The Canadian Statesmanz, Bowmnanville, July 16, 1975 5 II I Brad Hawkins practises his racing dive at the new Mvemoriai tPark pool. -Photo by Anthony Hall w ýVÀNU RSERYMAN VAN ELLEAND FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FOR THE È UNERAL TRIBUTES: I4OSPITAL: At the moment of sad- Fle0vers will bring cheer ness, flowers will bring and happiness. To a ray of love and brighten the hospitalI thoughtfulness at this !! WERS FOR THE WEDDING: Lovely designed wed- ding flowiers ta your taste. Delivered ta your home and church or, FLOWE RING & FOLFI PLANTS: RUBBER PLANT Large selection at al 3 stores or see aur "Plant Roomn" ar our east store for hundreds of foliage plants! /i\DA1LY DELIVERY TO WHITBY OSHAWA -BOWMANVILLE EAST: I WEST: I TFLOWER S-HOP and GARDEN CENTRÉ Highway No. 2 OShawa * Bowmanville 5 Minutes en 5 Minutes 623-4441 Highwav No. 2 opep 9-9 Diaily FLOWER SHOP and GARDEN CENTRE SBond Street CL 579-1118 292 King St. W. I A FLOWJEK SHUY ce« Vo Beatrice Se4parate 1School 728-5159 1124 Simrcoe St. n. Open 9-6 Thurs., Fr1. to 9 p.m. Art istic Barber and BeautySalon presentingthe Ideal Permanent EuropeanAward Winner just introduced to Durham Introductory Special Reg. $1750 Give if a try .... You'II be glad you did! We remind you our Organic Perm Special Continues. (Reg. $30.00) FREE CONDITIONER OR CREAM RINSE WITH EVERY WASH AND SET Ment No Wating.. 3 Hair StYlists to Serve You - Vic - Jackie - Alice Rememnber. .. We're Sf11Il the ",Good Guys!" We Were Born That Way! 233 King Sf. E. Dominion Plaza 623-2931 BURKETON Mrs. M. Brown, Port Perry, was a caller of Mrs. W. Bryan on the holiday. Congratulations to Mr. Tony Turnbull on winning the award at G.M. Mvr. and Mrs . Wm. Macdon- aid, Oshawa, visited Mrs. W. Bryan during the week. Mrs. S. Grant, Alan and David, Zion, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. Terry Hubbard, Toron- to, (formerly of Burketon) can be heard on CHUMI, announ- cing sports. His radio name is Steve Elliott. Mrs. S. Tabb, Bowmanvffle, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. A Swain and family. Mrs. B. Lee and family, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace and family.* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick, Lindsay, were Sunday callers of Mrs. E. Carnochan and neighbors. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bent, Newcastle were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Sorry to report Mrs. May Johns is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Ted Hall, Dunsford was a Friday overnight guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, Garry returning home with bis sister until Sunday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall were Sunday supper guests of the Bakers and Ruth returned with the Halls for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Aldershot, spent Saturday with the G., Bakers, Joan Baker returning home with lier parents., Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton visited Miss Grace Smith Sunday eveniag. Mr. Don Stephenson and James, Newcastle spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Oshawa and Mrs. Roy May- nard, Bowmanville were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Miss Grace Smith vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Orono Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, FH. Wood, Oshawa and Mrs. Roy May- nard, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Sophie Kovacs. OBIT UAR Y DANIEL WAYNE ALLDREAD As the resul.t of a tragic car accident, on Saturday night, July 5th, 19à75, Daniel Wayne Alldread, aged 17, died at the scene of the accident. Hitch-, hiking to Peterborough, David was struck by one car, while attempting to cross the road, and thrown into the path of a second car. Born in Trenton, hie was educated at Central School, and Bowmanville High School. David was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, High Street, and has resided in Bowmianville abouit four yea rs, previou).sly residîng in Newcastle, and was a member of the Salvation Army. He was employed by T .G. Gale, Osh- awa, as a mailer. Besides his parents, he is survived by his sisters Betty (Mrs. Ron Shoregan), Sharon (Mrs. J. Robinson), and brothers Earnie, Ted and Bill. Capt. Scott Hewlett, con- ducted the funeral service on Tuesday from the Morris Funerai'Chapel. Pall-bearers were Messrs Russell Maxwell, Rodney Mit- chell, Michael Alldread, DOLLA STRTCHES AUSale FÏnaI Pon IItBoue Short55eee aI à Up o No hargI L 0 re 9 1 ee- I 50% Up TI OfI Pant SutshFrta * p o hot lev ad o hage * Long Si eve M 50% 8i $4 99 No Ixhmgso eud *Vît *ume Drse Lon In h r lS'e * Irt *p Io5 % Ofcn *rl Iklt Sweter Ihr Slee- odeg n4I f *u l v r I e t m a KigBRESLI N' mde Wa KigSt. WestI $20@0 -Eý 3 *50