10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 23, 1975 CLRSSI Fi E D tl'oned-,*-ertified,' bowmnanville. 1968 FORD Fai automatic. Good Certif led. Phone 62 1972 LE MANS S hardtop, bucket englne, power ste brakes, tape, deck, Ob, very good Certlfied 1-983-5261. 1973 BUICK Cenh 31,000 miles, V-8 will certlfy. 1,983-iý 1967 FORD 1/21 excellent condltioi motor, completei system. Certif led. best offer. 1-986-558 1968 JE EP, El-6, wnch and manye Bethariy 277-2425. 1964 FORD Corr auto, in good cond 1957 Triumph anc Healy Il6" for Pa 2665. '64 CHEV. statlonA fect motor and tri $150. Phone 623-434 1974 ASTRA GT speed standard, po Ing. immaculate. best offer. 623-3735. 1972 FORD Van, Ch wagon with air c an= man other ex 1974 500 cc KAWÀS miles, excellent certlfied. Best offer ONE bedroom apertment, centrally located. Available immediately. Stove and re- frîgerator. Caîl 623-3211. 30-1 ONE bedroomn apartment, private entrance andi bath. Avallable Sept. 1. Adults only. Phione 623-2711. 30-1 MODERN, one bedroomn heated apartment wlth bal- cony close to .G. A. Avadable Aug. 1. Phone 62-6, 30-îx COTTAGE near Bon Echo, 3 bedrooms, Caîl 623-5227. 25-tf FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week, or day, shower andl bath, llcenced premises, reasonable rates. Castle Hotel, Bowmanvllle 623-7072. 51-tf Auction sale at Pethlck's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen, Saturday nlght July 26 for Jack McNab. Furniture and th lngs. Sale time 7 o'clock. Look at the da te. Clif f Pethick Auctloneer. 30-1 Wednesday,' August th- Absolutel y Unreserved Antique Stock Reduction Auc- tion Sale. The property of Riverstde Furniture, Mr. and Mrs. Rej. Garrett, second store south o f Royal Bank, Main St., Lekefleld, Ont. 7 plece oak dining room suite, pine chest of drawers, large pine box, cherrywood book case, mahogany music stand, love seat, lbrary table, birch dresser, cherrywpod chest, large Dunca n Fife sofa, square grand piano, red glass hanging hall lamp, 2 wash stands, Gothic bed, spool bed, iron beds, walnut desk, 2 lemp tables, pine table, fold over walnut table, oak chairs, walnut chairs, maple chairs, iran chairs, 4 green han ging baskets, ash ice-box, butter- nut chest of drawers, dining reom table, mahogany gram aptione, mahogany l brary table, rnahogany van ity wi4 claver leaf mirror, maple vanlty rockers, large quan- fity yofin ished and unflnlshed car,2pime corner cup- boards, buffets, wâlnut side- board, walnut Duncan Fife drop leaf table, mehogany bed dresser with oval mirror, chest of drawers and wash stand, many other antique articleS. Terms cash. Abso- lutely No Reserve. Sale et 12:30 p.m. sharp. ln case of rain, salé will be held indoors,. Carl Hlckson Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-2 WE bOy and seli everything and pay cash. Caîl day or nht 725-9783. Fiendly Fiee 2~rket, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-tf G000 used furniture. Towne Used Furniture 623-4681. 30-1 Saturday, July 26 - Sterting 1:OOp.m. - Clearing Auction of ail household effects, th e property of Mrs. Olive O'DeIl, Iocated 33,1 Gr een Street, South, Whitby. Consisting in part: round oak table with 6 match ing chairs and buffet, pine bl anket chests, pine chest of drawers, dressers with mirr&s, walnut chif robe, hall tree, kitchen chairs, treedle sewing machines, washstand, coffee table, some glass and china, G.E. fridge, Westing- house stove, portable spin dry washer, small electrical a ppliances, medicine cabin- ets, iron bed, mirrors, pic- tures, garden tools, quantity of lumber, and many other mlsc. iten.s. Ter ms cash or cheque. No reserve. Kahn Auction Services - Ph. 985- 8161. 30-1 Sturday, August 2nd, Business Sold. Auction Sale of garage equipment, lawn and garden equ ipment and farm machinery. The poperty of Lang Carveth (John eere Dealer) on Hwy. 7 at Lindsay across from Uniroyali. il tractors, 1972 John Deere 1120 tractor-350 hrs., power steer- ing, complete; 1972 John Deere 2120 tractor, 1100 hrs., power steering complete; John Deere 1120 tractor with Allied loader; 1970 Int. 624 trector; David Brown 990 trector and loader; Case 430 tractor and loader; Hough loader 5/ yd . bucket; com- mercial 2 wheeled tractor traiter new; AR John Deere tractor, M. F. 35 diesel tractor; Cockshutt 50 gas tractor; David Brown 880 diesel; M. M. gas tractor; 1969 Fargo 1/2 ton truck;, 1966 GMC 1/ ton truck; 6 - 1975 grain augers 21'; John Deere 45 self-propelled com- bine; 2 Int. Balers; 2 - 1970 John Deere 24T Balers; 4 snow blowers, 3 power mowers, 6 trip beam ploughs, cultiva- tors, discs, 2 riding lawn mowers, Int. mixer grinder, Hanson field sprayer, 2 ham- mer milîs, 3 lnd ustrial hy- draulic c ylinders, wheel bal- ancer, battery chargers, mis- cellaneous shop equipment, large quantity of, farm mach- lnery. See sale buils for complete listing. Terms Cash. Absolutely no reserve as business is sold . Sale et 1:00 p.m. commnencing with garage equipment. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-2 Auction Sale Grist MilI Auction Barn Newtonville, July 25th. Friday 7 p.m. Automeatic washer and dry- er, fridge, stove,' secretary desk, love seat, chord oroan. violin, chesterfield, tables. Lots more modern and anti- cjucqmerchandise -.Stapleton tros., Auctioneers, 1-786-2244. 30-1 W, Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 f Cars, Truaks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS IIGMEST PR ICE PAlD ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Resldence 623-7112 45-tf r, air co d - aaumaay, August vtn - 4 Duke St., Auction Sale of Livestock, 30- 1x Implements and Household Funnitune. The pnoperty of Ciavtnn Mi[Ler, Lot 21, Con. 9, ýirlane V-8 Dar Ilngton i wp. 1 mi.- north of 1condition. Emîlie n / iews C3-3043. nnsile*n-14miewt 30-1ix on Old Scugog Road orm8miles - South of Bieckstock on County port, 2 dm Road 57 to 9th Concession. 90 seets, 350 head of Hereford and Charo- teerig and lais cattle. Pumebred Hereford eenin and Herd Sire born April 26, 1971. cnwipint 30 mature Hereford and Char- condiion. olais cows with 31 Hereford 30- lx calves by side. 20 Hereford steers 1 yr. old. 7 Hereford tury uxus, heifers 1 yr. old. 1973 David uy Luxi, Brown 995 diesel tractor, 800 9ut4 at0. hrs. power steering complete 30-1 with 1973 David Brown man- une loader with 5' hydraulic tobd bucket. 1968 David Brown 990 toby diesel tractor, heat houser, on, ne-bumt ood chains, Cockshutt 30 gas new brake atr od 92Fr o . $1000 or tn go.17 Fn o i87. o forage harvester PTO, 1970 30-1 Gnove 8 ton self unioeding - forage wagon 8' x 16'. 1974 Hydrein 3-16's plough, sping snaw plow, ne-set, extra beam for 4th extras. Cali plough. New Holand 331 30-1 manune spreadem, 1971 Ford 2 -row cor-n planter, int. 45 et, 6 cyl., Baler, Cpckshutt 7' powen ýdtion. $100. mower, 1972 New Hollend side I '62 Austin rake, Allied 10' cultivator 3 )arts. 1-786- pt., A-C 66 combine, double 30-1ix disc, flexible harnows. Cock- - shutt 13 disc seed drill, David wagon, per- Brown 3-12's pîough, Tandem ansmission trailen 8' x 16', B.D. field 44. spneyer, Maple 'Leaf 20' hay 30-1 elevaton, Danuser post hole - ~dlgger. 1956 Fond 500 21/2 ton Wagon, 4 truck. Lincoln welden, ffmiii une >ower steer- of modern powen machineny. $2,850 ornWilliiams K~ano and bench, 9 piece dinfinq oom suite, 30-1 chrome suite, chestenfield - ~suite, pime1 cupboard with bateau Club hutch. Viking frost f ree ne- :ondition ing frigeraton, Kenmore heavy xtras. dufty stove, Frigidaire dish- 30-1 washem, Frigidaire washen, r-- chest of cfawers, large ýSAKI. 2,600 quantity of household items. condition, Temms Cash. No Resenve. ?r. 623-3959. Funture Sale eit 11:00 e.m.' 30-ix Machine Sale eit 12 noon. Cattie Sale at 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- bono, Ont. 705-324-9959. 3- g -fl ff 3 bedroom, insulated cottage. 3 pc-. bath, hot watem, furnish- ed,l100ft. watemfmont lot with perfect beach for the -kid- die's." In pmivate park with excellent fishing. 623-5187 or 623-7624. 30-tf PRIVATE, Port Hope, temmific vaitue, new 2 stomey homes, 3 and 4 bedmoom single garage, extmemeiy large lots. 416-453- 2841 duming office boums. 30-2 Private Sae: Older but In vrood con dit ion 4 bedmoom- rame horme. Large 'kitchen,, dining and living room, two suniponches, fui I basement, upstaims wall to wall campet. Low taxes. On nice cornerlot. Chumch and scho nearby. Price to be negotiated. Phone 623-5752. -30-1 x illk1I BOWMANVI LLE Immaculate 11/2 Storey older home, 3 bedmooms, new bath- oomr, large lot with 18' above ground pool, ideal femiiy home - oniy $39,900. Temms. BOWMAAN VILLE Classic aider brick home, excellent residentiel area, large landscaped lot, double g are ge, family oomi with fire place - $89,500. BOWNMANVI LLE North. 20 acres level ferm land, ideai homne site or mini ferrh. Corner location, con- venient commuting to Oshawa on Bowmanville. $65,000. Terms. Saturday, JuIy 26th - arm Sold - Auction Sale of Live- stock and Implements. The É roperty of Tom W. Lawson, ot 4, Con. 9, North Monaghan Twp., 1 mile south of Hwys. 7 and :28 et Peterborough bypass on Hwy. 28 and 1 mile east or 1 mile north of Hwy. 115 and 28 and 1 mile east. 68 head of recorded and grade Charolais cattie, 34-Charolais cows with 34 'calves by side, 3 -3/ recorded, 5 - 1,2 recorded, 1972 M.F. 1080 diesel tractor 81 H.P. with cab, heater, chains, multi-power, fully equipped; 1974 M.F. 165 diesel tractor, 8 speed transmission', fully equipped, 160 hrs.;,1968 Ford 4000 diesel trector, power steering complete with Free- man Inidustrial mnanure loader with 5' manure bucket and 3/ yard gravel bucket; 1964 Int. 93 self-propelled combine 10' header like new, 1974 Chev. 11/2 ton truck with 350 motor, 16000 GBW, 12' x 8' stock rack complete, 1974 M.F. 124 Baler PTO new type - high capacity, 1974 Allied au tomnatic stooker with hydre ulic motor and hoses,, 1974 George White forage wagon, 16' self-unload- ing with 12 Ton gearing - floatation tires. Turnco self- unloading forage box with 12 t6n geer ing and floatation tires. 1975 Brîllion Cullopak and grass seeder, (new). 1974 Int. 45 vibra shank 17' drag cultivator with wings, 1973 M.F. 880 5-16's sémi-mount hydreulic reset plough, 1973 George White fielId sprayer 3 pt. 180 gel. 30' booms PTO. 1968. Cockshut.t tandem disc 16', 1973 A-C fora ge blower with 5e of pipes PTO, 1971 A-C 2 row. 780 forage harvester PTO. wïth corn head, grass pick up, and zero grazing headl. 1962 GMC 3,ton truck with telescope hoist and rack, M.F . 7' snow blower 3 pt. PTO 1974 John Deere 4 row plateless corn planter, 1975 Allied fertilizer spreader.3 pt., PTO,' 1974 George White 47' hay elevator with undercar- niage, 1974 Allied 4 section flexible harrows with evener, 1972 Smalley hammer mill, tull-line 0-f modern power machînery. 5000 bales of 1975 ha y 3000 bales 1974 hey, 1500 bal of strew, 1 ton of Kentucky blue grass mixture, 10 begs of seed corn, 3 - 5 gai. cens of Sutan. Migarven slab side 16 x 60' tomý down. An exceptional sale. Plan to attend. Temms cash. No reserve. Machine sale et 11:00 e.m. Cattie sale et 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-99,59. 28-3 Wednesday, July 3Oth, Auction Sale of, household furnitume. The property of Ted Nedon. Sale will be held et Lindsay Community Sale Barn Lot, Angeline St. N., Lindsey, Uni. Kitchen cabinet, kitchen table and chairs, large quantity of dishes, chine, pots and pans, linens and bedding. Chestemfield and 2 chairs, coffee table, end tables, lazy boy, television,' bookcase, room divider, foot stool, portable bar, lamps, mirrors, fictures, rugs and undelay, trunk, wicker chair, high boy, dresser, 2 night stands, tee chest, beds, vacuum, high chair,,guitar, full household contents. An incomplete list- ing as turniture' has been in storage. Terms 'Cash. No Reserve. Sale et 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-1 Auction Sale Saturday, JuIy 26, 1975 Seveon Products WNarehouse highwey 28, Bewdley, consist- ing of Kroehler chesterfield and chair, matching dresser and chest, small round pedes- tel table, Clairton stereo and radio, round dining room table, chairs, dishes, glass- ware, ohl lamp, beds, records, small tables, small electrical, appliances, and other items stili beîng consigned. Roger Bannister, Auctioneer. 30-1 Tuesday, Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m. Deiry dispersai - complete milking herd, dispersai for William Barkey, Cennington,ý one haîf mile north of Can- nington on Laîdlaw Street. 27 registered jerseys, 21 cows, 5 heifer calves, 3 very good cows, several fresh, 2 due time of sale and several feli calvers 623-4115 623-4050 30-1 REALTOR 623-2503 BO WMAN VIL LE Double home, one side with 2 - 1 bedroom a partments, the other a three bedroom home. New roof and furnace. Swim- ming pool. 2 garages, peved drives, close ta school and shopping. 87'2 per cent mrtg. Two homes for only $81 ,000.00 OROMO Triplex, a good income pro- pety on Meain St., neer the park. Large lot. Ownem anxi, ous, make an offer. ,CADMUS Take e drive and see two of the most beautiful building lots aveileble. Many large shede and fruit trees. $22,000 eech. ORONO 11/2 storey three bedroom home, separate dining moom, large venenda, stove, fridge and dryem included. $41,900.00 1 P, 30-1 137 King St. E., Bowmnanville 623-76941 - 42 3-7Ul1 PRESTIGE AREA Lovely 4 beçiroomn brick and elum in um 2 storey home, 1 yr. aid, 2 ba ' hls, broadloom, etteched garage, beautifuliy landscaped lot. BOWMANVI LLE Executive home, beautiful 3, bedraoms, dining room, fin- ished ec oom, mud room, 2 baths,, attached garage (heated), enclosed patio with privecy fence. LARGE 4 bedmoom: 2- storey semi, immeculate, broadlloomed throughout, large lot cam- pletelyfen ced with large patio, 380 Meplewaod Dr., try an offer. 30-1 .3 executive - 3 bedmoomn brick bungalows, double, attached qjarage, full basement, large lot. 26 miles N.E. of Oshawa. Immediate possession. Ref- erences. Aduits prefermed. Asking $325.00 or neerestoffer monthiy. Cali Clame McCul- iough, 8owmanville 416-623- 3393 or Oshawa 576-3060. W. Frank Real Estate Limited, Reelton. 30-1 623-3911, Bowmanville - incomne proper- tlegal, duplex with 1 and 2 bedmloom apatments, close to school and shopping. Cal for more information. Bowmanville - nomth end area starter -home, with sepamate D.R., 2 bedroomns and weil tmeed lot, asking $40,000 with temmns. View Lake erea . 2 cottage lots, one with bush and watem access, the other facing on good road, asking $10,000 each with $5,000 dlown. Helen Mc Donald 623-7717 Mec Mc Donalid 623-7717 Bill Waller Port Penry 985-3680 30-1 URGENTLY RZEQUIREDI! We have cash buyer-s for homes in the Bowmraniville area. Pemhaps youm home would bing top dollar? We'il be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate the 'home of youm dreamrs". For, friendly efficient sale of you)r home, cali! P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd,. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville,576-6120. .17-tf A TOLTOORNOFi H OtA LRhIO OVE R 4 FIE to RY (,RONIHGKWith AI te eR4 IE 0SEltor REAFO 337 Kirng Street W, Ohawa _______________5 76-3333 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 KmngSt, E., Bowmanville 623-3393 is CHURCH STREET Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIu LIIC 1T8 623-4428 HAPPY LIVING starts here for your famity. The practicai homemaker will love the storege space provided by the closets in hall and 3 bedmoomns. Charming werm panelled liv- ingr ,oomf reflects your hospi taiity. Situated on large lot. Centmeily located. Good f in- ancing. Priced et oniy $43,900.00 MAKE THIS HOME your s for only $49,900.00 - Escape fmom the noise, hustie and bustie of city life to this exceptional 3 bedmoom sidespiit, family- r oom with fimeplece, sepamate diningroom, attached garage. Easy commuting. Rare oppor- tunity! The owner will finance. HURRY OUT- Its Too Good To Miss - Hilly terrain offers unique opportunity to build with a view on this 31/2 acre parcel. Priced et only $10,950.00. "tWmavrly Gardons" In Illwm.invilie ouilît by Marianna D.velopments Your Guarantteacf Quallty Construction HOMES FROM S47,98§ 9 34/% $4, 150 DOWN Features include: Clèan bependable Elecfnic Meit -Large family kîtchen Flnlshed'family room -Completely broadfoomed i 11/ baths *Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fully soddIed lots *Compîetely serviced Open f er Inspctlqir This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M.Nt 1.0 M A LSO Open House at Newcastle Satumdey &Sun.dey 1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Deluxe Modeis to Choose From. MIAR IANNA DEVELOPMENTS BuilU by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Weil knownfor quallty construct ion and supenior wor km a nshlp Direct TaranteoLine 923-9174 43-tf Peter Kowa î Jr. Real Estate O Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmaniville Treleehone 623-2453 Cottage -_ Green Lake Buckhorn erea. 4 roams. 3 yeams aid. Fiepiace. Large la kefront lot. $19,000.00 Centre St, - 7 roomn semi- detached home. In good con- dition throughout. Garage. $35,900 .00 Terms. 10 Acre Farm-Newfonville Good home wîth ail conven- iences., Barn and drive shed! Cali for mare deteils. 35, Acres - with aider 6 room home. Good gravel depasit. Some gaod cedar bush and some warkable land. Zonedï Commercial- 1.8 acre lot. Just nomth of Bowmenville town limits on Scugog Rd. Only $37,500.00 Service Station and House - Iocated in Newcastle. Ideal setup for working famiIy. Be independent. Ceali for more details. G. Brown J. Barfon G. Beech P. Kowal 623-3702 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 30-1 JOHNS, May - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmianvîlle, o-n Sunday, JVly 20, 1975, May Martin of R.R. Nlo. 5, Bow- manville, ln hem 84th yeer. Wife of the late Frank Johns. Dear mother of Mms. Gordon Baker (Doris). Restîng et the Nothcutt Eliiott F unemal Home. Funemal service 1:30 o'clock, Wednesday etter- noon. Intemment Hampton Ce- metery. 30-1 Leskard Road Sidesplit Owner transfermed. Two yeam old beautiul, 3 bedroom home with sli'ding glass doors to 1sýundeck. Attached garage on large 75 x 200 lot. Specious insulated basemeni ready to finish with corner fireplace. Cali Christa Wiriterhelt. Bowmanville, Bungalow Custom built throughouf and stili below its cost of building. ,Th is home is on a 67 x 165 f t. lot only 2 blocks from shopping. Close to new high school. Vendor bas other interests and fwill teke a trade or seil out right. Asking only $60,900.00. CaîIl Bud Virtue. Trent River Retirement farm- 85 acres. 1Right of way to Trent Canai System. Immaculaté buiid- ings in top condition. Health 1forces owner ta seil. Asking ;oniy $76,000.00 with excellent t erms. Caîl Pet Yeo ta view. Beat Inflation Full price only $46,900.00 for 1this 3 bedmoom brick bungalow -located close to schools and shopping in Bowmenville. Full basement with finished T.V. moom and mec room and elso detached garage. Ail on e spaciaus, professionally land- scaped lot. Cali Albert Ker- ekes. Blackstock Area - 2 Acres Country Living Custombuilt rustic brick and eluminum side§plit with et- teched 2-car garage, pillared front, 5 bed 'rooms, master with ensuite and welkout to belcony, spacious living room, eat-in kitchen, fireplace in panelled and beamed family room, laundry room, central vacuum, air conditioning end many more exceptional fça- tures. Business keeps owrher elsewhere. Cali Elfie Jost. Newcestle'BungalIow For e $47,000.00 investment you cen ownr this 3 bedroomn brick.bungalow. 66 x 132 ft. lot. Attached garage and excellent gerden. Cali Bill Turansky. Bowmanvilýe thÏi mmacu ate 1','2 year Old, 2 storey brick homne. Il/2 baths, 4 bedrooms. Kitchen 20 x Il with patio doors ta sun, deck. Delightful walk-oui recreetion roomr 24 x Il with real fireplace and patio doors that lead ta speciaus lawn. Many extras. Sacrifice et $59,900.00. Terms et 91/4 per cent. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. 25 Suite Apartmenti Site North Oshawa. Zone R-3. Original owner. As-king $165,000-00. Will considen ail offens. Cali Clame.McCullough, Bowmanville 623-3393 or Oshawa 576-3060. Are You Considemng a, MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equiped to handle your home need s anywhere in * ,anadaand U.S.A. leCoast to Coast Real Estate Service 30-1 5 Acre Mini Farm - beautiful' bungalow, broadloomed, walk-out from mec room to patio, large pond, lots of treeý and good market gardening on- this 5 acre property. Little Britain Amea- 86 acres with stream- and nice home with about 1,200 sq. ft. Cal 728-7328 for full particulars. $46,500 - 2 apartments in this village property with swim- ming pool and other extras. lnspect ton ight. Lake Scugog- Area, - $16,900. furnlshed cottage in good condition, bathroom, treed lot. Compare the value. 728-7328. After hours please cail: AI Werry, 263-8190 Lee Rocchetta 723-8707 Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Nels Burshew 728-8266 Ed Verge 728-6322 Key Hoskin 576-5239 A. Louis Voîf 728-7068 Alan Glaspeli 723-7618 30-1 OBITTUARIES HUBERT JOHN STACEY A former employee of th e General Motors of Canada, who retired in 1962 with 22 years service, Hubert John Stacey died at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, July 8th, 1975. He had been in poor health for the past few years. Born in Bowmianville -April 9th, 1897, he was the son of the late John and Janet Stacey. Residing in Bowmanville for the' past 9 years, he had p reviously resided in Sbaw's for 29 years. He was a miember of Trinity United Church, and was a member of thle U.A.W.A. 222, Oshawa. He is survived by bis wife, 4 beclrooms, 11/2 cairms, ec. room, broadloom. -Pnivate yard. $46,500. 91/4 per cent First Mortgage. Ruby Ingleton 623-2627.: Ruby Ingleton 623-2627 Herta Kuleshnyk 683-8245 Velerie Butt 985-2122 janice Corley 576-6857 Joe Longo 725-6735 Martha Prodaniuk 725-5054 George Twaites 723-2008 Kathleen Twaites 723-2008 Maureen Harris 725-1394 Douglas Trivetf 723-73ý90 Bruce Scarleft the former Margaret Mantie, son John Stacey of Bowman- ville, Peter Stacey of Cobourg, Mrs. Ralph Tindale (Jean) of Brampton, Robert of Oshawa, Frank of Orono, Thomas of Coîborne, one brother Alvin died in 1957. The funeral was held from Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home on Thursday, July lth. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre presided at the Chapel Organ. Palibearers were bis five suns, John, Peter, Robert, Frank, Thomas Stacey and Ralph Tindale (son-in-law). Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. Reverend Arthur Amacher officiated. BRAiDLEY JAMES COUCHI The Village was sadidened last week to learn of the death of Bradley James, infant son of Wallace and Ruth Couch, Newcastle, in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Wednesday, July'16., Bradley was a patient in this fine- hospital for -two months, where, although his illness was neyer thoroughly diag- nosed, they neyer gave up hope for bis recovery. His tsmall heart finally gave out after it had endured days of eý,densive tests ans! examina- tiýns in a total effort of staff and doctors to find the c!ause of this littie fellow's trouble. He was, baptized in the Anglican Faith while a patient in this hospital.'1 Bradley was born April il, 1975, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. He leaves to mourn bis passing, bis mother and father, a brother, Tom, and a sister, Wendy; also bis grand- parents, Mr. andMrs. Harold Couch and M vr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod. The funeral service was held Friday, July 18, from the Morris Funeral Chapel with Rev. H.R. Hayne officiating. Pallbearers at the graveside were Messrs. Bill Couch, Jr., John Cunningham, Beverly Brereton and Pat Brereton. Donations, in Bradley's memory, were made to the Hospital for Sick Children. Interment was in Bond Head Ceînetery, Newcastle. AugustSwim Program Bowmanville, Memnorial Park Pool - opening in the following, Royal Life Saving Society - any level if enough interested. Red Cross Classes - Senior, Intermediate, Junior, Survival, Begifiners, Mom's and Tots, Synchronized. Brookdale Pool - opening are pre-beginners 12:00 - 12:30 class. Registration will be taken at the Recreâtion Of- fice, 40 Temperan ce St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Before August Sth. Memoriai Park Pool - Adîîit Swimming, - there wilil be NO Adult Swimming on Saturday nights. The pool will be OPEN to ALL swimmers. 576-7593 PONTYPOOL Mrs. Grace Fallhs spent several days last week in Toronto visiting with ber Sarents. Grace's lfather, Mr. pademan, bas been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. ýGeorge Van- Dam and Mr. and Mrs. Jake VanDam returned home tbis week a fter an enjoyable 4, weeks in the west. They motored as far as Fairbanks, Alaska. Along the way tbey visited members of the Fajt. family in Saskatchewan. Also' returning homne re- cently' from the west were Lavern Brown, Brent Fallis and Randy Bradley. A speedy recovery to Neil Curtis who bas been in bospital in Bowmanville. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Mangan were Mr,. and Mrs. Michael Mangan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les, Brown and Jim Mckee all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Halfyard and Michelle of Iroquois Falls were week-end visitors ;with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neals. Good crowds gttended Pontypool's Funfair and Sum- merfest held on Friday'and Saturday nights. Because of the ramn Sa turdayv a.m. iot too mî-any were arounýd int1he afternooni. Winniers of the 3 draws were Les Argue, Black- stock, Charlie McCullough, Yelverton and Kim Medd, Pontypool. Sellers of wvinning tickets respectively were Mili- ton Stepbenson., Kim Neals and George VanDamn Jr. Peggy Foster of the Newcastle Reporter and John Jamesý of the Statesman wvere both p resent taking pictures. The iocal Chamber of Commerce appreciated the efforts ofal those who belped-. This was e a S a * e a a Corne to .. . DYKSTRA'S Delicatessen rk and Food Market . . For thatQUCk a nd Easy Ready-to-Serve Meal Meat cand Cheese Platters ' (Made to Your Sipecification) FrA--h ~IrcArnn; Potato Salad - Cole Slow - Chef Salad etc. Also Large Selecion of CoUd Cuts DELICATESSEN and DYKSRA'S 73-17 King St. E. Bowmanville Paf Marjerrsomi Ken Nicks &OV'J Joa A 133 Church Sireet BOWMANVILLE ---------- tjuita pivJ a..,.lor a lal village like Pontypool, but everyone was just wonderful and pitched in and helped in 50 many ways. Some spent th-_ entfre timie on the ground '- from opening on Friday at 6 p.m. to Sunday at 1 a.m. Earýy last week a Pontypool Funfair and Summerfest ban- ner was placed on the west side of Hwy. 35 about 1/2 mi. South of the village. It was just up a- very/short time when it mysteriously disappeared. A Millbrook banner on the opposite side of the highway was removed at the same time. If any readers can give information on this sudden disappearance, it would be greatly appreciated, because Ithis banner cost quite a sum of money and could probabl1 be re-used. If you know who took it or saw someone removing it, kindly, contact Roy Gaynor at the Pontypool Garage. A community shower is to be held for bride-elect, Miss Linda Richardson, in the Pontypool United Church basement on Wednesday even- ing, Aug. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stanley, Robbie and Tim, left on Monday for a mon th's vaca- tion in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Finney and family are holidaying in the Kingston area. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Armitagýe and family wvere recent vîsi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lyon at their cottage near Haliburton. The Earl Armitages are camnped this week at Beaver- mea.d Park, Peterborough, while Chris is attending hoc- key school there. Several folks called at the home of Lloyd Fallis on Satur-day night tobhelp Lloyd celebrate bis ()bitday. Sym.pathy is extended to the Yelverton correspondent, Harvey Malcolm, and bis famrily on the passing of bis father last weekl. Funeral services for the late Dr. Stuart, a dentist in M\,illbrook for many years, were also held this pastf week. OBITUARY BEATrRiX ,s. àMcINTOSH A highly respected resident of Newcastle, Beatlrix S. .Mclntosh, aged 93, passed away Sunday, July 16th, 1975 in Oshawa Gçneral Hospital. Born in 1882 in Rapid City- Manitoba, she was the daugh-1 ter of the late Dr. Robe, MVclntosh, and bis wife, Nelli_ Foster, and sister of the late .Robert Mcliitosh. Educated at Havergal Col- lege, Toronto, Miss MclIntosh lias resided in Newcastle since 1920. A member of St. George's Church, Newcastle, during her lifetimne, she was aI>so a mnember of the Toronto Laàý-ý Club from 1934-1971. -' Reverend Robert Hayne1 conducted the funeral service onWednesday, from. the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel. Interment was in St. George's Cemetery, New- castl.