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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1975, Section 2, p. 3

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AI 'Lawrence Asks'Pointed- Questions About Report e diowing ar e comments by Sin Lawrence, M.P., (,rrogessive-Coeservative Member for Northumberland- Durhàm) on the Summary of the Report of the Atomic lFmergy Cëntrol Board on the ~aste Disposai Sites of idorado Nulear Lirited - ~Iuy 29th, 1975. I1 have only had an oppor- tunity to quickly peruse the summary of the report by the Atomic Energy ,Control on -Eldorado Wast e Sites not clearly marked to warn of tbe radio-activity danger. There is no reference to Eldorado Nuclear Lîmited's negligence in not marking its transport vehicles, whicb carry wastes to the dumps and which transport material to Cbalk River,, witb radio- activity danger symbols. There is no mention of the fact that the local police, fire and security forces bave not been advised in advance of the Two Bands Entertciin During Bowman ville Week that they will be better protected against the dangers of . radio-activity and toxicity in the future than they have in the past." Demand for Elettricity Sets New Hiagh 1 Final Summer Markdowns 3 DAY CLEAROUTI ALL STOCK PRICED TO CLEAR, SAVE MORE THAN % PRICE ON THE FOLLOWING:. Swim Wear, Golf Skirts (remaining stock), Pant Suits, Ladies' Dresses (remaining stock) ALL NEW THIS SEASON'S MERCHANDISE /2Price Gowns - Halter 11eyles, ail one price ......... Sun Dresses - Haiter Styles, alione price. Thursday Friday Open to 9 p. m. Main Level Osawa .Now $29.99 NDw $15.00 Saturday 10 a. M. to 6pM. Midtowfl Mal Sy Gibb, Tim Parkin, Gerry Leroux~ and Mike Wihlidal are members of an Oshawa rock group called Gravity. They belted out a good sound until the heavy downpour rained them out. The sound crew for 1hle park concert were Rick Cousineati, Joe Miesinheimer, Rick Desjardin, and Jeles Cousi neau. Boaru,, reieaseu toulay, r-mvmnu iLet ciuu spectin wste dis josal by There is no indication in the Ontario electrical enefRy Eldorado Nulear Lîmited in summary that the additional consumers turned to their air the Port Hope area. This is a investigations which are to conditioners to get relief from matter of concern not only to take place regarding new June's hot humid weather and those in the vicinity of Port, acceptable dose rates, will be in the process, upped peak Ho pe. It has saine very released and made public by electricai consumption in the wide-ranging implications for AECB when completed. There province by 7.6 per cent over the handhing of alSl radio-active is, notbîng to suggest that June 1974. wastes in this country and Eldorado Nuceaj Lited, dune 23 proved to be the hemisphere. when it has finîshed its heaviest day of use when a "The first point, of course, is radiation survey along the record primary peak demand that the release today from Lake Ontario shore, willmake for dune of 12,248,000 kilowatts the Board is a doctored the resuits public. was reached at 12:10 p.m. summary. One must ask why ý"In sumnmary, while the Temperatures that day were the whole report, in its current report indicates*that high with Toronto, for exam- original version, was not most of our monitoring and pie, reaching 32 degrees Cel- released, and why it is not surveying and maximum sius bv mid-day. available for study by many of permissible dose standards During the month the pro- the technical qualified are now clearly unacceptable,. vincial primary demand for peopie, in industry and in the and that the drinking water eiectricity totalled 6,470,245,- academic community, who criteria is no ionger appli- 000 kiiowatt-hours, an in- have taken a public înterest in cable, 1 arn extremely worried crease of 3.3 per cent over the thîs very important matter? by the statement that the saine month in 1974. "This summary appears to meeting of officiais on Friday, In order to meet the demand me to imply that the methods July 18th, found the current for energ , Ontario Hydro and procedures of, handiing "environmental monitoring drew on a lits different types radio-active wastes ini this prog rami is sufficientiy com- of generating plants as wli as country, .up until, now, are prehensive". On the contrary, purchasing power from n reigh- simply .unsatisfactory in the the summary of the report Of boring provinces. 0f the total light o f môdern technology the AECB indica tes there are energy generated 49.3 per cent and increased public aware- many more insufficiencies in came from hydraulic stations, ness of the dangers. It would the total picture., 14.6 per cent from coal, il per appear to me that there is a "I wouid urge the Minister cent from huclear stations and direct implication that our of Energy, Mines and Re- 6.1 per cent from the naturai monitoring procedures, which sources to immediately re- gas fuelled Hearn plant in were utilized in the past and lease the full report of this Toronto. The other 19 per cent considered appropriate, are investigation which has been was purchased. simply now no ionger ad- in his hands now for weli over The following summary in- equate. Surely the full report, three weeks. He shouid ensure dicates the percentage of time teclinicai language and ail, that it gets the ver y wîdest 300,000 kilowatt thermal units should be immediately re- distribution thro ughout the were availabie to produce ieased and made available to industry, and the academic energy witb 100 per cent beîng those who have the knowledge community, as well as te equl t tE whoeo e and experience to understand_ ne\vs media. I think. the compared to dune, 1974. It aiso its full import and to make Minister had better produce, reflects the utiiity's yeariy public comment upon-it. pretty fast, something a littie maintenance program carrîed "There is no mention in the more comprehensive than out during summer months summary of numerous com- what we received today, to when demands for eiectrîcity plaints that the waste sites are re-assure the #iblic atilarge are low. The hydrogen leaks at Pickering in Units 2 and 3 were in the non-nuclear end of B OW AN VLLEthe station. Hydrogen isused DENTURE CLUNIC which produces eetiiy 33 Kng t. . - 23-473When leaks of hydrogen occur 33 Kng t. . - 23-473through a gasket, seal or fitting, hycrngeù min gles with A COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE water to a point where îts PATRICK G. DEEGAN, D.T. effectiveness as a coolant is unaccweptable. Then, the sy- Office Heurs: stem must be repaired., iMonday toFriday 8:30 a.m. te 5: 00 p.m. Work', continues on the Saturday 9: 00 a. m. te 12 Noon sure tubes in UnitFa 0 Pickering in prder to return it to s ervice later this year. TOO BOOD TO STO-PI* SThe $5 take-off... .took off I1 jý4e% ffieTake off excess pounds with Canada's I ~ Ieading weight control organization. 5 weekd membership regularLy $19 Now $14 ST. PAUL'S UlNlITED CHURCH 0 rO 1-6, CHURCII STREET' ~ MONDAY, 7:30 p.m. Dont forget to ask for ouç r,. Over 275 classes per week Counterweight products at your favourite food store. (1-0u VYrw iig Unt CMpItnhrnfç,d irst Rirthdav Hi! My name is Tara Lynn and 1 celebrated my first birthday on July 26th. My proud, parents are Ron and Ann Craig, Oshawa, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Meadows, Bowmnanville, and Mr, and Mrs. R. R. Craig, Oshawa, and my great grandparents are Mrs. V. Morris, Bowmanville, Mr. G. Heaslip and Mrs. E. Craig, both of. Oshawa. Agricultural News 4-H Show Preparation Day On Saturday, August 9tb, 4-H 'Dairy and, Beef Club members from across Dur- bamn County will be gathering at the Orono Fairgrounds for a Demonstration Day on pre- paringand showing livestock in the ring. During the day, 4-H'ers as well as other livestock exhibitors will have the opportunity, to learn more about proper fitting and feed- ing of show cattie. The various types of halters and their use, proper washing procedures to use in cieaning cattie, pro- cedures to be carried out when hoof trimming and clipping the animal and proper meth- ods of showmanship when in the ring. In the afternoon, 4-H'ers will have the oppotunity to pre- are and shpoa caîf on a team Sasis. Four members in each team would select a caîf and prepare the animal as if it was going into the showning that day. Then, there wilI be a Showmanship Competition at the end of the preparation peniod. Anyone who is inter- ested is welcome to attend this day at Orono Fairgrounds starting at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 9th. Warble Flies Get Under 5kmn of Cattie Almost every phase of the life of the Warble fiy seems to be aimed directly at making life miserable for cattle and cattiemen alike. Through duly and August, aduit warble tuies buzz annoyingly about cattie in an attemDt to land on the Jikde to lay their eggs. The presence of the files, so dsturb the cattie, that they run around wildiy during this time of year. This running or "gadding" can cause serlous injury, in the form of cuts, scratches and broken legs as weli as cause a loss in milk production and a loss and' reduction in weîght gain. Milk flow may be reduced by up to 2.5 pounds per day, wbich in turn, can reduce weaniing weight by up to 40 pounds on beef calves. The files lay their eggs. on cattie throughout duly and August. Af ter 3 to 7 days, the egss hatch and tbe larvae make their way through the hair and penetrate the skin, causing great irritation. The larvae overwinter in their hosts and migrate up through the body toward the back. When the larvae reacb the back of the animal, sometime in February, March or April, they cut a smali hole in the skin. Within five days, of, reaching the animal's back, the larvae moît and become covered with spines. In trying to isolate the invaders the cow, builds pockets of tissue around tbem calied, Warbles. It takes about il weeks for the larvae to develop fully in the warble, and ail through this time the hole is kept open to prevent breathing, as the larvae grows, so does the hole. When the larval development is compiete, tbe insects work their way out of the breathing Here they form pupae,' and in approximately fîve weeks, aduit fiies emerge to lay'their. eggs and the cycle begins again. 1n addition to loss' of reduction in weight gain and physical injury in cattie, the producer can lose other ways. Animals suffering heavy in- festationi of the p est, -fetch lower prices at the market. Higber numbers can, cause considerable irritation resuit- ing in bigher stress. This increases the possibilîty of otber kinds of infection. There are very effective control measures, which involves the use of systemnatic insecticides in September, October or November, when the insects are beginning to work their way tbrough the animal's body. For'more information on the Warble Fly, its cycle and its proper control, pro- ducers should consult the Factsbeet, "War on Warbles ",. avaîlable from the agricuitur- ai office in Bowmanvilie, or through the Information Brancb, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Remem- ber, everyone has warbles in their cattie and without effect- ive control measures, you can have severe dollar losses in your operation. Feed Analysis Service Available Again, this year, farmers can have their feed, that they are using for livestock anal- yzed through the Feed Anal- ysis Laboratory at the Univer- sity of Guelph. During this time'of year,' the number of samplesy goîng into the lab- oratory at Guelph is quite small, and we would recom- mend that any producers who are planning on taking sam- pies of hay, should do s0 during this time of year. In this, way, you will bave your report back in plenty of time to start develnping your feed- ingprograw for the upcorning winter months. There are a that can be done on your feed sample ranging ail the way from a simple dry matter and protein analysis right up to a complete elemrent analysis of your feed sampie. Depending on your situation, there is a program that you can use to, properly analyse your feed- stuffs. We do have a bay sampler available to pro- ducers, and if you wish to use the sampler, you cari contact the agricultural office or drop in and pick up the sampler. We also have additional informa- tion on feed analysis services, however, we do want to encourage anyone wbo is planning on doing feed anal- ysis, especiaily, onhay should plan to do so as early as possible, so that your resuits are back in plenty of time. Safety on the Farm From now until the crops are harvested, it is a very busy time of year for farm people. We do want to eMpha- size the area of farm safety at this time, and point out that the biggest cause of accidents on the farm at this time of year is with power macbinery, such as combines, forage harvesters and forage wag- ons. Remember wben working around this type of equipment, always conicentrate on what you are doing and don't let the machinery become your master. We ail like what power equipment can do for us, as it makes the job a lot easier in most cases. How- ever, the operation of this equipment on a safe basis is st11 up to the operator, and if you are not careful in every- thing you do with powered euipmnent, accidents can re- st. Iet's maite it a safe harvest season by respectin% ail powered equipmnt and I this way cut down on the number of farm accidents at this time of year. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 6,,1975 3 Honest Saloon Keeper, credit for the frankest saloon keeper in the United States. He keeps the Temple ' Bar Saloon and advertises his business with the most enter- prising frankness. "Allow me to inform you that you *re fools" hie says, et his place is usualy filled. He maîntains that hie is an honiest saloon keeper, and that it will not hurt bis business to tell the truth about it' . . . He bas bad printed an advertising card which would make an excellent manuscript for a temperance lecture. Copies are being circulated tbrougb tbe Western States and are attracting mucb attention. The card reads as follows: "Friends and Neigbbours; - I amn grateful for past favours, and having supplied m,' store with a fine lot of choice wines and liquors allow me to inform you that 1 shaîl continue to mnake drunkards, paupers and beggars for the sober, indust- nrous, respectable part of the communty to support. My liquors will incite riots, rob- bery, and biood-shed. Tbey will diminish your comforts, increase your expenses, and sborten your life. I shal confidently recommend them as sure to multiply fatal accidents and incurable dis- eases. "'They will deprive some of life, others of reason, many of character, and ail of peace. They will make fathers fiends, wives widows, cbildren or- pbans, and al poor. I will train your sons in înfidelity, dissi- pation, ignorance, lewdness and every other vice: 1 wîll corrupt the ministers of re- ligion, obstruct the gospel, defile the cburch, and cause as much temporal and eternal deatb as 1 can. 1 will thus accomodate the public; it may be at the loss of my neyer dying soul. But 1 have a family to su p ort - the business pays - and te public encourage it. 1 bave paid my license, and the traffic is lawful; and if I don't seil it, somebody else will. I know the Bible says "Thou shaît not kili". "No drunkard Heaven", and 1 do not expect the drunkard to fare any better, but I want an easy living anùd I resolve to gather the wages of iniquity and fatten on the ruins of my species. I shah therefore carry on my business with every energy, and do my best to diminish the wealth of the nation and endanger the safety of the State. As my business flourishes in propor- tion to your sensuality and ignorance, 1 wiil do my bes t to prevent moral purity and intellectual growth. "Should you doubt My ability, I refer you to the pawnshops, the poorhouses, the police courts, t he hospital, the penitentiary, and the gallows where you will find many of my best customners have gone. A sight of them will convince you that 1I-do what I say. "Allow me to inform you that you are fools and that 1 am an honest saloon keeper." From the "Free Press Print, 388 Queen Street, New Zeal- and". August 1909. LOUO MOUtHS DN HAJVE ro WORRY ABOUTA SARORTAGE 0F FOOP, THEy USIJALLY HAVE TO EAT THEJR WORP. PLUMBING &IEmhTING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO làhone263.2650 DYiKSTRA'S Corne to. e* DY K STRw"A'S ' Delicatessen and F....d .M...k... For that Quck and Easy Rea dy-to-Srema Meut and, Cheese Platters (Made to Your Specification) Fresh SaladsArriving DaiIy Potato- Salad- Cole SIaw - Chef Sallad etc. Also Large Selection of CoId Cuts-1 FOOD MARKET 73-77 King St. E. Bowmanville STORES AND OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Bowmanville New Neighbourhood Shopping Centre IDEAL LOCATIONS FOR: Bank, Pharmacy, MiIk Store, Dry Cleaners, Shoe Store, Barber and Beauty Salon, Card and Gift Shop, Restaurant- Delica'tessen, Bakery, Pizzeria, Ladies" and Children's Wear, Grocery. Office Spa ce 350 Square Feet and Up For Doctors, Dentists, Real Estate, Insurance WAVERLEY CENTRE LOCATED IN BOWMANVILLE IN EXTENSIVE 3,500 NEW HOMES AREA SOUTHEAST BUILDING CORPORATION 1135 LESLIE ST., DON MILLS 444-6635 Rod Craig and The CounftryEditiofl provided sorne lively country and western tunes at the Jaycee Concert in Memorial Park on Sunday afternoon. Rolly tYeon, Rod Craig,.Jimmy Whiteman and Irv Miller, shown in picture, were joined for guest spots by Ivan Wanamaker and Wendéll Trineer at various points in the programn.

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