4The Canadian Statesman, Bownanville, dune 4, 1975 Section Two Regional Chairman speaks to Ratepayers Ho-pe Township Taxes WiII Increase 26 PerCent on- Increase of 31.06 Milis Taxes in Hope Township will increase by an average of 26 percent this year. Residential public taxes in the 1975 budget are increased by 31.06 milis over 1974. Educational taxes in the township take 61 percent of the total amount of money raised through taxes. The public ele- mentary and secondary edu- cation tax jump is 48 percent. This increase in education taxes is due to the new equalized assessment factor used by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Edu- cation, based on the rapid rise of property values in the tonsi in recent years. The TowshP council decided to pass the budget and then particular it -dealt with crip- pied children in Northern Ontario. How doctors diag- nosed the problems with these children and sent them by plane to Sick Children's Hos- pital in Toronto. The film can be obtained by local organiza- tions for meetings, by contact- ing Bud Allun at the Bank of Montreal. decide on whether to try to appeal the education levy. The average bouse in Hope township çassesed at $3,000) will pay taxes of $448.89 in 1975 whicb is a $95 increase over 1974. Education' taxes on the bouse assessed at $3,000 will corne to $289.86. In Port Hope the average house is assessed at $5,000 and the taxes would be $680.55 with $292.55 going to education. Taxes on a farm assessed at $5,000 would be about $750 this year in Hope Township. If a farmer intends to continue farming for ten years or intends to seli to another farmer, be may dlaim 50 percent of bis taxes back from the provincial government. However, if be selîs bis farm for the purposes other tban bona fide farming he must repay an y rebates he bas claimed during the past ten ypars with eight percent interest. Some farmers do not dlaim this rebate. Separate scbool taxpayers in Hope Township will not be bit quite as bard as public scbool supporters. On the house assessed at $3,000 and owned by a separate scbool supporter taxes would be $408.03. The separate school requisition rose by 14 percent this year. Altogether, Hope Township mjust raise $642,875 fromn the taxpayers.,The total expendi- tures of the township are expected to corne to $854,638 but the township revenues are budgeted at $211,763 from sources other than taxation. Education dlaims a total of $413,782 from the township coffers, the county takes $112,188 from the township; and the township spends $328,668 of the- total amount raised. The largest single item in the township budget is always roads and this,,year $182,818 will be spent on roads. On the incomne side the provincial road subsidies will arnount to $120,00U of this roads expendi- ture. The second largest item of expense is township admini- stration which cornes to $52, 000 in the budget. This includes interest on boans, office exnenses and salaries and a grant to- the Pýllllrook medical centre. i Recreation in the township takes the next largist bite with $23,000 se t aside jfo& this purpose. 0f this $8,OOOis spent on general township ýrecrea- tion with $15 going 't6 the Vincent Massey Mcnmorial Centre in Bewdley. Aýrdcrea- tion grant of $1,000 is obtýined from the province. Last year's deficit ýjmounts to $18,818 and must ýe ,paid from this year's budget.' Planning, zoning, ýconsul- tants and legal fees Yiîî cost the township $15,000 tf4is ear and,$7,500 will be rebolýered from income f'rom coxjdittee of adjustment and vezoning application fees. ï The Ganaraska Ccinýerva- tion Auitbority bas irequisi- tioned $14,588 from the town- ship which is an increaise of $7,464 over last years levy. Fire protection will cost tax- payers $12,000 in 1975.' 'f this $10,000 goes to the Col. Giles Fire Company and $2,00U goes to Bewdley Fire Depýrtrnent for protecting the nortlt part of tbe township. Council renumneration is not increased in the buýget, it remnains at $8.250 the same as 1974. Livestock protectipný will cost $1,000 this year ýn the street lights in Garqený Hill cost $550, but this money is paid by the residént,; of Garden Hill only. i A big plus on the revenue side is the provincial stabili- zation grant at $26,3_30. Griants HAMPTON A large congregation of interested re latves and friends were welcomed by Sup't. R. Ballard at the Sunday School Anniversary service.held dune 1, 1975 in Hampton United Church. The boys and girls, massed in the choir loft, sang two pleasing. songs, "Happiness Is" and "Love is Something", under the capable leadership of Mr. B. Hurst. Robbie McKay led in the responsive reading and Colleen and Paul Smith sang a fine duet. The guest speaker was Mr. Denzil Dale, Oshawa, who, during the children's story stressed the fact that our in- lieu corne to $10,000; pen- alties and interest wîll be $8,000; and permits will bring in $5,000; supplernental taxes amount to $1,000 and Bell Canada pays $2,283. Miscel- laneous income has been estirnated at $30,000. The miii rates are as follows: Public School resi- dential $149.68; Separate Scbool residential $139.01; Public School commercial $169.77; and Separate School commercial $157.92. Increases in the various p or tions of the budget are as follows; Elementary and Secondary public education, 48 pret eparate school 14 percent; -county levy 22 per- cent and township, general rate, 37 percent. source of power cornes from God. In the sermon, Mr. Dale expanded the topic "Celebra- ting one hundred years df teaching the Word of God in this place." The effective display of many banners and the boun- tif ul array of beautif ul flowers added greatly to the theme of, the iooth celebration of Hamp-Y' ton United Church, and the 5th celebration of the United Church of Canada. WFRE r/REZ1£5S WORKEPS YOUI WILL F/N, kFPN6PR/CF AND QOUAIIYALWAYS HARVEY 'iPARTNER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE ho IGA Durham Regional Chairman Walter Beath spoke to the Newcastle Ratepayers Association on Thursday night in the Bowmanville Councýil Chamnbers. He stated how sewer lines were the key to planning and how the re< tor made a mistake bv delegating some of the p1iannine authority to the, muricipalities. H1e also outlined a history of how the region came into being. IarkeStudets Tei Rotrians, bo a-ut En viron meniltal1 Seminar , ee Clarke Higb School, seminar, they attended in had beeh said that energy ile de l, Environmental Mississauga. The Mississauga sources would reach a critical 'Si'is students gave a report Rotary Club put on the level in 40 years, and reported tce Bowrnanville Rotary seminar entitled "Environ- on the need for more nuclear lu Thursdav on a recent mental 'Preservation". The generating stations. Bowrnanvitle Rotary Club He stated that it had -"YOU CAN'T sponsored the three students been reported tbat many of MEAN IT!" to attend. the concerns about the safety Rotarian and Clarke High of nuclear energy could be School Principal AI Wither- overcorne. However. he ex- spoon introduced the students pressed concern at the dis- making the general statement carding of pleutoniurn, he that youth today is more stated that this radioactive concerned about the environ- energy source is placed in ment then we ever were at concrete, then sealed with their age. lead and dropped' to the' Fi-st to speak to the club bottom of the ocean. This is was Mark Czmieliwski. He not the Canadian systern,'tbey AMI 11,told of an analogy given byone store tbis material for future of the guest speakers at tbe use. Pleutonium is a waste e.k semnar. The analogy con- product of nuclear generating cerned the wolf society were ai the present time. only the bealthy survive, The students were thanked tbereby'having a controlled for their address by Rotarian population whicb creates little Ted Mann. waste. The wolves in turni feed The Rotary meeting before onteweak and disabled deer, last, Rotarian Bill Thiesburg- thereby controlling the deer er showed a film entitled "Al population. Mark stated that 'for the Children" produced by the concern bad been express- the Ford Motor Company, and ed at the seminar that the use the Sports Writers Guild. The fire explosion, or wind- of waste management and film shows the transportation toi-m damage closes your population control bad to start and facilities used to aid the commiercial building for sev- now, or it would be too late. pligbt of crippled children. In .ral nîonths, the Ioss of Maurice Allin was next to _____________ LaEIlsor rents can total give bis report. Hetold of the Business Directory more -lhan the cost of repairs. world food shortage despite ______________ inquire about Earnings and record breaking crops, each BsU5irIeCS interruption insur- year the shortage increasing. Accountancy acOCC tom James Insurance He stated that one sixth of the Agency Ltd. worlds aeratable land is used WM. J.H. COGGINS for agriculture. He stated how Chartered Accountant two farmers every day had to 115 Liberty Street South quit. Maurice stated the Bowmanville J m~ isurnce concern expressed at the Phone 623-3612 Ais nsurnce seminar of feeding the popula- tn of Canada. He expressed WILLIAM C. HALL how t soul be cocer toB. Comm. q n~ Limited t'O hrerdAcontn 2 Kng St. E., Box 100 Th ia pae a rg 3 61/2 King St. E., Oshawa BUOWMANVI LLE, ONTAR le Winterhelt. Greg gave a Telephone 725-6539 0f.. 'LAS S. JAMES comprehensive report of what had bappened at the seminar. D. V. SNODDON Of, ce 623-4406 ( ~ He stated tbe concern express- 14 Frank Street 1-e nce 623-5023 -...-" ed over the use and production Bookkeeping and Tax Service ____________________of ener2v. He stated that it R,,siness: 23-497 AUTO & USED CARS LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R R.2 -Newcastle 91%7-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. =MONEY ON QUALITY Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street, corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvî lie tnear Dominion Store) Office I-ours: 9: 30 arn. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR.WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays- 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT ' D. D. S. 222 King St. E.., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bow ma nville Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DR. W. M.-RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 9h1l5 Wednesdlayfil12 Friday 9 til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 nom Collingwood has a power-piacked package for service and quality... Iarry and Iynn McMuIlen, the IGA twins. They not only look alike, but step inside the twins'IGA store and get double the satisfaction white shopping. The McMullen twins have a long history in the food business. In fact, when it cornes to experience you might say they have twice as much. That experiencehastaught th.em the importance of personal service and they know just how to make a customer feel like a somebody. Andthe MtMulîens also know that lor today's shoppers, qualîty is a must. That's why the sign in the -Twin- store windows reads fluality plus Service. So there's no trouble if you're seeing double, just let Iynn or Iarry and their friendly staff give you a hand. And remember, you get the same great service at every IGA! IGA PARCHMENT S unny Morn Margarine Mazola 2-F Saiad fli BiT L $1.2 F MARTINS-ASSORTED FIA VORS Fruit«,A TA. Banua nas LB. SWE ET AND JUICY SUN KIST Valencia 1SIZE OrangeS DOZ u F ESH TOP PRODUCE O F USA. __ H Bunch Carrots J UFORS FIRM GREEN. PRODUCE OF USA NYO 1 GRADE Cabbage EACH 39e FLAVORFUL, PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC OFSOUTHAFRICA CANADA FANCYGRADE Packham Pears LR 49e Pork Roasts SHOULDER PORTION BUi TT POR";ON Butt PorkChops TRIANOGLE Beef Steakettes SCHNEIDER'S Beef Wieners 1LB LB. PK.69 1-LB 7Q* PKG. E SCHNEIOER'S. COUNTRY MAPLE RINDLESS SLCED Side Bacon tMEW! LBG NUTRITIDUS SIIOFO Beef Liver ASSORTED VARIETIES Alpo Dog Food DAINTY- ASSORTED VARIETIES Instant Fried Rice WHITE SWVAN White Serviettes PREVIOUSLY 9 FROZEN LBý49 3TINS i 451 PKG OF 99 250 99 IGA Apple Pie SIZE EACH 79, DEMPSTER'S (10c OFF LABEU 1Kaiser Rolis PK 12OF 951 CHOCOLATE OR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE 13OZ Weston's, Square Boys PKG, CORN PUFFS, CHEESE STICKS. OR CHEESE PUFS Hostess Snacks GRAMPKO Fs43c BURNS, PORK AND BEEF Breakfast Saiusage PAC LB. 69, SWIFTS PREMIUM, 5LICED Big Sandwich Pack PKG98% TABLERITE. 5LICED Comed Beef 9 TABLERITE. 5LICEO - Salami 0 BE1TY C~OC~<ER ASSORTED APIETIES 15 DZ. ChoclateWaf ors ta dy P BUG KILLER SPRAY 60-LIO Raid House & GariÏenIA6EOOMTIIN % REGULAR, SUPER OR UNSCEýTED Miss Breck Hair S!ray ARO .TIR FRASERVALE FROZEN ji Fancy Peas 2LUR FRIED CHICKEN, MEAT LOAF,ýALlBR STEAK, OR TURKEY FROZEN Banquet Dinners I lK, PRODUCER BRAND Aj Baby Gouda Cheeý '[l1o,<~z$I WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTO L IIT DUANTITI1 CHASE AND SANBORN COee IGA Ketchup a% 99 15-F1 DzL 430 VIVA-ASSOR TED COLORS Bathroont is su E10 2-PLYTi'su 2-ROLL PKG, W 77 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE 79e SUNDAY STORE HOURS L.49 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 751 651 .09 IES ' (IN TOMATO SAUCE) IGA Spaghetti 19-FL.3 oz. L TIN 3 IGA-CHICKEN E& RICE, CHICKEN NOODIE OR CREAM OF Mushroom Soup 10-F. Dz.:9c AIL PURPOSE Robin Hood DX PREMIUM FUEL QIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALIL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381' or Dial 1-668.ý3381 CALL US D)X FU%"E L COIL TDAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT. JUNE 4th THRU JUNE 7th .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 imw! RM ........... . --WAbl