12 The Canadian S.tatesm-ani Bowmanville, Jul\~~.~.......~ CLRSIFIE ....... . . . ..-... . r R .. .....*.........~.~ ..................*. .~ .~ lAIl s liii! NY DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED jues ., 4: 30 p. n, -e * e 1, Wilfred Potter, 15 Nelson St., Apt. A, Bowvmanviilè, wiii no longer be responsible for debts incurred bv myv wife, Joanne Potter, from this date, July 9. 1975. 28- Town of Newcastle Four High Schol Students required by die Town of Newcastle ta seil Dog Licen- ces for the Town of Newcast le. Remunieration wiIi be at the rate of $1.00 for each licence sold. If intteresfed apply in wrting f0: Mrs. G. Gray, Deputy Clerk, Tow,ýn of Newcastle 40 lTem[erancp tr-et Bowmanvilie, Ontario 28-1 n order to enable our staff to enjay the summer, Hiarry Locke LV. wiil be closed all day MAonday and Wednesday during Juiy and August. 27-8 Anyone wishing to book the Lions Centre piease contact Bruce Lush, 17 Summerfield Crf. Phone 623-2953. 28-1 The Legion Ladies Auxiiary Bingoawiil close for four weeks starting July 23rd and wili re-open, August 20. 28-1 Garton Coach Unes Limited Notice is hereby given that Garton Coach Lines Limnited intends to dissolve by, filing articles of dissolution with the Minisfry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, pursuant ta The Business Corporations Act. Dated at Bowmanvie, this 3th day of June, 1975. MA. Garton Secretary. Kut 'n Kuirl Beauty Shop, open 6 çlays a wveek, Thursday and Friday evenings. New Saturday summer hours, 7-2 o'clock ýast appointmenf. Sen- ior citizens 10 percent off al hair do's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday onlly. Ca Il 623-5019 or 771 King St. E., Bsowanville. 25-4 TENDER SEALED TENDERS will be received untfil 10:00 a.mn. EDST, Monday, July 28, 1975, fer the supply of Fuel Qil for the per lad Septem ber 1, 1975 ta June 30, 1976 Heating Season. TendIer formns may Ibe obtain- ed from the Office of: M. ýA. Mac Leod, Business Adriistratar and Treasurer, The Norhumberland and Newcastle Board of Education D'Arcy Street, North, P.C. Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removai 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 PROF ESS IONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permianent, Hair Remocval BY APPOINTMIENT ONLY 112 Si mcoe St. N. Oshwa 576-4705 Ear piercing, service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for apportm-ent. 7tff YOUNG couple expect ing first child ta rent 2 bedroom apt. in Bowmanville-Oshawa are.a; preferably ouf of town. Call 786-2259. 28-Ix - e * - EXPERIENCED I-airdresser for Hairporf Sfyling. Top wages. Telephcne 623-4901. 28-1 MATURE babysitter, non- smoker, ta mind three child- ren ages 11, 8 and 3 in our home, !ive ouf, full time, no weekends. Area Saunders Ave'. Tel. 623-4873 befween 7 - 9:30 p.mn. 28-ix SECRETARY Good skills, dicta-f ypinig and kn,wledge of business mach- ine operations. A mlinimum of Grade 12 education and 3-4 years expenience. preferred. Musf have ability fa deal ith people effectively as well as deaiing wvith maffers af a conflidential nature. Excellent fringe beniefifs and working conditions. APPLY: Personnel officer, - Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Ontario. 28-1 Appîklations wiiI be receivedi by the undersigned until Tuesday, Juiy 15, 1975, for the position of Supply Carefaker, 40 hours per week at the various Schoois in the Western Area. Knowledge of school caretak- ing procedures and cleaning methods preferred. Ability f0 work from verbal and written instructions and te get along with other people, Rel i rfn ta ting qua li- ficainsaddre ss and tele- phone numnbe r ta: M. A Macr ond Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educaf ion, Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 28-1 SALESPERSON REQUIRED BY LARGE FURNITURE STORE, IN Bowmanviîle. Experience net' essential. Full company bene- fits, salary plus commission. Phone 623-3808 for interview. 28-1 Short Order Cook Cafeteria, 5 day week-days, no experience necessary, can be trained. Night Cashier for Cafeteria, 5 day week, no experience necessary, can be trained. Night Maintenance 12 a.m. - 8 a.m. part time, suitable for retired persan. For appointment Cal: 623-3373 FLYING DUTCkfMAN MOTOR INN 28-1 R.N.'s - part-fime positions. South Haven ýNursing Home, Mrs. Austin 987-4441. 25-4 ROOM and board availabie. Phone 623-3265. 28-1 O ROOMS for ren. 623-7750, cail before 2 p.m. 28-lx - 1 UA91 L'A1 e-. ONE grade Hostein heifer, fresh. 1 -983-9485. 28-1 FOUR-year-oid Arabian mare, western trained, good with experienced rider. 987- 4243. 28-1 2 HEREFORD heifers. 1-786- 2964. 28-1 PONY and three month oid colt, four years old, black,' approx. 10û hands, very gentle, perfect for smali chiid. $175. tack included, 987-5266. 28-1 BLACK gelding, hunter type, approx. 16 hands. First year schooling and jumping 3 ft. with ease. This horse is in excellent condition and 'has been weil maintained. Witl be îupng 4 ft. or over by faîl. S utIfable for experienced rider. M.oving and must sacri- fice for $400. Apply Ken's Men's Wear, 35 Temperançe f., bawmanville. 28-1 F FI Q UA L 1T MONUMENTS A MARKERS 72 OLDS Delta 88, 2 cloor hardtop, vU19ý1 roof, powver features. 623-4368. 28-1 '64 1/2 ton DODG E, uncertif ied $100. Phone 263-8169 affer six. 28-1 x 1974 PINTO Ruin-a-bout, 4 speed, std. shift, radio, side chrome and bumper guards. ïMany other extras. Certif ied 579-0427. 28-1 1964 CHEV. van, 283 aufo- matic, 4 bbl., headers, G-60 on rally rims, sfereo, jusf been painted. Best offer. 623-4358. 28-1 1971 TORONADO Oldsmobile, ail powver, ail extras, 8 track stereo, certif ied, for inspec- tion cali 623-2930. 28-1 26 M L ES nanth east of OShawa on 35 Highway. 3 new 3-bednoomn brick bungalows, double attached garage, broadloom, full basement, large lot, asking $32500 per month, oneyear lease. Refer- ences required, adults pre fenred Cal IC-are rMýcCuliough 623-3393. 28-1 FARM house: country estatec livi 'ng, 4 miles east of Black- stock; 1/2 hour northeasf of Oshawva, 1 hour comnmuter train to Toronto. Four bed- rooms; fhree bath-rooms; large living room and dinlingt roamn; family noom wvith stone3 fireplace. Facilities for hanses . Rent- $390.00 monthly1 Cail evenings- 986-5033. Y TWO bedroom aparimunT,r alniost new, large baicony,F full basement, parking, closes ta 1.1-i.A. Avalable July sf.. Phone 623-7664. 28-1 X7 ; - -D 1I FURISH'ED bec.. )oms by m 133 imonth, week or dajy, showver St. E. - Whitby and bath, iceniced premises, ýitby 668-3552 reasonabie rates. Castie Hofel, Bowmanville 623-7072. GOOD used furniture, high chairs, strollers, play pens. Towne Used Funniture, 623-4681. 28-1 W- buy and 2ell everything and pay cash. Cail day or night 725-9783. FriendIy Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. l9tf USED Furniture and Applian ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp. ton 263-2241. 33-t' We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWVING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wreckinig Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIb ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERs Ya rd 623-5756 Residenice 623-7112 TENT trailer, sleeps 4-5, equipped. Phone, 1-983-9575. 28-1 ONE bedroom apartme'nt, fridàe and stave included, all ufilities paid for, large back- yard, private entrance, immediate possession. $185 monfh. 623-7461 anytime. Guy Le Blanc, Realtor, 147 King Sf. E., Bowmanvile., 28-1 THREE bedroom apartment, couple oniy. Pontypool 277- 2734. 2- ONE bedroom apt. Stove and fridge included, parking space for car. Centre of Bowman- ville. Cail John F. DeWith Real Estate Lfd. 623-3950. 28-1 EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE iNDiOOR ARENA BOA RDING instru ction in Equitation j umping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumipers Bought & Sold 'RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 BOARDING, reasonabie rates, pick-up and delivery can be arranged. Leeward Kennels Registered. 705-277- 2735. 24-tf G. BAR S. RANCH Horseback riding, $3 per h our. Our membership is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stails for rent, plenty of room. Sojecial ridinq ring and indivi- dual corals for your conven- ence. $50 per month CALL US ANYTIME 623-4027 19-tf 1973 CAMARO, 350 engine, automatic trans. 623-7980 or 623-7721. 28-1 1970 CHEV panel truck. 6 cylinder standard, good con- dition, ideal for handyman or tradlesman. 1973 Chev haîf ton 6 cyh1. standard alumnum top Sladider rack. Excellent condition. Phone 623-5610 or 623-5901. 28,1 1965 PONTIAC convertible, as is, $300. Phone 623-7058.' 28-1 1973 YAMAHA 750, low mile- aqe in excellent condition. fl495. Caîl 623-4862. 28-1 x 1973 BUICK Le Sabre, 350 motor, P.B. and S., few other extras, asking $3,300. Phone 263-884.28-1 1972 LE MANS Sport, 2 dr. hardtop, bucket seats, 350 engine, power steering and brakes, tape deck, new paint lob, very good condition. Certif ied 1-983-5261. 28-1 x 45 ACRES of pasture for rent. Phone 728-8972. 28-1 COTTAGE near Bon Echo, 3 bedrooms, Caîl 623-5227. 25-f Saturday, July 191h- Giving up farming. Pinehursit Farm Dispersai - Auction Sale of Livestock and, Impiements. The property of ýPaul Morgan, Lot 18-19, Con. 11, Smith Twp, 4 miles northeast of Bridge- north-oni Selwyn Road, and 12 mile north (at north end of Centre Line of Smifh)'. 83 head of Charolais and Angus cattie, purebred Angus bull, born ,Mardi 20, 1973; 34 Charolais and Angus mature cows with 25 Charolais and Angus caives by side- remainder due, time uf sale, 7 Charolais and Angus heifers 1 yr . old, 12 Charolais steers 1 to 11/2 yrs. old, 4 Charolais steers 2 yrs. aid, 1967 A-C D17 gas tractor, new motor, like new with A-C manure loader, 1968 AÂ-C D14 gas- tractor, good with A-C niouser, Case model 5 gas tractor, John Deere 385 hay, bine PTO 9, A-C 3-14's trip beam plough 3pt, M.H. 22 run combination seed drill, John Deere 7' trail type power mower PTO, 1962 GMC 1/2 ton truck with stack racks, 1974 John Deere post baie digger, 1966 Rambler car, 1968 Rambler station wagon, litter carrier and 150' of track, steel roofing, chain saw, skiil saw, full i e of machinery. Large quantity of miscellaneous household items. Terms cash.' No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 28-2 Wednesday, July léth - Moving to Northwest Ter- ritories. Auction Sale of farm machinery and househoid furniture at 2 locations. The property of AI Rehili. Farm Machinery Sale at il a.m.-' iocated Lot 4, Con. 3, Verulam Twp., first' farm south of the store in Dunsford - 1962 Cockshutt, 1250 gas tractor, with Allied manure loader, hydrauiic bucket, 6' snow bucket, Olian 3-14's trip beam piough, 1970 John Deere À row corn planteç, drag, with plates, John, Deere 2 row corn planter 3pt, t-erguson 8- disc 3pt, M.H. seed drill, M.F. 4-12's piough 3pt, Prop Corn acid applicator, drag harrows with evener, land-rouler, fuel tank, 4 large wooden garage doors, quantity of lumber, many other items. At 1:30 p.m. Auction Sale of House- hoid Furniture at 63 Victoria Ave. N., Lindsay. Full con- tents of 71 room house. Col.d- spot refrigerator, 'Kenmore 30" heavy duty stove, 2 chesterfields and chairs, antique arm chair,ý rocking chair, coffee table, corner ,table, hall rack, iamp>s, bed- room suite, dresser, night tabl e, chest of drawers, metal1 office desk, wardrobe and dresser, large pine chest, wicker rocker, deep fryer, automa,tic washer, Bolens garden tractor, mini-bike, tool shed, quantity of tools, dishes, 1968 Dodge Automatic V8.9 passenger station wagon, power steering and brakes,' 1967 Forci 6 cylinder 1/2 ton truck, miany other articles. At 3:00 p.m. part timne business equipment. Rehi1l1 pre- constructed frames, signs, brochures, drawing and framing fig. Seiling as busin- ess compiete. Terms cash. No reserve as owner is mnoving. Piease note locations and starting times. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 28-1 Auction Sale Saturday, July 12th 11:00 a.m. The property of Mr., and Mrs. V. Slaunwhite, Aldread's Beach, Scugog Island. North [rom the, causeway 4 mi. on County Road 7 to, lOth. Conc. ,nd east to beach, turn riqht. Partial List - Pine cu pboards, buffets, dressers, chèsts of :lràwers, severa!l u amps, anterns, antique rockers, bianket box, wiashstands, cop- fier boiler, spinning wheei, 'word, drop leaf Duncan Phyfe table and 4 chairs, hall seat hall tables, coffee and end tables, stove, brass jard- ..... ...... . . W 51M r, âge. îq Safurday, July 26th - Farm Sold- Auctian Sale of Live- stock and implements. The, praperty of Tam W. !Lawson, Laf 4, Con. 9, Narth Monaghan Twp., 1 mile sauth of Hwys. 7 and 28 at Peterborough bypass on Hwy. 28 and 1 mile easf or 1 mile narfh af Hwy. 115 and 28 and 1 mile east. 68 head of recorded and grade Charolais cattie, 34 Charalais caws with 34 calves by side, 3 -34 recarded, 5 - 1/2 recorded, 1972 M.F. 1080 diesel fracto r 81 H.P. with cab, heater, chains, mvlti pwer, fully equipped;. 1974 M2F. 165 diesel tractor,8 speed transmission, fully equipped, 160 hrs.; 1968 Fard 4000 diesel tractor, power steering camplefe wifh Free- mIan Industrial marure loader with 5' manure buckef and 3/4 yard gravel buckef; 1964 Int. 93 self prapelled combine 10' header like new, 1974 Chev. 11/2 ton fruck wifh 350 mafar, 16000 GBW, 12' x 8' stock rack complete. 1974 M.F. 124 Baler PTO new type - high capacity, 1974 Allied aufamatic stoaker with' hydraulic mofor and bae,1974 George White farage wagon, 16' self-unload- ing wifh 12 Ton gearing floatation tires. Turnco self unloading forage box wifh 12 fân gear ing and, floatation tires. 1975 Brillion Cullopak and grass seeder, (new). 1974 lnf. 45 vibra shank 17' drag culfivator With wings, 1973 M.F. 880 5-16% s smi-mount hydraulic reset plaugh, 1973 George White field sprayer 3 pt. 180 gaI.ý 30' booms PTO. 1968 Cockshutt tandem disc 16', '1973 A-C fora ge bloWer with 5' of pipes PTO, 1971 A-C 2 row 780 forage harvester PTO, wAlth corn head, grass pick up, and zero grazing head. 1962 GMC 3 ton truck- with telescope hoisf and rack, M.F. 7' snow blower 3 pf. PTO 1974 John Deere 4 row piateless corn planter, 1975 Allied ferfilizer spreader 3 pt. PTO,' 1974 George White 47' hay elevafor wifh undercar- niage, 1974 AlIied 4 section flexible harraws wifh evener, 1972 Smalley hammer mili, tul-in meof madern power machineny. 5000 bales af 1975 hay, 3000 bales '1974 hay, 1500 bales 0f sfraw, 1 fan af Kentucky blue girass mixture, 10 bags of seed corn, 3 -5Ilgai. cans of Sutan. Migarvan slab side 16 x 60' tamn down. An exceptianal sale. Plan 'ta attend. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 11: 00 a.m. Caffle sale at 2:30 p.m. Cari Hickson, Auýctian)eer, Reaboro, Onlt. 705-324 9ý959. 28-3 Tuesda y, july 15 Sale at 7: 30 p .mai HOISTEINS &DAIRY EQUIPMENT Fast Sale due f0 sudden death Comnplete Hostein Dis per- sal and Dairy Equipîment Salie at Chevoir Farmns, the pro- perty af the laie Rager F-aiiman, R.R. 2, M0arkhamr, 1 mile soufh of Ringwaood on Hwy. 48 and 1 mile west on. l9th Avenue. 45 Head, 35 Miiking Age, 10 Heifers, 6 Regisfered - balance grade. These a re young cows with reai fight udders. A fine dlairy herd thaf is warking very wel i1. Severai fresh and milking heavy. Aiso seiiing:U Surge Pipeline Milker, 4 Units - elecfric pulsators (Il year aid), 6 Unit Surge Pump (6 ma. aid), Craff 2900 lb. Bulk Tank, Strainer- milk pail, Cowr vacuum. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 28-1 ANCONA PHARMS CHAROLAIS OPPORTUNITY SALE 67 HEAD on Saturday, Juiy 12, 1975 at 1:00 p.m. at Peterborough Livestock Sale Arena, selli ,ng 67 lots of Purebred and Percentage Charolais,' in- cluding e purebred bulîs, one full French purebred bull, Il purebred females, three 15-16 females, eleven 7-8 femnales, eight 3-4.femaies, twenty-nine 1-2 femaies. Sale features: (1) 6 purebred bulis (2) Il cows with calves, 21 bred femnales,, 30 open heifers, (3) 2 vials of semnen with every female purchased at sale from one of Ancona Pharms herd bulis, (4) Ancona Pharms Purchase Plan for heifer calves where. by Ancona Pharms purchase heifer calves born to femaies bought at this sale. Plan to attend this important sale. Your opportunity to purchase any ' f the entire stock of Ancona Pharms (Dunsford) percentage Charolais. For cata logues write or phone Sale, Manager Steve Li ptay, R. R. 1, Bowmanvilie, Ont., 416-263- 2117. 27-2 Auction Sale Grist MilI Auction Barn Newtonville, July 1 lth. Friday, 7:00 p.m.. Selling fridge, stove, chest- erfleld, bikes, 2 old phones, drums and a, large, chest freezer, rubber tired wheel barrow, quantity of other merchandise yet to be unpack- ed. Terms, Cash. Auctioneers: Staplefon Bros. 786-2244. 28-1 Auction sale Sat. ýJuly 12, 1: 15 p.m. atSaveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in theý Village 0f Bewdley. Consisting of flat to the wail cupboard, 3 washstands, rocking chairs, benich, cane bottom chairs, chest of drawers, vanities, ciock, dishes, glassware, 2 pr. of ail, lamps, crocks, coffee table, end tables, chairs, tables, chesterfield and chairs, and other items still b being cansigned. Roger Bani nister. Auctionper, 1-797-2651. 28-1 'Auction Sale for Mr. and Mrs. James McKe-e, Con- cession 4 of Manvers T-wp., second road north of Ponty- pool then west on Saturday, July l9th ail their household effects. List of articles in next week's paper. Sale at, 1:00 p.m. Ci'tf Pethick, auctioneer. T'ilU.sd a y, J u 1y 17 Annual auction sale of furniture, antiques, collectors items, dishes, etc. will1 be heid in the park at Sunderland (under the maple trees). Lets keep this sale up to a hig h standard like last year. W e reservei thre right to reject any unsaleable Items, we do not accept any fridges, stoves.. felevisions or eiectric dryers. You bring good articles in and wewiil seii them, nobod3y likes a poor quality sale. We will have good buyers on hand, sa don't beafraidto bring in good antiques. Comne early, ilunch wlll be avaiiable, park wiII Ce open at 7a.m. Lots wi 1Iibe soid ir the order that they are received.: Terms cash, sale at Il a.m. Reg and. Larry Johnson Auctioneers . Phone (705) 357-3270. Auctioneers or Park board will not be responsible for aniy accidents. 28-1 Antique Auction aft F.G. Gerry Houston's Antiques, TWO bedroom, brick bunga- low in Oshawa. Real firepiace, heated sunporch, hm'rdwood f ons, natural, trim, good garden. A good refirement home. 725-3401. 28-1 FOR SALE OR R ENT NEW, semni-detached, 4 bed- roam home, 11ý2 bat hs, garage, priced for quick sale. $48,200. Cal 623-4489. 27-tf RESULTS COUNT!1 Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board CET1 '.XS TDA'sý T" ID PLA c i ss F1OUG REALTOR REAL ESTATE LIIMI TED 181 CHU RCH STREET BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARI' LIC 1T8 623-4428 Corne see this beautifully landscaped home on private, hedged lot. This 3 bedroom home has a new roof, full basement wif h rec. room facilifies. North end Bowman- ville. Close f0 schools. $42,900. Trout Streamns f low over this 40 acre parcel of woods and good pasture. Just norfh if Orono. $55,000.00 Country Living in this brand- new Tudor style, 3 bedroom fri-level home, wifh fireplace. Nearly an acre lot. Millbrook. $49,900.00 Blackstock - A 3 bedroom' aluminum-sided country home wifh large living and dining raam. Laundry roomn off kitchen. On 3/ acre lot. Only $37,500,00 "Waverly Gardens" In Bowmanville àuil*by Marianna Oevelapments Your t7uarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985, 93/4%" - 4#,150 DOWN Features include: Clean Depend*bie Electrl c Heat -Large farniîy kit chen -Flnished family room -Completely broadloomed -1½ 2baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages -FuiIysodded lots -Camrpletely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and DaiIy ln A.m. ta y P M A LSO Open HoUse at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Cholceof 2 Deluxe Modeis f0 SChoose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Weli known for.quality construction and superlar workrnanthlp. Vanhaverbeke 1-797-2333 Roy St rang 705-944-5549 Ray Finney 705-277-2280 George Van Dyk 623-4638 28-1 Peter Kowa I J r. Real Estate & -Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bawmanville Telephône 623-2453 REA LTO R 9-10 Acres Mini Farmn in New- fonvilie, 3 bedroom home in good condition with ail con- veniences, Impiemrent shed, Barn. Cali for details. 1.8 Acres Co mmercial land in Bowmanviile, many possibil- ities. Asking $37,500. Service Station and dwellirig in Newcastle. Good oppor- tunity for an ambitiaus per- san. Cal! for details. Gravel deposit 35 Acres in ail, 10 acres workable, 1.0 acres bush, balance gravel pit, aiso 5 room house. Cottage - Buckhorn area 3 years old, lakefront lot 104 x 1j78 ft. Only $19,000. 9R-1 Atter hours cali;: Gardon Beech 623-5265 George Brown 623-3702 Joe Barton 623-3098 Peter Kowa I Jr. 623-5868 137 King St. E., Bawmanvlue 6.23-7694 -623.7U1i REALTOR 'Executive Home 4 oedroomn brick and aiuminum, full basemnent, att. garage, beauti- fuliy carpefed throughout, niceiy iandscaped in prestige location. $12,500 Fuill Price, for this 3 bedroomn cottage, veranda, aill furniture inciuded. 28-1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday JUIY 12, 1975 2 -5 p.ma. Haydlon Country living, anly minutes fram Oshawa, brand new backsplit on large 66' x 1651 lot. Three bedrooms, dining raom, bright large kitchen and fireplace. Corne see what you've been missing. Directions: Taunton Rd. E. ta new Scagog Rd., north ta eighth Uine, turn east ta Haydan, sign en main raad. Durhamr Real Estate Ltd. are pleased to, welcome Mr. W. G. (Bill) Wailer as part (i their sales staff. Bill lives in the, Port Perry, Scogog area and would be very happy to help yo'u in any real estate needs you might have. 623-3911 99 King St. East BOWMANVI LLE - 11/ storey 3 bedroom brick home on lot 90 x 150. Has double affached garage, rec. room, sauna bath and balcony. There is a self containied aparfment to help with the payments. Asking $65.500. wifh terms. BOWMANVILLE -income propently, duplex wvifh- 1 & 2 bedroomp apartmenfs, very centrai, close to sch Qol and shopping on quiet strelet. Cali for more information. SCUGOG AREA- 2 cottage lots on View Lake, 1 has water access and the other is a back lot, asking $5,000 down on each. Mac-Mc Doniald 623-7717 Helen Mc Diona Id 623-7717 Bill Waller (Port Perry) 985-3680 28-1 HOwf0 Ke e p Pl1a ntAHe1lt hy Vacation time preSents an annual problem ta hauseplant loyers. Professor M. J. Tsujita, a horticulturist at the University of Guelph, offers some helrful advice to ensure that your houseplants remain' healthy through the holiday period. "One of the most important things ta do is to make sure your plants have an adequate supply of water," Dr. Tsujita says. "Water each plant thoroughly before you leave for your vacation. Then, to p revent excessive moisture loss, caver it entirely with a clear plastic bag and fisen the open. end ta the pLd,-,js loosely enough ta avoid suffo-' cation." For plants in smnall pots, such as African violets, embed the pot in a loosely pi ýle mnateriai - peat mos,- , $ir example. Moisten it wé.-S that water can, be drawn up into the roots as required. The horticulturist advises that houseplants be placéd in a shady area away fromn heat or air condîtioning vents where there mnfght be excessive' air movemient. He says it's un- necessary ta apply fertilizer before vacationing for short periods as the plant will be able ta live off the nutrients presenit in the soi]. Auction Sale 0f household day Juiy 12at 1:00a.m. items and antiques, Thursday, Partial list: 1926 Model4T Ford July 17, 6:30 p.m. for M%ýiss (restored), player piano with Irene Rinch, 59 MjiilSt. N., 65 rolîs, open hutch, pine Newcastle, next north of Fire tables, bianket boxes, Boston Hall. Consists of antique rockers, Arrowback rockers, dresser, wash stand', tables, 'cracks, chests of drawers, wicker set, iron bed wîth brass ýwash stands, hanging lamps, top', dishes, flatware, jardin- approximateîy 500 pieces ieres, flower pots, rugs, tools, depression glass,. and more and many other useful arti- articles too numeraus to cles. Terms, Cash. Cliff Peth- menition. Auctioneer Donald ick, auctioneer. 28-2 F. Sm ith. 28-1 Auction sale, private estate, -- praperty of MAr. F. Marche, ý160 Brack St. E., Oshawa, to be held in Stirtevanf's Auction hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, Thursday July 10 at 6 p.m. ' McClary Easy refrigerator; three year old, good condition; i r y r~~ four piece chesterfield suite; U I A U k automatic diryer; three piece bedroom suite; coffee and end tables; vinyl cavered L azy- > REALTOR Boy chair; Hi-Fi sterea set, good condition; 9x 15 rug;fwvo night tables; utiiity table; Paft Ma r ierrison dresser; chest of drawers; 623-4115 washinci machine; chrome Ken Nîcks suite.; )ccasronai chairs; hot 623-4050 plate and oven; color TV; Bowmnanville wooden. office desk; swivel MILLBROOK new 3 bedroom office chair; sewAinrg machine; brick bungalow, large country end fable lamps; washstanîd. lot, finished rec. room with Terms, cash, no reserve. fireplace, aftached garage Reason for sale- moving to $49.500., furnished mobile trailer-._AI PORT HOPE older 2 storey furniture welcome. Sale every brick house, large bright, Tuesdlay and Thur:diay at 6 rooms, close to downtown p.m. Myles King Auctioneer area, onlv $35,900.00,Terms.ý and cartage, 725-5751 or 723- 0501. 28-1 PORT HOPE new home, 3 bedrooms, large living room, Auction Sale of Restaurani separate dining raom, electric and Grocery itemrs, July lSth, heat, attached garage, excel- Tuesdayevenîng 6:30sharpat lent value, $39,900.00. Terms. the Corner Store, 134 Victori'a Street, Port Hape. Consising PORT HOPE neat 2 bedlroam of smahl pizza oven, MVoffht brick bungalow, goad location, deep fryer, MAoffat grill withl large country lot, only exhaust tan, compressor door $34,90P.00 full price. hardware and cails, Tor wall in freezer,, cash register, GARDEN HILL 11212 acres, scales, 6' Ruddy meat coaler, woaded with stream, ideal Silex Caffee maker, Restauir- home site $25,000.00 ferms. ant dishes and glass ware, stools, fridqe display cut STURGEON LAKE year erý, set of, 3 sinks, exhaust round home, 3 bedrooms, rans, shelving, sinks, toilets. large living roomi with stone ail items are in excelleni fireplace, 4 piece bath, garage condition, appliances a 're andguest hause. Large lot stainless steel, and other with 100 ft. fronfage on items f00 numerous f0 men- vacagion o y srrummervng fion. Rager Bannister, Auc $790..Tem. 21 tioneer, 1-797-2651ý. 28-1 Li-I R EALTOR 623-250(W ORONO 11/2 storey three BLACKSTOCI< AREA Old hedroom home, separ'ate din- church ideal for art studio, ing roomn, laundry room, storage, carpentry shop etc. sewing room, large' veranda, with. lots of area to buiid a stove, fridge and dryer lnclud- homne. ed. Asking $41,900.00 ORONO Very private and BOWMANVILLE north cent- lovely on large seclucied, rai, four bedroom home, twO wooded lot, is this four four piece baths, lots Of bedroom country home, bal- storage, dining room, rec. cony on' two- sides second room, garage, paved drive,. fFôor, hand chopped beams 'and fenced back and side. and stained cedar gives home $4ý9,500.00 an older unique appearance. $65,000-00 É o 01, After hours caîl: Dennis Francis Terry Biack Josie Doxtater -Peter Mac Eachern Edmond 623-3857 623-7686 1-983-9593 623-4894 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 41%tf URGENTLY REQUIREDI! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your- home would bring top dollar? We<Il be pieased ta appraise if for you and help you locate the '!home of your dreams". For fniendiy efficient sale of your home, cail P. & R. Realty' Company, Realtor, Benneti Rd, and No. 2 H-wy., Bowman-' v ille 576-6120. 17-tf $29,900. Starter home in good condition in Burketon area. This weii built older home -should seil fast. 100 Acres of Vacant Landi with creek near Blackstock. 5 Acres with large older house about 10 minutes from Bow- manville. $52,900. spofiess 1 year oid 4 bedroom home with double garage, 2 bathroom-s, nicely decorated, completely broad- loomed. Must be seen. Cottage wif h Furniture $16,900. nearly new water system. treed lot. Lake Scu- gog location. Caîl 728-7328 for fuilldeaoils. Affer hours please caIL: AI Werry 263-8190 A. Louis VoIf 728-7068 Lee Rocchetta 723-870/ Bill Rafcliffe 655-4457 Maureen Ansari 725-9708 Nels Burshaw 728-8266 Ed Varga 728-6322 Kay Hoskin 576-5239 28-1