M',rs. Gwen Rodenhauser h&. returned ta her home in Tacoma, Washington after spending a very enjoyable month's vacation with her parents, MUr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly, Hampton and 1 ther's Doug, Bruce and i.,;nfilies of Bowmianville ànd Oshawa. Several parties were held in her honor when she renewed friendships with former classmates- Mrs. Allie Davids of Ca- bourg recentiy returned after a month's tour of Engiand and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight, Edmonton, Aberta, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sara, Forest, Mr. Dean Hammond, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hlam- m-ond, Bruce and Barbara, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Powell, Hamilton, Constable Mike Self, Fort Vermnillon, Aberta, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family, Church St. where they ail were guests of the Hammond-Bons wed- ding. Mrs. Wight has just returned after a 10-day holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Souch, Winnipeg, Manitoba, attenided the Shriners' Con- vention in Toronto. White east they visited Mrs. Souch's sister, Mrs. Louise Langmaid, Oshawa and called on Mrs. George James, Mrs. L. McGee, and Mrs. Charles Mason, Bowmanville. Mr. David Milne spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mimne. David has spent the past year in the United States and is returning ta P.E.I. ta teach at the University there. He received his degree at Convocation on June 12 in Toronto. Goodyear Canada, Bow- manville Plant, recently an- nounced the retirement of B. Mahafffy. with 34 years ser- vice. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Jamieson were their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Cockshott, Winnipeg ,Bcý%6t'Fa ifh the fundlamental ane- ness of ail religians, and the oneness of Mankind. Fur futher information please catil 623-7744 or 623-4830 (nee 'Gladys Jamieson) and Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Camneron, Oshawa, (n)ee Doris Jamie- son) . iiomecoming,'75l marks the l5O0th anniversary of the first major immigration -ta the Peterborough area. In 1825 over 2,000 settiers came fromn Ireland under superintendent Peter Robinson, the city and county's namesake. Home- oming celebrations in Peter- bo)roug h start with a parade Saturday , July l2th, at 10.-00 a.m. On Juiy lSth the Hon. Pau ine McGibbon, Lieuten- ant Governor of Ontario, will officiate at the opening cere- manies. Following this at 4:-30 p.m., a Pageant will take place at -Little Lake in Downtown Peterborough re- enacting the ianding of the Robinson settiers. A boat has been constructed locally simi- lar ta the one Peter Robinson built for the trip up the Otonabee River from Rice Lake to ScottsPlains (Peter- borough). The re-enactment will be repeated July 22 at7:00 p.m., July 26 at 1:30 p.m, July 29 at 7:00 p.m., August 5 at 4:30 p.m. andAugust l2at 7:00 p.m. On July 26th. engine no. 6060, Canadian National Rail- ",'YS' last operating steam locomotive, will bring tourists from Toronto. While the passengers from Toronto watch the re-enactmnent of the Robinson landing and see sights such as the famous Peterborough Lift Lock, local people will have a chance ta take an 84 mile trip on the train.-From July 18 ta August 15 a seven-piece rock-oriented blues band Gajo will perform Fridays at noon hour beside the reflecting pool in Peter'- borough Square. The Peter- borough Arts and Water Festival from August 1 ta August 10 will mark the lSth Anniversary of Peterborough with an Irish night featuring a g roup of singers and dancers from Ireland. On July 16 Premier William Davis and his cabinet will vîsit the city and on August sth the Irish Ambassador ta Canada will unveil an eight ton marbie monument honouring the Peter Robinson settiers. From now through July 13 are the last days ta see the Bick's Canadiana Pickle Cruets display at, Bowman- ville Museum. The 'cruets, on boan from Bick's of Canada Ltd. famous collection, are beautiful with their jewei-like colours and different patterns of glass, enhanced by elabor- ate silver stands. In'a lighted case at the Museum, they Items Of Interest Phone 623-3303 Ian Grandy Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page, Bethany, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Scarborough College, University of Toron- to, at the Spring Convocation exercises, June 9, 1975. Ian has accepted a position with the Ministry of Natural Re- sources, Lindsay, Ont. BETHÂNY Sunday guests with Mrs. Ross Carr were Mr. and Mrs. Creigh'ton Carr, Picton; Mrs. Marie Gilmour andi sons, Terry and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Morrison and daughter~ Sara, ail of Weston; Mrs. Marjorie Edmunds, Oshawa, and Mrs. Harry Tumilson, Horneli Heigfhts. Mrs. Laura Spiers, Toronto, has been jhe guest of Mrs. Walter Neals. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Scott,, Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGili, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryley attended the Silver Wedding Anniversary party held for Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Chase of Seeley 's Bay on Saturday. Mr. Chase was a former Manager of the Beth- any branch of The Toronto Dominion Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hughes, Toronto, were weekend visit- ors with Mrs. Irene Mc- Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moncrief and Mrs. Jean Argue, ail of Peterborough, Celebrate Golden Anniversory show off to full Advantage. The display will end at 5 p. Sunday, July 13. It will be followed by a fascinating display of dolis, including pin cushion dolîs, on loan from- Mrs. 'M. Johansen of Oshawa. MNr. and Mrs. Jim Ewing, David and Diana, Sept. Dies, Quebec, have left for home after visiting relatives and attending the Snowden- Gruyters wedding on Sat. July 5. fhey attended St. Paul's Church service Sunday mor- ning and in the afternoon abouit 40 mnembers of the Snowden family gathered for a picnic on the spacious lawn of the Wes. Down home. During the evening a surprise shower took place in honor of Greta andi Wesley Down's 2th wedding anniversary, later this month. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden and family, Maple, Ont. being on holidays at their cottage, Baptise Làke were also able to be home and acted as M.C. fi,. :ne wedding reception Saturday evening at the Acre's restaurant. Jacques Mizne, assistant genieral manager of the Na- tional Ballet of Canada, as- sumes responsibility for fund raising for the company on July 1. MIr. Mizne replaces Peter Sever who has been with the company since 1972. Mr. Mizne joined the National Ballet as assistant ta generài manager, Gerry Eldred, in 1974. Peter Sever will continue to be associated with the company over the coming season ta complete certain specific projects. He leaves ta fulf iii a special assignment for the Canada Counicil in the area of arts administration. This Saturday, the first of the monthly dances, in the form of a Western Dance, complete with a Western Bar-B-Q, will be held at Bowmanville Golf Club. A stomping good time has heen planned. The next Wintario draw will be held in Oalçviile on Thuirs- day, July 10, 1975 at 8:30 p.m., according ta Ontario Lottery Corporation Manager of Draws and Community Rela- tions, Barbara Jesson. byý Rev. George Richardson, Rev. -Alfred Poulter, Mr. George Neals, Reeve of Man- vers Township:; Mýrs. Jean Argue; Mr. Bruce Beer, MI.P. of Brampton; Creightfon CarrI, Picton; Bert Monk, Peterbor- ough; Eric Porteous, Missis- sauga; Terry Staples; Jim Kioepfer. Mirs. Jo h n Neals, chlairperson of the commiittee who had arranged the service spoke briefly, thanking every- one for their help and intro- ducing the other members of the commrittee Mlr. and MIrs. Frank White, Mrs. Irene McDonald, Mrs. Vioflet Carr, Mrs. Nellie Michel, 1Mr, Allan Beer, and Rev. G. Ficko. They came "Homne" from Islington, Peterborough, Brampton, Oakwood, Cavan, Wiliowdale, Bellevilie, Picton, Weston, Uxbridge, Fraser- ville, Toronto, Oshawa, Baille- boro, Pontypool, Orono, Have- lock, Yelverton, Elmivale, Zephyr, Markham, Mîissis- sauga, Lindsay, Scarborough, Keene, Barrie. Mu~sic Exam Rfesuilts The following is a iist of pupils of Mirs. Jeanne Aic- Mahon. Bethanv. whio were successful in the recent Piano and Theory Exams held by the Royal Conservatory of Music (Lindsay). Grade 2 Rudi- ments: First Class Honours: Tara Gillen: Grade 1 Rudi- mients: First Class Honours: Lynn Armi-stronig; Honours: Sandra Staples, Lois Darroch: Preliminary Rudiments: First Class Honours: Barbara CeIebrates lst Birthday Graduate Hi! My name is Rebecca Eileen (Becky) Lathangue. I had my lst birthday on June 25, 1975. My mommy and daddy are John and Lynn. My proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Major, Ulva Lathangue of Bowmanville and Ray Lathangue of Peterborough. First great-grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Green and sixth great grandchild of Mrs. Melvil Lathangue. Bugg Not Brigg Toronto ta see the Shriners Parade and also , visit wvith Mrs. Gladys McMahon who is in Princess Margaret Hospit- al. "H Iome Coming" Service The special "'Home Coming" service held in the United Church at Bethany on Sunday, June 29th ta celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Church Union was a joyous occasion, with an estimnated 300 persans attending. Rev. George Richardson of Perth, past president of the Bay of, Quinte Conference and a former Minister at Bethany, was theguest speaker with a challenging message based on "He calis us ta be His Church." Rev. Gardon Ficko, the resident Minister, led the service, welcoming everyone, especially former members who had camne home for this special occasion. Rev. Alfred Poulter, Bellevile, who was the Minister here at the time of union of the former Presby- John Schievink received his Master of Education Degree in Applied Psychology froma University of Tforonto on June 13, 1975. John, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schîevink of Oshawa and husband of Nellie (nee Vermeulen) is a graduate of Donevan High School, Toronto Teachers' Coliege and re- ceived his B.A. from Queen's Uniiverýsity. John teaches Geography, and is a Guidance ,-ilunselio r at Ajax Iigl schod2. terian and MWethodist congre- gations led the prayers. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Jennings, and organist, MIr. Terry Staples sang two anthems "Camne Hloly Spirit" and "Sweeter As thqe Years Rail By."- Mr. Terry Staples solo was "The Keys of The Kingdomn." The proces- sional hymnn was "A Shout of Celebration" and the reces- sional "Mline Eyes Have Seen the Glory." Flowers on the Atar were fromn Mr. and Mrs. Basil Earle (Pau-line Thorndyke) in mnemory of her Miother, Mrs. Ona Thorndyke, her sister, Mrs. Jean Fallis, and her brother, MNr. Keith Thorn- dyke;-,f romn Mrs. Nellie Michel in memory of hier husband, George Michel; and from the Beer Faiiy in memory of thieir parents, Air. and Mrs. Erniest Beer. Following the service, al assembied on the church iawn where lunch was served by members of the U.C.W. Allan Beer officiated at the m-icrophone, weicoming al those present, and reiating some of the "happenings"- through the years and readinga letters from somne who were unable ta be present. Im- promptu speeches were given ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE GIFT 0F LIFEI HERBAI ESSENCE ALLEREST SHAMPOO ADULT d& K 12oz. F-i mTARIFTR Just a Reminder ... SPw"ECIALS For the Month of JuIy OnIy Mini-Perm Great for Blow-Dry Hairdo' and Sumnmer Activities Witamin E Perm Reg. $20.00 Reg. -$30. For Heaithier, More Beautiful Hair àlreaiks Regular $20.00 - For That Summery Look $15o5 Now $2O*00 Nw$17@50 Hlairport StyWlingW Church St. (across from Fire Hall) 623-4901 This yaung Cub with the Iarge trophy is Jimmy Bugg NOI' lirigg as his name appeared under a photo in last week's Statesman. H1e won the trophy for receiving the most points, making hlm the aut- standing Wolf Cub in the Maple Grave Pack. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Syer of Fraserville were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank White and ail attended the 5th Anniversary Celebra- tions at the United Church. Douglas Palmer, and Paul Smith are home fromn the hospital after being involved in an accident last week. Michael Smith is stili a patient in Lindsay's Ross Memorial Hospital but is expecting to be able ta camne home soon. Mrs. Mildred Bristow; Mrs. Douglas Graham, Omemee;: and Mr. Allan Bristow, Whit- by; and Mrs. Ina Palmer went by bus ta Gravenhurst on Juiy 1, for the four hour boat cruise of the area. Mr. Bill Sheen was in AlxMcG afârgIorsuaDrugs 5 King St. West Phone 623-5792 '11w Candiaii Statcsrnan 130rnanviiie, JuIy 9, 1975 7 flowe: Grade 8 Pliano: Pa's Camiporee in your paper. Our Patti Preston: Grade .5 Piano: Amierican friends were very Honours: Kimiberley- Hoy 'imipressed to think that you Pass: Susan Ryley, Dwnwotild corne out to the camp White, Janet Darrochi: Grade for a visit. 3 Piano: Honours: Hugli When we informed them CliffordL Pass: Johin Curtis, that this was in keeping with Gordon Elson: Grade '2 Piano" the hig h standards of' cuver- FIonours: Laurie Ann Skitch, age that the "Statesman" Dianne M,'oncrief: Grade 1 provide, they becamne very Piano: Fîr-st Ciass Honours. envious and wished they had BeverleyJonon Honours: the same. Lori Howe, Bonnie Preston, We of the Service Teamn, f eel Lianna Pr ,eston (equial). ' that your support to Scouting in the West Durham District is LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the highest quality and we Dear Mr. James: exterid OUF appreciation and On 'behaif of the Service thanks. Team of the West Durham Yours in Scoting, District Council of the Boy Jack Hartwell, Service Team Scouts of Canada, I would like Editor's Note: We feel you to thank you for the coverage deserve ail the help we can vou provided the Stoneage give you. DÔN'T ALWAYS BE A LOSER You are assured of a sure-f ire winnier1 when you make a money-saving purchase at MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1/2 YEARLY SALE of quality suits, sport coats and the complern entary accessories to go with them. SALE STARTS MONDAY 14 JULY The Bowmairville Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9: 55 a. m. - Sunday School 11: 00 a. m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:-30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church st. PuI',s United Church Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist-Gerald K. Burgess iUNDAY, JULY 13, 1975 10: 00 a. m. The Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine "Careless Listening" We welcame the memnbers of Trinity United Church who wili be worshipping with us during the month of JuIy. Parents are irvited ta. bring their. children to aur, Nursery while they attend Morninq Worship. Summer Furn i»ture at Red uced Prices (Limited Quantity)> F. A. KRAMP FURNITURE LTD. 37 King St. E. 623-7071