Winter - Russell Wedding' St. .Josep's Roman Catbolii Church, Bowmaaviiie, was the scene of a ioveiy summner wedding, on the 28th of June, 1975, wben . Shelley Lynne, daughter of Mr. and Mlrs. John L. Russell, R.R. 3, Newcastle and J. Rabbin Alan, son of Mn. and Mrs. Roy Winter. Ornn, were united la mnarr- iage by Reveend F. Mikelic. The bride, givea in mari- iage by ber father, chose a formai gowa of sheer whte nylon wýitb lace inserts frnm the eeckliie ta the hemliie, front and back. Her headpiece was a tiara with nettlng, and she carried a cascade of ý ellow rases and baby's breath. The maid of honor, Miss Maurceen Shetler, ware a yeliaw polyester gown, Miss Debbie Gardon, bridesmaid, a pale green polyester gowa and Miss Marilyn Stan, a blue polyester gowa. Wearing wbite bats and gloves, they carried flowers, matcbing, their govjns. A cousin of the groom, Mr. Pbillip Fleury, was best man,, and the ushers were Mn. Blain Moffatt, and the bride's broth- er, Mr. Robent Russell. Receiviag the guests at the reception beld at the Guild Hall, Holiday Inn, Oshawa, the bride's mother wore a candy floss pink polyester dress and matcbiag coat, and two pink orchids . The groomn's mother wore a green and yellow polyester dress and jacket, and two yellow orchi ds. For the honeymOOn, the bride wore a bright yellow dress and jacket, white acces- w many places including Ireland - Mn. and Mrs. Dixan from there are visiting thie John Caeysof Weicomie. Others were fromn Toronto, Motre-al and dloser neighbouring communities. The mnusic was led by the Junior Farmners' choir 'accomnpanied by Marie Irwin at thle piano and by Roland and Eric Bowmanl with guitars. Othern members of the choir were: Ruth, David and Elaîne Keilog, Jennifer Payae, Jennifer and Grant Best, Arlene Allen,. Nancy and Manylia Knox, Brenda Met- caife, Janice Yellowiees, Faye Langmnaid, and Scott Grayv. Besidles the tbree aathemns by the choir there was a duet by Mr. and Mrs. R.\ý,Souter of ~Nêwcastle, to add to this special service of worship..In the midst of this bappy service. thene was sorrow too, and sympathy %vas expressed for the familyý of Charles Raby wbose suddea death bnought sbock and grief for the loss of a faitbfuli member. Although areas to the west have received some heavy rain, there bas been none la this area for some time. Fields and gardeas are parched, with gardea produce maturing eariy. Tomatoes are ripe aad beans were ready before green peas: were finished.. t bas been great hay weatber. Mnr. and Mrs. Harold Best accompanieci the east Dur- ham Histonicai Society on their first trip ta the westfieid Village and street car mus- eum as weli1 as other places on Saturday. Miss Stella Bennett wbo is at the cottage at Wiliaw beach, was aiso one of the party. Mr. and Mns. Geo.,Tufford returned last 1uesday from a trip ta Tabermory, Ow en Sound and other places in that area. Kanen, Bradley and Mlvicb,- elle Nichais of Dawnsview visited with their grandpar- ents, Mr.' and Mrs. Roy, Nichais an ,Sunday. The Canadian, - :: -ian, Bowmanville, July 9, 1975 3 ta present Brides' Scrapboks Jerilderie, New South Wales, ta Cathy and Muriel. Mrs. Australia, who is spending the Rickard asked ail the ladies to current three months wvith the siga the books as they were Garnet Rickards' this week passed. Each bride received visited at Shaw's Sehool. many lovely and useful gifts Kelvin, an exehange studeat and both Cathy and Muriel from Australia, is sponsored thaaked their many friends by the International Rotary for their thoughtfulness and a Cl:ib and is enrolled for the seilthaîik you to the, year at Bawmanville High committee Alne Ayre, Scbool. He is thorougbly Doreen Barrie, Joan Brock, enjaying bis stay in this area Mar$ Killeen and Barbara and when visitiag our sehool Wooa. noted at oncethe bell on the We are pleased to report roof which reminded hlm of that Sally Barrie is home bis own priimary sehool to again after hier recent sur- which lhe in his youth travelled gery. Our community would twenty-five miles by bus. Once wish ber ail the best. he had walked over grassy Miss Susan Johnson, a îawn to ring tbis bell, now teacher in the Scarborough concrete covers the samne area area, is spending the summer and a button is pushed to at lier parents home - the old sound a sîren announcing stone bouse built by tbe begiaaing of classes. Ail this Galbraitb family and in our in the naine of progress. time owned and occupied by the Gilbaaks, tbe Ripleys, the Mander Rafuses and now by WLTT NWHWT Mr. and Mrs. Richard John- WIVflI KOWHO T son. She is often seen riding LIE DOWN ON THE JOB? one or other of ber fine horses along the Old Base Line Road. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Andres rumn- menacher this past week meti their sister Trudi who flew fromn Switzerland to spend a holiday in Ontario and to ' attend the wedding of ber aephew Guido and Miss PattiJ Skinner on Saturday, July the11 fifth in Harmoay United V ~ i Church, Oshawa. Mr. Kelvin Robertson of BE A+DLOOD PONOR Ovenden - Gibson. Wedding niage Barbara Ana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibsan and Gary Warren, son of Mr, and Mrs. Rager Oveadea, all and Mrs. Hammoad lef t an a haaeym9goa la the Maritimes, and are aow residing,-at 53 Taunton Rd. E., No. 60, Oshawa. SHAW'S Phone 623-5068 on 623-7150 La an effort ta keep the names of Shaw's and Provi- dence cammunities alive, aow that Shaw's School bas been ciased, we are starting a clotum eatitied Shaw's. We would, ask the people af thesýe two commuaities ta phone in aay items of local interest ta M. Killeen, 623-5068 or A. Rickard 623-7150, wbo have agreed ta take on the job of correspoadeats for the area. The ladies- of Providence and severai fram Shaw's, as weil, hanaured a receat bride, Miss Marietta Gerrits, at a misceiialeoI4shiower prior ta lier wedding toMr. Gregory Kapuscinski. Shýe received maay useful, and interesting gifts after a humorous duet b y would-be bride and groom Doreen Barrie and Marg Killeen. A WAYNE'HUNT Pontypool Ontario n ors were welcomed froi Artistic Barber and Beauty Salon introduce the Ideal Permanent Eniropean Award Winner Just introduced to Durham Introductory Special $ 3 50 Reg. $17.50 Give if a try .... You'iI be glad you dlid! Meng No Wating. 3 Hoir Stylists f0 Serve You Vic - Jackie - A lice Reîmember.. We're stli the "Good Guys" We Were Born that Way. 1233 King St. E. Dominion Plaza 623-29311 I .1 Hammond - Bons Wedding On Saturday,, June 21st, 1975, in Emmanuel Refonmed Cburch, Whitby, Reverend Louis Harvey, united in manae Wiiie Myatje, dagtnof- Mn. and 1Mns. Adriaan L. Bons, and Murray Douglas, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold W. Hammoad, ahl of B3owmnanville. Given in marniage by ber father and mother, the bride, chose a formai wedding gawa of rayon peau, accented witb bands of Venise lace. A Juliet cap, beld a tuile veil, studded with pearîs, and she carried bridalSweetheant rases and white carnations. The bride's attendants were the maid of honor, Miss Cornelia' Boas, sister of the bride, Miss Jane Gerrits, Misses Sharon and Deborah Hammond, sisters of the groom.* Best, man was Mn. Todd Havey, and, the ushers MnI. Arie Bons, brother of the bride, Mn. Robent Wooliey,- and Mn. Bruce Hammoad, a cousin of the groom. Foliowing the neceptian beld la the Ceatennial Hall. Mn. Kapuscinski -Gerrits On.SatraJune 7tb, 1975, apliques and ribbaa, border- la St. oep= Roman Cath e witb a scailoped lace olic Church, Bowmaaville,' hemliae, falling into a chapel Màrietta L. Gernits was united train. She wone a cap of la marniage with Greg M. matchiagilace and seed pearîs Kapusciaski. The bride's par- wbicb beld a veil trimmed ents are Mn. and Mrs. Martin w itb lace. Gerrits, R.R. 4, Bowmanville The bride's sister, Miss and the graoom's parents are Betty Gerrits, was maid of Mrs. Janet \Kapuscinski of honor, and the bridesmaids Whitby and the late Mn. Frank wene Misses Addy and Tina Ka puscinski. Father Jim Genits, sisters of the bride Wilson afficiated at the andi Miss Rudi Wybenga. ceremoay, and Mrs. Brenda The best man was the Haimes, presided at theorgan. groam's brother Mn. FRichard The bride~, ,earirng 2aKapuscinski, and the ushers traditional gowa. of dulcett Messrs. James Coyle, Ted satin organza and Aleaicon Gernits and John Buchaiski. lace, was given la marriage, Following a reception heid by ber father. Tbe gown was' at the Lion's Centre, Mn. and fashioned with a Victorian Mrs. Kapusciaski lef t on a neckline aad short., uffed honeymooa ta tbe east coast sleeves. The empire boice of and are naw nesiding at IR.R. lace and siik, e dged witb satin 4, Bowmanviile. ribban, eahanced a saft full -Photo by McRobbie skirt with streamers of lace of Bowmanville. A reception foilowed at the Royal Can- adian Legian. daiaty lunch was served by, Misses Heather Barrie, Janet Bragg, Karen Bahl, Rasemary Killeen and Mrs. Sally Barrie. Marietta invited ber frieads ta ber parents' home ta see al ber gifts and then tbanked everyoùe preseat. A special word of a ppreciatian was givea ta thbe committe la charge - Dareen Barrie and Marg. Killeen. Mn. and Mrs., Howard L. Wood and boys are enjoyiag their cottage on Missisauga Lake. John Ayre bas been their guest for the last few days. This bas been the season for maay weddiags in aur cam- muaity. A very pleasant eveaihg was spent la aur schoolhouse wbea two popular y ouag ladies' of Shaw s were honoured at a Double Bridai Shower. After Misses Cathy .Anger anad Muriel Lane w.ere jwsbened tu decorated chairs, Annabelle Rieckard, ia a few well-chosea \VÔrdsT expressed the good wishes of the whole commuaity ta the brides-to-be and thea cailed on Breada Brock aadRaosemary Killeen A Young American girl travelling ini Europe fou-id herself in Germany, unable to speak a word of their language, and feeling rather Iost and unhappy. As she crossed a street she sneezect and the oliceman said, "gesundheit". The girl turned, threw her arms about his neck and cried happily, "Oh, you can speak EnglishIl" CLOTHES CARE HINT: GARMENTS ARE RUINED by pressing ai home. Proper equipment is necessary to dlo good pressing. BOWMANVILLE'S ANNUAL SIDEWALK SALE Thurs., Fr1., Sat., July 17-18-19 Sponsored by Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce MLANER Brand New 1975 GRANADA 2-Door Sedan $4475>.'O Stock No.. 5G 154 Paint Stripes - White Sidewall Radiais - Floor Shift AM- FM Radio - 250 CID 6 Cyl engine - Vinyl Interior In Beautiful Chocolate Brown Ma cDona ld r Foord-u TEL. 6,23-44811 219 King St. E. COMMERCIAL -- WEDDINGS - PORTRAITS It is nice ta remember everything for your holiday, even your prescription sunglasses. Don't deIay, order today, at The Optical Boutique. BOWgMANVI LLE CLEANERS LTD. 84 KING ST. W. 'We; Specialize In Shirt Launderin" .623-5.520 Bowma nvi lie 1 1