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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1975, p. 9

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CL RSSI 1 D R 11h11 s -The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, dune 18, 1. Il IIIN- Tues., 4:30 *m. UAVILSN-uavio ana rlen- ny Ann (nee Stride> joyfully announce the arriva I of a bouncing boy 8 lbs. Il oz. June 17, 1975, Bowmanville Hospit aI. A brother for Tim, Robbie and Heathen. 25-1 EMMERSON ý- Monfy and Anne are peased fa announce the bith of thein son, Gnahamn James, on Friday, June 13, 1975 at Belleville General Hospital. Proud grandipanents are Mn. and, Ms. J. S. Emmerson, Bowm-anville, and Mrs. Helen Werry, Osh- awa. 25-1 McQUAY - Frank and Olga (nee Sinclair) are delivghted ta announce the birth 0f Byron Ross on Father's Day, June lSth, 1975 at 4:31 a.m. af Oshawa General Hospital. Pnoud gnandpanents, Mn.- T. Ross McQuay, Whitby and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Sinclair, Ton- onto. 25-1 NOBLE- Paf and Ben are proudta annaunce the arrivai of a daughter, Stephanie Kathleen, 10 lbs. 112 azs. 25-1 Adoption Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Aluin, Port' Penny, are happy ta, announce the arrivai of their chosen daughter, Suzanne Ciane, a sister fan Meredith Anita. 251x Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle, Maple Grove, are happy ta announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Stan- ley Arthur, son of Mr. Arthur Found, Ebenezer, and the late Marie Found. The wedding fa take place Saturday, July 19, 1975 at 6:00 p.m. in Maple Grave United Church. 25-1 Mn.,and Mns. Harny Gruyt- ens are pleased fa announce the fothcoming marniage of thein daughter, Mary Jane, fa Grant W., son of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Snowden. The maniage to take place Satunday,' July sth, 1975 at 2 o'clock in Sf. Pau's United Chunch, Bow- manville. 25-1 Frances and Don Timleck are pleased fo announce the fothcoming marniage of thein daughter Catherine Marie fa Bradley Boyd Wilson, son of June and Thomas Wilson. Mariage to fake place on Satunday, JuIy 26, 1975 af Sf. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville. 25-1 Mn. and Mns. Ivan Thomp- son, Nestîeton, are pleased to -ýnounce the forthcoming !ianriage of their daughfen, Elizabeth Ann, fo Christophen Eric Dowson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Allun Dowson, Port Penny. The mariage will take place September 6, 1975 in Blackstock United Church. 25-1 BEAUPRIE-Suddenly at his home, Bowmanvilîe, on Sun- day, June lth, 1975, Irwin Beauprie, in his 56th yean, beloved husband of Kathleen Luxton, dean fathen of Karen <Mrs. Rick Hayes) and Ran- dy, dean grandfafher of Kevin and Steven Hayes and Melanie Beaupnie, brother of Julia (Mrs. Howard Galbraifh), Beeton, Leona (Mns. Chester McQuaid), Violet (Mrs. Jack Cox), Aileen (Mrs. Lloyd Clarke), and Lloyd, Beaupnie, ail of Oshawa, Mary (Mrs. Alex Hickey), Whitby, Vena (Mrs. Elgin Bromell), Bow- manville. Service was held in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday affennoon. Interment Bow- manville Cemefery. GRACE-Suddenly af Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, June llth, 1975, Alfred Grace, aged 53 years, beîoved husband of, Florence Rahm, dean father of Lindla (Mrs. Lanry Simpson) and Patricia, dean son of Mrs. Etta Grace, R.R. 2, Black- stock, brother of William, Beaverton; Harry,- R.R. 2, Blacksfock. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Safurday affernoon. Inferment Cadmus Union Cemetery._ MARTIN, Irene Rhoda - At Oshawa General Hospital on Satunda , June 14, 1975, Irene Rhoda Oke in her 7th yean, wife of Leonard W. Martin, mther of Bruce, Oshawa, and Mns. Keith Rogenson (Mar- lene> of Newcastle, grand- mother of Dennis and Laurie Ann Rogerson and Kimberley Martin, ister of Norman Oke, Oshawa, Mrs. W. T. Wright (Gladlys), Toronto, and the ? e Mrs. E. R. Allin (Olive). ;est ed at the Mcînfosh- Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E., Oshawa. Service was in the chapel Monday. lntçrment Ebenezer Ceme- tery, Memorial donations fa '-lanmony United Church wil ~egratefully acknowedged. LYCETT-Suddenly, af Bow- manville, on Friday, June l3fh,- 1975, Lois (Lamb) Lycett, in hen 69th year, wife of William Lycett, dean mother of Kay, Pal ge, Max, Dayne and Aveline .(Mns. Don Richardson), sister of Kein and Audrey Lamb. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Monday affernoon. Interment Onono Cemetery. HOGARTH-At Hilsdaie Manor, Oshawa, on Thunsday, June l2th, 1975 Edith Baker, formerly of Hampton, aged 89 years, wîfe of the late James Hog arth, dean mother of Jessie. (Mns. J.B. Wilcox), Cobourg, and Bruce, Picker- ing, sister of Minnie (Mrs. L.C. Snowden), R.R. 3, Bow- manville. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday manning. Inferment Bowman- ville Cemeteny. s e MONSTER BINGO .New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by' Oshawa Minor Softbail JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-tf- WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA "F Iowers Say it iBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto ... Oshawa - Bowmanviile Area Phone 623-4441 43tff CARNAT ION For Ail Your ~ Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141, FY - Winnifred. In, ioving memony of a dean wife, mother and gràndmofher who passed away June 18, 1972. "As time unfolds another yean, Memonies keep yau ever near, Silent fhoughts of times together Hold memoies that wiIi last forever." - Lovingly remembered by Rayandfamily. 25-1lx McKEE - Ada. In loving memory of a dean mather and grandmother, who passed away June Sth, 1970. If's iust a littie but means a To say dean mother we haven't forgot, -Aiways remembered by sons, daughters and grand childnen. 25-1 Thanks fa neighbars and friends ton cards, fiowers and calîs during my stay at the hospital. William C. Howells 25-lx My sincene fhanks ta friends, relatives and neigh- bans for flowers, fruit, plants, boaks and caîls while in Bawmanville Ho asp1a. A special thanks taDÊr. Masi- enko, Dr. Fergusan and nur- ses on 2nd floon for wanderful cane. Thank you f0 those who sent baking ta aur home during mny absence. Aima Ashtan 25-1ix I wouid like ta express my thanks, ta my family, neigh- bons and friends for cards, flowers and' visits whiie in hospitaL Special fhanks ta Dr. H. B. Rundie and nurses an 3rd floor, also ta fast Ambu- lance Service. Harny Rilpafnick 25-lx I wish fa fhank my relatives and friends fan the miany gifts, cards, leffers, flowers and visifs I received during the many months I was in haspital. They were much appreciated. Ai sa thanks ta Dr. Hubbard and the nurses on second flbon. Annie Hatherly 25-1, ImrnmmIe Decoration Day Cartwright Union Cernete ry Sunday, June 22 at 2:O00p. m. Reverend Merrill Jerguson Guest Speaker 24-2 HAY DON ANNUAL SALAD SUPPER ,Mon., Ju ne 30, 1975 COMMUN ITY CENTRE (School) Serving starts at 4:30 p.m. - ? ADMISSION: Adults $3.00 Chiîdren 12 and under $1.50 Everyone Welcome 25-2 Take-a-Break Picnic ta be heid Tuesday, July 8th at Cedan Park. Please meet at Sf. John's Anglican Chunch af 9:30 amni- Came eguipped with own picnic lunch, bat and bai and beach bail. Admission 75c per aduli,50c per chiîd. Lite guard will be on duty at the pool. 25-1 Strathaven Nursing Home Tea and Bazaar Friday, June 2Oth 2 - 4 p.m. ""SOUINDS 0F A SUMMER NIGHT"V Dance ta Pat Ricclo And His Orchestra Playing Music tram the Big Band Ena Glenn Miller-Tommy Donsey Benny Goodman Saturday, J une 21st, 1975 IROQUOIS PARK ARE NA 9:00 p.m. te 1:OOam. $10 PER COUPLE Tickets availabie tram: Whitby Recreation Office 105 Coibamne St. E., Whifby 1-668-5803 Amber Vaniety 31 King Sf, W. Bawm anv 111e Centre Smoke Shop 52 Hamwood Ave. S. Ajax Shorty' S Cigar Store 121 Brock Sf. N., Whifby 24-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday June20-21 Dancing 9- 1 25-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, June 24th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regulan Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pr izes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spunsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 25-1 Escorted Tours Mystery Tour June 22nd Montreal Basebaîl Weekend 1June 28th -29th North Bay, Sudbury and Manitoulin Island June 28fh - July lst (Dominion Weekend) Pennsylvania Dutch Country July lOth - l3th Atlantic City Juiy l9fh - 27th Western Canada, Rockies and North West Ternitories August 2nd- 25th Maritimes Tour Septemben 6th -2Oth CIGARETTE SMOKING PERMITTED Sunshine Party Tours Box 214, Port Hope Office Evenings 885-4822 885-2200 25-1 Maple Grave United Church Sunday School Anniversary, June 22. Services are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. C.R. Nelson, Pres- dent of the Bible Club in this area. Senior Choir wili sing in the atternoon wifh special music by the Sunday Schooi in theevening. -24-2 Hampton Women's Institute Stnawbermy Dessert Tea in the C.E. wing, June 23, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Admission si. Childmen under 6 free. Door prizes. 24-2 Rummage sale at Knox Christian School, Scugog St., June 27fh, 1975 t ram 7: 30 p.m. -9:30 p.m. 24-2 DANCING Saturday Night June 21 at CLUB ANNRENE on Scugog Iland featuring Jack Bailey and The Bailiffs 25-1 The ~amily of Mrs. Louella Cook invites triends and relatives ta a birthday fea in honor of their mother's 8Ofh binthdlay on. Sunday, June 29 tram 2 -4 andl7- 9at hem home, il princess St., Bnooklin. Best wîshesonl--1-2Ir1 A .YTUUI. PONTY POOL Men's $of tbal11 Tournament J UlNE28; 29 and 30th Aduits $,1.00; 12 and under free Eight teams participating f rom Pontypool and area I Dance SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, 9:OOto 1:00 PONTYPOOL COMMUNITY HALL $5.00 Couple Music by Gary Bristow Lunch Served 25-2x Cartwright High School 5Oth Annivensary will be cele- brated at the Recreation Centre in Blackstock. Dance Sat., June 21 at 9 p.m. and Sunday June 22 - 2 p.m. a reunion for ail former stud- ents, teachers, board mem- bers and their familles. 24-2 Tyrone L.O.L. 764 Orange Church Service will be held on Sun., June 22, '75. Serviceat 11 a.m. Everybody welcome. 24-2x Antique Gun Show, Sunda y, June&22, Kinsmen Communi ty Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Doors open 9 a.m. - 1 p. M. 25-1 Social Planning Council, Thursday, June l9th, 8:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Bow- manville. AIl weîcome. _ 25-1 Prout famiîy picnic Sunday, June 22 at 3:30 p.m. at Cedar Park. 25-1 ROCKING chairs, library desk, office desk, typewriter table, bean bag chairs, plat- form rocker, telephone table, baby's dressing table, car bed, jolly jumper, walkers, bottle steril1izer, guitar, pocket novels, small appliances. Towne Used Furnitune, 19 Temperance St', Bowman- ville. 25-1 CHESTERFIELD suites $15 cash rebate on any one purchased at Towne Used Furnitune, 19 Temperan.ce Street, Bowmanville. 25-1 VILAS colonial table 38 x 32, extends to 56" with 2 leaves. Candlelight maple finish. Ex- 'cellent. condition. 623-714,2. 25-f MULTI-paned windows, wood- en valences, interior doors, window t rames, new arborîfe, new vinyl floor covering, wallpaper, paint, cupboard doors, Iaunidry rack, foldi'ng stools, lawn chairs, 3 way cots, plasticized steel lawn fence, electric hedge trimmers, pine table, bamboo curtains, iron fryi ng pan, open coil toaster, royal family scrap books and magazines (1 937 - 1953) . Phone 623-7490. 25-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, ramn carrying systems. Lorne Aluin, 1 Prince St. 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 25-1 Compressors, Generators Also Drill Presses, Grinders, Power Hack Saws etc. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Ace Mach inery SCompany 859 A Nelson St. Osha wa 723-0933 21 -tf GREENHOUSE TOMATOES AVAILABLE AGAIN. MOSTE RT'S Greenhouse Phone 623-5872 24-2x CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- for for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. ,l6-tf PIANO - phone 263-2187. 25-1 ELECTRIC water pump and tank suitable for cottage, 5,000 BTU Coleman tent heater, like new, Gendron baby carniage. 987-4511. 25-1 x SPANISH bedroom suite, spin washer dryer, 26" color T.V., kitchen ta ble and chairs, all under one year old, owner moving. 623-4901. 25-1 HAY baler International 27 excellent condition. Phone 723-6180. 25-1 INTERNATIONAL No. 350 Harvester with one row corn header; also dinect-cut hay header, ideal for zeno-grazing or grass silage. This harvester s like new; has only chopped about one hundred acres. Dodge Power Wagon, military model.' You can't break if! Fourty thousand original miles. Starts weIl; does not burn oil. Both the above machines are OK! Caîl Rate Currelly, 1-753-2336.1 25-1 ALLIS CHALMERS WD 45 diesel, poweýr steering, good rubber, good condition, best off er. 728-6161. 251 TENT trailer for sale, sleeps tour, A-1 condition, spare tire and mattress. Asking price $375. Phone 987-4045. 25-2 STANDING Hay. Bill Tomlin- son, Orono, 1-983-5033. 25-1 WA TER suppîy- pools,- weîîs etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf THE Doggy Place- Register- ed Boarding Kennel, modemn spaclous facilities. Dogs $2.50, cats $1.50 daiîy. Take advan- tage of our special complete gnooming service and have hlm bathed and clipped while you're away. English Spring- er Spaniel puppies for sale occasionaîîy. 786-2234. 24-4 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak. wood. New furniture very, reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377ý 52-tl PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and also, used furnntireand appliances, Will accept trade-ims. Padidy's Market, Hampton, phone 263. 2241. 3341r USED Furniture and Appli ances., Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES /TR1ACTORS EQUIPMENT * s TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. St b e 1 EQUESTRIAN EE H L.:TRAINING CENTRE - H -LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING FARM MACHINERY instruction in Equitation Kfl80 R Jumping COMPACT FARM Pesg TRACTORS *.-- SALES-SERVICE- RE NTALS Phone 728-6901 INSTALLAN O FURNACE HUMIDIFIER H EATE R AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POL ICY CALL HARVEY PARTNER, Yaur ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-tf CEDAR fence rails for antique fencing. Phone 263-8142. 20-8x 6- qi ri c 4 1 F F Buy direct fromn Manufac- fume- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small ta fit any need. Came by aur display yard af 73 Ontaria Street, Part Hope an felephone 885-5216 for a monument that, endures, 35-tf OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND AIl Size TRUC 877 King LIMESTONE PRODUCTS es forDnîveways and Parking Lots 'TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL CKS and LOADERS FOR RENT St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 ,, Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 G. BAR S. RANCH Honseback riding, $3 per houn. Our membership is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalis for ment, pienty of moom. Special riding ring and indlvi- dual comals for youn conven- AUTHENTIC eamly Canadian miik cans make great con- versation pieces: tlower pots, umbreila stands and ban stools are but a fewof the passible uses. To get yaums cal 1725-0815. 25tff VIKING washer-spin-dmyen. $100, Phone 623-4891. 25-1 SWIMMING Pool $acrifice. Leading manufacturier and distributor has above ground aiuminum pools left aven tram 1974 season. 12 pnice. Guaran- feed installation and terms. Cali Credif Manager callect 416.292-2268. il tf SCREENED and unscreened top sal, screened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 2t AIR conditianers, centrai and window units. Cali Harvey Parfnem. Orona 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 21 -ff ~<WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS ITowers, U HF, VH F Aeniaîs, Rotors & * Repairs *Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-ff Oshawa TV Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Coîored Aeriais ,Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS Workmfanship Guaranteed AIl1 priced ta SAVE you Money Phone 623-51'22 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS' -REPAIRED- Parts available tan, mast anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern wafches and dlocks. Our nepairs- are done wifh modern up-to-dlate equipmeni and qualified Swiss tnained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf 'CHESTERFIELD and chair n good condition, very rea- sonabie. Phone 623-7786. 25-1 CALCIUM Chionide- 100 lb. bag size. Phone 623-914. 24-2 CALL US ANYTIME A large international sales, 1 ~service and marketing finm is 623-4027 19 tf planning on opening a busi- ~ ness location in the Oshawa amea. Key credentiais shouid -include previaus seliing, man- IRE fflagerial on supervisory experi- i yer ad back îdig mre, ence (aven 25 years), and the '-Yar-ld lak rdin mae, desire fa be a successful qentl e disposition. Has been individual. idden English and Spanish. Considemation will be given Capable of jumping. Askîng fa ather applicants, hawever, 350, Phone 263-2569 or 623- yau must be able fa substan- 896. 25-1 tiate a starting income of a $15,000 or higher. un imu mFor a confidenfiai inter- F REE ta good home, one part, vie-y, you must sumît a full Persian caf. Famiiy moving ta and accurate esume ta: ' U.S.A. Phone 623-3503. ""Key Opportunity," 1125-1 Box 310,' BOARDING, easonabie Bowmanvilile, Ont. rates, pick-up and delivery can be arranged. Leeward LiC 3L1 242 Kenneis Regisfered. 705-277- 2735. 24-tf R. N.'s- part-fime positions. South Haven Nursing Home, Mrs. Austin 987-4441, FINE QIJALITY J _________ 254 MONUMENTS AND -- MARKERS jMATURE woman ta look affen Ithree children in my home IK~ part-time. Must be willing ta ~U~%4,I.B~AIUdWBY spend nighfs and accasionai Uri 4uriff fprmf.& weekend. ý623 71. 25-1 LICENSED mechanics fa, work fiat rate in General Matons dealership. _Dmug plan available, -:veralls suppiied, gaad working conditions. Apply Bill Smith, Cowan Pontiac-Buick- Ltd., 166 -King Sf. E., Bowmanville. 623-3396. PAIPT-time service station attendant requimed, good oppatunity ton enemgetic, me- hiable persan. Apply 'Imperial 011 Service Centre, Wavenly Rd. and 401. 20-tf A HIGH School boy to help with hay. Apply Stanley Mill- son, 263-8880., 25-1 A STUDENT, must be 16 years or over, minim um part-tirne work. Apply in person to Walker's Stores, 5 King St. E. 25-1 MATURE babysitter, per- manent, non smoker. Three children ages 3, 8 and 11. Tel. 623-4873. 25-1 x CAR ETAKE R Applications will be recel- ved by the undersigned unfil Thursday, June 26, 1975, for the position of' Part Time Caretaker, 10 hours per week, at the Vincent Massey Public School. Knowledge of cleaning ma- teniaIs and caretaking proce- dure preferned. Abilify to work from verbal and writfen instructions and with other people required. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasuner, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Ediscat ion, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 25-1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED SEWERS on Industrial Machines in Upholstery Department Please apply in person f0: Plydesigns Highway 115, Orono, Ontario 25-1 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL requires for SEPTEMBER 1, 1975 i-Paraprofessional' f0 perform clerîcal tasks, mainly in the Resource Cen- tre. Knowledge and-or interest in the operation of a Resource Centre would be a benefit. Salary range $4,800- $6,500 (under review). Please apply in writing stating qualifications, exper- ience, reterences and tele- phone numben to: Mr. E. W. Wolff, Principal 49 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilîe, LIC 2L8. 25-1 EXPERIENCED haindresser wanted.,4 5 day week. Top wages for Hairport Styling 623-4901. 25-1 SECRETARY to assist during. summer vacation peniod. Pre- ferrably with legal exper- ience. Apply Douglas J. Bar- ber, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 339, Bowmanville. Tele- phone office 623-2525 or even- ings 623-5479. 25-1 STUDENTS. Full or part time with use of car to cail on Fuller Brush customers and pick up their orders. For more information caîl Patrick Wiebe -1-372-9969 after 4 p.m. or write 416 Walton St_ Cobourg, Ont. 24-2xý We require a self-starter type who is capable of estima- ting costs of tooling and pro- duction runs for medium size stamping plant. Good working conditions, steady days, benefits. Apply in person ta: L &LTool .240 Simpson Ave. S. Bowmanville 25-i Jensen Steel Ltd. requires Shear Operator Material Handiers Apply at: 222 Baseline Rd. E. Bowmanvillie Lawn &Ga rden Ca re Rolling, roto-tiîling with a commercial machine. Seeding down new Iawns or aid. Tree cutting and odd jobs, Phone 987-5222 22-tf MAN wifh back hoe and loader tom hime. Cali 623-2767ý 25-ix DAY c",e available, my own home. Preschooiers anîy. Phone 623-7974. 25-lx Bowma nvi lie Dry Wall and Piasterinig REPAIRS 0F ANY KIND Andy .......623-29ý44 Yvon .......623-5266 25 lx Monte Hennessy Carpenry - Renovating Specializing in Fencinig 728-0131 23-5x APPLIANCE REPAIRS RANGES-WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITION ERS SPECIALIZING IN Frigidaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 10-tf C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionalîy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3tff MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repaînstfalal makesof Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEAKED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanvilîe 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES .SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48tff CUSTOM work. Cutting, nak- ing, baling hay . Caîl 623-2089 on 623-2186. 24-3 S y aur fanm equipment, tractor, garden tractor what have you working ta youn satisfaction? Do you have some changes in mind ta make if wonk better but haven' t got the time or fools ta correct the probiems? Let's falk if avenr. Cali 263-2769. No obligations. West-Field Products Weiding, .Machine Shop, Repains, R.R. 1, Hampton. 244x D. BEERS&SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Kut 'n ISmlua i rna open é daPys aweThursday and Friday evnng.NewV S'afurday summer, houns, 7-2 o'clock last appoint ment. Sen- ion cifizens 10 percent off ail hain do's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday anly. Cail 623-5019 an 71 King jSt. E., Bowmanville. 25-4 FVIneéaïDiseas-e Clinic in Oshawa Tuesd-ays and Thursdays 4: 30 p. m. Fan information: Telephone 723-8521 C. C. Stewa rt, M. D., D. P.H. Medicai Officer of Heaith DON'T WORRY BE SURE! 24-2 ANN BRADLEY' Permanent Hain Remavai 90 Si mcoe St. N. Osaa723-7682 44-tf PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hain Remavi BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52tff Ear piercîng service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for appointment. 74f ONE furnished room for ent, 623-2005. 25-1 RELIABLE adults wouUiU H1 country hause ta ment. Within cammufing distance of Osh- awa. 1-705-292-7121. 23-4x LANDLORDS - Houses, Aparfmenfs, Rooms, umgentiy needed., Durham Housing Registry 1-579-0622. Extension -48-,69. 6-26ý GET CASII TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES TIIROUGl ST ATESM A N CLASSIFIf DS RESULTS COUN-T! Real Ett A Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ...... . . . . . . PROFESSIOjNAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Cerfif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliabie service. Remem ber, "The tuner alone, preserves the fane.", Member, -Piano Tecllnlcian's- Guild. Derek HiIl 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-ff VINCE MOORE CAR PENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvilie 623-3568 49-tf Refrigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Damestic Refni geration - Milk Coolers PMHN E BERT SYER Days ...... ...... 623-5774 Nights "*- - ....623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light'Tmucking andi Odd Joabs PHON'E 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harrvey Partner Orana 983-5206- Zenith 14620 41 -tf Biil-'s GLASS andMliRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontanio. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Floaf Glass Seaîed lJnits - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mimrons Pattenned and Caianed Glass and Glazng. 17 tf WATER Wells bomed, 30" file. Wamd's Well Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Represenfa- five Harry L. Wade. Tele- nhrnp Q87-4531 . 1* ff 1 ( E r

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