6ý The Caniadian Statesman, Bo\\mianvile. JuIy 9, 197ï5 session lately and if the people dtMradMs.Ahu e there were placed in an Arrives by AIîly.. e' e olMr.and fMrs. Aronthurel Uf esl adMs.Mro LETTERS TOÉ%THE EDITOR MeCoil and amily on th OR mmK N wetfOonrcnlyae- unnme grupyouwolddeath of hier mother, Mrs. e Thle Gun loîbby specî,a1 l sills of nmuscular think it was a meeting of the James Hutchinson oded the AMEUaulatoAccounting an of R.R. 1, Congatulations to M.cand and OfficuAdministratio Dear Editor: c-riainaddmns lclHriutrlScey Peterborough. Mrs. Alan AlIpine the for- 24th nulCnfrnehl Agreat ea asapered in fulll mental control of phy'sical hywrIotsoeitl Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robin- mer Miss Donna Gilbank of at theHldyIn saa the public dress in regard to tension. lun my own casel arn ligent, ~average folks- from son of Stroud, visîted for the ()rono on their marriage MranMs.RyCmp stricter gun lawvs comeninicing quite sure 1 couIld flot have may aksolie iha weekend with her parents Mr. Saturday afternoon, July 5th and Cnyo aeoiOî with President Keninedys become an instrument pilot if commnon collectors interest i n and Mrs. Balfour Mloore. inS.Jsp'RoaCth-adMs ery ay rdf assassination and ending with 1 had not first learned to face gn.Anra olco For the weekend M11r. and lic Chrh BBwavleviie r n teufruaeicdn ttefg stesstaino welcom urcsnaleli- ownianville. o the unfortunateencideta h ig tesstuto fe reasnaleNcIrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and Reception at the Legion HIall Mrs._ a .wstadîmy BrmponHghScoo. comipetition r-ifle and pistol jg reuirements and- David visited with Neil'santB mnvleMradMs' r.AreBukyoRR., The Statesman's Mr. Arnott shooting. Thle mental concen- proaby upor and husband, Mir. and Mîrs. McAîpine will reside in Belle- Oronhaacetdheo- anid special penalties for -esn Jack Booth at their cottage at ville, tractwt h otOfc waL it a de rienctedwisth hya skion, r qu i onred having possession of a firearm Norland. Ms.Ge I orton11with Mr. Deprmn o eie h -whai1e commitorting a crimen hooingisasryAre you relaxing in the suni and Mrs. Bob) Morton mal reiosy elveedb guns. a pa pfrte cmeiinsotn svrysugges ted by the Right o r o eaigi teM.ad r.,v Mr.e -Gun Lobby", a much mal- demranding and skill developi- Honourable John Diefen-oraeyueaxn inteM.nd rs Harold Barrow-MranMs.Ccl ram igned group. Let's look at the ing inde4. ae.W arPodfnig shade? This 90 degree wveather clough, Wesleyville on] Satur- foriwny-ih'yas Brmtnincident. I have (b) Gamne Huntin ae.W r ltdfning seems to be taking its toi] and day evening. Bramptoncriminals but gun colleetors. frîends in Brampton and my While 1 support capital A tightening up on who may Miyfl r lckn olks ýr. and Mrs. David Sti De initial reaction to those events punishment for humans ar1fokigtolrest c tranpor gus ad areaon-rivers and parkis. Springwater and his Parents Mr. and Ms wvas one of deep concern. If personally derive no pleasure tansprt umn and reaison- Trailer Park has been nlo 1. Staples are on a apes D Irck however a young lady hiad f romn shootiing animals. I have al eurmn orgse exception and hias been oper- ' h~moo n benbetntodah iha hta ai fxtatwscertain guns may be nec- atn t aait o the pat o eest Coast. Wnesa h usa been beten to eath wth a sht a raid foRecentwa visitorscawithv Morthandaeveningi vcardrsparty MspoasoredG stick would we serioudsly threatening cattle, a skunk in essary in the public interest. couple of wýeeks. The camp- Mýrs. SeatWo n ai cosdrbriga!tetes iuhue os iha Let's not get hysterical how- fires glowing among thl e wyaytteoSeniorCîtîzens wet ch son r mbrn t tres? a hen boe, ad hore ithad ever and throw the baby out i ries r tivtingasa ere hisparents Mr.and Mrs. Ladis s-Mscon The essn fom Bampon s bokenlegandthelikeand theathater Wemusraersnavewms tem rothe M ilrd od fNewcastle. Richrsel-Ms .Cx that we need better psycbiat- even in such emergèeies 1 tremebrthate emcr ayis 'd vew hm rm hrs. Herb Murray witb Mir. 3rd-Mr.Ri ok e' ric surveillance of sorte found the experience distaste- rm be htd orayi ii side on the highw~ay. and Mrs. Albert Rýandal of lst-JakCo,2d-ilMhf teenaged students, flot a total ful. For those who do hunt spelt "FREEDOM". Some ofWU Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker Whij-tby over the week-end. f,3dWle arne prohibition on guns. We must game there are many strie us like to collect guns. If we adfmlOhwwr r.RgrNgra n etrhat swse o look at the cause of the dis- laws such'as "The Migratory obyteawwycn'wed weekend visitors at the daugbter Delphine of Scott- Mýrs. .Agei omn ease, not the symptoins. Birds Act" and similar legis- js ht Cawker Farmn, Scugog Point. dahe, Penin., U.S.A., Mr. and ville Hsia n r.WW Th sggstonbyMr ltin."ur plus game" that EricRichn ar ovki, On Sunday evening Sam and Mrs. Paul Webb and daughiter VaCsaaHsia Arnott that all guns are would die of starvation if not KlomnFrs Mabel Cawker were treated to Dawn of Toronto attended the napn oscn"is clearly open to shot is available in season. We iNewcastle, Ontario. a delicious anniversary MIcAlpine-Gilbank wedding on bell o taaPîî ap refutation. The craftsmansbip have game wardens and laws TS inra me' etu ant, rda and were week-end guest fM.wrekn used in the manufacture of to control tdis sport. Surely no 1y Port Perry. Master Chris Saturday and Mrs. NeislL Bi fîrearms has always been a one objects to "Fishîng" as a %cPIUK y awker is staying for a few Gibn and sn BiInd Cam1,elsmte r.Rt show piece for the finest hobby. Why not huntig? days wtth his grandparents at David of Church Street, North, Hamby fEdono metals and woods available (c) Collectors MRS. MIABEL EVELINE the farm. Orono. spen with the highest level of The subject of why people Mý,URDOCH Mr. and M\1rs. Charles M\1r. and Mrs. theweeendwitBahiArlu craftsmanship on display. "collect" is too wide for this Cawker of Scarborough were Tamblyn are on a motor trip Seerlfo thsaa Cery a ufrom a article. They coîîect many Following a very short Saturday luncheon guests with to the *East Coast. te craftsmans view point is a things. Guns are a fascinating doch died at MPemria. Hos- Ma n abl \rs. Jean Patrick of Bow- Banqinc lak ihSho thing of beauty; but I suppose collectors itembcueo h Sunayovrnghdad ondmnvll, rsMKv owllof onWeneda eenn- ta suhavinc in vn e m. qu al of orman pital, Bowmaniville, 'Sunday Sna vrili n-o-janilMs avPwl f o day guests wvith Mr. and Mrs. attitude proves the old adage: ship etc. Weapons have been m drnng, 3ne 2, 17.ShLae Bruce Heaslip were Mr. and Beuyis in the eye of the s toi en from colectors or res'midle t3 absLn.~ rs osCri fOila beholder". target shooters or frbm Police Bwavle Why do people own guns? stations or the armed forces The former Mabel Eveline Be Sure and W a h Some of the reasons are (a) and used by crimninaîs but in Lee, born Sept. 19, 1901 in Ops P a o Target shooting, (b) Game no case in my recollection can township, daughter of the late IE V0t Hiuntinig, and (c) as a collect- I remnember a case where a Mr. and Mrs. James Lee was à ors hobby. -gun buff' was involved in mnember of St. Andnews Pres- A p roE d Next W eÉek's Pa e (a) Target Shooting any illegal incident or act- byterian Church. She had p umUd There are strict laws that ivity. Gun collectors are lived in the Bowmanville area goverfi the transportation of generally not violent people. for the past 33 vears. Councillon Kirk Enitwiýsle, hiand guns to and from Every few weeks local and not SuvvncsbehubnPanimn diso mmewasit- f or practice ranges and perhaps so local g un collectons have a PetrvivN Mu rdoh woshen telas ggedvstedthatmthe these should be extended to shiow and -swap shop" session matrNMried cin S. Andrew users of rifles and shotguns.. at the Kinsman Hall 1nddelayt.nAapprova'0of#th _____________ Sidf'ewicalkb Target shooting develops very Oshawa. I attendedne such C1 c, 2Li3nsamOnesAg Nwas'esIeimPan y __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 8, 195; 3 n, Jlam e of r the Region mnay be caused by Bowm, anvileliam of Tor-als Eddie Luther, air traffic control, under the authority of C.F.T.R. in the the feeling that the regional OSHAWA'yS BUGGEST fourodanihersof O . Mwrav Metro Toronto Area is welcomned by Bowmanville Rotary Past President Al oficalpnilutue presented a Ie Tabb (Margaret> and Mrs. Allun. Mr. Luther who flues a helîcopter and does traffie reports for a radio Newcastle council approved MOVUNG SALE Jack Mantle (Florence) of sain arrived in Bowmanville on Tusa to pa to the Rotary Club. the mnunicipaîity interim- plan BIG S EE TO NBowmyanville, Mârs. Helmut________________________________________ on Mlay 8, and since then have * INESTVESL EANR Mueller (Grace), Toronto, met with the region to dicuss FIN M N' W ARMrs. John station, Thursday sp a. t.s p co a I *.BIGGEST VALUES IN Whitby; also her 2 sisters 0f Mrs. Grabame Fisb spet Cuclo nwsesi FINE MEN'S WEARsuvvsaeaHo, Duns- fordGny (rîsil0a, No"1 E and Tuesday viting that wbile the regional plan BIGGES SAVIGS INfordFlorence Calvent, Lon- Mr. and Mlrs. George f rom a vacation to Prince lier daughters and sons-in-law, will likelyý be released before c * BIG1~T SA ING INdon, Ont. and Ross Lee of Bowvers returned home oniEwr sad Mr. and Mrs .Jim Leishman the end' of this year, the FIN M N' W ARLidsy. urhe, 7 rad-Thursday following a week's Mrs. Dorothy Cbapmnan and family at Reaboro and interim plan is needed by That's why cnîlanien ana one great grancd- vacation at Curve Lake witb spent the wveekenid with lier Mr. and MIrs. Victor Bannisten Newcastle, since a round o;f MU RRAY JOHN STON'S child survive ber. their bouse trailer. parents Mr. and Mrs. George and family in Lindsay. public meeingswic could M EN 'S W E AR AMrs. Murdoch rested at Sixteen Boy Scouts spent Bowens and Mr. Earl Bowers. Mr. Herbert Vine Sr. spent hast some tume, will followý the Carneguie ~H rw r Nortbcutt Elliott Funeral hast week camping in Algon- Her daughter bisa is spending thec weekend with bis daughter tabling of the regional plan. 1 1 will be Home, Bowmanville. Service quin Park. They bad their own some time with bier grandpar- and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. He described the interiim MOVI NG EVERYTH ING was behd in the chapel on canoes to transport tbem to ents and other relatives while Reg, Middleton and familv in plan as an "administrative" at their 1\Moniday evening at 8p.m. with tbe islands on which they Mrs. Chapman is attending Mississauga. Sincene Syra- document which wouId allow at their interment on Tuesday at camped. Leaders of the group sumrsho nHmlo. ptyi xtended to Mr. Výine temncpltropl t 1/2 Y EA RLY SALE Verulam Cemetery, Bobcay- were Mr. J. Sloane, Richard Dale and Neil Williamns went and famihy on the death of his various zoning regulations AND APPLIANCE ~ AtU~v~~* *,,geon, Ontario. Reverend J.S. Soane, Ivan Bradburn, Mark to Trout Creek on Sunday to brother, Mn/I. Edward Vine in together and mnake it easier ST S I OI NDA'UJI 14fJ JLY Gilchrist officiated. Shoane and Dennis Malcolm. spend their vacation with their Edmonton. for staff to reguhate develop- 36 Kiiig St. E.Bomnil GlIen Malcolm bas returned cousins Jeff and Ryan Chap- Sincere sympatby is extend- mient. , Pre-I ctory 10 hr.,Jl 0 tr 9:00ma ureA, 4UME Ony0 aq _U_ a_ _ _0% ..... .... IN M.M . Ne ý * AI Sizes 5-15# 8 to 20, 141/2 to 261,/2 No -hre oLmcwy L MM'ea Wdeà7Kn t Ws maaMEamMmamzaam am;mî; mTaam;aa ]1Za mm;zm maam