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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1975, p. 1

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Antique Cars Main Attraction Over thlle Weeken d 3- ay Sale Starts ýsy e Bowmainvillo Week is al- miost upon uIs and ovents are scbiediued for a11 ages, groups and initerests. Added to the 3-d ayý Sidewalk Sale is a Flea Market on tbe vacant lot next to tbe old Badminiton H1all. On Fridayv the l8tb, flot one, but two dainces are scbeduled - The, Kinsmon are hosting a gala tre dance on Temper- ance Street, ai around 8:00, featuring tbe 4:00 Mows. Proceeds fromi this refresh- meunt bcoot'i will go to Cystic Fibrosis. At die samern time, a Square dance is scbieduled for the I.GA. parking lot, with muitsic by Jim Coyle, so take your pick or visit botb. There will also be a cildren's ride on thie Bank of Montroal Liarkinig lot after, banking ours and an opportunîty to hiave an "Antimie Piefuiro" tlaken of yourself. This year's thieme will be "Return of the Fifties."I Final doe are beang okdou!t frtbe Pedestrian Malon T' praceStre,[ by 1he1Bo mnile ja!YCees. OnMoayvnigte2lt ial Prk ataround (6:30, pcedUp LbetyStreet to King. and west aogKing 9to) jhe Mai.hts oped ail servc clubs can participaýte anld any youngsterswibn to deýcor- ,ate jteijcyclesnd enter th mnra-do are w elco . Prizes fr the best decorated ones w.ill be donatod by Canaidian iTire, Bwmranvîlle Sports, Cylean Toys, and Westrn Tre.At the Mail, wili take plcwitb free cofeand donuts. OnTodythe 2ý2nd, aiBeer Gardoýn wil higbligbt the evonfing inutbe 'Malilfrorn about 5:00 pým. Wednosd 'ay, tbe Jaycettes (Turn to Page T'ýwo) Volume 121 15c Per, Copy BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JU-LY 16. 1975 28 Pages Numnber 29 Busy Dairy Princess Speaks at Lions Club Six Pigs, Several Rabbits Die in Fire ýekend, several of the area residents may have been startled to see antique cars rolling down, Bowmanville. These elegant restored cars were part of the 5th Annual Motor City Car Club awn Show anid Rod Tour. Over 100 cars competed for awards, prizes, aind, of course, low slung beauty, in the aboye photo, is the pride and joy of Jack and Peggy Pieknilk from ns, Michigan. The 1934 Ford Victoria hias had the top chopped and the body channelled, eral inches over the f rame.- Photo by Rick James Bd. of Education Urgés Cabinet Conlstruction Effect a Permanent Solution On Schedule To Traffic problem hy Jim Ctting Examinler Staff Writer When the Ontario Cabinet meets at Sir Sandford Flem- ing Colege in, Petorlborougb today, the y wîll consider tbe following brief from the Northumerand and New- castle Board of' Education: -The Northumberl!and and Newcastie Board of Education is pleased to tLake this oppor- tunity of impressing on mremi- bers of Cabinet the inc!rea-sinig traffic hazards associated witb the transportation of students ïto and from schoois with access roeadways joinedM directly to bausy hjgbhwayS. In particular, the Board is deeply concerned wjtb tbis problem as it relates to the Carke High School and the adjacent Pines Senior ElemnentarySchiool. 'These schools are located on the east side of Highwi,ýay 115 approximately two miles nortb of the interchange with ighiway 401. Daily transpor- tation is provîdied for tbe f ui enroîmh-ent comprised of 900 students ailrsiotin Cak Tonsip.Inservicing the sehools, b uses are required to turn from the higbtway onto the acc-ess r-oad a to)tal of 92 imes per week, and to make n Hwy 115 the samie numnber of turns on reentering the biigbway on their return journeys. Wbîile lf t turnis across oni-corming traffic wvould appear- to pre- sent, the ms-svrhazard, tne time required for accel- eration or deceleration is; a serious contributing factor in ail instances. "Hgwy115 is a major tr-affic arter-y bisecting Clarke Township and providing Cen- tral Ontario wt a connlecting link between lIligliway 401 and Peterborough, Lindsay and tbie Kawarthia resort area. Condfitioned by, the speed limiit (Turn to Page Two) Refusai To ,Accept 26% Offer- AmoUSEces0B00rd ta mnv Toto! Hours -Téàthers T'he Northumnbeîia-nd - New MýOTORCYCLIST HURT castie Board of dcto Moorylit oert Bar- Tlursday dfiscussed îestablisb- 1 ko, Austin Crt., Oshawa, îing apoicy stting Out tbe st, %~~icghtlyinjued yester- bours od a xw0okngday. ry -q onKig St. Eas, whvenTse adnstration was re- to b rled to avoid a col1ision questod to bring in a repo)rt on thi with a vehiclýe driven h1y the numrber of hours a teacber Po Mjyrna Goswell, 35 Ontarlo sbould put in scbool eacbl day 1 St. BowmaanvislleHowas after somfe ciiimwas w( iding behind theGowl voiced that teachers wer-en't ab car and attempting to pass availabeleutogivestuents ar when th.e car mkade a rigit extra assistance near the end di turn. IBis motocycekni of the scbol day.1 ont from unnder hlm anidlho Director of Education, "IN injued one kMe. COns. Don Frank Thomn explained tbat to Anderson investigated. (Turn, to Page '1wo) i fes tigat e Work REFCYCLED BALLS-, RecenItlyv, somne of the afi at Bowan iCout- yClub deie twas timec useeho many golf halls ey could recoýver from the ond on) the third 'Iole. After not too intýensive a wý)k party, they extractedj bout 2-,00 and belie-ve thiere ebotanother 1,0i0 heY dr;'t find. AS one emerquipped. NJow, they'Il seil them back Dus and we'l l knock themi ight Iin again." Pretty Up King Street with Flowers On Tuesday eveniïng, John Pogue Manager of the Toronto-Domiion bank branch here, and President'of the dhambeIr of Commerce did his bilt towardl beautifying Kinig St. Vie was ably assisted by his son Michael who was ceebrating his 13th birthday and Paul Sheehan, oni ban from iMcGregor Hardware. They went up and dow7n the street instalilinig hanginig pots of colorful flowers denatedi by Rekker's Nuirsery atiMale rove. TVhe flowers should add a nice touch for the Sidewalk Sale, but there's a catch. Merchantïs are asked to look after watering themcr each day it doesn't ramn. Public School building con- struction is on sched'ule, according to a report received by the NorthumbnLerIand and Newcastle Bd. of Education [ast week. The painter is behind, but wl increase bis forces to be caught up in à week to a week and a haif. A change order was ap- proved for the building a- mnounting to $794.90, for an exhaust faný and other itemns flot included i the origfinal contract. It was recommended that c-able te-levision service be prov-ided at thie schiool) by Pinie Ridge Cable TV for the complete installation charge of $493-7. There is to be no monthly service charge and nt) aerial I's required. TENNIS AT DARINGTOIN An derieen nthis eiinadvises that tennis courts have been laid ont in the new Darl1iington sports Cenitre at Hampton, wv'ith ethulsiastic players. They coufld ýuseeven more to take adivantage of the fine facil- ities. by Lîz Armstrong Between milking a berd of Hoîsteins, twice a day, and travelling to Osbawa Io work at the Cripplod Cildreil's Centre, Nancy Knox of R R- 1, Hamton, maintains a bectic schdle., These past miontbs sbe's been even busier; on t op of tbe farm cbores and hor summer job, she bas addition- ai duties to fulfili as Durbam County's Dairy Princess. Monday evening, Miss Knox was guest speaker at the Lions C-lul Centre i,. Bowmanvilie where sho presented a 1i'ively description of bier role as Princess to the gatbered club members. (Turn to Paýge Two) 80 ONTAR 1SC0 LR There %wýere 80 Ontario Schiolars in secondary' schi(ools in the Northumber- land and New-ýcastlic area this year, the board was in- formied last vmeek-. Ontario Scholarships are awarded to studfents whio complete at least six grade 13 subjects in one year with an average mark of 80ý per cent or better in their besýt six subjects. The monetary value of the scholarship i"s $ 100JO Each Ontario Scholar iIl also receive a letter of con- gratulations fromi the ofc of the Director of Education. Building Rebounds Wilth 450 Permifs Issued During '75 After experiencing a slump enrler in tbe year, the building business in New- castle bas rebounided, accord- ing to a building statistics report for tbe montb oi June. 'Che value of building per- mits issued last m,,onitb was almost $2,7 million. $1.6 mil- lion more than the amount for dune of 1.974. Th'le total numnber of dwel- lîng units started increased to 233, compared to 204 for the samoe period iast year. $8-3 million was the total cost value f'or the first six months of 1975, just $300,000 lowver than the figure in 197,, despýite 4 ncomr ciîal and industrial building Tlhe cost of obtaininig por- mits in Jtne '75 was $8,M8, Up i ~ PIECESI GALA WEEK - Between thffe Bowmanville merchants, the Chamber of Commerce, The Kinsmen and the recently1 formied Jaycees, the week aheai is shaping up tO be a busy one, with the Sidewalk Sale starting tomorrow and the other entertaining events continuing all next week, climaxed by the Kinsmen Carnival. We haven't heard how the entries are pouring in for their Beauty contest. Good-looking gals . .. and there are lots of them around., . . shoul d get in to the contest now! Our girli-watchinig male photographers are looking forward to it. AXE FALLS THURSDAY - We haven't heard how couincil made out in th--eir appeal to the pro- vince for help to make the upcoming budget more palatable or equitable, but probably will learni the outcome on Thursdaiy afternoon at 1:45 when a meeting is scheduled one the sub- Jeet. It will be held in the conmmitee room- at the old town hall, with representatives from the province present to discuss the problems. Tax- payers in some of the areas threatened with 1large increases might try praying. BIG WI NNER - We've heard of two local winners in the Wintario lottery drawn last Thursday. H. B. 'Fibber' McGee, President of Specialt-y Paper Products, Temperance St., won $10,000 and Velma Gay on Marr's Jewellery staff won $100. This is the second win for Mr. McGee. He was in an Olymipic Lottery pool with eight others and they won $5,000. Now, he figures good things corne in threes and the million Olympie jackpot should be the next one. We wish him lulck. LONG WAY OUT- Finally, those missing Hampton copies of The Statesmian turned up last week after an- interesting side trip to Hampton, New Brunswick. To miake certain it doesn'i happen again, speicial labels have been made for the mail bags with Hampton, Ontario prinited large and clear. ANOTHER SUMMONS - You may recaîl that recently the Tow,în of Newcastle received a summons from thbe CitLy of 'Ottawa for one of the town's trucks that was supposed to have parked illegally or been speeding some monîths ago. The vehlicle -had neyer been anywhere near 0Ottawa. The following week, George Moore of Colliss Electric had the samne experience with one of his vehicles that also hadn't been to Ottawa. We realize they nieed money down there, the way Trudeau and hisi 'boys are spending it, but that's going a bit too far. SHORT IN fRAMP - The electrical wires that he-at up the ramnp at the fire hall so the snÊow wïil et developed a short reenitly and a crew was oný hand MVonday digging and chýeckîing with instruments. TIhey must have located the break, everything is now back to normial, ready for the snow to fail. from $3,454 the saine iontb ias yoar. Total permit cost tIis, year is $26,254, compared to $23,324 for thie initial six montbis of 1974. Tl'le nurnber of permnits issued bas increased fromn 426 last year to 450 in 1975. ATTACK 4APANESE FIRM They are blowing up quite a Storm in Coýbourg with the gale for-ce winds goingý ail the wvay to Japani. Recently, Featherlite Leisure Products Ltd. closed its doors, leaving about $89,628.9M)0 owing local- liyepresident of a local printing company stucek for $8114,decided tu do something about it when thm company' voffered Io pay its creditors .30c on the dollar. Feath;erlite is awhl- owned subsidiary 0of Mitsu- bishi Canada Lim-iited, part of one of the world's largest inïdustrial enterprises. Hayn-îes and bis group have sent a b)Listerinig cable toj the bond office in Tokyo, hoping to shame the multi- national corporation inito paying full %value for, its bankrupt baby's failure. It romnains to ho seen w-,hat the 'honorable' folks la Tokyo will do. Ah sol 1%0 5 REs tc A large storage shed at the rear of Samn Fanaro's home, R..!, VHampton,. burned to the groundi early Tuiesda-y evening, with the loss estimated at between $8,000 and $10,000. Icue in the loss were six pigs, a number of rabbits,' several'piec-es of equipment such as a tractor, mowers and miscellaneous tools. BowmanIville firemen were at the scene for miore than three hours. Ini this picture, fromq lef t to right, firemen Ron Carter, -Bruce Goudy, Wayne Harrison and Johni Lyle try to control the flames. -No cause hias been established for the blaze. The building was insured. ored Cars fromP--ýast Leave Resîdents Am-azed Motor('City TCar Club's tb Annual Rod Run la now h istory, and tbanks to the good weatber, was a groat success. The event, held last week-end, attracted 105 entries. Street Rods from Micbigap, New, York,' Quebec and Ontario gatbered at the Flying Dutcb- man Motor Inn for a week-end of shows, tours and. good times. Paul Hrto"ýn of Quebec Citydrove bis Pinto powered 1923 Ford Roadster 485mie to participate, and was re- warded wîtbi the loni-gest dis- tance tropby,. On Saturday, witb the ce- oporation of 'the Durham Regional Police, the cars made thecir way tb)rough'- downtwn Obawato 'the Witbyl-, Malil for a show witb the carson dîsiay thte curious tbrýon-gs. From there, the cars rambled throughi the scenitc counrtryside on a tour wbicb direw ý,astonisbecd looks of disbelief fromi residenits (Turn to Page Two) NOT SA ME SERMNON Rev. Ed, Sbmronof St. PaUI's Uniued Church m ad(e reereceto the Stateman dmast unday morning ie e ssured bis congregation that con- trary to theadvertîisem-ent in the paper, ho was not goin to preach the sanie sermon as the ireek beore. Apparentiy te advt.listed thes ile for wo weks PIease note ta this 'Sunday the i tl bas een cbýanged and reads, The Littie Foxeb Eunergy". Superb Lions Club Chefs in; Action Sunday Morn Several Lions Club -memnbers are becmig irt at chefs, a least when it comiiýes to okn pancalkes and sausages. On Sunday mor ni ýn, te eei cinsevn rafs ohngyonr n re w ho w ereSat ten ding th e a5th1Anna l d u n here 0à t '.1 large n àumýiber-of 1l-c a1 Ï zliens lstrnd uttoSée the cars and have breakfast. The cooiýs shown here include from right to left, Carso-n Eliott, Bill Sutherland, Russ Oke, Rance Dilling, Bruce Lush and Bob Kent, -Photo by Ricýïk Jaýmes ~~ht tn4ba ~t~eimn ý

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