tt 23-1x 135 Acres - at Pontypool, 100' x GTO PNTIAC conv 48' modemn building - many GTO ONTACconert possibilities. ',4 mile trom 400 motor, as is. Phone Highway 35. Open to otters. 33-9473. 23-1 75o SUZUKI, Low mileae 512 Acre - lot on paved road at agKendai. Excellent home site, ing $1,300. Must seil. 623- $29,500. 23-1 DODGE, 2-d1512 acres - north of Newton- DODE,2 oor hardtop ville, stream, woods, and iders, mags, traction bars, somne open land. Beautiful ýds work, $200. Phone secluded location, $39,500. -7646. 23-1 8 METOR Motcalm Vertente Limnited Real Estate ý0 ils E EORtfi Mtm Call Ed Vanhaverbeke at )0 mP e.heon ed623Mu814.1-797-2333 Phoe 63-314.22-2 21-2 TOYS FOR BIG BOYS 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-7750 and 668-7759 TRADE BUY - SELL Came visit us at our New Locationi '74 CAMAROLT 350-4 spd., Mags, Radia is. Lots of Options. Lic. HZJ-371 '68 EL CAMINO V-8, Auto., PS k&B, Tiut Wheel1, Radio, Clean and Sharp. Lic. T-45-571 MANY MORE CORVETTES, CHEVELLES, FIREBIRDS & CAMAROS. '74 CORVETTE COUPE 17,000 miles, 4SP, tiitwheei, AM-FM stereo, chocolate brown. Lic. HXY649 '75 PINTO RUNABOUT V-6, automatic, radio, dark red. Lic. H RD742. '73 MONTEGO MX WAGON Beautiful car, white with woodtrim, lots of equipment. Lic. DTK281 '72 GRAN TORINO 2-Dr., V-8, auto, P-S, P-B, radio, dark brown. Lic. AEC699 '74 CHEV. MONTE CARLO LANDAU Elec. wdws., stereo tape,. swivel seats, pewter with vinyl roof. Lic. HEP5O6. '73 VEGA WAGON 4 spdl., radio. Lic. AMZ374 '72 DODGF DEMON "340" Aufomatic and radio, bright yeilow. Lic. DZZ607 Peter Kowal1, J r. 1 Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvilie Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR 9-10 acres Mini-Farm right in Newtonvilie. 3 bedroom home in reai good condition with ail conveniences. impie- ment shed. Barn. First time offered. Asking 585,000. $25,000 down. 6 room 11/2 storeyaiuminum- clad home on a large lot with double garage and paved drive. Workshop. Loveiy be- ginner's home. Real bargain at $35,000.00. Terms may be arranged. 1.8 Acres Commercial land just north of Bowmanviiie f0wn i imits. Many possibîli- ties. ONLY $37,500. $35,900. is the total price for this 7 room twin home with garage in a very centrai Ilocation. Very niceiy dec- orated throughout. Terms ÏMmay be arranged. Gravel Deposit . .. 35 acres nail . .. 10 acres workable ,.. 10 acres bush . . . balance gravel pit and pond. Also a 5 room house. Tremendous opportunify. Asking 575,000. $25,000. down. After Hours Cal G. Brown 623-3702 J. Barton 623-3098 G. Beech 623-5265 P. Kowa I 623-5868 23-1 JUST LISTED act fast on this one! Excellent starter home, situated between Oshawa and Bowmanviile, on large lot 110' x 198' with large garden planted. Oniy 538,900. fuhl price. $49,900 - Income Home - 2 apartment home in quiet village of Haydon, excellent home for someone who wants an extra income. $55,900 -fîreplace, large living room n this well kept home, large brick barn for storage on property, located in Town of Bowmanville. Cali 728-7328 for full details. Village Living in Newtonviîlîe - easy com-ýmuting distance, beautifuil modemi-, 3 yeam old bungalow, bow window in living room, broadioom, nice bright kitchen, waikout from recreation roomn to patio and parkline treed lot with pond and productive market gamden land. lnspect this 5 acre property without deiay. After haurs please cail: AI We'-ry 263-8412 Bill Ratcîiffe 655-4457 Lee Rocchetta 723-8707 Lois Vaîf 728-7068 Jack Osborne 723-8798 Nels Burshaw 728-8266 Kay Hoskin 576-5239 Ed Varga 728-6322 23-1 George Blyleven REALTOR Phane 623-5300 CONVENIENTLY iocated in north-east Bowimanville is this 3-year old very dlean bunga- low. Large seciuded lot. Own- er transferred. Asking price $54,900. WITH $200 a month coming in from a 5 room apartment you certainly can afford this very neat brick bungalow and cali t your own. Located in the Courtice area and priced at $59,900. NEWCASTLE area 1350 sq. ftt, 6 room bungalow on large private lot. Asking $52,900. GARDEN HILL, 5 acres vacant land with two streams and pond site. $18,500. Terms. PHON E: Dick Woudstra Gea. Blyleven 983-5915 623-5300 23-1 '70 TORINO "GT" FASTBACK 351, 4bbl, auto, P-S, P-B, radio. Lic. BFX958 '75 FORD COURIER PICKUP Box cap, automatic, like new condition. Lic. D42929' '73 SATELITE SEBRING 2-Dr. Htp., vinyl roof, V-8, auto, P-S, P-B, raoîio. Lic. AFF599 '73 DATSUN "1200" 2- Dr., 4 Spd., radio. Lic. EAZ744 '68 METEOR 4-Dr. sedan, 6 automatic. Lic. EAE592 '73 DUSTER 2-Dr., V-8, automatic, radio, vinyl roof. Lic. DZU803 '72 DODGE PICKUP 'V-8, auto, P-S, P-B. Lic. D43627 '73 PINTO 2-Dr., 4Spd., radio, vinyl roof. Lic. HCL285 219 King St., E., Bowmanville 623-4481 24 Kng M. -, &.twmav*iSYi il 623-3393 Direct Toronto Uine 923-9174 Bawmanville Duplex Situated on 2 acres fronting on Hwy. No. 2. Excellent invest- ment. Asking $69,500.00. Cali Tony Klompmaker. Century Home - Orono Spaclous 5 bedroom, 2 storey solid brick home with modemn conveniences on large lot in best part of Village. Close to shopping and library. Ideal location for dalycare centre, kindergarten etc. Asking $63,000.00 with owner to hoid mortgage at91/4 per cent. Cal1 Elfie Jost. 2 Bedroom Bungalow - Orona Here is a neat, dlean home on main street. Small den, large basement., beautiful flower garden, new carpet and stove go with if. An excellent starter or retirement home. Asking only $42,000.00. Caîl Charlie Reid. Bowmanville Backspîit Three or four bedroom home with 11/2 baths, family room and attached garage, ail for $52,500.00 with large first mortgage. Cali Christa Winterhelt. Below Replacement Value 3 bedroom home in Bowman- ville with master bedroom and bath ensuite. Richly broad- loomed, family room with fireplace, garage and nicely landscaped lot for on ly $59,900. Caîl Kay Brown. Bowmanville - Liberty St. North Price reduced. Ownem says seil this 2 bedroom bungalow with large attached garage, patio at rear, finished rec room and 75 ft. frontayge lot. Nice area of town. Ca IlBud Vi rtue. Bowmanville Very dlean older bungalow. New oil furnace. Lot 66 x 165. Very close to hospital. Askîng $46,900.00. Calîl Jan Oudshoorn. Brick Bungalow - Newcastle Owner transferred so you can move into this 3 bedroom home immediately. New car- pet, large lot pofessionally iandscaped, car port. You must see this one. Asking $52,900.00 with easy terms. Cali Charlie Reid. Orono Bungalow Lot 100 x 250. Large "L" shaped living-dining room. Two bedrooms plus rec room. Asking $52,900.00. Cail Stew McTavish. Bowmanville Special Only $39,900.00 for this over- size bungalow. Ultra modern kitchen. 2 rooms finished in basement. Private drive and garage. Lovely tree lined street. Cali Stan Lockyer. Orono Area Beautiful sidesplit on country lot 100 x 150. Custom bulît. Eat-in kitchen with lots of cupboards, laundry on main floor, finished family room wîth fireplace. Attached gar- age. Asking $69,900.00. Call Bill Turansky. 10 Acre Building Site - Newtonvi île Excellent property, hîgh and dry, on good road. Approx- imately 5 acres clear and balance bush. Asking $29,900. Easy terms. Cail Tony Klomp- ma ker. Lakefront Cottage North shore of Rîce Lake with g ood beach. 80 ft. frontage. F urnished cottage, boat and motor, pontoon raft dock. All for $34,900.00. Cail Bill Turan- sky. 1 1 Lake Scugog North shoire, high scenic building lot 100 x 350. Asking $12,900.00. Cail Stew Mc- Ta vis h 10 Rooms - Newtonville Large 2 stomey home. 1/2 acre lot. Close f0 school and 401 hwy. Large, bight kitchen. Walkout basement. Asking $41,500.00. Cali Bill Turansky. 23-1 Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handle your home needs anywhere in ,ýCanada and U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell 234 King St. E., Bowmanville« 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 43-tf Blackburn, Salem, were Wed- nesday supper guests of the W. Blackburn family. Mr. and Mrs. Erik Garrard, Toronto, were Saturday tea guests of Mrs. C. Garrard. Mr. and Mms. Alfred Gar-, rard, Barry and Lori, weîze Sunday supper guests of Mm- C. Garrard. ' Mrs. Mildred Andersofl, Califor nia, is visiting hem daughtem, Mr. and Mms. Athur Tmewin, William and Paul. Mrs. W. Martin, Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the J. Potts family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and Sandy in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bob JonesWJ; Mr. and Mms. Biill M on- t, Bmockville, attended the Gin- vocation Exercises at the Civie Auditorium when Tom Jones graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Welland; Mr. and Mms. Bill Mason, Brockville, were sup- per guests of Mr. and Mms. J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton attended Convocation at Ryem- son Pol ytechnical Institute last Wednesday, when their son Bill received his Bachelor of Technology degree. The Haydon Senior Citizen's were guests of the Enniskillen Sunday School at the concert put on by the Lake Scugog Historical Choir on Saturday night. The Chartemways Bus Bowl- ing Banquet was held at Haydon Community Centre on Satumday evening. Club 21 ladies did the cateming. Club 21 dune meeting will be held at the centre on Monday night , June 9th. Congratulations to Mîr. and Mrs. Fred Smith (nee Sybil Graham) on their marriage on Satumday in Tyrone United Church., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rusaw and family attended the Smith-Graham Weddinig on Satumday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson, Bian and Doug were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rusaw on Sunda.y. Mrs, Lloyd Ashton, a patient in memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, spent the weekend at hiem home. Mms. J.D. Brown, Mrs. Ed. Milîson, Miss Marion Brown, Omono were Sunday callers at tbe Lloyd Ashton home. fiNG SAULT Mm. and Mms. Robert Came- mon were Thumsday visitors of Mr. and Mms. H. Trivett, Toronto. Mrs. L. Hardy, Omono, Mr. Henry Skemmat, Orono, Mm. and Mms. McQuaid, Cavan were alI ecent callers oni the Rye Gibsons ecently. 1 Mm s. G. D. Bentley ,,sax and Mms. W. W. Skerrat, Willowdale, spent Thursday afternoon wit~h the Rye Gib- sons. ý"Waverly Gardens"' In Bawmanville BuilIt by Marianna Developments Your Gua ranteeaof Quality Construction HOMES PROM $47,985 9%3/à% $4, 150 DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large family kitchen -Finished family raom -Complefely broadloomned -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodded lots -Completely serviced' Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. ta 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m Choice of 2 Deluxe Models to Choose Fro m. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Weil known for quality construction and superior workmanshi p. 1