SectIionl Two The Cainadian Sialesmian, Bowr-nanville, July 16, l!H BLACKSTOCK Mrand Mrs. Anson Taylor of Scarborough were Tuesday evening guests ofhis mother, Mlrs. Roy Taylor. The T\wenty-second annual ,M ILaughiin famiiyý, picnic was i-Yd on Sunday afternoon at the- artwright Community Park. Nearly sixty memnbers of the lan attended. The usual sports program w-,as conduct- ed by Mlrs. Ivan Desgrosseil- îýtUs of Pontypool and Mirs. ýilPowells of Peterborough. Next yýear's sports conivenlor will be Mirs. Jean MIahaffy. A sumIIptuous Pot luck i)cnic lunch was arranged and enjoyed by- al. An) afternoon and evenling of visiting w\as enjoy ed b y ail. mr. and Mirs. Garnet MurE- ray of Mlàanilla celebrated their 3otb wedding anniver- sary at the Legion Hall at Sunderland con.Saturday even- ing July l,2th. Attending from the Blackstock area were Airs. Roy Taylor, Mir. and Mrs. Arnold Tfaylor, and the Arthur Baileys, Mrs. Velva B3ailey,. Mr. and MIrs. Neil Malcolm, Mir. and Mirs. Ivan Thomipsoni, MIr. and Mirs. Dalton Dorreil, Mir. and Airs. Harry McLautgli- lin, Mr.- and Mirs. George Woife. The evening was spent lin dancing and a most deliclous buffett salad supper. Glad to report that Mirs. W. W. VaniCamp bias returned home fromt the Osbawa Hlospi- tal. Rev. and Mirs. MIer-le Thompson, of Mlelfort, Saskat- chewanl are spending some holidays with rlatives here and are stayinig with Mirs. Gladys Tbompson. On Sundîay Rev. M. Thompson was the speciai speaker at the United Church service. Mir. ndAMrs. Harold Mlc- Lauglini and Keilly spet severai days visiting Mir. and Mirs. Stuart Dorreli and fami- ly at Charltonl. Mlr. and MIrs. Ray Essery enjoyed a xeekend holiday at Ottawa and area. Bobbi,~Ann Fairey off Bow- mnanville, spent al few days with the Bob) Bryans famîily. On Mlonday afternoon Tara Lynne Bailey entertained sev- en little friends on the occasion of hier seventb birth- day. Elainie Kelly entýertaine_-d six littie friends on Thurday afternoon to celebrate ber sixtb birtbday . On Tuesday evening Airs. Sharon Essery hosted a bridai sbowver in] bonor of ber cousin Miss KarenYeowes About twety-fiv,, guests attended and enjoy'ý,ed severai gamnes, etc. Tbe bride arrived and was very surprised to find herselX the guest of bonor. After opening ber imPaiylovelyv gif ts,. '-'rten replied A stv lunch concluded the