6TeCanladian Statesmian, Bowmhanville. Julv 9, 1975 Sectionl Two Loans 165 OIdsrmoiiiles fo Shrinâers D.G. Stirling, General Motors Toronto Zone Manager, is shown officially turning over the keys of 165 Convertibles, Sedans and Station Wagons to Illustrious Noble Chas. W. Emmett P.P., lef t, Director General, Imperia! Counceil Shrine Session 1975, for use in the 197 5 Shrine Cneto in Toronto fromn June 29 through July 4th. Also officiating at the ceremony from lef t to right is limperial Sir Randolph R. Thomas, Imperial Mlar-shal, Imperial Divan, Illustrious Noble W. Stanley Wright P.P. Transportation Chairmnan, Imperia' Council Shrine Session 1975, and Bruce D. MacFarlane, Assýsitan Merchandising Manager, Genieral Motors of Canada Limited. General Motors has beent selected a.,s the manufacturer of the officiai Shrine cars for the past 28 years. Milk Commission Hlearings Soie tme ago,, the Ontario foverment anaounced that a Public Enquiry into tühe ik industry in Ontario would be held to cover the area fromn the tume the milk leaves the fanm right through until the coni- Sumer purchas es ik on the storýe shelves. We hav7e been informed that a series o! meetings and public hearings will be held during the month of July, at w hich tume, individuals or groups Canf make submnissions to the enu )yOnThursday, July l7ththie Milkl omisio hearings will be held la) Kingston at thie 4C01 Inn, stantiag at if) a.m. Whiie on Wedaesday, July 23rd and Thursday,, July 24th thie hear- ings will be held in Toronto at the Skyline Hotel on Dixon Rond. Anyone wising to sit in on these hearings is weicome te do so, and ayone wishJing to mnake submrissions- shouid contact Mn. J.F. Jewison, Secretary of the Ontario MVii1k Commission, Panliamneat Buildings, Toronto. Hlot H-uid Weather Can Cause Hog Deaths Hogs are panticularly susceptible to heat s1troke in hot, humnid weather such as we normally expenience duî-ing the Months of, july and Autgust. Dr. P-. i1 ïOliver, ~Veterinary Services Braach 11of the Ontario Mijnistry of Agriculture and, Food, points out that if the hog's body produces more heat tanit can throw off, its internal bodly temperature will nise. If tis- temperatune reachles 431 degnees C. or,110 degrees F. Use hot water wisely Save energy .. Savermoney Apart from home heating, a family usually consumes the most energy in producing hot water. Here are ' ust a few sm ail things you can do, thatý can add up to a considerable energy saving. Turn off hot water taps so they don't drip, fil1 clothes wvashers to match thie size of the ioad, wait until you have a fullI o-ad before using a dishwasher and remember showers usualîy require Iess hot wvater than bathns. Try flot to use more hot water than you need. The Cascade electric wiater heater wiII give you a dependable supply of bot water, but it's up to you to use it wvisely. your hydro< theni exhaustion and death uisuLally occur. Three miaini factors make it hard for the hog to get rid of excess body heat. They have a thick insulàting layer of fat under their skia, and do not sweat to any great degree. Body heat is lost mainly through the lungs, but lung capacity is limited so the animais are really, at a disadvantage during hot weather. Restlessness is the first sign that the animal is suffering froni heat stroke, then it begins to pant, salivate and drink excessive quantities of water. If the situation is not corrected, panalysis, a coma state and death nay follow. A veterinarian should be called iiiediJately if heat stroke is supce.Durinrg ihot wea- ther, producers shoýud keep their hogs ,as ciooland caîni as posbeooints out Dr. Oliver. Makce su,,re ventilai',on is adieqJuate and doai'overcrowd thie aiai.Move the stock at, the coolest htue of the day, eihrin the early m-ýorning or in the evening. f you feel that your Ventilation systemn is not wrigefficiently, you can get in touch with our, Agicul- tura Enigýineer, and w,,e will be able to test the systemr for you, Ito, maýke su-re that the air movemrent is suf1jficient in your baras. Home Canners Tighteaing Lids Af ter Processing Homne canners frequently iant'o kno-w whether or not the lids on the jars should be tightened after processine. Food speciaiists at the Ontario Food Councril advises that this depends on the type of closure on the canning jar. If your jars h ave lîds that consîst of flat, metal rings with a sealinig compound attached and metal screw bands, the jar lid combination is el-seligthis means that the screw band should not be tgeedaftler being removed froinitheP canner or processor, aS coing this mîght break the seal1. However, if your oid jars have the type of closure that' coasists of gIass lids, zincý ring b)ands an-d rubber rings, the proper mret'hod of closiag involv,,es tightening the bands firmlýy after the jars are remýýo ved from the processor For further details about ca«,nning ja,ýs and home can- niing procedures, you can wriýte to the Information Branch, Ontario Ministry o! Agricul ture and Food, Parlia- m-ent Buifldings, Toronto, or contact theagricultural office in Bowmanville for the copy o! the Publication No. 468 cailed, "Home Canniag of Ontario's Fruits and-Vegetables". Careful Coaoking Gets Ful Value Out o! Meat You m-ny not bé able to make a binde roast into a prime nib, but you ena make it mto a tasty, better piece. of mîea-t with proper cookin$. Food spcilists at the Ontario FoodCuni recommend pot noasting or braising the less, expensive roasts in orden to brîng up the best possible taste. The cuts of beef considered not 'tender enough to roast by dr-y heat -are: bladebse, chuck, rump, cross-nbô and short-nib. They can be a good buy, but have to be treatedi properly to get their fuil value. Braising and pot-roastiag can be considered one and the sanie, if the cut is thin or snll, the roast is braised, if it is large, it is pot-roasted. 1Either way, the mnethod in- volves coo-king by moist heat. Seasoýn the mleat'or dust with seasoaned flour; brown on al side2s ini hotcdfat or oul; add a small am-ount 'of water, rmeat or vegetable stock, or tomato jice, cover tightly and suî-r Mer until tender. The roast can be simm,,ered on top of 'the stove or la a 325 degree F. ovea, calculating 45 minutes for each pound of meat. A three pounld roast should take about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Take care to simnier the roast re nty instead of boiling it. apid boiling disintegrates the connective tissue, makinig the meat break into pieces and impossible to carve. If the roast you want to braise is frozen, allow?ý it to thaw before cooking. Meat browns better when it is thawed. If it must be cooked frozen, the cooking timne shouid be increased by ope-half of the tume recom- mended for thawed meat. A frozen roast will take about one hour and fifteen minutes per pound to be braised or pot- roasted. Remember, it is flot iust the high priced cuts of meat that are 'tender, but the Iess expensive cuts can be macle into deliclous meals if cooked properly. Durham 4-H Judging Coinpetition Once again this year, the Durham 4-H Judging Corn- petition wîll be held at the farms of Lloyd Smith and Wilfred Bowman), Concession 8, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, Con- testants in the competition who are ail 4-H members ln the agricultural club programn will be asked to judge classes of Dairy, Beef, Swine, Hay and Corn Sileage as well as do an identification exercise and a quiz. Points will be awarded for ail these classes and aw'ards of rize money and trophies wi be made to top contestants in each division. Anyone wishing to drop out to the Smith and Bowmian farms on Thursday, July 10 to see what does take Place at the competition is welcome to do so. A ah~uIca re Calendar July 2 - 4 Regional 4-H Conference - Trent University, Peter- boroughi. .iuIy 2 - 4 and 15 - 16 Beekeeping Short Course - University of Guelph - Contact Prof. P. W.* Burke, Provincial Apiarist, University of Guelph - Pr e registration oaly. JuIy 3, Thuirs. 7:00 p.m. Junior Fanmer Bar-B-Q, Clarke High School. JuIy 6, Sun.ý 6th Annual Western Ontario Dairy Cattle Day - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Medway High School, ARUA. Jiy 7 1- 21 interprovincial 4-H Ex- change. Jlyv 8 - 10 OjAC Farmi Week '75, Elo)ra and Cambridge Research Sta- tions. JuIy 9, Wed. Durham County Soil and Crop Improvernent Associa- tion Bus Trip to Elora Research Station. july 10, Thu1rsý Judging Competition for 4-H at the farms dot Lloyd Smithi and Eric Bowmnan. JuIy 7- il Ontario Herbicide Tour. 4-day Tour of Stations at Harrow, Ridgetowni, Simcoe and Elora. July 13 - 16 North Eastern Section of the American Society of Agrono- mny and the Canadian Socety of Agronomy - University of Guelph. July 16 - 18 North Eastern Forage Ini- provement Confenence - Uni- versity of Guelph. JuIy 17 , Thurs. 2: 00 p.n. - Northumberland- Duhai Apple Growers Assoc. Afteraoon Tour and Twilight MVeeting at farmis in Bowmianville-Newcastle area. Caîl I. B. Ells, Extension Hor- ticulturist - Durham County Office 623-3348. July 18 - 20 Open House Il: 30 aam-230 p.m., Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology. July 22 - August 5, Junior Faner Interprovin- ciai Exchange - Ontario Dele- gates in other provinces. July 2'2, Tuies. Federation of Agriculture ,Meeting - Brock Township Hall, Sunderland. July 26, Sat. Sheep Information Day and Station Tested Ramn and Ewe Sale 11:00 a.m. Fairgrounds, Erin. July 24 4-H Demonstration Night, Orono Town Hall, 8 p.m. August 2 Sheep Association Zone 3 Show and Sale, Ancaster Fairgrounds 4 p.mi. September 23 - 28 International and World Plowing Match, North Osh- awa. ______ FeedA nalysis Reduces Costs hy John Madili, Agronomist Kemhptville Cllege of Agricueltunal Technology E. Ont. farmers purchase an estimated $4,000 in feed each e ar yet less than 5 per cent ase their purchases on nutri- ent requirements to comple- ment telr own feed. Forage protein ranges frorn about 4 per cent in old g.rasses up ta 27 per cent in ladino clover. Feed analysis includes pro- tein and dry matter content. Livestock specialist Dennis McKnight of the Kemptvilie College recommends an ana- lysis includiag calcium, phos- Phoros and magnesium. 'Mrlku production can be substantially increased if the overaîl calcium :phosphorous ratio is between 1:1 and 1:2. limbalaiices of these mninerais may cause apparent deficien- cies of mîagaesium ieading to grnass tetany and possibly milk fever. Deficiencies and imibalances ln these rminerais in beef cattle may cause poor growth and make themn more Ontario, Durham Counties Signing ln (Lef t to right) Maribeth Warren, Ontario County; Heather Richardson, Ontario County; and Neil Taylor, Durham County, Iined up recently at the registration table when they arrived at the University of Gueiph They were among the 100 4-H delegates to the 4-H Leadership Conference, sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food ' Purpose of the week-long conference is to develop leadership qualities that can be put to use in their home communities. New Lawî for Mopeds Wl! -Not Take Effect Until Lofe in Summer The proposed new laws for Minister John R. Rhodes. drivers of motor assisted "This will probably bein l bicycles (Mopeds) will not middle or latter part of LI take effect until it is officially sumnmer. Meanwhile moçp proclaimed, saîd Transpor- tation and Communications susceptible to foot and leg injuries." According to McKnight minerais should always be purchased according to the resuits of the total feeding program analysis. Agricul- tural representatives and country livestock specîalîs ts........ will assist in determining correct minerais from the la b results. Feeding progra.nis can only ~ be as good as the sample. Representative sampling of forages is casier to do white ital is being stored. This also allows results to return before minerais and protein supple- ments are purchased. Grab a handful of haylage from each load before putting it in the silo. Freeze the samples to prevent spoilage. Before shipping mix the haylage thoroughily and send a saniple of several han~dfuls sealed in a plastic bag. Dry hay shlould be sampled froni several representative bales being sure to avoid leaf S r loss. Best results are obt,- ned Sr wîth a core sampler. Be sure to include an information sheet available at your couaty agriculturai W office. The feed analiysis lab is W located at the University of Guelph and operated by the O on Onitario Ministry of Agricul- O o o ture and Food. HeRrehS what summnger is ail about! Ninety-six acres of famiy fun, entertainient and excitement on three islands on the Toronto waterfront. This year two giant-size filmns alternate weekiy on the world's langest mnovie seneenn in Cinesphere: the great new filmn "Einergy'- and returniag by populan deîand , I breathitaking, "North of Supeior". Thrill to new mufiiti-media expeniences ia Theatre I with Czecho- lovakia's beautiful "32 Strings- one wveek, and surpnising "Big North, Ontario" every other week. . .and "Reflections" in Theatre 11. Eaýjoy a summnen of star performiers in the Forum. Rock, symiphoay, pop, folk, jazz, ballet and Nvariety shows._ Watch the fun in Children's Village, the wNorld's happiest, most unusual playground Putter arouad * the Storyland Min- iature Golf Co-urse. driver-s may continue to drive without a licence or insurance as under the original regu- lations. -"This will also give MTC the time to prepare and distribute the necessary licence plates and registrations fornis." ,Mr. Rhodes announced last week that the law for moped drivers, under amendments to The Highway Traffic Act, will mean that only persons 16 or over may operate these ve- bidles; drivers must have a, driver's licence or a learner's permnit; they cannot carry passengers; and ail motor assisted bicycles must be insured and registered with MTC. Registration is expected to cost $5. Moped drivers will flot require he mets. DONUTS I DONUTSI After Meois Light Snack Try Watt's Donuts ,Areo for 15 Yeurs ý.LT'S Donuts Pho ne98 3-50 54 Pedai a boat around thc islanids or take a rea!l helicopter ride. Tour the famed naval vessel HMýCS Haida. Browsýe ia the boutiques. Enjoy anl exciting variety of meals,. snacks and dninký. J in over twenty licenced restaurants, lounges and pubs, many with live entertainament. Stroîl the parklands and canais and pienie by the lake. H1ouirs: To Sept. 1, park open sýevea days, a wcek 10:30 a.mn.- 1 :00 a.m. (Sundays to 10:00 p.m.) Sept. 6-Oct. 13'. park open Satrdas, undysand Thanks- giving onlyý. Theat1res open: 11 :00 a.m. Last show, starts, 9:00 p.m. Admbkission: Aduits $J.50, juniors $1.00. children .75e~ or free wvith parent (limit offour). Ontario seni,,iir citizens free. (Except during CNi-5' FOR INFORMATION: Write: Ontario Place Corporation, 8 York Strecet, Toronto. Ont. M 5J !1R2. Phone (416) 965-63ýý, ort rio Sploce75 A Crowa Corporation of the Goveram-ent of Ontario. Miniistry,, of Industry and Tourini. Claude Bennrett, Minister. the the ped ring Agricultural News ATTENTION FARMERS!e WHY PAT MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY SGAS - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL Dx 668-3381 S 4945