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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1975, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmianv ile.Aine 25. 1975 SPORTALK * 623-3303 FLASHBACK-25 YEAR AGO,= Members of the 1Men's C.O.F. Softball team are as follows: Jack Kitson, John St4cey, Everett King, Everett Finney,' Bob Bird, Farewell Blackburn, Harry Snowden, Jim Levitt, Bert Snowden, George Brown and Frank Thompson. After three games, the team is undefeated. FLASHBACK-10 VEARS AGO - In Men's ftball League action on Monday evening, Brian Bradley headed Whytes 10 hit assault with two singles and a homerun. AI Woodlock collected a double and two singles. Bill Bates a pair of hits with AI Osborne and AI Farrow rounding out Whyte's offensive show. MOPED - owners and riders are in for some new regulations, expected to be brought down by the government. Evidently, the powers that be were confused on the powers of the Moped, classing themn with bicycle type vehicles. It is expected the new laws willI include, licensing and the wearing of helmets _______ SUMMER PROGRAM- for children bas been launched by Andre Quellet, Consumer and Corporate Affairs M inister. Using the Binkly and Doinkel Earth Show puppets the program is designed to develop an awareness in young- sters of the dangers in the misuse of household chemicals and to encourage them to make wise food choices. The puppet show involves 22 students, with theatre arts backgrounds, who tourparks and playgrounds across Canada, reaching some 100,000 children between the ages of four and nine. It features Binkly and Doinkel, known to child audiences as twin visitors from outerspace, Sniffer (the dog) and two new characters, Pockets and Munch. For information on the itinerary of the show contact: Consumer & Corporate Affairs, 706 Global House, 480 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. M5G 1V2. HOLE-IN-ONE - we congratulate Mike McGregor, R.R. 1, Orono, for accomplishing this feat, on the 7th hole at-Newcastle Golf Course. BRICKLIN CAR-Canada's latest car is on display. The car's body is vacuum formed and this process is demonstrated in the exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre, July 1 - September 1. Also the Canadian Fitness Scheme testing for ages 7 - 17 is being held at the Centre. Bring sneakers and participate in the fitness test. GOLDEN AGE - National Bowling Champion- ships Tournament for Senior Citizens over 60 will be held in Regina, Saskatchewan,, on June 28-29. Competing, for Ontario will be the teamn fromn Lakeview Bowl,, Peterborough. Oldest competitor is Fred Burgess, 77, of the Manitoba teamn. WATKINS GItEN-America',s Mario Andretti- and htalan Grand Prix star Arturo Merzario, along with LeMans winner Derek Bell of England and France's Henri Pescarolo have been nominated to drive a pair of red Alfa iRomeo 33TT12 prototype sportscars in the Six Hoursof Endurance, July, 12, at the Glen. Legion Pee Wees Drop Two Games to Oshawa Recreation Reviews Swim Test Resuits Successful candidates of Swim Tests beld at Pine Ridge Scbool Pool and Flying Dutcb- man Pool, May 1975 were as follows: The Royal Life Saving Society Canada Senior Resus- citation Award- David Lepine, Tom Collins, Jobnathon Staples, Bruce Gaîna, Derry Hubbard, Jobn lli, Deanna Barnes, Donna Hîlditch, Val Sloos. Bronze Medallion lst Bar - Steve Living. Bronze Medallion - David Lepine, Tom Collins, Jonathon Staples, Bruce Gaina, Derry Hubbard, John Hill, Donna Hilditch, Deanna Barnes, Nancy Hubbard. The Canadian Red Cross - Society Senior Cindy *Masters, ,Marilyn Tink, Sylvia Katzer, David His, Tim Stapleton. Intermediate - Cathy Mc- Gregor, MelanyMoore, Deb- bieHelmer, Gwen McLeod, Joan Norton, Nancy McGreg- or, Marie Hancock, Janette- Carlson, Maurie Hickey. Junior - Ron King,- Lesley King, Candy Atkinson, Car- olyn Atkinson. Beginner - Nadine Leather, Jack Martel, Sharon Russell, Carole ,Rockburne, Leola Doyle, Marie Tamblyn, Deb- bie Lanstaff, Barb McKenzie, Carol Robinson, Diane AI- dread, Debby Ibbotson,-D'or- othy Gibbs. Pre Beginner- Nadine Leather, Mack Martel, Anna Marie Allun, Joan Deremo, Catby Anger, Cindy Anger, Theresa Butlerp<, Robert But- ter, Sharon Russell, Carole Rockburne, Leola Doyle, Marie Tamblyn, Debbie Lan- staff, Barb McKenzie, Lois Moore, Carol Robinson, Joyce Hancock, Diane Aldread, Doris Cînclair, Debby Ibbot- son. Recreation Girls Softball June 2nd - Bowmanville Buttercups 22, Newcastle B 19. On June 2 the Bowrnanville. Buttercups travelled to New- cçastie to take on the New- castle B teamn and came home with a 22 to 19 victory. The Top_ bitters for Bow- manville were Donna Ho- garth, Lisa Frank, Lîsa Carl- son and Leanne Bamsey with three bits each, one for Leanne was ahomernlu r. Me g an Aston bad two hits while Teresa Trimble, Kathy Robertson, Lynn Tennant and Tammy Hawrythuk one bit each. DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PLAYGROUND SCHEDULE FOR WARD2- BOWMANVI LLE Playgrounds will be conducted at the following places: Knox Christian School Grounds, Lions Community Centre, Waverly School Grounds, Ontario Street School, Memorial Park, Vincent Massey Sehool Grounds, Lord El1gin Park, East Beach, West Beach and Rotary Park., Playgrounds start on Monday July 7th and finish on Friday Aug. 22. Five- days a week for seven weeks. Playground Times are from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Age Category - 4 years of age and Up. For further information please cail the Department of Recrea tion at 623-3379, Bowmanville. T.A. FANNING Director of Recreation STA1K SPCIAL Try Ou r 2 f or i Spciaîl on Wed., June 25 and Wedo., JuIy2 6:00 - 9: 00 p. m. Buy One at Re'. Price and Get the Second One for 1 cent 5-Oz. Boneless New York' Steak on our Chef-s Specual French Garlic Bread. Includes Baked Potato and Salad CANDLELIGHT BUFFET Every Fri. and Sat. Night Treat the Family to aà Hearty Meal at the Area's Most Famous Eating Spot. Fully Licensied Premises Banquet Facilities Available Lake Road off Liberty St. S. ~ Marina -623-3501 Hotel - 623-4925 USA Scouts Corne fo Canada for Weekend After going tbrough the better part ouf the season with an impressive win, loss record, the Legion Peewees gave way to a strong Oshawa club by losing 23-3 Tuesday and il-2 on Thursday. Playing in Bowmanville on Tuesday, the Oshawa team produced their 23 runs on 19 hits. Many of these hits were long, hard balls which produced extra bases. Steve Braun pitcbed six innings and Paul Levegne one, and for Osbawa Kirkpatrick went throuL7h five innings witb Huzid pitching one and Vitali finisbing thegame. Oshawa's big hitters were Duffen - 3, Gunn - 3, Samanski - 4, Bryant- 4, and Smith - 3. The Bowmanville bits were Dadson- 2, Cote- 2, Desrosbes - 2, and Braun- 2. Nordstra and Levigne each had one hit. On Thursday, Bowmanville visited Oshawa at Alexander Park. In this game the Bowmanvitle team played better bail, but stili came up on the losing side by the score of 11-2. Steve Braun again pitched 6 innings giving up 10 hits with- Henry Rozema finishing the- game. For Oshawa, Huzid started and pitched 4 innings giving upione hit then Cawker pitched 2 hitless innings and Smith completed the game giving up one bit. Oshawa hitters were Legree with 3, Samanski - 3, Gunn -'2, and Vitali -2. Duffen, Finney, Aston, Huzid and Waterneck each bad one 4piece. Bow- manville's only two bits came off the bats of Murphy and Electrons Lost out to Keene 8 to 1,I Drop Secap to 'Pol Suffering their worst defeat of the season, the Bowman- ville Electrons went down to a 8-1 trimming from the Keene Seniors at Soper Creek Park on Sundayf afternoon. Keene scored att their ru in the second inning, four eai.u off Pitcher Stainton and Crougb. Jim Dunn made bis first appearance of the season relieving for the last 7 innings, striking out 7 batters and allowing onlv 3 bits. H-effernan was tbe leading bitter for Keene, hitting 4 for 5 including a double and triple. The winning pitcher Cooney had a home run driving in 3 runs. R. Stainton led the Elect- rons at bat, bitting 2 for 4 and tbe Electrons left 12 men on bases. Port Hope Squeezes By Electrons in Eleven Innings In an il inning thriller at Port Hope Sunday night the On Thursday, June 19, Wolf Cubs, Sea Scouts, and Scouts of the West Durham Riding were hosts to Scouts from the United States. The visitors came from the area around Philadeiphia and were able to corne on an exchange program between Boy Scouts of America and Boy Scouts of Canada. The boys 'stayed from Thursday unptil Monday ,morinýg and some of them started off, their trip with a dçliciou-s dinner at the Zion United Church. The leaders and arrangers for the trip, from lef t to right,' are Pastor Erb, Art Stainton, U.S.A. Leader Robert Yeager, Jan Vanderluit," Francis Johnston, U.S.A. Commissioner Dewitt DeBoer and Canadian Commissioner Robert Nichols. In lower photo,,a fewof the visitors are digging into the delicious food. Photo by Rick James Top bitters for Newcastle were Cheryl Milter three bits. Darlene Lisnith, Collet te Pick- ering, Sandy Jones eacni nau. two bits while Sbellv Pîcker- ing and Michelle Newfford ha one bit eacb. June 7tb - Bowmanviie Astros 12, Newcastle B 9. On June 7tb Newcastle B team'visited Bowmanvilie and went back home on the short end of a, 12 to 9 count. Top hîtters for Bowmanville were Julie McLean, Linda Ricbards witb two doubles, and Darcy Bîssonnette with two tiome runs, Amanda Abbott, Lee Anne Wilatts, Judy Robi- chaud and Wendy Luxton one bit each. Newcastle 'bitters were G. Pickering witb a borne run and a single, L. Allen and G. Miller a borne run eacb. The winning pitcher was Lee Anne Willatts wbiie G. Milter took the loss. June 7th - Bowmanviile Pink Panthers, 21, Newcastle Mut- tons Masonary 15. On June the seventh Mut- tons Masonary played iast to the Pink Panthers of Bowman- ville with the Panthers win- ning 21 to 15. The top bitters for Bowman- ville were Cheryl Anyon with tbree bits, two wbicb were home runs. Gayle Bisbop, Diane Peggy two bits and one being a home run. Tamîmy Gray one bit., Newcastle bitters were Wendy Couch two bits, Sandra Stommel two hiome runs§ while Ahnette Howe, Lîsa Kent, Wendy Luke, and Tamn- my Clark eacb bad one bit. The winning pîtcher was Tammie Gray, the losing pitcher was Cathy Stevenson. June 3rd - Roa runners 40 Buttercups 13. On June 3rd the Bowman- ville ýRoadrunners defeated the Buttercups by a 40 to 13 score. The top hitters for the Roadrunners were Lori how- artb f ive bits, Lorraine Beavîs five bits, one a home run, Terri Brown three bits, Jili Willatts tbree bits, Brenda Green tbree bits, one a home run. .Tbe Buttercup bitters were Lisal Carlson three bits, Le- anne Bamswv Tammy Hawry- tbuuk a horne run and single, Megan Ashîton a home run. inie winnîing pitcner was Wendy Brown whiie Lisa Carison'took the loss. June 9th - Pink Panthers 29, Roadrunners 15. On June 9th the Pink Panthers defeated the Road- runners by a,29 to 15 maýrgin. The Pantber's attack was led by Cheryl ýAnyan and Jo Ann Hayes eacb witb five bits and eacb bad a home run. Carol Hooper four bits'and a home run. Gayle Bisbop tbree bits. Sue Hartford 'tbree, Tammie Gray, Jackie Hoek- stra, Susan VanBakel, Coreen, Wells two bits eacb. Tara-Lee Allin a home run. For the roadrunners Lori Howarth two bits, Jackie Kroon two bits, Wendy Brown two, bits, Brenda Green a borne run. ,1 The winning pitcher was Gayle Bisbop while Wendy Brown took the loss. June'lltb - Newcastle B 23, Bowmanville Roadrunners 21. On June il Newcastle B team hands the Bowmanville Roadrunners a 23 to 21 setback. The~ top hitters for Newcastle were Jennifer Jones tbree bits, wbîle Micb- elle Tacker, Darlene Ceznick, Michelle Dione, Teresa Luke eacb bad a home run. The Roadrunner bitters were Jili Willatts four bits, Wendy Brown four including a home run. boni Howartb tbree bits. Brenda Green bad a home run. The winning pitcîber was Michelle Tueker whîle Wendy Brown took the loss. June il - Astros 24, Pink Panthers 10. On June lltb the Astros defeated the Pink Panthers by a 24 to 10 count. The big bitters lor the Astros were Dapbne Lobb witb five bits including a triple and a, home run. Lee Ann Willatts four bits in- cluding a home run. Amanda Abbott and Judy Robicbaud three bits. The top bitters for the Panthers were Cheryl Anyan witb tbree bits including a home run. Other borne run bitters were Dianne- Peggie and Carol Hooper. The win- ning pitcher was Lee Ann Willatts wbile Dianne Peggie took the loss. Recreation Girls Softball League On Monday, June the l6th the Bowmanville Buttercupsý husted the Newcastle A team and were defeated by an 18 to 8 score.* The top bitters for Bowmanvile were wencty Masters witb two bits, while Lee Ann Bamsey and Megan Aston eacb bad a home run. The top bitters for Newcastle were Joanne Kent, Sandra Stommel, Annette Rowe and Karen Tbompson witb two bits eacb. The losing pitcher was Megan Aston. The Bowmanville Astros travelled to the Newcastle B team park and were beaten by the score of 18 to 1; The top bitters for Bowmanville were Lee Ann Willatts two bits wbile Julie McLean, Judy Roblcbaud and Amanda Ab- bott each bad one bit. For Newcastle it was Collette Pickering four bits, Jennifer James, Michele Dion, Darlene Lisnicb, tbree bits. Coliètie' Pickering nau ixruiu , i u The winning p îtcher was Darlene Lesnicb, wbile Lee Anne Willatts took the ioss. Just rt Hope Port Hope Flyers put the Bowmanville Electrons down to their 6th straigbt defeat by a 5-4 score. Mike Cornell went att the way for Bowmanville, striking out 6 batters- and giving up il bits. Hodgson started for P or t Hope and gave wav to Pemperton in the sixtb and it was the fine relief pitching of Pemper 1ton that won the game f9r Port Hope, striking out 12 Electron batters in 6 innings.' Fourteen .>Bowmanville batters struck out in this eame compared to Port Hope s six and Port Hope lef t tbirteen batters on base compared to Bowmanville's ten. Lai'ry Per ris and Doug Crougb witb a two run homer led Bowmnanville at bat witb 'wo eacb. Port Hops leader was Watson wt 2 triples 1.4 ACRE - swimming pool, one of the largest man made pools in Ontario, i s situated in the new 178 acre Pettîcoat Creek Conservation Park, expected to open Tuesday. The new Regional park is located at the bottom of White Street, in, Pickering Sou th. NOT ICE Closing Date for Tennis Membership Fees for the Bowmanville Tennis Club is July 9th. Plain Folks Deal, at COWANý'S Sporty Cars 1974 PONTIAC FORMULA, 400 engine, automatic, full power. Only 9,000 miles. Bueçaneer Red, White vinyl interior. Lic, JAS552. 1974 CAMARO, only 17,000 miles, automa- tic, power steering and brakes, white walls, radio, very sharp. Lic. HR0757. 1972 JAVELIN AMX, purple with white racing strîpes, bucket seats, automatie, etc. 47,000 miles. Lic. HRC424. Trucks 1973 GMC VAN, 6 cyl., standard shif t, radio. Lic. D42435. 1973 CHEVROLET PICK-UP, Red and white, 350,V-8. Lie. D38064. 1973 GMC PICK-UP, repainted in Blue, 6 cyl. Lic. D42479. 1974 GMC SPRINT, only 12,000 miles. Immaculate. Serve as acar or a pick-up., Hurry on this one. Lic. D42976. 1970 GMC PICK-UP. Fenderside. Extra dlean. Lic. T46559. Summer Time is Wagon Time 1973 PONTIAC LE MANS 6 Passenger. Full power. Finished in Aspen Green, 47,000 miles. Lic. DX0758. 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO 6 Passenger. Full power, air conditioned, Medium Blue with blue vinyl- trim, -45,000 miles. Lic. CFUà20.1 1973 'CHEVROLET -6 Passenger Wagon. 42,000 miles. Lic. BJA724. 1973 FORD PINTO WAGON, only 16,000, miles. Squirè option, air conditioping, sport mirrors, radio, roof racks, many more options, immaculate condition. Lic. EAY574 1969 BEAUMONT WAGON, o nly 61,000 miles, automatic, full power, radio, extra dcean. Lic. EBC987. Economy Cars 1974 HORNET, 2-Dr. Coupe, 6 cyl, Intermediate'and Full Size Cars automatic, 19,000 miles. Lic. DXR523. 1973 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME, 1974 ASTRE HATCHBACK., Beige, 23,000 2-Dr. Hlardtop, 46,000- miles with air miles. Lic. HRC811'. conditioning. Burgundy with white vinyl 1973 TOYOTA, 4-Door, 4-Speed, 43,000 interior. Lic. B0W907. miles. Lic. CP'U820. 1973,PARISIENNE, 2-Dr. Hardtop. Only 26,,000 miles., Silver with Maroon, vinyl MANY MORE CARS AND TRUCKS TO intenior. Lic. EAW,54O. CHOOSE FROM ', 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA CUSTOM, WE'VE GOT THEM... COME AND SEE 34,000 miles, very sharp. Lic. HR11517.THM 2 3 iII J ~ I6I7 - 8 9 01 i THE ""GOLDEN RU LE" DEALERSHIP 9 e, F 2 0.6'e 9 l 9 1 171I £ e 1 11 Ou1 6 8 1 9 Ç i KING ST. SE. TOMV '..VVAN, rres. 623-3396' MURRAY 0'BRIEN, Sales Mgr.

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