Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 25, 1975 9 BLACKSTOCK Wnners at the weeýkly Senior Citizens' Card Party on Tuesday evening were Ladies' lst - Mrs. Etta Medland, 2nd - Mrs. Pearl Day, 3rd - Mrs. F. Vernon. Men's lst - Lionel Byam, 2nd - Bill Chapman, 3rd -Bill Mahaffy. 'r.Roy Taylor, Mrs. ý,-,rtney Graham, Mrs. A- bert Wrght, Mrs. Fred Trew- in and Lloyd Trewin, Mr. and Mirs. Wilbur'Toms, Mr. and Mr.Sandy Moore were Tues- _ýy evening dinner guests of ;Ir. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and .9onald to celebrate the fifth mwudding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor of Enniskillen. On Tuesday a busload of U.C.W. members and friends enjoyed a day's trip to Midland. Collingwood and many other points of interest in that area. 1Also, on Tuesday the Senior Citizens' Club went by bus to visit the Black Creek Pioneer Village on Senior Citizéns' CoJngratuations to the fol- lowingy oung people who successfully tried music exams recently. Grade Viii - Pass Nancie Wygerde, Janet Parsons and Lois Van Camp (equal), Grade V - Pass - John Roffel, Teresa Wygerde, Grade il - Honours - Leanne Fisher. These are the pupils of Mrs. Ruth Wilson. On Wednesday afternoon many of the area enjoyed the Kinette Bouse Tour in, Port Perry and area. 0f great interest to Blackstock folk was the tour through the elegant home of Mrs. Merle Heintz- man. The tour concluded with the serving of tea and lunch at the United Church at Port Perry., The Cartwright Public Sehool held their annual Play Day on Wednesday afternoon. Al the students were divided into teams and participated in agreat variety of fun events. A large number of parents supported the event as is usual with any B3lackstock event. Most Cartwright residents found themselves going in circles over the weekend with the many, many events. Decoration Services were held at the Union Cemnetery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mer- nul Ferguson was the guesIt speaker. A fine crowd attend- ed the annual event. Mr. Merlin Bailey, London spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Neil Bailey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson Pointe-au-Baril were weekenci guests of the Arthur Baileys., Miss Anne Moffatt, Roland, Manitoba and Mr. and -Mrs. Bert Allen of Willowdale were Sunday guests, of Mrs. Velva Bailey and joined 'in a family ýtherng vwit3 h alfhe other 2aests. Mîr. and Mrs. Robert Pais- ley, Duninville were wýýeekend 9uests ofMr, Gerdon Paisley, Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli were Mr. and Mrs. William Dickson, Burlington', Mr. and Mrs. Roger Drreil, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamil- ton of Oakville. .$uý-ay guests of Mr. and Mr 1 alton Dorreil were Mrs. Le~eWills, Toronto and Jackie Unger and her friend of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Mrs. Courtney Graham were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Reg Boundey of Port Perry following the Decoration services at the Pine Grove Cemetery at Prince Abert. Glad to report that Mr. Tom Horton has returned home from Toronto General Hospit- ai. Also that Doug Larmer is mimpoving after several weeks ofbeing confined at home. Mn. and Mrs. Ai Assestine and family of Guelph were weekend guests of is parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine and family. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mns. Les Asseistine and family of Kitchener, Colin Asselstine of Beaverton. Mr. and Mns. James Robert- Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Austin' Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, WhitIby were Sunday supper gu, ts of his mothen, Mrs. Mrs. Ferga Avery, Tillbury and Mr. and Mrs. Keith JhsoBelleville .wère guests of their mother% Mrs. J 1 1,ohnston. and Mrs. Collins (vonne Chant) and five chldren of Brantford called on Mrs. Roy Taylor on Sunday evening. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of the late Rev. Milton D. Sanderson w4o passed awýay in Toronto on Saturday. Funeral service was held in Toronto with committal service at Union Cemetery on Tuesday after- noui'. needs. Remember, wherever 'you 1 Knew You'd Like Us! Drop in Today at Mom's Kitchen MAIN STREET ORONO Phone for Fast Pickup Service 9%83-5310 STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fr1. 7 am. to 9 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS Accommodation and1 Food of Excellence NOONE'S Hlotel, and Restaurant LICENCE DINING LOUNGE Hwy. 115 and 35 9 Miles North of 401 R.R., Orono Telephone 983-5536 DURHAM Coulo" ARMER'S co-oP FOR YOUR Feed and Former Supply Needs, Also Quallity service DROP IN OR CAL L 983-5102 travel, it'pays to shop at home! ~ie Wallace Auto MATE Supply Ltd. MAIN STREET ORONO For Wholesa le Automotive and Industrial Supplies FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 983-5614 or 983-5620 Van Sehyndel. Antliques WE SPECIALIZE IN Canadian Country Furniture and Folk Art ORONO. ONT. -i8 3 - 5-0 - i I I THE NEW DUTCH OVEN PLEASANT FAMILY DINING LICENCED PREMISES GIFTS AND ANTIQUES Corner of Hwy.. 115 - Taunton Road Stop in Today at.. Watson Marine and Cycle 1MILL STREET DEALERS FOR: McCulloch Alouette Snowmobi les General1 Repa irs on SmalI1 Engines Phone 983-5343 ORONO GARDEN CENTRE LTD. Nursery and Landscaping R.R. 2 Orono, Ontario 3/ Mile West of Hwy. 115 and 35 COME IN AND SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION 0F: House Plants Mixed Pot and' African Violets Tropical Plants Garden Supplies Nursery Stock PHONE '983-9308 MU"DTOWN CONFECTIONERY AND GIFT SHOP Main St. Orono Phone 983-5242 Open Evenings 'tii 9, Wed. & Sat. 'tii 6 Barbeque Tooîs.Reg. $1.29 Now. Jelinek Badminton Sets $4 (4 Players) Reg. $7.99 ... Now$ 4 Alil Coppertone Items I M Phone'- 983-508,2, DEKOKER 'S MEAT'S Our Business 18 Beef! WE, SPECIALIZE IN FREEZER ORDERS M The Award Winning Recreational Vehicles Sumnmertime is the Time to Unwind. Corne in and see Your Holiday Homne on Wheels at 2 Miles North of Oro'n oronighway 115 and 35 TELEPI-ONE 983-91131 ORONO PR ORONOC aocation Values* thait Whatever you want for a 'fun-filled Summer, yo u can find it . at, prices you'll love . right here, -now, in Orono ,...where local merchants, peo pie like you, understand your > tas tes and a-cy ,a