OPP REPORT The Ontario Provincial Po- lice at Newcastle investigated the following Motor Vehicle Collsons and Occurrences d-1k,,, ng the period July 7, 1975 to July 13, 1975. Twenty motor vehicle colli- sions were investiaged in whicb 10 persons were injured ~and two persons were killed. 1 s a result of these collisions, -4g9h t persons have been chargedwith offences under the Highway Traffic Act. The Newcastle officers also investigated one hundred and thirty-six general occur- rences. Some of these occur- rences were as follows: There were ten investigations into "Theft" offences, five investi- gations into "Break & Enter" offences and one investigation into an attempt "Break & Enter" offence. Other investi- gations related to reports of lost and found properties, domestic disputes and varlous driving complaints. Sevent persons have been cbarged with offences 'under the Liquor Control Act and three p ersons have been charged with offences under the Criminal Code. Fatal Mlotor Vehicle Accidents The following are brief reports concerning two fatal mnotor vebicle accidents which occurred during, the past week. At approximately 2:40 p.m. on July 9, 1975 a fatal motor vebicle accident occurred on Highway 401 appr9ximately 1 mile west of Courtice Road. 1Mrs. Margaret Prescott, 48 years, of Goodwood, Ontario, who bad been eastbound on Highway 401, was killed when the vehicle she was operatin~ was in collision with a secon eastbound vehicle which was operated by a Mr. Manfred Wasmer, 46 years, of 432 Bay Street North, Hamilton, Ont- ario. The Prescott vebicle was struck on the lef t side in the passing lane. Accorçing to investigating officers it is believed the Prescott vebicle was attempting a "t-Turn " at the time of the collision. Provincial Constable G. A. Mooei and Corporal L. James were the investigating offi- cers. A second fatal motor vehicle accident occurred at approxi- mately 12:20 p.m. on JuIy 12, 1975. This accident occurred on the Highway 35 ramp leadinig to Highway 401 east- bound. Francis P.* Kearney, 69 years, of 432 George Street South, Peterborough, Ontario had been driving southbound on Highway 35 and while àivelling around the ram p ,,t vehicle left the roadway a'iil travelled into the ditch where it rolled over several alone in his vehiele at the time, was taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, where hie passed away at approxi- mately 2:30 p.m., JuIy 12, 1975. This accident was investi- g-'led by Provincial Constable Q .Moon and Corporal L. James. CRIME PREVENTION TIP: Can You Identify Your Property? If something is lost or stolen, report it to the Police immediately. The best way to identify your property is by a serial number. RECORD ALL SERIAL NUMBERS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. If articles do not have serial numbers, mark them so they can be positively identified, should the need arise. OR0%NO Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremro recently spent a week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler of Elîzabethville. Mrs. Cecil Graham isited be.r h hsbnd who is apatienýt spent the week-end with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Harris, Douglas and Charles - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry were Sunday noon gvs1 for a salad lunch. 1 - and Mrs. Lawrence Gri,,,nwood were recent visi- tors of his aunt Mrs. W. Bryamn of Burketon. Miss Susan Baîl and Mr. Les Hrebeek of Toronto withi her pýi Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bal oë te week-end. MsA. Mabel Williamns of Pembroke visited ber son Jack - Mrs. Williams and their four daugbters last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and son of Meaford visited ber grandmother Mrs. George Morton on Sunday. Mark and Trevor Power enjoyed last week-end camp- ing near Picton with theïr grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong of Maple Grove. You've got te believe iniIl1 McG REGOR HP ý,,,,W RE 95 KING ST. W. BOWMA NVI LLE MM =z ,J Horne Hardware -------------