an Statesmanu, Bowmanviile, July 16, 1975 Section Two 1975 Fishl Planting Tén tbausancl brook trout pnd four tbousand rainbow trout bave been planted in thie IýJ y foilowing locations thr ougbout the district: Haveiock Pond< Narwood Pond, Jackson'sI Pond (city of Peterboro), Braitbwaite Creek, Dollars # s Creek, Grafton Creek, Burn- ley Mill Creek, Blacks Creek, h~vîngBaltimore Creek, Pinta Creek, Ihe Ouse River. Mllbrook River Provincial Fisbing Area. Planting of trout will conti- nue in the Millbrook Provin- cial Fisbing area until mid- July. Musky populabions bave increased in the K17awartba Lakes including Belmont, Rounid, Crowe and Cordova i Lakes witb the planting of approximately 150,000 musky fry from the Deer Lake Provincial Fisb Hatcbery. The Kawartba Lakes can antasticalso expect appraximately 14,000 mausky fingerlings by emalemid-August. Streamns fiowing into Lake ashionsOntario in the Region of Durham and tbe county of t Nortbumberland will recteive 100,000 rainbow trout fry this summer. ~ ow Stream Surveys A streamn survey crew of two men wiIl be working througb- out the summer, surveying L 0W many of the streamns witbin the district. Some ofý the o waters will lie tbe Nonquon ~ C~SRiver, Mariposa Brook, East- cross, Cavan, Baxter and Squirrel Creeks. Their work ops Topwii include electro shockirig' ýw Centreý the streamns ta determaine fisb -~y~llpopulations, chemnicai analy- sis of the waters, invertebrate samples and a general l round assessmnent ofte stream including velocity, topograpby instream vegeta- tion and fsh spawning poten- tial. The inforrmatio:n collected wiil be valuabie in inventar-y- îng our spoart fisb recreation areas and tbe potential for stream improvemnent. save Gas, Save lives! Witb the increased prices in gas a double saving can be bad by slowing down wbile driving- country roads. Many batches of aur sang birds are now concentrated alon.g country roads wbie feeding. These birds are very slow flyers and vuinerable to fast moving cars. By driving siowiy on these roads y ou bav e a chance to enjoy observing these birds and saving their !ives. The same gloes for smnail mammals wbo now follow tbeir'parents in searcb oaf food and frequenitiy cross raads. You also wiil save gas. COMING EVENTS Duck out to Dariingtonl Darlingtoni Provincial Park 9:O0a.., sn., Sept. 7, 197.5 Sportsmnen's Waterfowl Day lias changed its raame and appearance. The new empba- sis is an the demonstration of waterfowi sbooting sports foýr tbe benefit of the audience as well as the competitors. Shooting events for ever.y- one, Canadian Duck Calling Cbamnpionsips,. Retriever Sbow and Demonstrations, Waterfowl Identification Tests, Wpterfowl Manage- ment Demanstrations, Decoy Head Carving Contests, Decoy ContstWillife Art Display, Food from the Wild, Bullfrog Jumrping Contests. SEE YOU SEPTEMIBER 7. Prescribed Burnis - Wayne Helson - Forest Tecbnician. On July; 3, 1975. 30 acres of D U NN'S Jk 1 'etýS cie 5 2fori Low Price SALE Save on Slacks and Shirts MEN'S BRAND N,>%AME LONG SLEEVE DRESS AND SPORT SHIRTS 2 for One L-ow Pri ce $9*oo0 2ffolO MEN'S SLACKS 2 for 1 Iow price 2 PAIR 2.9 2FOR ONLY2e9 2.PAIR'~ O 2FOR ONLY 2,9 PAIR309 2FOR ONLY3e9 MEN*'S TUES 2 fur i Low Price 4.00 2 for $5 5.00 2 fo, $6 OSH-AWA CENTRE Open Wed. Thurs. Fr. Until 9 4-H'ers in Exchange Pro gram Two area 4-H'ers have been selected to take part in the l3th annual Interprovincial 4-11 Exchange sponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada. (Lef t to right) Miss Brenda McLaughlin, R .R. 2, Blackstock, visits Quebec; Miss K-areni Davidsojn, R.R. 4, Cobourg, travels to Manitoba; Mr. Gord Wheeler, District Mýanîager, Branch Banking, Royal Bank of Canada, congratulates participants. The two-week exchanige is aimed at making 4-I'ers aware of how other Canadians live by staying with 4-11 families in different provinces. N E Synipathy is extended ta Mrs. R. W. Jackson and family in the death of her brother, Mr. Douglas Gordon, who died at Pine Crest Nursing Home, Bobcaygeon, July 6. Funeral service was Tuesday, July 8, from McDermott-Panabaker Fuineral Parlors, 'Port Perry will interment ln Union Cerne- tery, Cadmus. M r. Arthur 'Hyland bas been in Oshawa Hospital this oast couiple of weeks and is responding ta therapY. Mr. Lamne McKeç is also in Oshaiwa Ho,,spitai and is im- pr-ovÎing fo-llowing surgery. Mr. Gog Hicks is convales- cing at the homne of bis grandfatbier, Mr. Win. Arm- strong S in Port Perry. Improv- ed heaithl is wis.ed fr these gentlemnen. Mý1r. andc Mrs, Austin Mabee, Carl aind Karen, of Windsor, spent Friday ta Monday ,vitb bier at and uncle, MIr and iMrs. Oliver Robirer. M.and M,,rs. Warren Rohir- er visited foi, the weekend with ber sîster and buzsband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burres, at Woodstock., Mýr. Walter Burrage, Oak- land is visiting with bis d!augbteîur and ýson-ini-law, NMr. anid MrDon reAlan and Virginfia. Congatultios to0Mr. Geor:ge Dnn-erai wbo vwas bonoDred with a bvitday celebai,.tion on riSaturay. He was presented with the tradi- tional bir-thdav, cake and ail en joyed tbe barbequeý supper in the spacîtus and b)eautiful garden setting. Guests for tbe happy oc2casion were, Mr. and Mrsz. Pbilip Langfeld, Janice and Cheryl, Mrs. Langfeld's mo(,ther, Mrs. Mary Wilson, from Necastle-On-Tyne, En- glan:-d, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FotnPatricia and friend Vr ina , .and Mrs. Ter- renrce cEaiRobertand Scotît, of" Wilù- wdale, girl friends of Patricia's from Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Malcolmi and famnily attended the tbiirtietb.1 wedding9 annîver- sary party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, at Sun- derland, on Saturday evening. Dinner guestis on Friday evening witbi Mr. and Mrs. V'ictor Mal,-icî olm a onor -iVr. Mcomon bis birthdayv were bis parents Mr. and Mrs. R--ae Malcolm, MNr and M1rs. Wayne Malcolmn, Sbelly and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Ayljwini Haines, Annectte and Anithoniy, MIr. and c Mrs. Vernon Malcolm and S fall' Mrs. Jodle, Mrs.J of Or Victor Frie Malcol Perry1 mornir On1 and attende honor JennifE terian Thur guest were Pleasai Leisbr Mr. ers an Spent week enjoye( Mvouinti Sýcenic tbrougt St. Ca Castle at Que stayed Stonley Kay 1N Their d maný mer scI Scotspîne slash was buraed by this M'lJ-nistry on one of oiur Woo)dlands I mprovementî Agreemqent properties in Clarke Township. The umrbatbeScots- pine stand was buildozed, büy tle lan' downer, into east-west windows, during- the winter of 1973-74., Left tao dry until nowi, eacb windrow was cariefùlly burnied ta eliminate the slash, and prepare the site for planting next spring. Equipment and manpower consisted of hand tools, two tank pumpers eacb holding 1000 gallons of water, fouir Ministry emplIoyees, assist ed by 2 seaisonal employees and 5 experience, 75 students. Tbese resources were strategically piaced around the perimeter and ensured a safe controlled hum- Poirt Hope Ready-Mix Will Supply Concrete toHdr' Ne,ýw Plant Port Hope Ready Mix htd., Port Hopýe, bias been awarded a contract tfor the su ppi y of concrete for Ontario Hydro's Wesleyville Generating Sta- tion. The contract, vaiued at $2,6U9,650.00, calis for the supply {of 119,000 cubic yards of concrete starting in Octo- ber, -197ï5. The contract ends in May, 1979. PFort 'Hope Ready MxLtd.wa the successfut bidder oif fve tenders submit- ted. v TLETON y', Nestletoni, AM. and and family, Tyrone, were Mark Malcaim and Sunday evening dinner guests of Janetville, AMr. and of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jamnes Kent a-nd Katrina Bowers and Eari. ana. Congratulations, Reverend and Mirs. Merle * i Tbampson, of Melville, Saska- ei ds regret that Mr. Rae tchewan, are spending about )l wvas taken ta Port ten days witb ber brotbers the Hospi ta, early Satiurday Don Tbompsons, the Ivani in Thompsons and otber rela- Thursday evening Mmr. tives. Mrs. Grabamne Fîsb Mmr. and Mlrs. Fred Dayes [ed a bridal shower in b-ad a deiigbtfui matai: vaca- 7of is niece, Miss t ion fast wveek. Tbey spent two fr fisb, in tbe Presby- days in Quebec City, toured iCburcb in Sanya. the aid and the new city, saw rsday evening dinner thje Plains of Abraham, Cha- of Mr. and Ms Fisb teau Frontenac, Notre Dame Mr. Win. Leîshman, of Cburcbi, the oîdest in Canada, ant Point and Mers. J)imr, Montmorýency-F'alls. They also nan, of Reabomo. visited the Island of Orleans and Mrs. George Bow- for two days. Travelling via Ad Mr. Jerry Bowers Sudbury tbey wsent ta Manitou- a couple of days iast lin Islanid, wbhere tbey visited at Hlamiltoni. Tbey Mrs. Dayes' brotber, Mr. Wm. ,d a tour of Hamilton Elford. On tbeir return on the ain Raiad, and the ferry ride fromr. South Bay- route from Hami-iltýon- moutb ta Tobermory was a bf Grimasby, Vninpesn interlude an wbicb atbarýineýs ta Dunibumn theme wem e uver one hundred and Bock's mo(nu;ment car-S. Reservatians bad ta be eenston Heigbts. Tbey made for the ferry as it was at Gilie' oe tba for twa days in Cekand visited MArs. avne Yalett in Hailon ir. and Mlrs. Raymond daugbtem Darotbyý Chap- Cbîapman, Orono, Mmr. and ,who is attending sum- Mrs. Norman Irvine, Bow- :b9al, alsa accampanied manville, were recent evening vý,isitors witb M,,r. and Mirs. and MJrs. Raipb Bowem'cs Bruce Heaslip. On Sunday the Heaslips were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mlrs. David Frew, Dwayne and Andrew. Lake Scugog Softbali Sunday, July 6, Pontypool at Nestieton, with Pontypool win- ning. July 13, Lindsay at Nestietlon, witb Nestleton the winner. Sunday Service United Church In the United Cburch, Sun- day morning, the minister, Reverend Victor Parsons, led in the service. In introducing the guest speaker, Reverend Parsons paid tribute to Reve- rend Merle Thompson. Tbey bad been on Neighbouring, Pastoral Charges in the west. MIr. Thom pson bas been active in ail aspects of the cburch organization. He bhas 'been President of the Conference, served on (ýurch Boards and on General Council. Reverend Tbompson ex- pressed bis pleasure at being present after an absence of twenty-seven years Jin the ministry in Saskatcbewan. Reverend Thompson, known ta many as Merle, is a native son) of Cartwright and in bis boybood attended Nestleton Cburcb and Sunday School (bis first). Reading portions from Ca- lossians and Mathew, Mr. Thomrpson chose "Sorting Out Life's Priorities"', as the themne for bis splendid ser- moun. "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and al tbey well be added unta you". That is vital He' Christ must be pre-eminent. Know the direction in wbich you are gaing. Do not bave an obses- sion 'for your possessions. 7ýil hienroblem is selfishne. the Lord's' prayer we stress 'Our- and "Us". Be selfless. Witb Gofd as the centre your potential is greater. The byn ,Put Your Hiand in the Han of God" could be better if eýý were 'ýPut Your Heart in thé Hand of God". The chair sang very appro- priately "The Saviaur is Waiting. Sid Umsealk S al1e 500/o0 f Assorted ~ lea rances e Lenses eCameras e Gadget Bugs MvianStl 0 TripodsPrjcts SMovie end Silde Hurry for Besf Selections Quantifies LimitedNoLywy Oshaîwa COamera Centre Oshawa Centre Ltd. 728-5211 Stev/enson Rd. S, & K ing St. W. Oshawa, Ont. Parking for over 4,000 cars Hours: Mon., & Sat, 9:30am. - 6p.m. Wed. Thurs. & Fni. 9:.30a.m. - 9p-m.