Less mnania mile sautn ai -Major Mackenzie Drive, twa ,iiles west of Higbway 400 on ~'ieValley Drive, a new coniservationi centre is being develap)ed tbat wili bave important significance for the. public. The Kortright Centre or Conse rvation, just 25 miles fram downtawn Toronto, will offer families for the first tinie. the onnortunity ta parti-- e'pate iii a iorm oi conserva- tion project previously avail- able onl to teachers and student teachers. To belp acquaint the public with the proposed facilities, an Open House program bas been developed far Sunday, dune 15, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Guides will be an band ta, take groups for walks around the ~aren and explain what isbeing The Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.m. - Sunday School 11: 00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:-00 p.m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church S.PaIs United Church Minister- Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist-Gerald K. Burgess SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10:00 a. m. SPECIAL SERVICE in honor of SENIOR CITIZENS' WEEK Sermon: "IT'S THE TIME 0F OUR LIVES"I Nursery for Pre-school Children every Sunday. Parents Are Invited to Bring their Chiîdren to our Nursery while they attend Morning Worship. Sonday, June 15, 1975 SUNDAY SCIIOOL CLASSES 10: 00 a.m. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes forail ages, 9and up 11:00a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindiergarten ia.m. Senior Citizens' Service HoIy Communion Reception of New Mem bers Affer June 15, Sunday School Classes wiII recess until Fall A special church programn has been arranged to mark Senior Citizens' Week. The Senior Citizens are asked to meet in the Church Hall and enfer the church together. Transporation is being arra.nged and users of wheel chairs wiIl be looked after. Congregational Outing at Cedar Park SUNDAY, JUNE 22, il a.m. Outdoor Worship Service followed by picnic lunch, fun and gamfes for children and aduits. In case of inclement weather, service wiIl be at the church and' lunch in the halIl. Items of Interest Phone 6233303 Father's Day, GIFT June 1i5th SPECIALS FOR DAD Prices Effective Sintil Saturda'y, June 2 Ist. OLD SPICE MUSK COLOGNE 4 oz. Sue A Great Scenti 39 WILD CRICKET TABLE LIGIITER A Practicol und Welcome Gift. $39 TR AC 11 'DELUXE' RAZOR $64 FromGilltteFo6 o49 BRAUN "SYNCHRON PLUS"$'O c Electic Shaver 3yr. Guafontee 'MAX FOR MEN'DRYER/STYLER $97b~ Powerful 500 watts. By Gillette 2 .7 OLD SPICE SHAVING MUG Co~4 ,, eae,~Ue I D ~ D 1eDad will love titis gift! -4RYLCREEM POWER HOLD -$ 1019 TRAC 11 SHAVINGCARTRIDGE DRY SPRAY for Men 6 oz. I Twin glatie Cortridge. Pack of 9 BRYLCREEM SOFT HAIR $1.19 SCHICK 11 INJECTOR BLADES 5's DRY SPRAY for Men 6 oz. ** With FREE Injector Razor y WeIWorth Lookin.g For!" McGREGOR'DRUGýS 5 King-St. W. 623-2542 $2.39 99C J Windows and Drapes Dedicated ctfIrinhl y planned for eacb sector of the 400 acre property. Mr,.and Mrs. Jack Brougbi, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moses, have returned from a Regîstry convention -in Smiths Falls, and a visit to Ottawa, before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Trim, bave returned from a most enjoyable 10 day plane and motar trip ta. the West Coast. Century Village, Pioneer Festival, presented b y the Kawartia, Folk Arts Council from 1 - 6 p.m. on Sunday, dune 15, wil feature 'glass blowing, Scottish dancing, butter cburning, bacon-on-a- bun, wagon rides, lathe, organ, piper, Irish dancing, Braidîng whips, woodwarking, pi"eer sangs, spinning, home crafts, bake sale, pattery on wheel, Lakefield singers, ear- ly canoes, square dancing, rove splicing, steam engine, broomnstick cracbeting, straw bat making, shingle sawing, blacksmîtbing, buggy rides and more. The Festival will be beld 10 miles south-east of Peterborough and 2 miles north of Keene. R. B. (Dick) Patersan, was a p onted Merchandising Manager - Pontiac - Buick - GMC, in Oshawa, recently, according ta J. D. Duffy, Vice President and General Sales Manager of Genieral Matons af Canadia. Mr. Paterson was Assistant Zone Manager in the Calgary Sales Zone. In bis new appointment, be replaces H. E. Whitbread, who was pro- mated Zone Manager in the Winnipeg and Regina Zones. Miss Janet Jeffrey recently g raduiated, wi.th distinction trom the tbree year course in Animal Care Tecbnology at St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology, Kig- stan. Attending Convocation with Janet were ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffney, Parkway Crescent, and bier fiance, Mr. Paul Bridges. Janet is now working at the B.owmanville Veterinary Clin- icA very successful Coffee Party and Display of "Inter- esting Oddities" was held at the home of Mrs. A. Stnike, Beech Ave. an Wed. marning, spansored by Unit 7 of Trinity United Cburch. Members of Unit 1 appreciate the patron- age of al those ladies who attended and especially for, their financial support. The Visual Arts Centre bas îts summer-program publish- ed. Registration dates are dune -24, 25, and 26 at the centre on Simpson Ave. from 6 ta 9 p.m. We are offering 13 diferent programns go you're sure ta fînd sometbing that will interest you. Tbe program was arranged by Eileen Van Nest, as a result of the resignation of Neil Newton. As founder of the V.A.C. Mr. Newton remains a member of the Advîsary Committee. Mrs. Van Nest is well-known in the commuaity and bas orgaized a very extensive program ita caver July and August. .Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hal- mes, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowman- ville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge at thefr- cottage near 'Bancroft. Sùnday we celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge's 60th wedding anniversary and renewed old Foith teaches: The best'men are they that earn a livelihood and spend upon them-, selves andkindred for the love of God, the Lord of ail worids. -Baha'- u'làh. For further information refer ta vour Public Library TYRONE NEWS pews with their leaders. Music was supplied by the combined chairs, singing tbree antbems witb Mrs. G. Brent at the argan and Mrs. R. Chambers at the piano. Rev. b. Bigby led in the service and we had Rev. A. E. Cresswell and Rev. R. C. Hopkins as our special Mini- sters, each giving us mucb food for tbougbt. Holy Com- munion was administered by,, aur Minister assisted by the' eiders fnom bath chunches. borna Davey, secretary of the committee in charge spoke briefly expressing appreci- atian ta everyone wbo had in any way belped ta make our two eomnbinetl servlices such a success. Before closing Mrs. A. Werry presenîted Mrs. Chambers with a lovely cup and saucer floral arrnlge- ,ment, and borna presented Mrs. G. Brent with a lovely corsage for their wonderful leadership. Twa lovely bask- ets of mixed cut flowens adorned the front of the churcb and the potted mums were in loving memony of tbe late Mn. and Mns. F. G. Smith from their family. After the closing hymn "O God Our Help in Ages, Past and O Canada" we all adjourned to the hall where a lovely lunch was senved and a social time was enjayed by al renewing aid friends. The twa' lovely baskets of flowers were later presented ta the twa visiting ministers and their wives. Mn. and Mrs. David Brent, bondon; Miss Christine Brent, Peterborough wene Sunday guests of their parents Mn. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and attended special Sunday morning cburcb service. Tusay luncheon guests of Mrs. Gerry Cornisb were Mrs. Don Real and Mrs. John King, Greenbank; Mrs. Ron King, Seagrave; Mrs. b. Phiiiips and Mrs. Allan Taylor, Bow- manville; Mrs. G. Milison, Newcastle; Mrs. b. Taylor and Mrs. Gerald Taylor; Mrs. Ralph Davey, Maple Grave. Mn. and Mns. Stan Gable visited Mn. and Mrs. b. Gable, Pontypool and Mn. and Mrs. t"red J ansens Sunday evening. Mrs. Isabelle Penger, Ham- ilton; Mn. and Mns. Clem Rahm, Bill and Melody, Orono; Miss Mary Niddery, Hampton and Mn. Kyle Gra- ham, Mrs. Roy Graham, Haydon were Saturday and Sunday visitons of Mn. and Mrs. W. Rabm. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Hardy, Oshawa were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott. Mn. and Mrs. Jahn Griffin, Oshawa visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Rabm Friday evening. Mn. Bert Stevens, Strath- aven Rest Home, Bowman-, ville was a Sunday supper guest of Mrs. baverne Taylor after attending Decoration Service at Hampton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edna Wood and Mn. John Wood were guests of the Howells - Brown wedding and reception held in St. George's church, Newcastle and the Legion Hall, Bowmanville. The Explorer's mother and Daughter banquet was held Tuesday evening dune 10 in the form of a pot iuck supper in the CE. wing of the cburch when the girls received their stars. beanne Haines, Susan Slemon and byn Gaudet received their E pin. Slides were shown of Rev. and Mrs. D. Nortbey's church in North- west River, Labrador, Ap- preciation of their effants were expressed to the three leaders - Margaret Gaudet, Goldy Tidd and Jane Woodley for the many hours tbey have spent witb these girls. The girls presented their mission money ta Mrs. Hank Vandorp, treasurer of the M. and M., Rev. and Mrs. A.E. Cress- well, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. F.O. Smith, BowmanvilIe; Miss Grace Smith were Sun-, day supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. J.C. Cook. ý' Mn, and Mns. E.A. Young- man and Miss Betty Young- man visited Mn. and Mrs. Ailan Youngman and family, Brampton on Saturday and were Sunday supper guests of Mn. and MUrs. Douglas Flett, So!ina. Mrs. Johin Rutlde and Miss Gail Rundie visited Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Fernlund, Bow- manville. Mrs.' Alfred Knowlton attended the Rossland Rd. Free Methodist cburcb, Whit- by Sunday afternoan when Mrs. Violet Goldsmith ded- icated a windaw in lovîng memory of ber busband, Leonard. Mrs. Wm. Roy, Mrs. Henry Stainton, Mrs. Carl Clark and Mrs. Douglas Southwell from the Hampton "Tops" and Mrs. Fred Janssens and Mrs. Nick Dennis from the Bowmanville "Tops" attended the "Tops" convention in /Ottawa from Thursday until Saturday even- ing wben aver 2,800 were, present from ail over Ontario. Mrs. John Dennis, Picton spent a few days witb ber son and family while Mrs. N. Dennis was away. Debbie Roy attended camp at Tawingo, Huntsville Thurs- day and Friday witbi the Salem sý;cooI dass. Regular choir practice Tbursday evening in the churcb. Many friends of Rev., Ralpb Hilîs will be pleased ta knaw lie bas accepted a charge at Ogema, Southern Saskatche- wan and leaves ta fulif il bis The Canadian Statesn'an, Bowmanvîlle, dune il, 1975 7 Bob Nixon WiII Speak ai Northumberland Liberal Nomination of June 2Oth The Northumberland Pro- vincial Liberal Association will have party leader Robert Nixon as guest speaker when it holds its nomination meet- ing on Friday, dune 20. Only two candidates to date have indicated they will seek the party nomination; W~ifred Huskilson of the Hamiet of Harwood and Mrs. Isobel Kirpatrick of Port Hope. The meeting will start at 8 p.m, at the Cobourg District Collgia te Institute East. In order to be eligible to vote at the nomination meeting, bib- erals must renew or take out SCreech OwI FiIIed with Good Photos Bowmanville High School's year book "The 1974-5 Screech Owl" is published and now being sold. IL contains 176 pages of pictures, poetry, and writing. The candid shots are plentiful. Thbe year book staff have to be credited with a job well done. They are Frazer Lori- mer - front cover design, Krista Dent - advertising Editor, Leila Cowle - assistant Editor, Jessica Nimigon - Editor in chief and Janet His, Joan Sameils, Betty Chant, Jodee Hoskin, Cathy Piper, Janet Irving, Sue, Robertson, Mary Ellen Taylor. Photography credîts are given to R. Prout, K. Allen, B. Colville, R. Cook, G. Lane, D. Mclntyre, and A. Short. Staff advisors are Mr. C.V. Clarke, Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. Minnis, Mrs. Eccles,, Mrs. Campos, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Hawkins. duties the first of July. Mrs. F. Genereaux, Manilla visited ber mnother, Mrs. Tom Dodd and also visited her father, Mr. Tom Dodd wbo is improving nicely in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Violet Thornett and Mrs. M. Gorgerat, Osbawa; were Friday evening visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Alward and Barry were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs. Mrs. Fred Ferguson, En- niskillen vi sited Mr. and Mrs., Dick Gibbs and ahl attended Hampton Decoration Service Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wolfe and family, Ottawa; Mrs. Karen Carter, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and family, Pontypool were Sun- day visitors of" Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and Bruce. Mr. Stan Gobie returning home with the L. Goble's for supper. Mrs. A. Tilling and Mrs. Stan Goble were co-hostesses at tbe latter's home',for a rfatry and bathroom shower Mriss Leanne Vivian last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Stan Goble visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Partner, Mr. Fred Partner, Orono and Mr. Part- ner's sister Mrs. Florence Kirby, Toronto Sunday atter- noon. membership in the provincial riding association 72 hours priorn ta the meeting. The new democratic Party Association a week ago nom- inated John Taylor of Gares Landing as the provincial candidate far Northumber- land riding. The seat is currently beld by speaker of the bouse, Russell Rowe who bas held the seat for the Progressive Conservative government sînce 1963. G radauate»,ý Glenda Tennant, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tennant, Orono, recently graduated with honours from the college of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph, with a B.A.S.C. in applied Human Nutrition. She bas accepted a dietetic intern- sbip at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. Lee Skinner daughiter of Mn. and Mrs.]b-1ydSkien of R.R. 5, Bowmanvîlle, recentiyý graduated fram York Univer- sity with ber Bachelar of Arts in Specialized Hanours Physical Education. She wil be attending the Faculty of Educatian at University of Toronto next Sçptember. On Sunday, June lst, during the morning church service, two beautiful memorial windo*~s and ne' drapes were dedicated. The chairman of Property Committee Rex Walters on behaif of the donors, asked Rev. Wesley Oake to accept the Windows donated by the Morris family in lovinig memory of Levi, Frank and Ted Morris. This is a family of five generations as members of Trinity congregation, and was represented in the dedication by Gerald'Morris, Toronto; Don Morris and son. Paul, Bowmanville. Representing the Rehder family, worshippers at Trinity since 1902, in the dedication of a window in loving memory of the Rehder family, were Tom Rehder, Bowmanville, Robert Rehder, Peterborough, Mrs. W. S. Watson (Barbara Rehder), Brockville. Many other members of these two families were in attendance at this service. The new drapes in church hall were a gift from the U.C.W., assisted by the Stewards. THIS COUPONfj! UJIJEIIN HE-PURCHASE 0F WO RTH Blcoen Power Hold j 200oUt Hair IM T EOF ON[ Dy sP yG. ~WARNING: Father's Dacy Gif ts f rom Ken's may make a new man of the old mano Maybe it's a rugged denim suit Sthat gets him. Or a smashing shirt by Arrow. Maybe it's a new pair of Sshoes that turns bis head. All we can say is that Fatber's Day gifts from Ken's have been known to have the most curious consequences on the man of the His walk may suddenly become jaunty. You may notice him lgering at mirrors, looking rakisb. Or discover he's beginning ta sound ... ...more and more like Maurice Chevalier. ...... He may lose aIl interest in sports. Or ou.Andbegin walking around te bouse saying tbings like, "What ....... .. pair..of pants!" or, "in neyer tking this bat off!"~ Or speaking a bt too admiringly of bis new socks. So naturally, we at Ken's feel dty-bound, as a public service, to cution you: If you get bim smething from Ken's for Father's Day, he WILL look great. . .......But lie might look a little too great. Men's and Boys' Wear 35 Temperance St., omnil 623-5580 "Next Door to T-D Bank'ý The Community Euchre party held Friday nigbt had 17 tables witb prizes going to Evelyn Laverty, Bert Gibson, Ethel Cook, Francis Thomp- son, Nellie Lunn and Ruthann Cameron and Margaret Wat- son getting the 50-50 draw. A number of relatives, friends, and neighbours called to wish Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm congratulations and best wishes on their 50th wedding anniversary, Friday dune 6. Belated congratu- lations from the community. Sunday morning dawned a beautiful summer day for our special combined 50th anni- versary of the United Church service. At 10:30 the Tyros, Explorers, Cubs, Scouts, Sun- day Schools paraded to the church from the park led by Misses P. Woodley, Barbara, Ashton and Eric Bowman and took their places at the front acquaintances. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by al present. Messrs. David and John Rutledge are brothers of Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Byers. Mr. William James, Mon- treal, Quebec, visited bis mother,_-Mrs. George James, 252 King St. E. on Monday. Clarke Townsbip area dona- tions for the Canadian Heart Fund reacbed the lofty total of $988.50. A job well done. In 1972 the total was $534.80, in 1973 $552.20, and in 1974 $765. 19. Prints from the Litbography Workshop, Nova Scotia Col- lege of Art and Design'; will be exhibited from dune il to July 6 at the Witby Arts Incorpor- ated, The Station. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Price, son Bill Jr. and daughter Laura and Mrs. H. S. Price, Islington, were luncheon guests with Mrs. A. E. Billett, Division St., last week. Mrs. A. E. Billett attended the funeral of ber brother Frank C. Virtue, Burlington on Monday, dune 9. Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Billett and Mrs. Billett Sr. called on Mrs. Virtue in Burlington on Friday evening previous. Some of the older residents of Enniskillen will remember Mr. Virtue as he was born and grew to young manbood in the farmn home now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. Mrs. W. W. Bagnell, Scugog St., entertained ber family and relatives at ber home on Sunday afternoon in bonor of her husband W.W. "Bill" Bagnell's retirement from the staff at Pine Ridge School. We extend best wishes to Reverend Ralph Hilîs, wbo will leave the area very shortly, to take over his new charge in Ogema. Southern Saskatchewan. His new duties begin July lst. David Haber, today announ- ced his resignation as Artistic Director of the National Ballet of Canada, effective July 31. Mr. Haber said that bis decision is the result of irreconcilable differences with the Board of Directors of the Ballet. These differences revolve around the choice of repertoire, cuts in productions and with the procedure follow- ed by a committee of the Board of Directors in their assessment of senior artîstic and management staff. Presi- dent, Ian H. McLeod expres- sed regret that matters have come to this p oint, but said that every e ffort is beingi made to find a successor to, Mr., Haber, a search taking1 place not only in Canada but tbroughout the rest of the world. David Haber bas been Artistic Director of the Nat- tional Ballet since July 1, 1974. 00,