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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1975, p. 1

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Deofensive Driving Cani Reduce Fatalities, Rotarians lnformed By Provinciali Police"Speaker by Liz Armstrong Despite gruesome statistics a,'i4, numerous photos of twist- wrecks in the press, the ,laughter on our highways continues. Obviously-, it takes more than publicity to encourage drivers to. exercise a littie more -caution on the road. Unfortunateiy, most of us think that serious or fatal accidents only happen to the other guy . .. as we casualiy read the caption under the picture of yet another fatality. 1Bad driving habits? Most of us wouid deny baving any. Proud 'of our accident free records, we tend to become Celebr ates 9Oth Birthday ceeorated hils 15>111 urtuay Aug. lst. Mr. Rowe lived ail his if e in Orono until moving ýBeau Villa five years ago p .er the death of bis wife Por many years he owned and operated the Orono Flour Mil, then after selling bis busiessto r. ordo'n Loack- wood, he worked at the Hampton. Flour Mill. Hle also built a number of bouses in Orha short street above Curyýply being namaed after .bim. Mr., Rowe's chief hobby was is music and until a short time ago lie put in some time every day wîth bis fiddle. He piayed tuba in severai bands, iuding, Bowmanvilie and Oshawa, as weli as Orono; also string bass in various orchestras. Mr Frank, Rowe, Ottawa, visited is brother Harry this week and together they had a ploasautvsi f t hercu- sins in Orono, Mrs. Mary Morris and Mr. AI Hall. They also cailed ln to see their sister, Miss- Elsie Rowe, recentiy of Newcastle, now living at Strathaven. M4ýrs., ir-nnie Dilling Awarded Five Troph les for Her Entries In Horticultural Society Show Th Hrtcutra Scitv~ presîdent of the club, fîýgured -Wn Annha Floweutr ad vegetabie promînently in the shoc b points la Rose Section -Wni &bo wa hed a th Meor- taking five awards. Diiiig; Siggins Tropby - most laiw Pak Chue a tWed - Special Prize Winners artisti arrangemenit - Winnie 11 If-Sam Deweil Tropby - most (unt aeTo nesday, Juy 319t. The entrants managed to overcome the July drought' anci prociuce many beautîtul specimens wich wvere on dispiay to the public fromi 4 'tii 9 P.m. Several Spécial Prizes were awarded in various catego - ies, and Mrs. WinnieDihg RUSHED TO HOSPITAL, A letter was received this morning from John W. Wat-, son, 37 Nelson St., informing us that he had been taken seriously !Iii while holiday- ing at a cottage nortb of Parry Sound. 11e expects to be transferred to Memorial Hospital bere in a few days LIPTay fMay Be, Able' to Build Home After Ail John Liptay, an Oshawa schooi principal, may have won is batte to build a bouse on land la Haydon, once owned by is father. H1e bas been seeking a land severance to permit building bis bouse. Newcastle council bas passed a résolution deciaring the portion of rond, in front of the Litay property, an improved rond, subject to certain con- ditions. The severance was ap- proved on condition Mr. Lip- tay bring tbe rond up to standards, -wbich bave ben estimated at costing Liptay close to $20,000. If he conveys enougb land to the town to aliow the widening or up- grading of the road to 66 feet the road wouid then be termed improved and, requirements met. WtO telm"ru Volume 121 15c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO, WEI )NESDAY, AUGUST 6. 1975 18 Pages Number 32. La sf One Into Newccistle's New. Pool, ls a Stînker!l sensitive when the topic of how wel We navigate our vehicles- cornes up- even defensive. And defensive we should be - in a driving sense.that is. Most exerienced drivers can pro- bably rememnber a few close calis behind the wheel, nar- rowly escaping accidents with a littie bit of luck. We tend to put these incidlents out of our minds shortiy after our hearts have stoppecl nounding and (Turn to Page Two) Two Men Rob 85-Year-OId Pontypool Man Two men robbed an 85-year-old Pontypool area man of an un- disclosed amount of money during the night on -August 5th. They forced him'to re- veal where he hadi hid.. den his savings by threatening' him with a two-foot wrecking bar. Jack Malcolmson, living alone, was awakened by the men in the house and the light from the flash- lights they, were us- ing. They threatened him and threw a blan- ket over -his head while they continued their search for more than an hour. Mr. -Malcolmson was not injured. OPP Constable Doug Mar- tin is investigating. NEAR DROWNING AT POOL In b is brief address at the opening of Newcastle's swimming pool on Sunday, Bud Fanning, Recreation Director, mentioned that a a near drowning had occur- red at the Bowmanville pool iast week. The Statesman bas been trying to learn the details of the incident for thie past sev- eral days, but, so far, has been unable to obtain them, from Mr. Fanning or any of bis staff. In the meantime, rumors aloit the near casua-,ltyar flying around the comnmun- ity, probabiy gaining more inaccuracies as they are spread., Possibly, by next week, some accurate infor- mation may be gvailable. Regional Social Services committee decided last week to go ahead with the previous- ly approved contract with Bowman Construction for renovationrs and additions to the day care centre on Church St., in Bwavle Thie regiéôan cïflrnltw (e Ias been asked by regional council at its last meeting to investi- gate renegotiating a better deal with the provincial gov- ernmnenton a subsidy for the cost of the projeet. STEAL GOLF EQUIPMENT The borne of William Brown, Liberty St. South, was robbed of more than $930 in cash and'golf equip- ment last week. Regional Police are stili investigating but no report bas been re- ceived of any arrests. $230 in small bills and coins was re- uorted takeni along with $700 la golf equipment. Cyclis-tILInjured On August 3rd, at seven p.rn., a cyclist was in a., collision with a car driven by" Douglas Graham, 4 Summer- field Court, Bowmanville. The Graham vehicle was reported- ly making a right hand turn from Scugog Road onto Jack- man Road when it collided with a 10-speed bike ridden b Pamela Nixon, Lamb's Roa 11.R.-4, Bowmanviile, who was riding south on Scugog Road. Mrs. ixoi's leg was eut from bier knee to bier ankie and she was treated at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A charge bas been laid against Mr. Graham for unsafe turning. Stoney Creek Mari Dies in Single Car Accident on, 401 Although it agreed to a 100 per cent subsidy, the province had limited the total expend- iture when the committee had sought project approvai. Revised cost of the pro ject is $94,000. -Times FAMILY HOMELESS A Port Hope fa mily of six is homeless after fire 1ev- elled their home on Friday nigbt. The bouse on Choate St. was occupied by Richard Wiliard and bis famnily who eseaped the blaze. ROB BREWERS WAREHOUSE Two men robbed the Brewer's Warehouse in Campbellford on Saturday. Tbey escaped wvith $2,000 lu cash Nurses, Hospital Ratify Djetails, The Management Commi tee of Memorial Hospital an the Bowmanville Bargainin Unit of the Ontario Nurse. Association'have ratified th contract matters negotiateda thelProvincial level., ofblNewCi it- At separate meetings bel nd on Wednesday, July 30, 1975 ng both parties agreed to approx s' imately thirty (30) provincia rie contract items. This success at fuiiy completes the, firi occurrence of joint bargaininî STown WiII Receive Grant 4 PIECES O f $1O,0OO from Province THERE'S STILL TIME - If you havetalreaf For, New Darington Arn been over to the Lions Centre ocnrbtbl there's stili time. The Red Cross Blood Donor Clinie In a news release fromn Arena by the 'Ministryc Queen's Park, Alex Carruth- Culture and Recreation. will be operating until 9 o'clock tonight. Hurry, ers,. M.P.P. for eDurham, they'1l be glad to see you and the need is great., announces that a grant ln the' Win H1orficu ______amnounit of $10.000 bas been SOAP BOX DERBY - Don't forget the Recrea- aewadetor the Town ofto tion Dept. annual Soap Box Derby on the Simp- NwatefrteDrigo son Avenue hill, near Soper Creek Park that u u opens on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. This event has v ei re always produced considerable competition anda plenty of excitement. We have no idea how flj '.a many cars will be entered, but suggest you Rolli u corne to the race circuit and see for yourself Asapdcîei h how abit of ingenuity and a lot of workcnpo number of employable people duce some speedy vehicles. receiving welfare in dune bas been recorded by the Durham NO GRAND PRIX?- Last week we received a Rgo oilsrie eat news release from Mosport stating that price meAcdnt. ofgue e reductions would be im effect for the Labatt's p50 accoTrd t igres ere-'- Grand Prix of Canada, Sept. 19, 20 and 21. Later in 1,168 employable people re- the week came the startling news that the event ceiving welfare in dune, may have to be cancelled because the European 197 re5o.,13l My folks who apparently do the arranging for the However , the dune figure is Formula One cars and drivers to come here, want stili above the dune 1974 figure-t considerably more money than was agreed to. of 851 employable people on Negotiations are stili going on in the hope that welfare. wil besetle wthot cacelaton Total number of people everything wl estldwtotacnelto receiving general weifare being necessary. assistance in Durham Region in dune was 3,872, compared to DRID OT FST Aterhisfuly coted 4,211 in May, and 3,189 in dune DRIE OUTFAS Aftr hi fuly coth 1974. dxp in Newcastle Village's pool on Sunday afternoon. His Worship Mayor Garnet Riekard must have dried out fast. Either that or wife Annabelle put him through the drier, because his picture appeared in The Oshawa Times on Tuesday, showing him, Regional Chairmian Walter Beath and Councillor Ivan Hobbs at the convention of the Association of Muniicipalites on Monday. for the opening session in the Royal York. We only hope the watch hie was wearing when he went into the pool was waterproof or he could be late for some of the meetings. HAPPY 91RTHDAY - It was a thrill to see the Queen Mother on television Monday, graciously accepting the best wishes of a, large crowd of admirers on hier 75th birthday. Her many visits to this country must have been remembered by a host of Cailadians as they watched her. She was always a great favorite over here. AMONG MISSING - One of the most contro- versial union leaders in many years is missing. Former Teamsters' head Jimmy Hoffa hasn't been heard from since hie went to meet a couple of associates. naturally is wonder- ing just what happened, underworld Mafia figures are mixed in there somewhere and it apparently is suspected that he may have been kidnapped and possibly killed. lle's got some It's ali in the family for junior green thumbs. B. tough friends, and enemies. photo,1 holds the Carson Elliott.Plaque which hey John Harry Conneil, 22, of 50 Vassmore St., Stoney Creek, dmea in a single, car accident 'Tnursaay nignî on Highway 401 when his car rolled after leaving the eastbound lane., The accident occurred near the GLAD ,SOW - Just a reminder that the Region Oshawa-Newcastle town line. The vehicle shown here after it had been brought to Bob's Towing at Maple Gladiolus' Show will be held this Saturday at Grove, was a complete wreck. Memorial Park Clubhouse. Don't miss it. o4hnt ract Id on a provincial basis involving 5 104 participating hospitals and )-the local bargaining units [a represented by the O.N.A. i The main standardîzed Pro- st visions are: g (1) Salaries - an 18 percent in- 2- crease over 15 months on tbe .Reistered Nurse min- imum - $170. per month by January, 1976 of which $100. a month is effective immediately and a fur- ther $70. a month is pay- able in January, 1976. The minimum salary is in- creased from $945. a of month to $1,045. a month, (Tura to Page Two> _ Itural Awards,, laymond Mostert, in the top ývqp for c.ompiling the most points in Section "A" of the Junior group, boys and girls under 10 years of age. His sister Carolyn shows hier first prize winni'ng effort in the Kookie Kreature. She also took top overal prize by having the most points in the over 10 class of the junior entries. On Sunday afternoon, durîng.theopening cere-monies at project chairman, takes off into the pool to be first one in. The Newcastle's new, Lions Club swimming pool, His Worshîp second photo shows the mayor following, with Lions Mayor Garnet Rickard)was the last fo speak and he also cut President Ed Majer close behind. The crowd loved it, and the traditional ribbon. The picture at left shows hlm handing dozens of youngsters who had Îust'been told they could swim- the scîssors to N-N Bd. of Education representatîve Maurice f ree for the rest of the day, were. not far behind. Prout, Wh!ile Pat Blaker of Newcastle Lion s who is the pool WiII Go' Ahead with $94,OOO Contract for Day Care Centre H.ere

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