Wednesday l, e-1,1975 COOKX FREEZE ASPARAGUIS Splurge on flavor, Buy bundies of beautiful Ontario asparagus spears, cook some nowv, perhapslfreeze some for later. Ta capture the flavor af fresh picked asparagus, coak the spears the day you buy them, wMile the taps are still tightly closed, and bail them for seven minutes anly, advise food specialists at the Ontario Foad Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Snap off thebutt end, at the bittam, of the straight spears. Rinse the stalks in cold water, but do not. saak them. Mean- while, set a frypan of water on the stove. Bring the water to a rapid banil. Carefully drop anly a fewv spears at a time inta the wvater, until they are ail in.. a nmatter of a fewv seconds. S et the timer at seven minutes. When *the ti me is up, immiied'iately drain off the wvater and serve tire asparagus as is, or wvith your favorite topping.' You can have freshi asparagus out-of-season, Say food Specia- lists at the Ontario Food Counicil, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Select very fresh- picked asparagus -- a few hours gathered, thien don't wvaste a moment until you get the blaniched sp)ears iito YOurfr-eezer at 0 degrees F. or lawver. Check first for the quality' signs: compact tips and straighnt green rounded spears thiat snap very easily. Thre next step is ta wvash thie spears thoraughly in cold wvater ta remove any sand that collected under the leaflets during growving. Separate the SAVORY STUFFED CiABBAGE With mneat prices hoverlng on the high side, that great Canadhian favourite, ham- burger or ground mneat, cames inta its own again. Now is the tMe ta try aut or repea substantial dishes basd on ground mneat, but presenited in an unusual wvay or seasaned with an extraardinary touch. i n many couritries through- out the wrd an estab)lished favaurite is Stuffed Cabbage leaves. Whiie the finished dish looks ike it took Isaurs ta prep)are, in actuai fact the cabb)age leaves separate and saften during 5 ihnutes while yao i'cr e mak eng the nmeat m1ixture. The secret ta biending al the fiavours of the seasoned meat, and cabbage leaves is in the sauce. Convenient canned tomiato sauce is the base, but b)y adding a little výinegar and sugar and a can or more of b)eer, the resuit is truly gaurmient tare. The ,secret of this tasty dish- is the elusive seasaning inagic th at the be ,imparts ta the sauce. A naturai accamipanimrent with this splendid dish is a glass of cbiled, sparkling tbeer and a loaf af freshi, ci-tsty ýrye bread. Just make plenty of cabbage rails because yo'u'll get calîs for refiis. stalks inta bundles accarding ta the diamneter' of the stalk. Remaove the butt end by snapping the spear. Fresh asparagus will',snap easily. Set the butts aside'for blanching, and freezing. They'll add flavar ta saups. Meanwhile, bring ta bail a quantity of water in a frypan. Carefully drap a bundie af -sarted spears, a few at a time, inta the. bailing water. By drapping them a few at a time, the wjater will return ta un active bail very quickly. Blanch about 1 paund at a time, no mare. Let the group of thinner spears bail for ' 2 mintes; medium-sized ones 3 'Minutes and large ones 4 minutes. As, soon as the time has elapsed, drain, then quickly chili the spe ars in cold running wýater. Drain themn well on-towelling, and proceed ta package. Freezer bags (the ones withoiut seamis) are ideal for freezing asparagus spears. Place the spears in the bag, alternating tip and stemn ends. This wvill giVe youI a neat, square package. Twist the end of the bag, press- ing lighitly an the spears s0 thàt mnost of the air is remnoved f roril the package, and lie the bag securely wvith ties or f reezer tape. lmmediately date the package, label the contents and] set the asparagus bundles ni the freezer to enjoy at a later date. 1 large head cabbage (18 leaves) boiling water 112ý pouinds ground round or chuck 1 cup cooked rice (abouIt1/ cup uncooked) 2 eggs, well beaten 1 smail onion, finely chopped 12 _>up finely chopped celery 1 teaspoon'sait 1teaspoon pepper I 8 oz.) can tomiato sauce 14cup cider viniegar 1cup firmily packed dark brown sugar 2 cups beer Core calbbage and carefully remiove large outer leaves. Place in a pan, or bowl and' pour on boiling wvater to caver; let stand in water for- 5 miinutes or until leaves are flexible andi easily rolled. Mix ground mieat, ricýe, eggs, onion, celery, saît and pepper1. Drain leaves and Place a baI of' mneat m-ixture on eachi cab- bagle leaf. Roîl laf around meat, enclosîng it and fasten- ing ends with a toothpick. In a large shallow skillet mix remlaining ingredients. put cabbage rolîs into skillet, Add more beer, if necessary, 50o cabbagoe rolîs will be covered with liquid. Cover and simmrer slawly' vabout 1 hour, adding more beer if reqUired. ieuld: 6 ser\ ings. 1, SALMON R ICE LO-AF- 2 cans (7-¾ aoz. ench) B.C Salmon 1 cup cooked white rice (from one third cup raw rice) 1 cup buttered bread crumbs 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1/4 Cip tiilk 1/2 teaspoon sait 1/4 teaspoon celery sait '/8 teaspoan pepper 2 tabi espoons chapped pimienta Flake salmon, mashing the bones well. Combine rice with remaining 7 ingredients. Add flaked salmon, including mashed bones and juices, ta rice mixture and mix well. Place in well-greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 35 ta 40 minutes. Remove from, aven and let cool for 5 minutes hef are turning onto heated serving platter. Makes 4 servings. FLUFFY FRUIT DRESSING i/Ž cup instant skim milk powder 12 cup ice water 2 tablespoons lemnon juice 11/2 cups mayonnaise or salad - dressing Mix instant skim mîlk powder witb ice water in bowl. Whip until soft peaks formn (3 ta 4 minutes). Add lemon juice ; continue beating until stiff peaks form (3' ta 4 minutes longer). Fold in mayonnaise or salàd dressing. L- " Continuous Clean Oven " Closed.Door Smokeless Broiling " Eye-Level Controls *Variable Broil *Four Total-Heating Surface Units with LIFETIME WARRANTY oLarge Cooktop Work Area *Easy-Clean Lift-Up Cooktop 1-- *ugII K oFuil Family CapaCityN Dishwvasher - Y. Sani Cycles with 1 500 .... .. . Water Temperatulre :Super Scrub Pots and IFANS Pans Cycle 6 or 4-Cycle Models WALNUT-COFFEI COOKIES P/2 cups flour Iý2 cup sugar 1 cup butter (soft) 2 tsp. instant coffee 34 cup chopped walnut Sif t dry ingredients, butter and make a doug] in wainuts. Rail into halls. Place 2" apart an sheet; flatten with bottU glass dipped in sugar. Bake 25 min. in ove degrees F. (uptil lîght go Barb T BEEF STROGANOF 3ý tbsp. flour 2 lbs. chuck steak 1 large anian (choppec" one thîrd cup margari 12 lb. mushrooms (sice4 3/4 cup green onions (cb<i 1 tsp. Worcestershire s 1/2tsp. sait. 1/àtsp. pepiper 1 can consomme 1 cup saur cream Cut mýeat into 2" strij rail in flour. Saute onic margarine tili golden; re and brown meat; remov brown mushrooms. T( consomme addmeat, brc anians, Worcestershires spices and simmer 20 mû in mushrooms, greenc and sour cream; heat (c boil). Serve over ni noadies. Barb M Country 'Kitchen Suppleài ezto The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvil :E SUPER SALM~ON LOAF fQr 40 minutes. Remove pan 2 catis (7-14oz, eaeh) B.C. from water anld let stand for 5 Salmon minutes before inmou1ding 4 tabiespoons butter or mar- loaf onto heated piatter. garine Makes 6 servings. 4 cup milk its -cup cracker crumbs eut in 3 eggs, separated gh .Stir 2 tablespoons choppedPIKE GS small parsley PCLDEG cookie 1 tablespoon grated antan 12 grade A large eggs om of a 1 tablespoon leman juice 3 cups white vinegar 12ý teaspoon Worcestershire 1'/ cups water ,en 325 sauce Il/2 teaspoons sait 12 tapoisl teaspoon whole black Tukker 1/s teaspoon ýepper ppe Drai s mon reservinÏ For milder flavour use 2l/4 FF juice: In saucepan heat sa-c ac- fvnea n mon juice, butter and miik cupseIfach ovna eaan- just until butter melts. Stir in nwa er. i adtiolseason- 1) cracker crumbs and let stand insaedird-coeoe ne 5, minutes. Flake salmon orm eofteoiong d) mashing bones weli, and foki 112 to 3 teaspoons sugar )pped) into crumb mixture. Beat egg 12 teaspoons wle cles sauce yolks and blend into salmon 2 tesail clove alov mixture along with parsely,1/ iaolvegri onion, lemon juice, Worcester- Hadcocilndpe shire sauce, sait and pepper. e Ha t vînkegarh, at er Beat egg whites until they egsaît holtveak wae ps and form soft peaks. Fold into siwo bakpep er, ans in salmon ixture. Line a sugar, if used, and the wnle ,emove greased loaf pan (9" x 5" X 3" black pepper and ather ve and recommended) on bottom and desirecd seasanings tied in a o the sides with waxed paper îeav- smllpice of cheesecloth or 7owned ing about an inch aof paper dlean wite cotton. Bail 10 sauce, overhanging the sides. Lightiy minutes. Remove spice ba, in. Stir grease waxed paper. Pour cool liquid and pour over cocd anians salmon mixture inta loaf pan. gsp ke in trizd (do not Set pan in !a shallaw baking sealers. Seal and store at least [ce* or an. Pour boiling Water into twa days before using ta allow P s' fa o epl o ne'lavour ta develop. Yields: Iukker inch. Bake at 350 degrees F. w16onesar. m odern M aid ............kk Co ok,,and Clean C'entre - ..1 k 1~ k k k k s. k k k s b 'r> s k s k k s 1, k k k Cook Book SPECIAL Modern Maid, Buit-In Dishwasher $219 9.00 ..........