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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1975, p. 14

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14The Caniadianl Statesman, Bowmnanville, July 16, 197r CLSSIFI E D C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleanedl FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Revovaing Paper Hang ing - Paintlng 247 Liberty N. Bwmanvi l e 623-3568 49-f Refrigeration AN'D Appliance Service commercial anid Domestic Refrigeation - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER DaYs ...... .......ý623S5774 Nights .......... ..623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF Wfilliami G. Beatty Painting and Pape.' Hagn -Ught Trucking and OddnJobs 623-4728 43-f NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey .,Partner Oronff983-5206 - Ze it4~1462 O 41 -tf BiII'ï,s GLASS and AMIRRORS LTD. 7 Divisin St., Bowmanville Ontaria. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealeti Units - Stormn Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patierned and Colored Glass ndGlazing. 17 tf WATER 'Wels bored, 30" tile. 'Ward's Well Brinig. Tele phone 342 2030. R<epresenta tive Harry L. WadJe. Tele- phone 987-1,531 6t RESTAURANT help wvýnted ful and part tim-e for resiaur- ant on 115 highwvay, Newv- castie-. Afternooin and niýhi shift aopen, No experier CE necesry, must have owi t-ransportation. Pihone 623- 7058 (no calîs betwveen 6-7:3C p.m.).29-1 H-ýAiRDRESSER wý;ant-ed full or part time for Artistic Beauty Salon. Gaod guaran- teed wages, plus the best commission and work con- ditiani. For mocre infarmation cail1725-871 0. 29-1 School Bus Drivers Charterway's Comnpan>ý Lited have a requiremen.t for respansible persans ta, train as schol bus drivers for the area of Bawm-anville, Oshawa, Whitby 1-nd Alax. Full training by quillif ied persan. Cost of license paid by campany. Far interview cail: Charterwayýs Company Lirnited, 248 Simpson Ave., 623-3811 or 723-7171 29-1 EXPERýIENCED construction baokkeeper, required im- mrediateiy. Fii set of books plus 'Trial balance. Phaone 623-4900 for appaintment. 29-1 UNLIMITE D opportunities. Earn a fuil Urnne salary on a part-time- basis. Phone 576-6479 for details. 29-1 Town of Newcastle The Town of Newcastle re'- quires e Parking Meter Attendent to a perol the park- ing meters n the municipal- ity, and othe.r reieted duties. Pleese senid ail perticulars by Aug ust Ilst, 1975 ta: - J.M. Mdîlray, A.M.C.T. Town r.Clerk 4,Teraperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario4 CHAROLAIS-Crass heifers due ta freshen or with calves. 623-3552. 29-2 YOUNG Budgies for sale. 623-3132. 29-1 REGISTERED quarter horse, three years aid, good with chiidren. Cail after 5, 1-983- 9435. 29-1 LAYING hens for sale. Leg- horns, 75c a hen. Phon'e 983-9281 Orona. Aiso cages. 29-x EXPERIENCEiD welders wyanted, please apply in per- Son. Nesting Furniture Orono 983-5,192. 29-1 EXPERIENCED truck driver wanted. Please apply in per- son ta Nesting Furniture, Orono. 983-5192. 29-1 RIDE ta Toronto, weekdeys. To arrive in Toronto before 8:30 e.m. Phone 623-3288. 29-1 Shop Foremian Large. bus company re- quires the service of a I icensed garage shop foreman ta assume the responsibility for maintenance of a fleet of buses. This job requires a persan who can organize a work force, be conversant with purchasing of parts and supplies and the maintenance qf records. Remuneration and benefits in accordance with experience and qua lifications. For Interview contact: Charterways Co. Mt. 248 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-3811 29-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0 F EDUCAtION Invites applications from qualified applicants for thje following position Educationa I Resources Technicia n at Clarke High Schooi Duties tpcommence September 1, 1975 The successful applicantwil be responsible for: 1. Assisting the Librarian in cataloguing and general duties in the Library. 2. Assisting teachers in the preparation of learning mnaterials, especially in media services. 3. Co-rdinating the servicing, repa irs, order ing and storage of ail school media equipm-ent. 4. Organizing teacher work- shops on the presentation and use of resource mater- ials in the school. QUALIFICATIONS: 1Graduation tram a recog- nized technician's course, from a College of Applied Arts and Technology or related equivalent training and experience. The Educational Resources Technicien wauld be responsibie to the Principal of the Schooi and'would be empiayed for 12 months wîth annuai vacation tenure sub- ject ta annuel review. Pleese apply in wrlting immnediately stating qualifi- cations, experience, refer- ences and telephone number ta: Mr. J. Syivestervich, Vice-Principal, Clarke High School, R.R. 2, Newcastle LOA 1HO Teiephone: 416-987-4842 (Schooi> 416-723-6797 (Homne> E.M. Creighton, W. F. Thom, Chairman Director. 29-1 ,STU DEN TS under 18, for hand hoeing at Brookdale Kingsway Nursery. Apply in persan or telephonie 623-3345. 29-1 RELIABLE babysitter for 2 pre-schooiers. Phone 623-4325. 29-1 Ontario Ministry of Revenue Durhamn Regional Assessment Office Wh 'itby Vacaricy: Clerical1 Stenographer 2 REQUIREMENTS ï. Acceptable high schoollevel or an equiva lent combirntion of education and experience. 2. Shorthand, Dictaphone and Typing. 3. Ability ta communicate with general public. 4. Minimrum of two years experience. SALARY RANGE $130.63 -$153.22 per week. (S;em-i-annuai increments) NOT E This competiion is open to both men and women. This competition closes on July 22nd, 1975. Applications in wriing ta: Mr. W. H. Parnell, AsesetCommissioner, Durhamn Assessment Office, 60.5 Rosslenýrd Road East, Whtby, Ontario. 29-1i WE buy and seni everything and pay cash. Cail day or night 725-9783. Friendly FIea Mearket, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-tf We 13UY Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 t? Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecklng Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 623-5756 Res idence 623-7112 45Mt s.. e Permanent Heir Removal 90 SiMcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 UmmGE 44-tf PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tf Ear piercing service, Dan Hooper. Phane 623-5747 for appointment. 7-tf, s e sut 'n isuri Beauty Shop ipen 6 days a week, Thursdaý and Friday evenings. Neý Saturdlay summer hours, 7-ý o'clock last eppaintment., Ser ior citizens 10 per cent off al heir do's Monday, Tuesdaý and Wednesdlay' only. Cal 623-5019 or 71 King St. 'E. Bowmanviile. 29-, In order ta enable aur stal ta enj oy the summer, Harr) Locke T.V. wiIl be closed al day Monday and Wednesda) during July and August. 27-1 Dr. Anfossi's office will bt closed JuIy 28 ta Augusti inclusive. 29-, 1, Wiifred Patter, 15 Nels? St., Apt. A, Bowmanville, wii no longer be responsible fo debts ncurred bvrMY wifE Joanne Patter, f rom this datE July, 9 , 1975. 2 Bowmanvi lie Concept Plan The Council of the Townc 'Newcastle invites written sut missions fromn any intereste r ersons or organizations r( ating ta the Bowmanvill .Concept Plan, as presented2 Bowmanvilîe Hig h School o Juiy 3rd, 1975. Copies of the Concept Pla wi0l be available for viewing i two locations; th Newcastl Town Hell, located et 4 Temperence Street, Bowmiaî ville, and the Planning DE partment, lacated in th Municipal Offices, Iocated c Scugog Street in Hamptor Caopies of the Concept Pie wi l be ave hable for purcheE et these locations et e costc $3.00 per copy. AIl briefs shouîd be submittei by August 8th, 1975, ani should be addressed ta: Horace R. Best, Secreétary, Planning Advisory Comm ittee, MAunicipal Offices, HAMPTON, Ontario. 9 1 . » 1963 MERCURY window van, needs somne work. As is. Best offer. 623-7542. 29-ix 1972 CHEVROLET Impala Air conditioned. After 4 p.m. 4 Duke Street. 29-1 1972 LE MANS Sport, 2 dr. hardtap, bucket seats, 350 engine, power steering and. brakes, tape deck, new paint job, very good condition. Certif ied 1-983-5261. 29-1 x 1974 750 HONDA - 1500 miles, new condition, under warran- ty. Phone Newtonville 786- 2U0, Stewart. 29-1 1955 BUICK Century, excel- lent condition, 28,000 original miles, car manuaI included. Phone 1-983-9517. 29-1ix 1971 FORD Marquis two door hardtap, 400 motor, good condition. 1-986-41246. 29-1 1974 MONTE CARLO "S". V-8, automnatic, power steer- igand brakes, vinyl top, Irdial tires etc. 21,000 miles, excellent condition, certif ied. Phone 263-2175. 29-1 1973 CORVETTE Stingray, yellow, 350, 4speed. 1-983-5703. 29-1 '66 CHEV. 1/2 ton 283, auto- matic, radio, custom cab, fleetside aluminum cap, in- sulated and paneled inside wi!th light and clearance lights on camper. 725-5151. 29-1 x 1971 MONTE CARLO 350, 300 H.P., 4 speed. GoQd shape. CaIli2-02 8p. m. 29-1 x RELIABLE adults would like country house ta ent. Within commuting distance o? Oshiawa. 1-705-292-7121. 29-4x GET CS OA FOR OLD APPLIANCE.S TIIROUII ,S TA TE SM A N CL1,A S S 1 FI ED S se of ?d id Saturday, Juiy 19th - Giving up farming. Pinehurst Farm ispersai - Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements. The property of Paul Morgan, Lot 18-19, Con. il, SmithTwPl 4 miles northeast of Bridge- north on Selwyn Road, and 1/2 mile ,north (at north end ot' Centre Line of Smith). 83 head of Charolais and Angus cattie, purebred :Angus bull, barn March 20,l 1973; 34 Charolais and Angus mature cows witth 25 Charolais and Angus cal ves by side - remainder due -time of sale, 7 Charolais and Angus heifers 1 yr. old, 12 Charolais- steers 1 ta 11/2 yrs. aid, 4 Charolais steers 2 yrs. aid, 1967 A-C Dl17 gas tractor, new motar, like new with A-C manure loader, 1968 A-C D14 gas tractor, good with A-C nouser, Case model S gas tracte, John Deere 385 hay bine PTO 9', A-C 3-14's trip beam plough 3pt, M.H. 22 run combination seed drill, John Deere 7' trail type power mower PTO, 1962 G MC 1/2 ton truck with stack racks, 1974 John Deere post bale digger, 1966 Rambler car, 1968 Rambler station wagon, lifter carrier and 150' of track, steel roofing, chain saw, skill saw, full fine of machinery. Large quantity of miscellaneous household items. Terms cash. Na reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctianeer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 28-2 Special Livestock Auction, Saturday, Juiy 19, 1: 00 p.m.,at Peterborough Livestock Sale ,Arena,, Peterborough. Selling 60 lots of recorded Charolais femaies and three Purebred bulîs. Many cows have calves at foot and are rebred. Also 15 grade Charolais and Hereford caws with calves. A real opportunity ta add ta your Charolais, herd or upgrade your commercial herd. A list of recorded cattle available fram Auctianeers. Credit available on most cattie. Guest consignors: John McHattie, Gary Hadwyn, Lar- ry Leahy. Auctioneer: Steve Liptay, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. 416-263-2117. 29-1 8 BOARDING, reasonable rates,, pick-up and dellvery Auction Sale Grist Miii Auction Barn Newtonvi lie, July 1Bth, Friday 7:00 p.m. Selling ail kinds of furniture, appliances, and antique items every *Friday night. Stapleton Bros. Auctioneers 786-2244 29-1 Antique auction, selling -Saturday, August-9th at 12:00 a.m. sharp. Some of the f inest: Canadiana antiques ever to, be offered for sale in this area of Mr.* William Storesbergen, Centre St., Orono. Be sure to keep this date set aside. Full list of articles next week. Charlie Reid and Cliff Pethick, auctioneers. 29-1 Auction Sale for Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKee, Concession Four of Manvers Township, lst road north of Pontypool, then west off 35 highway, Saturday, July 19, 1975. AIl their household effects: 30" Findley stove, 13 cubic foot Beatty fridge, 25 cubic foot deep freeze, Kenmore dryer - New, 23" black and white T.V., six piece solid oak dîning room set, with round table and leaves; small china cabinet, couches, chrome, table, odd chairs, dressers, old desk, chesterfield and chair, 30" mattress, 2 la-rge picnic tables, old gramophone, dishes and odds anai enais. baie time 1 p.m. Terms Cash. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 29-1 Auction sale ýat Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon,* one mile east of Enniskillen, Saturday night July 26. Don't come this week, come -next. Furniture and things. Sale time 7 o'clock. Look at the date. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 29-1 Auction Sale, July l91th, 1: 15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in village of Bewdley consisting of single spool bed, chests of drawers, kitchen cabinets, dlock, set of four kitchen chairs, dishes, glassware, o11 lamp, R.C.A. Victor T.V., beds, chairs, tables and other items still being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 29-1 cen be eranged. Leeward Thursday, July 24 Kennels Registered. 705-277- > Auction sale of furniture and 2735. 24-tf antiques, also a garage full of smell goods, the property of G. BA S. ANCH Harry Phoenix, will be hel d in G. AR . RNCH the Villa ge o? Greenlbank (just Harseback riding $3 per hour. west of t he store) 3 kelvinator Our mnembers h i p iS Even fridges, 3 el ectric stoves, cheper wehav 9 12boxArmada tpright deep f reeze, staîls for rent, pîenty of roor* auebom at wa 3éred drydr Soecleî riding ring and imdlvi Quechae,3tevin duel corals tOr your conven1 sets, antique roll top desk, ience. $50 per month antique wriing desk with leeded glass in doors, qu. of CALL US ANYTIME dishes, bennington pie plate i ~and aoval dish (good) Ginger- 623-4027 19-fl bread clock, 2 mantel cdocks, I creamn parlour stool, buffet a nd 6 dining room chairs, c 1 l L antique round parlour table, antique jaques and Hayes 4- S t b OWN . pc. settee set, ýetc. Electric: EQUESTRIAN pipe threader, copper piping, TRAINING CENTRE new condenser unit for deep LARGE INDOOR ARENA freeze, 10 electric motors,; BOARDING Gbo-Pot, large qu. of brass- fittinfgs, hundreds ýof smnall- instruction in La articles. Note the things in thel Equitation garage will be sold first.- Jumping Terms cash, sale et 1: 30 e.m - Dressage Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Scholin of untýs &Jumers Ph. (705) 357-3270. 14-1--oL in Huniers& Sump29- RR 3 BOWMANVILLU b23,7IJ MODERN, one bedroom heated apartment with 'bal. cony, close ta l.G.A. Available Aug . 1 . Phone 623-7664. - 29-1 x ONE bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included. Parking space for car, center of town. Caîl John F. DeWith Keai Lstate, Bowmianville, 623-3950. 29-1 FURNISHED bec.jomns by month, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premises, Ireasonable: rates. Castle' Hotel, Bowmanviiie 623-7072. si-ti- ONE bedroom epartment, suitable for aduits, heated, centrai location. Available August lst. Caîl 623-2312 or 523-2453. 29-1 TWO bedroom, heated apt., central location. Cali 623-2672 after six. 29-lx TENT traiter, sleeps 4, $35 weekly. Phone 263-2786. 29-1 x COTTAGE near Bon Echo, 3 bedraoms., Caîl 623-5227. 25-tf Auction Sa le Private Estate Property of Mr. T. Contais, 160 Brock St. E., Oshawa, ta be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, on Thursday, July 17 et 6 p.m. Electric stove, chrome suite, sing le continental box spring and mattress, portable hand. made ber, coffee and end tables, chest of drawers, large dresser, Viking automatic washer, portable TV, two 9 x 12 rugs, color TV, brawn swivel rocker, colonial arm chair, portable closet, sewing machine, iibrary table, din-- ing oomcharstable lamps, dishe, kithen ppliances. Reason for sale - movin gta mobile home , aIl furnitre welcome. Sale every Tuesday and Thursday et 6 p.m. Salesroom open Mondey ta Friday 7 - 9 p.m. In business over 22 years. Estate sales welcome. My les King Auction- eer and Crtage. Phone 725-5751. 29-1 RESULTS COUNT! Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Sal-urday, Julylî9 Auction salé of , furniture, antiques, dishes, and miscel- laneous specials the property of Jack Bunker, will be held in the Village of Goodwaod et Hwy. 7 and County Rd. L.A., 5 m les north east of Stouffviiie or 7 miles south west, of Uxbridge. Pine fiat back cupboard with glass doors, Pine schoolmaster's desk, chickencoop chairs, Boston racker, Jacques and Hayes settee, (walnut), Pine flour chest, cane, bottom chairs, rockinq chairs, wicker fern- ery, captain's chair, pine blanket box, piano stool, oriental display cabinet (mother of pearl inlay), swivei office chair, ice cream, stools, table model victrola (oak case), drap leaf table, Victorian perlour table, pine cradie, dressers, wash stands, store couniter, and many other pieces of furniture. Beaver sealer, true fruit sealer, coal ail lamps, butter bowl and print, copper boiter, buli's eye lamp, bress bell (1878)1, brass jardinere, cracks, wicker doîl1, carniage, iran kettie, copper tee kettle, milk cans, ail palntings, apple peeler, Gin- gerbread dlock, cest iran mirror, (very unusual), woad en pump, aid books, Statutes of Ontario 1800's, pink and white toilet set, moustache cup and saucer, iranstone pitcher and cham ber, hanging amp (peinted shecie) with prisms, 4 pc. set butter, sugar, creemer ana spooner, eladdin iamp, Gone with the Wind iamp base. Many, many other pieces a? antique glass and china. Terms cash, sale at 12:00 noon sharp. Owner is moving, plan ta attend- this odantiqlue sale. Reg and Sarry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. 29-1 Auction Sale of household items and antiques, Thursdey, Juiy 1T, 6:30 p.m. for Miss Irene Rinch, 59 Miil St. N., Newcastle, next north of Fire Hall. Consists of antique dresser, wash stand, tables, wicker set, iran bed with brass top, dishes, fiatware, jardin- ieres, flower pots, rugs, tools, and meny ather useful arti- cles. Terms, Cash. Ciiff Peth- ick, auctioneer. 28-2 Executîve Farm 3 miles eest of Oshawa city/ limits, 55 acres. 4 bedroon' ranch style brick' bungalow, ettached garage, paved drive, iarge barns, ail in exçcelent condition. Nicely iendsçaped,' yeer around streamn, original awner retiring. Must be seen ta be epprecieted. Asking $1 85,000.00. Not overpriced. Cali Ciare McCuilough, Oshawa 576-3060 or Bowman- ville 623-3393. 29-1 Storey dnd ad hait home, large drive shed ettached with 3 acres pf land. No. agents please. Write Advertlser, Box 553, c-o Canadien Statesmean, Box 190, Bowmanville. Ontario. 29-lx Saturday, July 26th- Fat-m Soid - Auction Sale of Live- stock and Implements. The property of Tom W. Lawson, Lot 4, Con. 9, North Monaghen Twp.-, 1 mile south of Hwïys. 7' and 28 et Peterborough bypess on Hwy. 29and 1 mile east or 1 mile north of Hwy. 115 and 28 and 1 mile east. 68 head of recorded and grade Charolais cattie, 34 Charolais cows with 34 celves by side, 3 -31 recorded, 5 - ',2 recorded, 1972 M.F. .1080 diesel trector 81 H.P. with cab, heater, cheins, multi-power, fuliy equipped; 1974 M.F. 165 diesel tractor, 8 speed transmission, fuiiy equipped, 160 hrs.,; 1968 Ford 4000 diesel tractor,pwe steerîng complete with Free- man Industriel manure loader with 5' manure bucket and 3/ yard grevel bucket; 1964 Int. 93 seif-propelled combine 10' header like new, 1974 Chev. 11/2 ton truck with 350 motor, 16000 GBW, 12' x 8' stock rack complete,,1974 M.F. 124 Baier PTO new type - high capecity, 1974 Ailied automatic stooker with' hydrauiic, motor and hases, 1974 George White forage wagon, 16' self-unload- ing with 12 Ton gearing - floatation tires. Turnco self- unloading forage box with 12 t6n gearing and floatetion tires. 1975 Brillion Cullopak and grass seeder, (new). 1974 Int. 45 vibre shank 17' drag cultivator with wings, 1973 M.F. 880 5-16's semi-mount hydraulic reset plough, 1973 George White field spreyer 3 pt. 180 gai. 30' booms PTQ. 1968ý Cockshutt tandem disc 16', 1973 A-C fora ge blower with 50' 0f pipes PT O, 1971 A-C 2 raw, 780 forage -hervester PTO. with corn head, grass pick up, and zero grazing head. 1962 GMC 3,tan tr-uck with telescope hoist and rack, M. F. 7' snow blawer 3 pt. PTO 1974 John Deere 4 row pîateless corn planter, 1975 Allied fertilizer spreader 3 pt. PTO," 1974 George White 17' hay elevator with undercer- niage, 1974 Allied 4 ýsection flexible harrows with evener, 1972 Smaiiey hemmer mii full-Iine of modemn power machinery. 5000 bales af 1975 ha y, 3000 baies 1974 hay, 1500 bales of straw, 1 ton of Kentucky blue grass'mixture, 10 bags of seed corn, 3 - 5 gel. cens ofSuten. Migarvan sîeb side 16 x 60' tamn down. An exceptioal sale. Plan to attend. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale et 11:00 a.m. Cettle sale et 2:30,p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea bora, Ont. 705-324-9959. 28-3 REAL.TQR 623-2503 ORONO triplex, a good in- came property on Main Street near the park, large lot. O".,er anxious, make an ofter. CADMUS: Take e drive and see two o? the most bea'utiful building lots eveilable, meny large s hade and fruit trees.' $22,000. eech. ORONO: 11/2 starey three bedroom home, separate din ing room, large veranide, stove, fridge and dryer in- cluded. $41,900. 00. 29-1 fREARTOR LELETATE LIMTED 181CHÏUR-CH STREET BOWMAANVILLE, ONTARIu' LIIC 1T8 623-4428 Pentypool and Hwy. 35 have ta off er a 5 bedroomn home on a 92 x 136 lot. Nice farm kitchen. Partial basement with walk- out. Asking only $28,900.00, Blackstock - 3 bedroom farm house. Broadloom throughout main floor. Full basement.' Smell shed. 340 ft. o? highway frontage. Asking $37,500.00 Newcastle - 3 bedroam brick bungalow on 60 x 200 ft. iandscaped lot. Rec. room. This home is spotlessly dlean. Do came and i'nspect todev. Asking $-54.900.00 29- Country living lovely 4 bedroom 11/2store.y home mn the Courtice aea, broadloo m throughaut, paved drive and carport, school bus at door, large lot well iandscaped. Cali ta see this one tadlay. gowinanville - good starter home in forth end area, P-' ~torey, 2 bedroomrs and sep' arate D.R., close ta school, asking $40,000 with terms. BoWmanville - 2 bedroomr bungalow on, il 2 acres zoned Iight industry, close ta creek, and Lake Ontarlo, access off the service raad, caîl for more information. Bowmanviiie - income proper- ty, legal duplex, close to school'and shopping, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, asking $43,500. Bill Waller - Mac Mc Dona Id Helen Mc Donald Port Perry 985-3680 623-7717, 623-7717 i29-1 Escapef0 the Country By acquiring this 5 bedroom bungalow, a guest cottage, small barn and workshop nestled amongst clusters af cedars for privecy. On the most scenic 2 acres with small stream and poand. Located on gbod roed just east of Oronïo. Asking $67,000.00. Cali Elfie Jost. Perkway Crescent- Bowmanville Sparkiing 3 bedroom brick home with cheery kitchen andi dinette. Rec roam has cedar rail bar. Large fenced yard feetures' coral pool with ceramic tile. Asking $63,900. Cali Audrey Plain. Outskirts Oshawa Move right in and enjoy this lovely 3 bedroam brick bungalow an large 80 x 270 lot witl~ heated in-ground pool. Lots of room for a garden. Paved circuler drive and garage. Home has waikout fram dining room and finished besement. Ail this for only $59,900.00. To show celi Elfie Jost. Bowmanville: Estete Sale- Commercial Exceptionai aider 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick home. Newiy renovated 19 x 14 kitchen. Speciaus rooms, 2 full beths. EasiIy converted ta original duplex as there are cupboards upstairs. Asking $54,500.00. Terms. Cali Phyllis McRob- bie. Orono Rural Lovely brick sidespiit. 4 bed- room home on beautifuily kept 100 x 150 ft. lot. Good garden., Atteched garage, finished rec roomn with f ireplace. Cedar deck tram dining room, eat-in kîtchen. Ail for $69,900.00. Cali Bill Turensky. Bowmanvi île Attractive semi with bey window, carport and wei landsceped. Four bedrooms with finished family raom. All, electric heat. Qwner moving east. Asking $47,500.00 with 8 3/ per cent mortgege. Cali Stew McTavish'. Starter Home - Orono Have a look et this neat and dlean 3 bedromr home in Oronio. 24 x 15 iiving-dining raom. Plumbing, furnace and wiring in new condition. Asking price $35,900 with terms. To show ceil Christa Winterhelt. Northwest Oshawa Buy this Oshawa home with 9 per cent martgage with easy monthly payments of $197.72 ta beat, inflation. 9, room becksplit. Owner has bàught and is anxious to seil beauti- fully decorated 4 bedroom home with many exras in- dluding femiîy room, panelied in knotty pine with rustic country firepiace. Asking 71,900.00. Cali Key Brown. Are You Considering a ,MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped ta handie - our home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A., *Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Yin 2.5 e 29-1 x fril' lits HOMES FROM $47,985 DOWN Features include: dlean Dpnai Electric Heat -Large family kitchen -Finlshed fa ml ly room -Completely broadloomed -11/ baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages Fully sodded lots Compîetely serviced Open for Inspection Trhis Weekend and DeilIY ALSO Open House at Newcasle Seturday &Sunday 1-4:30 Chaice of 2 Del-,uxe Models ta Choose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS BuMî by Division of Veltri 'a Son Limitedl WVell known for que lity construction and superior workmanmhl p. EXCLUSIV9, AQNTS-- Peter Kowa i Reat Estate& .lnsurance LUI. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvi-lle - Telephone 623-2453 P'EALTOD lakefront cottage, three years old, on lot 104 x 1,78. Bùckhorn areà; asking $19,000.00, Newcastle: Older 7 room 11/2 storey brick home, on sewer and water, service station on lot. A gcod location for business. Asking $74,900. Loveiy level lot, 1.8 acres bordering town limits.'Zoned comnmercial1. Pr iced at $37,500. OlçlIer style twvo-storey semi, in choice residential area of townr, pricedl for quick sale. Out of town, approx. 35 acres with gravel deposit and bush. Country Homne, 3 bedrooms, four-piece bath, forced-air ail furnace. On 9 acres fronting No. 2 Hwy. Cal[ for price and term s G. Brown 623-3702 J. Barton 623-3098 G. Beech 623-5265 P. Kowa I 623-5868 29-1 137 King St. E., BowmanV!Iie 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR Village Living, 5 bedroamns, sunporch and veranda, full basement, fireplace, lot 60 x 234. Asking $48,000. Ideel Starter Home, remnodel- led on inside, nice lot 85 x 259, close ta schools and shopping. $29,000 full price. $12,500. Full Price for. this 3 bedroom cottage, year round living on- Lake Ont., veranda, most furniture included in <asking price. 29-1 Stoney Lake '.38 tet of sandy bea chf excellent for swimminng, boat- ing and fishing. 501feet- has been cleared, hydro is ready and is waiting for you ta build your- dream cotta'ge only 18 miles tram Lakefield. Asking $14,5C00. Please cail Stepheni AIlbert for informration , 2421. BOWMAANVILLE Immaculate 1112 starey older home, 3 bedrooms, new bath- room, large lot with 18' ebove grdund pool, ideal famiîy home - only $39,900. Terms. BOWMA,3NVILLE Classic older brick home, excellenit re.sidential area, large landsceped lot, double ? arage, tamily room with ireplace -589,500. 29-1 jJOHN 234 King St. e.,Bo avll Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 URV'GEïNTLY REQUIREFDý! We have cash buyers for homnes in the Bowm-anville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dôllar? We'1l be pleased ta appraise it for you. and help you locate the "home o? your dreamrs". For friendlky efficient sale of your home, cal, P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennrett Rd~. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville,576-6120. 17-tf WANT TO KNOW HOW TO LIE -DOWN ON, THEJOB'? Orono, a nice place fa live, 201 tt. trontage, immaculate 3 bedroom home, stove, tridge, main floor laundry room, pilus garage, ail for only $43,500. Cai668-8848, John 'Rieger Reel Estatle, 29-1 S FINE QU ALITIr r"MONUME NT,AN .1-, MARKIERS R!ANK1 R mià * -. * s ucti n Sale 6232571 67 King St. E. Bowmanville Brick Bungalowi Courtice with Acres. Phone Toronti 1-763-2241 or Bowmanvîl! 623-7664 "Waveriy Gardei In Bowmanville Suilt by Marianne Developmei Your Oua rentee of Quality Construction

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