ioycees Proi sd for Starting Bowmonville Weekl No Surplus Lef t to Ease Pain Rate paye by The Editor At a special budget meeting on Friday afternoon, the Town of Newcastle council, with a financial advisor from the province in attendance, pas- sed its 1975 budget with great apprehension. The miii rates show a considerable increase especially ;in former Darling- ton, Newcastle Village and Clarke while Bowmanville's is rs Hit by Tax Jump- more moderate. It was a frustrating after- noon for council wit several members pointing ouf the bitter fact that while they have actua 1lly reduced the mii1i rates apportioned for muniici- pal expenditures, the other factors in the budget for public, high schools and re- gion spending show large increases. It -was pçîinted out on several1 occasions that council only has control over about 29 per cent of the total mnoney it collecfs but will have f0 bear the total brunt of ratepayers' wrath when they receive their higher tax buis this year. Council at an earlier meeting iri commiree approved a resolution by Counciilinr Ken (turlýfl toPae Twc' ~bg ~~n4b mn Volume 121 15C Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY .TULY 23. 1M.7, Following the parade of floats, dignitaries and dozens of decorated bicycles on Monday evening, the participants and other interested town residents gathered in the closed off mail for opening ceremonies. Jaycee President Larrv Pooler was Master of Ceremonies and each of the visiting dignitaries spoke briefly, using the amplifying facilities provided by the special events department of the Molson firm. ffere ' Alex Carruthers MýPP brings greetings from the province. Coffee and donuts were served free to those attending. Counci*l Wants Meeqting wth Dav is To Discuss Reofusai to Grant, Funds Newcastle Town Coujncil will request a meeting vvith Premier Davis and Energy Minister Dennis Timbreil to appeal a goverprment decision denying funds that would finance an independent study of the proposed Darlingtonl Generating, Station. Council received an 'unsa- tisfactory' response to a letter sent to Treasurer Darcy McKeough requesting suffi- 'lent funds to seek outiside advice dealing witb the prob- able imnpact of the nuoclear power station on the commun- îty. Consulting Engineer A. J. G. Leighton told the Counil that "whoever drafted the res- ponse to our' letter didn't read it properly. In a reply cateci June 25th, Mr. McKeough answered the Newcastle request by stating that "there are no funds available to maunicipalities to enable themn to prepare an environmental impact report on the Darlington Genierating Station. Ontario HNdro is presently preparing a detailed environmental assessment do- cument related to the propos- ed station whicb will be submitted to the government, and available to the Town on acceptance." "We don't want the money for an environmental impact report", Mr. Leighton stated, ",we need it to provide independent counsel at public hiearings to guarantee thor- oughi cross examination of the Hydro proposais, and we have Impact to be in possession of ail the facts." in order to be fully prepared for the public hearings, MNr. Leighton maintained that a thorough research investiga- tion into the plan would be essential, with techaical back- up to explain the social, environamental and economic consequences for the town. "We have to be certain that the generating station is safe, and compatible with the Town of Newcastle", Mr. Leîghton added. Council acepted Mr. Leigh- ton's offer to draft a letter td the Premier requesting a meet1ing, anid asked that Mr. L.eigliton serve as part of the Plan ore hangs ta'Sam' Didn't Like Our Photo grap, Remove Hwy. Hazards In 'Death Strilp' Area The entrancewajj to the serious traffie hazard does ,: Clarke High Scho and The exist in the vicînity of the Pines senior elemnentary Clarke High Sehool and The school off Highway 115, justPie senior elementary north of Newcastle, is to be school" împroved. Dr. Charles Mllveen, A request for immediate speaking on behaif of Mimister improvemnent to the entrance- of Transportation and Coin- wav off the busy highway had munication, said he had been been put to the Provincial very înterested and învolved Cabinet, at a public meeting ln in plans to improve the Peterborough WednesLdy intersection, because the area afternoon, by the Northum- will form a part of bis new berland and Newcastle Board riding in the next provincial of Education. election. Board Chairmnan Emmett Mellveen said the provincial Creighton of Port Hope, in (Turn to Page Two) presenting the brief, one of two from the board, told the cabinet ministers, "a very WINS SOFTBALL DRAW BilSheehan of 280 Went- EndUIUu h worth Ave., OsSaDrought formerThe week-end downpours was the $250 winner in Bow apa ohvesvdmn manill Me's oftall crops in the Durham and League 50-50 draw held last Ontario counties, though night. sprîng grain crop yields will The lucky ticket number bedw -10 bushels per acre 17(; waç draw n ilWr. in Durham, and suffer a 25 per Mlayor Garnet Rickard'will be aendtepsnaio o e an orthe rou if was made by League Presi- njydb a&gcouncîl's request is gýranted. dn i cngt by Lîz Armironlg wth the prves-then che capacity to !00 (tbat's peeple, C E in,,.-, 0-w Ftirpg- CUP. TTil; 1ý R( 1"i,h .î igiqvhs not beer.. satisfied thiat thiere are enough ash trays and f re extïinquî- shersý, and the Policýe Chie f is I~'py with the security, and thië cenotaph bas been fen-ed offl for the Legion, and the Health Departmenrt is pleased Invite 10 "Beware the lunich-box MVafia," warned Councillor Ken Lyall at Monday's council meeting, "thley're a crafty lot." He was -making refer- ence to anl in.vitation extenided by Oshawa planners to the Newcastle Council to attend a joint meeting with the Plan- ning andl Developmient Com- mittee- of the City of Oshawa, The purpose of the meeting, as stated in a letter fromn the PHOTOS HELD OVER Wvith ail the activities go- ing on ia towin last Week-end and this week, we've accum-- uilated a large number of photos. There wasn't spaüe to publish them this week, so we'll hold themn over and make a feature of them for for next week. the reputation of being just a RlJttie sticky, might consider letting you crack open a few cold bottles of brew on Temperance Street (of ail places! ). Tbat is, if you enclose the area and limit the Meeting usnawa ,ianning Secretary, is "to discuss niatters in the interests of both municipali- ties."' There is no doubt that council members are keen on attending the meeting scheduled for July 28th, but they want their Oshawa coun- terparts to be a littie less vague about their purposes. Council voted to inform the Oshawa commnittee that they would be happy tLo attend the closed meeting on condition that a written agenda be U rovided and the starting time be changed to 7 p.m. ratber tban four o'clock, wbich conficts with previously ar- "anged Newc,-astie meetings. Couýn. Lyall warned niera- bers "to go well prepared for anyeventualities." -With sorne help fromn their frîends, the Bowmanville Jay- cees did it ail, and their very first (and hropefully not last) Beer Garden proved to be a tremnendous success. Project Organi7er Jimn Robinson had (Turn to Page Two) BERT MIUNDY DIES Albert Mundy of Bowman- ville died Wednesday morning at Minden. Funeral arrange- ments. by Northcutt Ellîott iFuneral Homre. PAID TOO MIUCH TAX T-wo batties are goinig on ia Cobourg at the momient. Last week, a group of credi- tors who wvere offered 30e on the dollar when thre Feather- lite plant went broke, were blasting the parent comi- pany ia Tokyo. Their efforts got them a Meeting la Toronto on MIonday but we haven't îleard the resuits. Also, Mlayor Jack Hleenan is after the Ontarjo cabinet to refund $10,000 the townà has imiproperly paid la sale taxes to the province be- cause of what is claimied as lack of information on mnis- information. And he'll pro- bably get it back too, one way or another. Mlaybe municipalities ln this area should aise look into that mnatter. They too migbt have paid. Seemis the squeaking wheel still gets the grease. AMBITIOUS PROGRAM - You have to hand it to tbose young Jaycees who have worked bard to make Bowmanville Week a great success, especially President Larry Pooler, and Jim Robinson who carried the biggest load as Project Chairman. There are stili a couple of days lef t witb a Baby Beauty contest early Wednesday evening. No word bas corne in wbetber tbey'll be judged in batbing suits or Pamrpers, but the Jaycettes Jolly Jumper will be there. On Thursday nigbt, there's a square dance in the evenmng witb live entertain- ment. On Saturday tbe youngsters will paint the pool bail waii and an open air concert is slated for Memorial Park in tbe afternoon witb fireworks at nigbt. SHORT 0F ENTRIES - Dave Crawford of the Kinsmen Club tells us they are having pro- blems finding enough girls who will enter their Beauty contest for the Miss Kinsmen titie, cash prizes totalling $150, split among the first three chosén, plus other donated prizes. Girls, don't let the Kinsmen down, give Mr. Crawford a cal or contact any Kinsman and enter now. Cal 623-7534 before Friday noon. GREAT SALE -- Bowmanville merchants advise that tbe crowds and spending exceeded last year for the first two days of the Sidewalk Sale last week. If the rains badn't corne and wrecked Saturday, they would bave bad a terrifie tbree days. Better iuck next year, The rain was sorely LOTS 0F LETTERS - This week's edition is packed with many letters to the Editor on a wide variety of subjects. Next week there will be more as ratepayers ini some areas figure out the increase in taxes this year. After you have read the comparative milI rates for the four municipalities involved, there is onefactor that hasn't heen mentioned. The assessment factors for each municipality vary, so a property, in Bowmanville might be assessed much higher than a comiparable one in Clarke. And that would make quite a sizeable difference in the taxes to be paid. But, any way you look at it, you are going to pay more this year than last. BIG NIGHT - At Westgate Speedway tbis Saturday tbere sbould be some super tbrilling entertainment with Earl Ross of the Carling O'Keefe racing team and Jim Wood of tbe Midas Muf fier teamn competing. Tbere's aiso a 10-ap demolition derby and tbey are always exciting. SECOND THOUGHTS - Scugog council, aided and abetted by representatives of about 75 cîti- zens, is apparently havngsecond thoughts about locating a penitentiary in that area. Matt Dymond, iMPP for the area, also asked them to reconsider, but they may have already have blown their chances. Allan Lawrence, MP, ask- ed the Solicitor General a question in the House of Commons on Monday about its probable location and was told "'Not in Scugog Town- ship." 0f course, poliicians even at that level have been known to change their minds. NO SUSPECTS ARRESTED Ontario Provincial Police were still following up leads this moraing la efforts to lo- cate a reddish-purple 1966 to 1968 Mustang that ny have been involved ln an attemp- ted bank robbery at Bethany early Saturday morning. John Snushall, manager of the Toronto Dominion brancb, returned to bis apartmient above the bank~ about i a.m. Saturday and fouad two men waiting for hlm. They demanded he open the bank vault but MNr. Saushaîl refused. They lied hlm and stole $206 [rom his waliet. 1He managed to work bis way to a window and get help. Roadblocks and investiga- lions by police have su far been unable tu corne up with any suspects. The searcb continues. C'FRB's BI Deea cpt Dare f rom Duiry Princess to MiIlk Cow at Blackstock Fair Jiurhamn's Dairy Princess operation last year, bu t wvas To ,)lovee my skîll and yours Nancy Knox bas issued a beaten out. No doubt lie's been -aiso),' poetic challenger to CFRB's practising ail year and will be To Blackstock Fair we both Bill Deegan %aring hlm t o iready this timýe. Anyway, wep -us o comipete against bier and hear he's accepted thie chai- ms o others la a cow milking lenge. Hlere is the challenge A Prîincess 1; a D.J. you, conitest at Blackstock Fair on Miss Knox prepared: We both mus, show watwe August 23rd. It ilil be recalled "W'ith cows to milk each mIora Cali do. that Mr. Deegan tried bis hand and nighit, at the comrplîcated milking 1 workç real ard to do it right, (ITurnc to Page Two) For Study of Hydro Plan t's 20 Pages First Oufdoor Beer Garden Council Wonders What's Behind Miss Kinsmen Nears End of Reign