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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1975, Section 2, p. 4

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1 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, July 16, 1975 Section Twý,o Agric;ultmural Nw Canada Farmn Labour Pocol We biave been informed by Mvr. Leo 'MacDonald, Manager of the Canîada Farmn Labour Pool office in Cobourg, fhat a branch office of the Farmn Labour Pool will be opened in Bowmnanville at 7A Division Streef, Phone No. at the office will be 623-3880. Farmers in the area, especially vegefable and orchard people can con- tact tbe office for their part-fime and harvesf labour belp. A, lady aftbe office will be 'on hand f0 fake ah the information required and put you in fouch wvifh the proper people. Anyone inferested in parf-time or harvest work with farmers in the area, sbould gef nin ouch witb the Canada Far-m Labour Pool office in Bwavhe Ontario Beef-Caif Income Stabilization Program1 The Ontario Provincial Gov- ernment bas announced a vol- untary Ontario Beef-Caîf in- comle Stabilization Program f0 become effective July 15, 1975. The announcement was made in fbe provincial legis- lafure on b ebaîf of the Minister of Agriculture and Food, the Hon. William A. Sfewart, by Hon. Eric Wink- er, Chairman of the Manage- ment Board of Cabinet. The program will forma the firsf p arf of fbe Farm i ncome ftabilizatfion thrust as an- nounced in fhe Provincial Budgef Speech on April 7, 197ý. In making the announce- ment, Mr. Winkler sfafed fbaf under the new Beef Caîf Income Stabilizafion Pro- gramr, fhe Ont ario Govern- menf bas two objectives: (a) f0 stabilize the income of recognized beef caîf pro- ducers in Onfario, (2) f0 encourage a confinuing steady supply Of Ontario- produced beef. The program is long-t ermn in They Had a Bail et Lions Centre Pic yground scope, wifhi the major empbia- sis being on fhe benefits wbvicb will accrue f0 those producers who plan f0 continue in beef caîf production over several years. An income stabilization fund will be creafed wbhereby ail recognized beef caif pro- ducers in Ontario will qualify for the j oint1-govern ment pro- grain on a voluntary basis for an) initial five-y'ear period. Botb the farmier and the Provincial Governmenf would make annual contributions f0 the fund. Paymenfs info and from tbe fund will approx- imafely balance over the five-year period. Tbe weigbted average mar- ket price becomnes a vital stafisfic in the producer pay- ouf under tbe programi. The weigbfed average price for Onfario-produced calves wîll be esfablisbed each year at several principal selling c ints in Ontario during eptember, October and November. If the weigbited average market price of stocker calves falîs below the guaranfee, a payment for the difference will be made fo parficipating producers. Pro- ducer payments fromn the fund will be made on a per-cow basis f0 make if consistent witb the premiums which wîll be collecfed on a per cow basis. A paymient will be made for eachi cow regisfered in the programn. A variefy of factors will defermiine the payout per cow: the minimum prîce guarantee esfablisbed, the weigbfed average market price, tbe number of calves from 100 cows, and fhe average caîf weighf. In the Ont ario Beef Caîf Income Sfabilization Program,. pay- menfs will be based on a 450-pound caîf and an 85 per cent caîf drop. A prîce guaranfee of 50c a pound bas been esfablished for stocker t Howto0 Wbether voit smell as sweet as a r'ose or as strong as ripe ebeese makes a big difference fo other people. Buf a bee thiat's bent, on stinging, >couldni't care less. To bee brains any perfume mneans a flower, even if ifs source is a person and nof a petunia. The buzzers are equallY turned on by per- spiration, offen findin ga prime targef underneafh a sweaty wafchband. This is the fime bees sfarf buzzing around your bare spots. However, vou can save yuourself hours of imisery by tbwarfing the stingers before they oufsmart you. A few simple rules, offered by fhe Minîstry of Nafural Resources, couid save your bide. - Wear ligbf-colored, smooth- finisbied 'clofbing. Beekeep- ers, (altbougb fhey do gef, STEWART COMPLETES HIEARING AID SEMINAR Jack Sfewarf of Belfone Hearîng Aid Service, ý849 Alexander Court, Peter- borough, Ontario, the local aufhorized dealership for Bel- fone Electronics Corporation, bas complefed a fîve-day Nafional Advanced Hearing Aid Seminar. The seminar was conducfed by Chicago-based Belfone, world leader in hearing aids and elecfronic hearing fest insfrumenfs, During the five days, a select group of' personnel serving wifb Beltone's net- work of approximately 400 authorize d dealerships located througbout fthe U.S. and Canada, sfudied fhe lafesf techniques in serving the hard-of-heçiring The program was presented by a faculty thaf included several mem- bers of Belfone's top manage- ment, plus oufside authorifies in'the f ield of hearing and bearing tesfing. Prevent Bee stung on occasion), wear white coveralîs or khaki pants and shirts for pro- tection. -Don'f use hair oul, pomnades, or perfumes. Stinging insects love 'em. Tbey fhink per- fume, wbefber behind an ear or in a flower, is a source of food. If abee lands on you and you slap if, if may sfing lin self defence. -Take daily bafhs and show-- ers and wear clean clofbing. Sweat stirs be'esUp -Cover u% Bikinis Lk good on fhe each buf not near hees. Wear ankie bigb shoes, wbite cotton socks, wben walking in fields. Keep bees ouf of your hair by wearing a sfraw bat' or ligbt-coiored 1 kerchief. , - Keep away from wîldilow- ers. Plants need pollinafion and bees need food. They go fogether. -Run if affacked. Bees chase you if their nesf is disturbed. Find cover fast. Indoors is besf. -If one bee bofbersyou. Lie on tbe gound, if possible, face Stings down. Bees often sting around the eyes and head. When driving and a bee flues tbrough the window, Slow Down and pull over fo b shoulder of the road. TheL is looking for an escîipe hatch and will be gone soon if you open ail windows. As the heighft of the holiday season approaches, and many famnilles go camping in o,,. forests or along the watert, incidents of people being stung by bees and wasps will rîse. It's besf to be careful at ai fimes when in the vicinify of stinging insects. Some people are exfremely allergic f0 bee stings and need medical help fast. Others have a milder reaction. A simple first aid treatment prior to getting medical help is to remnove the stinger, if the insect bas not withdrawn if, by scrapîng if ouf wifb a steril- ized knife. To ease fhe pain use a compress of common baking soda, slighfly moisten- ed with cold wafer. No basebails or footballs were delivered on opening day to Sylvia Bosgra's summier recreation group at th~e Lions Centre. Above, the children played 'Farmer in the Dell' instead. Below, Carolyn Tielemans relates a tali t1ale during a story telling exercise. The kids had a ball even without the baîls. -Photos byAnthony H1all calves for the current year. I is poinfed ouf thaf producei paymenf w ,7jIhl be, the samle for all paýrficipating producer, irrespect ive of their indfividual selling price-ortheir îmdi vidual costs of production. Ir this regard, tbe program i, designed f0 inferfere as littfi ajs possible witbh an individual farme.r's Gle 1ilirakintg il ,managing blis w farm. A, well, a farmner Nwl!ll nofbE required f0 seil bils calves in the year in wbich thiey ar produced fo cqualify, the pay- m1ent. Parficipating producers wil be required f0 pay an annud fee per beef cow registered in the program. For 197,5, this feE will be $57 per cow. In lighf 01 the parficular financial cir- cumisfances surrounding fhc cow-calf producer at thi present bime, the 175farmne Sidewalk Sale Specials Bon ULTRA DRY SPRAY 14 Oz. $ 1 .69â FOR SUIMMER COLDS Neo Citran Pkg. 20 $2e69 Yardley Make-up CLEAROUTS 1/2 Price JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE 2 King St. E. Bowmanville Nylon Net Shopping Bug . Clairol HERBAL, ESSENCE SHAMIPOO 16 Oz. $1969 Garbage Bugs HE-AVY DUTY 1's 49 c FeIt-tip Pens ............* ** ,* only 1 9Ç Ramn Hats . . . ... . ... . .. .. ..*o l 5 Tanya Suntan Products ..... .... V/2 price [f premnium will be deferred r unfil late in 1975. If, affer r calculation, a producer payouf s is made in 1975, the producer 's l premniumi will be deducted i- from b is payouf. A promissory In nlote will bc accepfed in lieu of .5 cash paymenf of the tee. le The enrolmfent period for il eligible producers for this in yeay will Ibe July 15 f0 Auigust ýs 31, 1975. Inferesfed farmers )e will be able f0 pick up in application forms and other .e pertinent information from - the Agriculfural office in Bowmnanville affer JuIy 15 of hthis vear. il The Ontario Beef Caîf In- in ýe come Stabilizafion Program :fmusf nof be viewed as a - guaranteed income scbeme; ie rather, if is a plan f0 stabilize le the incomne of beef caîf rproducers by puffing afloor on the amnount ormoney which a farmner Nould be expecfed to receive over an d above operafing cosfs in years of low caîf prices. In years of good market prices the farmer would receive the full benefif of improved market condi- tions. We would like f0 point ouf that dlairy cowý,s, from which miilk is niot being sbipped in the Group 1 or Group 2 pool, do qualify under thîis program. Thaf is, if dairy cows are being used f0 ship cream, as well as raising calves for the caîf market or the fat market. A cow being bred to either a, beef or a dairy bull, they will u ualify under the Ontario Beef Caif Income Stabilizaf ion Pro- gram. For further information on the Beef Caîf Incomne Stabilizatio-n Program, con- tact the Agricultural office in Bowmanville and we will answer your questions. 4-H Demîonstrationi Nighit For the second year in a row, fhe Durham 4-H Agri- cultural clubs will bc holding a. 4-H Demonstrafion Night on Tbursday, July 24. at the Orono Town Hall. The idea behind a Demonstrafion Pro- gram us' f0 bave ail clubs in the County take part witb one feam per club, putting on a 7-mninute demnonstration on a selected f opic. Two or three members per team put on the demonstrafion on a specific area. Judges will assess each Sr esentafion and winniers will bdeclared that evening. We do wanf to encourage any inferested people, especially parents of 4-H members fo come ouf and support the young people as they put on their demionstrafion evening. Inferprovincial Exehang«e Delegate This year, Durham County will be hosfing one of the nine 4-H inter-provincial excbange delegates who are visiting Ont ario from the other 9 provinces. St. Clair MlcCabe fromi Kinkora, Prince Edward Island will be in Durham Counfy for fwo weeks. Sf. Clair comes fromn a dairy tarin on the Island. He is 16 years oldl and bas been in 4-H for 6 years. His plans are f0 complete higb sebool and then go (o Universifty f0 take medicine. While in the County, St. Clair wl be stayin'g with fwo bosf famiilles. During the firsf week, lie will be visiting at the farmi home of Russell Best and family, No. 1, Hamp ton. During the second week, be wihl be sfaying withi the Bey. Gray f amily, No. 1, Port Hope. We want f0 welcome Sf. Clair f0 Ont ario and Durham County, and we hope a large numnber of people will hapve the opportunity to meet humi during bis stay. * Due to the fact we are unable M f0o display a great dealN IN of our merchandIise on the street, we N *have decided to allow our customers N M ANY ARTICLEN purchased during the Sidewalk Sale uTtîurs., Frî., Sat. - JuIy 17-18-19 at kk eJeQe kg and g[ýt 50PN IN 39 King St. W. o m nil Provide Vet Assistance For Livestock Producersi Livestock producers could define fhe Veterinary Assis- tance Policy f'or Designated Areas as an assurance that livestock producers in norfb- ern Ontario and some secfions of soutbern Ontario wbo have organized a comifitee and designated a Ser-vice Area will bave a veterinarian. "Since the policy was firs; established in 1945 byv thc Ontario Ministry of Agricul- tujre and Food, the programn bias assured caf fie owners of veferinary service in areas of iow livestock populations wbere ifs nof economnically feasibie for a veferinarian f0 ~operafe on bris owni," says Dr. L. G. Colemnan, Veterinary Services Brancb supervisor of flie program. Compounding the problem for producers needing veteri- inary'ý service are the great distances between cenfers in nortbern Ontario. At present, 25 vterinarians are under contracf f0 servicýe 17 areas. Forenof these areas are in the territorial districfs and the other tbiree in parts of Gre-Bruce and Renfrew Coun'ties. The average cal is about 25 miles return. As a group in 1974, flie veterinar- ians drove over 500,000 il1es Io make 22,5:30 calîs. "Ail f 'le veterinarians under the programi are involved in bofb large and small animai practices, but tbey mjusf give top) priority f0 calîs fromn livesfock owners,- points ouf Dr. R. G. Urqubart, director of the Regulatory and Comn- municable Diseases Section. -Withiin the Designafed Area, no mnaffer how~ far the veferi- nanran bias f0 travel, the producer onfly bias f0 pay thie standard tee 'of $5 f0 get himn to the farmi gate. This is similar f0 the basic caltee in soutbern Ontario. The veferi- nanians cani also make uise of the Veterinary Service Labor- atory estahlisbed at New Liskeard fo r diagnostic work". In areas where livestock iwners have shown inferest in be program for veferinary ;issistance, a V'eterinary,, Ser- vices Comimittee bias' been establisbied witb an agricult- ural representative as secre- tary. Once a Designated Area is approved, the comimittee musf provide $1,000 each year towards the maintenance of the veterinarian nifs area; the Miniry'ý of Agriculture and Food provýides $7,000 and mileage paymnenfs. In the norfb Cochrane area, bowever, even, the assistance policy is not enough. For this large district, a veferinarian on salary f0 the Veferinary Services Branch operates a governmenf practice. Tbe program blas proved f0 be ext remiely popular wifb, livestock owners in these diStricfs; in fact, -in somle zones, the local commniftee provides a bonus f0 the veterinarian," Dr. Coeman adds. "Wýe've hiad excellent response and very few coin- plaints fromn livesfock wn- ers." Producers in fhese areas can sec the benefits of the programi eacb fimie tbey need hielp. Tbrougb the Onitario Minisfry of Agriculture and Food, veterinarians are on caîl f0 maintain animal heahi in Designàated Areas no mnatter what the distance. ATTENTION FARMERS! WHY PAY MORE ? :;AVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY SGAS-- DIESEL FUEL r ~ MOTOR OIL muimuPrompt Delivery Please Cail Collect Dx OIL WHiTBY aiDx 668-33 81 PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY 0F VICTORIA MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT STUDY A SEMINAR AND WORKSH-OP MEETING WILL BE HELD ON Monday, August 11, 1975 f rom 8:45 a. m. t05:00p. m. LINDSAY ARMOURY BUILDING The purpose is to provide an opportunity for Municipal Councillors, representatives of other Local Governmiient Organizations and CommunÎty GVoups to collectively discuss many of the issues and considerations related to the organization and respon- siblities of Local Government tlrughout the County. A letter outlining full program detail lias been sent to each. Municipality. If you wish to participate, or require further informa- tion, please contact the Clerk of your M 'niipaity or a memiber of your Municipal Council. R.E. Sims, 42 Victoria Avenue North, 'Commissioner, Lindsay, Ontario. Gillette S.S. BLADES Pkg. Al of 5 E - - e 39ç a a 0 0 0 0 0

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