Section, Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. dune 18, 1975 il1 SOLINA' w,', The June Meeting for Solina Women's Institute was held at h *e Hall on Wed., dune llth, ~.~hMrs. Fred Watson, presi- ènpresiding. Affer the singing of the Ode, and repeating the Colleet, Mrs. Helen Milîson, secretary -treasurer, read the minutes and treasurer's report. There was one Thank You Note and Tickets sent from Golden Plow Lodge - we decided to purchase these. Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe re- ported on the decoration underway in the hall kitchen. Mrs. R. Rowsell reported on the plans for the duly outing to the-Metropolitan Zoo, as well, as writing Lao Ching, cur adopted daughter in Hong Kong. Plans were discussed about our partin the Plowîng Match in Sept. Several ladies volun- teered to assist. Eacli member is asked for 1 doz. large home made cookies. Sînce six of our members were present at the 75th Year Celebration of Bowmanville W.I., Mrs. Ada Yellowlees reported a splendid evening and reminded us of our 75th year to corne in 3 years. Mrs. Viola Ashton announ- ced that the District 75th Celebration would be held at Hampton on Oct. B8th. The Consumer Report was given by Mrs. Jean Knox. Since there was so mucli material to cover. in a few minutes, Mrs. Knox made headings on two charts which were written up. Any of, these it ems that anyone is especial- 1interested in should get the onsumer Magazine from our Secretary, and read them in detail. Among some were- detergents, batteries, _Whirl away Dishwasher, toys, false advertising and many more. Mrs. Knox, in hier jolly personality, made it rather humorous, on a serious sub- ject. The Roll Caîl - "Some- thing my Grandmother Taught Me" followed. These brought back fond memories for many. The Group Leader for Resol- utions, The Leader for the South West Groun - Mrs. Barbara Spires took charge for the program. Mrs. Margaret Hooey re- ported on the Motto - "The Mind is like a Parachute - it works best when it is open." Among lier remarks, a poem was read covering what a g ood person needs to know to ive a good life. We need an Open Mnd and trust in God. The topic of the evening was, taken by Mrs. Marguerite- Fraser. She showed slides and talked about hier recent trip to Arizona. This was very inter-, esting and the scenery shown was sa different from what ilst of us hiav\e ever seen. In the summer months, in the area of Lake Havasu where she stayed, the temp. could reachi 130 ýdegrees f. It is sitnated in the South West corner of Arizona on the Colorado River. Most of the ~penative to this area are -Kajo Indians. The rainy season is in Dec. and that is ahl the precipitation they get. Houses rnust be air condition- ed. with few windows. Any- thing growing except sage or cactus must be irrigated. The datepalm tree grows with irrigation - no grass. Mrs. Fraser attended a Lutheran Church, which faced onto the mountains, providing a beau- tif ul'view. T he f ew flowers are strange to us. Pictures of the Joshua Tree were shown, it is a Cactus. An Octillo Sagura Cactus is enormous in size and lives 150 years. Mrs. Fraser visited desert- ed towns and saw abandoned shanties made of stone. Min- ing was one industry. The soil is red colour. The Navajo Indians sell to tourists right on the roadside - blankets, jewel- lery etc. Actually most of them are wealthy,.- but don't apper tobe poied by Nancy Knox and Kah ie. loNanc-Y sang- '4Pussy Wi'w and Cnt Tails" and Whistle a HaTpp, Tpne" from the "King andl' le Kathie accompanied on "[Whli piano. These were much enjoyed. We wishi we could hear them more often. Their happy, youthful personalties add a lot to we, who are ý,ttin9 on. - Mrs. Spires thanked ail who assisted and especially Mrs. Fraser and the girls. The meeting was taken over b Mrs. Watson and closed with the National Anthem. Don't forget the July outing on the 9th, Meet at the Hall at 9:30 ar. Lunch of Strawberry Short- cake was served by the group in charge and several prizes were given out to a number of the Grandrnothers. 15.4t. MoOrif§ L'ne b leie, braided -Eltexil' 66 fibre resiSs wvatero ad ~~Durable lune $9 with 8î, loup. Save . STORE HOURS Mond iy, Tuesday, Wednesday . hursday, Saturdlay 8: 30 a. M'. 106: 00 p. m. Frmctay 8:30 a. m. 10 9: 00 p. m !7a<uhiI!1I1I!vImuIau R. W. JOHNSON ENTERPRISES LIMITED, Phone 623-251