SALMNONýRICE PIE can (7ý- oz.) B.-C. Salmionl cups cooked white rice (from i1 cup uncooked) egg, weil beaten teaspoons butter or marg- arine can (10o oz.) creamn of mushroom soUP, undiluted 2 stalks celery, finely Chop- - ped 1 teaspoon sait 1teaspoon biaçe PePPer r der Fiake salmon with its juices, mxashing the bones. Combine with al rmaining 2greeni onions, chopped 9 inIch pie plate. Combine Cayeinne flaked salmon, including itablespooni lemon juice mashed bones and juice, 1cup green peas mushroom soup, green onion, 1cups gra t edcheddar cheese few grains of cayenne,' lemon juice, and peas. Pour into rice Flake salmon- with its base. To àwt grated cheese. juices, crushing the bones. Bake in p rehatd350ege' Combne ice beaen ggandF.oven for 30 minutes. Serves butter. Press rice mixture into0 -5 GARDEN'tOSSED SALAD > ALMOND TORTE 12 head lettuce, tomn BASE: 1 cup spinach leaves i & one third cups flour 1 - cucumber, thinly sliced 1 tsp. baking powdct 8 to 10 radishes, thinly sliced one third cup sue 2 green onions, chopped 1,Z cupf soft M ftr 12 cup chopped celery wth 1 inre e 1leaves r-dry. ge ets. Witb lýmedium green peppe,[151 lX nd btter slivredes ýJyover bottom and !cup French dressing a.u efigea9rat ndca. Prepare vegetables. Tuos,, a. lightly to cornMl e éingre j--. FILLING: Just befowe serv il4, add 1/2cup soft butter dressing and toss gain. Add 1,2 cup sugar seasollings if , ded. Makes 4 4 oz. (1 cup) ground almonds ni- 5 servirlgS. 12 tsp. aimond extract 2 eggs Press firmly into a lightiy ARITHMEiNrC- mie until ight and fluffy greased loaf p an. Bake at 350 Hie was teaching ber Arithme- mpoint rus anbkea degrees F. for 45 minutes, tic 350n nt de rees or 50 k mi.Col Serve hot with lemon wedges Saîd it was his mission, 350re ithrasperr m iol or parsiey sauce. Serveq H.le kissed hier once, pedwtrabryjly This loaf can aiso boenijoyed lie kissed hier twice, addîzewt hnîig coid with a crisp salad. And said, "Now that's additi1ýn." Barb Tukker And so hie added Smack on smack ~' Ma~-RICE CHOWDER In sent' satisfaction,TOAOSL S CHOWDER She sweetiy gave him kîsses OA SLD cni¾oz.) BU h i1z4 bckan h d Sliced or quartered-arrange dbepon c That'ýs-u'bt-raction, in rows or circies on greens. If 2 abeso ,S egtable oul Theni, hie kissed her as she 1 green pepper, choûpped kissèd him, desired, sprinkle with chopped 14 cup white rice, uincooked With naught an expianationi hvs asefehbslo 1cn(8oz.) tomiatoes Then btfghe mldan .d marjoram. 1 ctan (28ry chopped said smid Stuffed - holNý- n ill iU 1-l-, cups water Hurrah, for iultîiplication! a lft-rffes, rneat, filh or -4-teïpÙofl sailt Her dad apreareci ùr)àn the cheese combinations. 14 teaspoon pepper sceane, Alternate slices of tomnato and 1 tablespoon lemon juice Anâ-laea quck decision, cucumber on gree"n ý Flake salmon~M4 Wib its Ie kicked the lad three blocks cottage cheese. juices, ebones. In away, a large saucepan saute the That was long division. Diedpr an m ix wit c ley, gren ornons in the oi. Add all____ epr noinwtltue remaining ingredients except Chemîcals in our foods' o' Whole, -ecut into 5 or 6 sections, thec salmon. Bring the mixture panic' Sali, water, Dnta left attached at the stern end. to a boil, cover and simmer for and sugar, common vingah Place on lettuce; spread 45 minutes. Add salmon in- products are ail heiafs, sections siightly apart and fi cluding mnashed bones and and serve a useful purpose in centers with egg salad, cole- juices. Continue cooking for 15 our food as do chemnical slaw, cottage cheese', chîcken minutes. Serves 4. ad1ditive's. or tuna saiad. Such a Wonderful.Plîace t o Sh'op? *Friendly, Personal Service * Mr. IGA Works Hard to Keep His Customers Hfappy *IGA Stores ore 10"ieendently Owned and Operated *Mr. IGA 1$ Directly Involved iCommunity Affairs Quality - Service - Value Ail at GR-AH AM 77 King St. East Bowmanvifle, Sundlay.Store Hours: 10:00 nom. to 5:00 p.m. s I 4 4 Il I What Makes or