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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1975, p. 9

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Driving Tips to Rotarians ,O.P.P. Constable Gary Brunton spoke to Rotarians last week about the value of Defensive Driving. He is Community Relations Officer of the Newcastle Detachment of the' O.P.P., and had a great deal of useful advice for ail motorists. McG-III Fa Meets at The twenty-fifth reunion of the McGill family was held at Hay on-omunity Centre on unaJuly 27th, 1975. It was comprised of seventy relatives, extendingý into the third generation of the ori*gi'- nal settl ers the late Joseph McGill and Elizabeth Prit- chard of Manvers. The morning was cloudy 5 tables were set in the Hall where a buffet luncheon was served. At the conclusion of a delicious meal our president Ross ýshton conducted the business session. t was agreed upon to hold the picnic, next year at Haydon on the fourth Sunday in-July.' An interesting report on the 1V' -,ill history was given by 1 _,e Turnbull. She had been, Wi,,rmed that a plaque had been erected inClagow to UPTIO &NM GOVBRNMENT GRANITS F0R r1ftST HOME BUYERS Cail your Beaver Homne Consultant now to find out how you qualify. He'u give you a free Beaver Homes cafa- logue and show you how to save even more, money by building the Beaver way. RAY NORTHEY' 723-3558 or Wrte to 570 Harrop Drive, Mïlton, Ontario m'ily Haydon honor James Mc(iill. Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. H. McGill presented the officers for the next twn years. Pres. - Garth McGill, Vice-Pres.- Ray Ashton, Treasurer- Esther Might, Secretary- Joyce Virtue, Sports - Brian McGill, Allan Ashton, Linda Sharp, Reva and Jim Kins- mnan. Nominating committee - Jean and Myrtle McGill. We then proceeded to the utdoors and the sports com- mnittee consisting ofgDoug and June Billett, Jim and Sally Billett entertained those wisb- ing to participute in games an~d races. At the conclusion of a pleusant afternoon and a treat :)f watermelon, we wended our wuy home. Letter to the [ditor July 30. 1975 Dear Mr. James: 1 am pleused to report and would ik e to thunk the Canadian Statesman for the wonderful coverage for Bow- manville and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, making possible a door to door canvuss amnunting to $13,900 our objective was $12,500. My tbree co-chairman de- serve a great deal of credit for their inspiration and dedica- ton. Mr. Don Yen, chairman for Durlingt.on Twp., Mr. Charlie Trim, Chairmun Clarke Twp. and, part of Manvens Twp. and Mn., Neale McLean,, the business esta- blishments in town. I would also like to mention the Jack and' JilI Club of Trinity United Chunch and the ladies and men of the Cana- dian Foresters Lodge for so, faithfully canvassing our town. 1 1 would be remîss Mn. James if I left out the captains in our district, Salem-Mr. Carpet Bargains Level Loop Carpet from$39 q. y d. Patterned kitche'n Carpet f rom $ 3'-5sq. yd. Indoor-Outdoor Carpet froi 492'sq. yd. HeavyRubber Bock Shag ý4 5sq. yd. Hardtwist- sq. yd. UP TO 90 DAYS FREE FINANCING Farewell Blackburn, Enfiel 'd- Mrs. Fred Samis, Ebenezer- Mrs. Frank Reid, Burketon- Mrs. G. Allison, Solina-Mrs. Marguerite Fraser, Provi- dence-Mrs. R. Dow, Enniskil- len-Mrs. L. Stinton, Hampton- Mrs. L. Clemens, Haydon- Mrs. J. Potts, Tyrone-Mrs. -Stan Goble, Zion-Mrs. Tom Sobil, Ma ple Grove-Mr. George Blyleven, Courtice- Mrs. J . Walters, Pontypool- Mrs. Evelyn Bradley, Clarke Union-Mr. Edgar James, Orono-Mrs. Mildred Dent, Leskard-Mrs. Audrey ïoung and Mrs. Norma Lee, Cow- anville-Mrs. Judy Fonk, Starkville-Mrs. Ellen Farrow, Crooked Creek-Mrs. Connie Sutherland, North Orono-Mrs. Lisa Semphonius and Mr' Delbert- Huether, Newcastle- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wil- liams, Kirby-Mrs. James Lowery, Kendal-Mrs. Douglas Moffatt and Mrs. Carl Lang- staff, .Oak, Section-Mrs. Christa Winterhelt, Sixth Line -Mrs. Ron Fowler, 7A High- wayMrs. Gail Prouse, New- tonville-Mrs. R, Westwood, Mrs. Jean Kimbaîl, Mrs. B. Jones, Mrs. Truman Hender- son, Miss, Carol Henderson and, Mrs. Gordon Montgo- mery. I would like to thank you again Mr James and all the wonderfu people who worked so bard f or a worthwbile cause. Clarence J. Bell campaig n Chairman Bowmanville and District Canadian Cancer Society OBITUARY Mrs. Margaret Allen Following an eight weeks illness, Margaret Allen, died in Memorial Hospital,, Bow- manville, on Tuesday, July 29th, 1975. She was in hier 92nd year. The daughter of the, late Andrew and Elizabeth (McKay) Moffatt, she was borri in Clarke Township and educated at 8th line school. On June 3rd, 1905 she married the late Arthur T. Allen. A resident of Orono ail her life, she was a devoted wife and mother. A member of the United Church, she was a respected citizen of the con- munîty, loved by family and friends. She will be sadly, missed by ail who knewher. Survîving are bier two daugbters Kath1een (Mrs. H. Hooey) Oshawa, Valeta, (Mrs. Milton Green-) Orono, hier sons Harold and Vance, of Orono, and Ernest, Fairbanks, Alaska. Nine grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, 2 great, great grandchildren. Reverend B. Long, offici- ated at the funeral held on Thursday from the Morris Funerai Chapel. Paîl-bearers' were Messrs William and Earl Hooey, Douglas and Terrence Alien, Edgar Middleton and Ben Madili. Donations'Wto te' Caniadian Cancer Society , the Heart Fund, as well as floral tokens were received in hier Memory. Interment was in Orono Cemetery. WESLEY VILLE With the drouth conditions that have been around this area for some timeno one likes to say they were disap- poînted with the dampness of Sunday morning,. August 3, but it was a little frustrating to change lans for church service. Týe members of Hope township pastoral chargehad been lookine forward to an, outdoor service on the lawn of, the Carroll Nichols' home with ifs fine view over Lake Ontario and a close up of progress at the hydro plant site. Service was held at Welcome with Padre Gerald Brown of Bowmanville Train~- ing School i charge. His message of the great need for loving thought and sincere caring for the lonely people of this world, perhaps even in our midst, was presented with clarity and the conviction gained from his oawn-expri- of tbýeir baÎby g-irl,-Lei-ls-a.- -- Mrs. Emma Darke had a p leasant trip recently to the astern Ontario town of Kemptville where she atten- ded the wedding of ber sister Bernice's grandson. Last Tuesday an old time resident of the community near by, now living iný Toronto, called, around to look for nid fends and see again the home of other years. Mr. Francis Pillswortb, 91 years of age, accompanied by bis tbree daughters called to see Mrs. F. Anderson both of wbom, at one. time, attended Morrisb school. One of bis formerý homes was on the farm now owned by Bruce Hendry on concession 3. Mrs. Reg. Bee was in Utterson recently to visit members of ber family there, Salem -BarnBurns with More than $20,00 0 Loss A barn owned by Leonard Benschop at R.R. 4, (Salem), burned to the ground last week with a considerable loss in machinery as well as the building. Firemen from Bowmanville were on the scene for, several hours. There were no injuries. The loss has been estimated at between $20,000 and $30,00. Cause of the blaze has not been released. Photo by Rick James Robert and Gracia Dykstra produced prize winning efforts at the. recent Horticultural Society Show. In the photo, Gracia holds both the Best Arrangement for Juniors and the Tink Prize she received as a result. Robert won first prize for the Kookie Kreature he is holding and was runner-up to Raymond-Mostert for top.junior under 10-years of age. Swimmers Receive Awards At New Memorial Park Pool The July Red Cross and Royal Life swimming pro- gram ended last week at Memorial Pool with the pre- sentation of badges f0 the successful participants. Under the supervision of Instructors Diane Walker, Joan Sautomero, Jenny Payne and four Leader Patrols, the prognam drew 65 children for the Beginner Red Cross Award, 56 Juniors, 14 Inter- mediates and four Seniors. In addition, there were about 150 Pre-Beginners taking lessons at the pool during the past montb. In the Life Saving progrum there were 4 Bronze candi- dates, 15 Survival Swimmers, FOUR-CAR, PILE UP On August 4th, there was'a four-car collision at the corner of King andi Temperance Sts. Apparentiy, a car driven by David Edward Grant, 109 Doan St., Ottawa, was east- bound on King St. when be ailegedly attempted f0 pass two vehicles stopped at a red lîgbt. The Grant vehicie side- swiped botb vebicles, a 1973 GMC pickup, dniven by George Haisma, 499 Brounen St., Oshawa, and a 1972 GMC 1 ton, driven by Johannes Hal- sma, Brighton, and then amed'between the Haisma vice and another car diven by Put Burke, 108 Cornell Ave., Scarborough, wbicb was p arked ut the side of the road. NoinjUries wene reported. The ucceleratorlu the Grant vehicle was found to be fuulty and the car was held by police until it was reard. No charges bave bee=li. and called to see Mr., Chus. Beigbton ut the hospital. He bas been there for some time and the rest and treutmnent bas worked wouders. He seemed to be bis nid jovial self.- The storm of Sunduy after- noon brougbt some damage to bydro ln the areu. The transformer was struck ut the road cutting off power f0 the Clarke Dickinson farm and another disruption occurred ut, the Edgar Nichois farm. Acf ivity continues uuabated ut the hydro site but f0 the uninitiated it is difficulf to follow the pattern of prngress. But thaf is clearly seen on the access roud wbere a large art of the puving and fencing Iý as been doue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough attended the funer- ai of the iatter's cousin, Mrs. Arthur Allen, in Orono iust week. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bee, Murk, Patty and David bave completed their move into their new home on Elgin Street in Port Hope. and two attempting the Inter- mediate Royal Life test. August classes started yes- terday, and as well as offening the full range of Red Cross and Royal Life lessons, there will be an Aduit pro gram, a class for Moms and Tots, and Kathryn Lynu McDonald eldesf daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Ronald McDonald, Belle- ville, and grandaughter of. Mn. aud Mrs. Charles Johns and Mr. and Mns. Bermuda McDouald of Liberty Sf. N., graduated with houons June 2lst fom the lstý class of Dipiomu Nursing ut Loyalist College, Belleville. She bas accepted a job ut Belleville General Hospitai. Joanne Elizabeth Therfeli, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Therteil, 6 Aune St., Bowman- ville, recently graduafed fromn the University of Western Ontario with a, Bachelor of Science im Nursing. She is presenfiy employed ut, Oshawa Genenal Hospital. synchronized swimming., There is still room in most of the classes for anynne inter- ested in joining. Classes are held between 9 a.m.-and 1 p.m and futher information may be obtained by calling the, Recreation, Department. NESTLETON Friends are pleased tbat Mn. Lonne McKee returned home from Oshawa Hospital on Friday. Mr. Arthur Hyland continues f0 neceive tberapy in Oshawa Hospital but on Sunday lie and bis brother spent some time ut bis bouse in Nestîcton. Mn. and Mrs. Larmen Hy- land are patients 'in Port Ferry HospîtuL. This extreme heat is difficuif for ail but for those who are iii it must be more diffîcult f0 adjust to it. 1Mrs. J. Laveli and duugbter Susan of Barrie spent a few duys with bier, sister and busbaud Mn. and Mrs. Non- man Jnhnstone. On Friduy of last week, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mains uttended the sixfh unnuai, Kaývarfha Thddfing und Step Dance Concert ut Bobcaygeou ou Tbunsduy. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robren' and Mrs. Warren Rohrer visîfed Oliver's uncie, Mn. Fred Young, in the bospitalinl Strafford and also calied on Mrs. Young, bier son and daugbter-in-law. Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Robrer, Mn. and Mrs. Warren Rohmer spentFriday f0 Sundaywifh Mo sparents, Mn. naudMs Dave Brooks, Pont Loriug and uttended the funeral of bier cousin Miss Dianne Brooksý (17 years) who was killed wbile wulkiug ou the roud. Sincene s ympufby is exteuded f0 the bereavedfamîlies. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Knapp were Saturduy visitors wifh bier parents Mr. aud Mrs. Alan Wilson. Improved bhealth is wished for Bruce who recently spent three weeks, folowing surgery, in Bowmanvilie Hos- pital. Ou Suuday, Mn. and Mrs. A. Wilson were guests of Miss Dorothy Bolyea in Lindsay. Tbey also visifed their daugh- fer and husbund Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Kimberley and Vaienie, who are vacationing ut Riverwood Park. On Wednesduy Mn. and Mns. Jack Johnston of Manotick were evening dinner, and oven uight guests of bis sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompsofl. Jamie and Michael Leish- man, Reubono are spending a few daýys with Mn. and Mrs, GrahameFish. There parents Mn. and Mrs. James Leish-, man were Sunday evening d~inner and over-nigbt guests. iMrs. Dorothy Cbapmran of North Bay is spending a few days witb relatives in Nestle- ton after completing ber education term in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Montreal are visiting their son and daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Wilson. On Sunday evening Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge returned home from Seeley's Bay with bier daugbter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Morris of Toronto. On Saturday Mrs. Cooledge was a guest at a wedding of bier great-nephew Joe Ibbitson and 'Shirley Bauer in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Laurel, Debbie and Darlene Vine are camping wîtb tbere cabin trailer at Pioneer Trailer Park on Buckhorn Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott and Kim, Leaskdale were Monday luncheon guests of bier parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison, Mr. R. Douglas Davison, Peterbor- ough was ulso a Monday caller. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robin- son of Stroud visited recently with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Moore con- tinue to be busy at Spring- wuater Trailer Park. Recent activitles a', the- park havýe been a wienier roust for the children, a cheese and wine party and dance for the adults. They also participuted in bingo gumes once or twice per week. The- new recreation building bas proved a boom for those, activities where residents become acquainted (onuehappy fumily). Mrs. George Faulkner and daughter of Oshawa visited on Wednesday afternoon witb Mr. Murvin Nesbitt and Mr, Ted Lennard. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Wmn. Armstrong, Port Perry, ou the deutb of bis wife eurly Sunduy morning. The funerul service was Tuesday at 2 p.m. from McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Parlours, Port Ferry. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wlliams, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and fumily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams and 1fumily at their cottage on Chandos Lake The youug folk enjoyed water skiing and the nider folk had the pleasure of a ride in the motor launch. Prese.ntation On Wednesday evening an Informal party was held at the home of Mr. Marvin Nesbitt and Mr. Ted Lennard. Mem- bers and adherents of the Presbyterian Church met to honour Ted on bis retirement as curetaker of the cburcb. For tweuty years Ted was faithful and dedicated in ihis duties. Many times during the coal burning ena, lie visited the churcb severul times in the night to stoke the furnace. The church and lawns were always in immuculate condi- tion. To show their apprecia- tion for a job well doue Mr. Richard Davison read an, appropriate address aud Mr. Walter Magill made tbe pre- sentation of a peu set which was suitubly engruved. Ted- expressed bis fbauks to the group in bis usual capable mauner. Duriug the evening the Misses Peggy and Alison Scott entertaiued witb a num- ber of duets which they had learued at camp. Lunch' of sandwiches, cookies, tea and coffee con- cluded a memorable occasion witb Marvin a most gracinus bost assisting Mr. George Mr. George Scott, Mr. Walter Magill and Mr. Richard Davison were the committee in charge. Nestleton Take-Out Service During the summer Mr. and Mrs. Norm Jobustone, propri- efors of the Country Store, have constructed a most attractive and modemn white stucco building equipped for take-out service. They are featuring char- broiled hamburgers, bot dogs, milk-shakes' and pop. On Fniday afternoon about 4:30 they were open for business The Canacian Statesman. Bowmanville, Auprilst 6. 1975 Body ot 401 ' Çharlie' Discovered in Ditch After a cleca-de of hitchhik- ing along the 401 between Newcastle and Kingston, Isa- dore Gosselin, better known as "401 Charlie" was found dead along the road east of Newton- ville on Friday afternoon. Gosselin could often be seen wandering along the highway dressed in a long black army coat and cap and carrying a satchel. He was well known to the O.P.P. along the, route and on cold days they woulâ give him rides. Gosselin had no close relatives, but the officers described hlm as a village. Parking is no problem as there is room for thirty cars. Have a family party. Corne and bring your friends. Sunday Service Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Church, Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Dea- coness, chose "Accepting God's Purpose" as the theme for her message, reading Acts 18: 1-11. God's purpose for us is like a stream but it is dammed up and must follow another course, and yet it finally gets to His goal. We are ab le to take the ups and downs in our stride because we are inspired by God's goal so we can radia te joy and hope to others. Peggy and Alison Scott favoured with a duet. taîkative, gou naLureu mail. His body was discovered by a motorist who was crossing a ditch to seek assistanice at 2 p.m.- Though. no foui play 'Is suspected, an autopsy is being conducted on the boy of the 62-year-old man. His funeral was held fromn Morris Funera] Chapel on Tuesday. Mart y% Auto Repair 623-3896 3 (iueen St. BowmanvIIê Dykstra's De licatesse n Food Market THIS WEEK ARRIVINGDIRECT FROM NIAGARA DISTRICT Fresh Peaches Early Re .V..rie.ty. .. in. 6 and 4 qt. Baskets $3 .496 QT. BASKET $2 19 4 QT. BASKET ALSO FRESH LOCAL FIELD Tomatoes in 4 qt. bsk. Potatoes in 6qt. bsk.' LEAN BONELESS STEAK ROAST $18 lb. IEMPSTERS CRUSTY OVEN FRESH KAISER ROLLS Save 26e 79 9oi JOY LIQUID GAINES DETEGENTGRAVY TRAIN 2DbTlRGENT DOG-FOOD 40zt1 --9 41b. (Save 29e)(Save_40c) SUMMIT ICE CREAM .9tgl Asst. Flavors STILL A FEW AVAILABLE FRESH-QUICK CHILLED PITTED, RED CHERRMES 22 Lb. Pails or il Lb. Pails also 20 Lb. Pails of Black Sweet Cherries Get yours now while they last!! Ideal for your freezer. WE OFFER THE LARGEST SELECTION 0F DELICATESSEN AND IMPORTED FOODS IN THE AREA. ... PLUS FRESH MEATS,,PRODUCE, DAIRY PRODUCTS AND G ROC ERIES 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanvi lie 'Home of QualitL-y' Grodu 1 ate

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