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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1975, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesmani, Bowmanville Augue 6. 1975 !'i! K? DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED l Tues., 4:30,P'.m. ' s. i * c FREE to good home, mnaie Germnan Shepherd - Colie puppies, Phone Harvey Mal- col m, Bethany, 705-277-2983. 32-1 ME Z ff, MIDDLE aged couple for three bedroom brick house, located near Libery and King Streets. Available Sept. 1. No children. Pets welcomne. Redecorated. $170 monthly Heat and hydro extra. Write advertiser 559 c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, -32- THREE hosteins for sale, due early Septemnber. Phone 1-655- 4647. 32-1. STANDARDBRED colt, 2 yrs. old,, halter broken, sou nd 263-2365. 32-1x TRAIL rides available at Willow Stables. Phone 725- 6611. 3-1-4 ORIN G, reasonabte rates,, pick-up and delivery can, be arranged. Leeward Kennels Registered. 705-277- 21135. EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE It4DOOR ARENA 0OARDING instruction i Schoolýing of Hqnters & Jumýpers Huntrs& umers Bought &Sl RRZ 3 OWMAeNVILLE 623-7336 G. BAR S. RANCHq Horseback riding, $3 per hour. Our members h p is even cheaper, we harve 9 x 12 box staîts for rent, plenty of room, Snecial-riding.ring and nlvi- dual corals for yocur conven- ience. $50 per mno nth. CALL US ANYTIME 623-4027 19-tf TH K e: bedirôom, sen- detached, large kitchen, recreation room, garage, Bowmanville. Phone 623-2591. 32-1 TWO bedroomn apartmnent, close ýo dw town, $175 per mojnth, including utilities. No pets. Dryer $_5 extra per mot.Available immirediate- !y. Caîl 623-7396 until 6 or 623-3739. 32-1 UPSTYAIRS apartmient, 1v2 bedroomis, fridge and stove, heatýed ga rage, two mniles east of Bowjmanville on Hwy. 2. Phone 987-4474. 32-1 MOTHER of two has four bedroom m house to share with samie or single womnan. Seven-miles north of Bowmian- ville. Phione 263-8885. 32-tf ONE _bedroom apartment, centrally located. Available immediatel y. Stove and refri- gerator. Cal 623-3211. 32-1 ONE bedroom aparîment upstairs. Available Sept. lst.' Aduits only, phone 6,23-2711. 32-1 ONE and twio bedroomn apart- ments for rent, very spacious, ail bis paid, free Parking, f ree cable. Phone 623-4697. 32-1 FORTY foot mQnbile home on f rivate lot, well and septic a n k. North Newcastle. imnmediate occupancy. Mature couple preferred. Phone 987--4931 after 6 p.m. 32i-1 Aen ieS. . Li ndsay, Obaro. The property of. Ted anci, Verna. JolIow, Canning- ton,. Ont. 122 hiead of purebred, prcentage and grade Charo- Iascattîe. Thlis is a good qujality herd &f Charolais. c attle well worth your atten- tion. Herd wIlbe preg narcy checked bef,ýore sale. Catalo- g ues a3vaicabie en request. Termscash. No reserve. Note 7:00 p.m. saie time. Ca rl Hickson, Sdies and Auct4oneer, Reabro, Ont. 705-324-9959» 32-2 Provincial Court Auct ion -Sa le 'of ' Livestock, Implements and Househoid «Furniture. The property of Clavfnn Milier. Lot 21, Con. 9, Datr!ington Twp. 1 mi. north of Ennislllen'and 1/4 mile'west on Old Scuigog Road, or 8 miles south of Blackstock'on County Road 57 to 9th'Concession. 90 head of Hereford and Charo- lais cattie. Purebred Hereforc Herd Sire born April 26, 1971. 30 mature Hereford and Char- olais cows with 31 Hereford caives by side. 20 Hereford steers 1 yr. old. 7 Hereford heifers 1 yr. old. 1973 David Brown 995 diesel tractor, 800 hrs. power steering complefe with 1973 David Brown mani- ure loader with Y' hydraulic bucket. 1968 David Brown 990 diesel tractor, heat houser, good ,chains, Cockshutt 30 gas tractor, good.1 972 Ford 2 row forage harvester PTO,ý 1970 Grove 8 ton self unloading forage wagon 8' x 16'. 1974 Hydrein 3-16's plough, spring re-set, extra beamn for 4th plough. New l-olland 331 manure spreader, 1971 Ford 2 rwcorn planter, Int. 45 Baler, Cockshutt 7', power mower, 11972 New Hoiiland sîde rake, Allied 10' cultivator 3 pt., A-C 66 comýbine, double disc,,flexible harrows. Cock- shutt 13 disc seed drill, David Brown 3-12%s plough, Tandem traiter 8' x 16', B.D. field prvayer, Maple Leaf 20' hay eearDanuser post hole digger. 1956 F~ord 500 21/2 ton truck. Lincoln welder, full uine of mnodemn power machînery. Williams piano and bench, 9 piece dining roomn suite, chrome suite, chesterfieid suite, pime cupboard with hutch. Viking frost free re- frigerator, Kenmore heavy du t toe, Frigidaire dish- washer, Frigidaire washer, chest of drawers, large quantity of household items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Furnifure Sale at 11:00 a.m. Machine Sale at 12 noon. Catie Sale at 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 30-3 Friday, August 8 We are having another auction sale for Jack Bunker, in the Village of Goodwood eit Hwy. 47 and Coun ty Rd. 1lA, 7 miles South west of Uxbridge or 5 miles north east of Stouffville. Spool bed, cane bottom chairs, large quantity of other chairs. Ro)und pede- stal table, pine benches, Bird's eye mnaple stand, cap- tain hiah chair. pine (3 door cupboardï), fireplace mi-antel, siant top desk, dozen's of other articles in the furniture uine. Butter bowl, cnpp'.,erbolr copper tea ketile, wooden h ay fork, tobacco cutter, brass jel ly pail, coal cil lamps, old dlocks, crocks, antique stove, wooden planes, augers, ox yoke bows, glass and china, hunidreds of articles. This wil be another sale similar to the last one when we sold over 800 lots. Plan to attend. No re- serve as Jack isrmoving into a smaller homre and can not accommodate if ail. Terms cash, sale at 12,00 noon sharp. Two rings will be in operation. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone t705) 357-3270. 32-1 Estate Auction Saturday, August 9, star',ing 12:30, estate auction -0f housèholci furniture, the pro- perty of late Mrs. Maudle Dear, Iocated 147 Baldwin Street (No. 12 Highway) Brookiin. Patial 11sf includes: Gerhard Heintzman piano (beautiful condition), piano bench, oak china cabinet with curved glass, cherry drop leaf table, walnut drop front desk, cohsole hall table, piano stool, Canadiene 2 drawer pine table, ptne table, walnut bookcase, p'anter table, pit- lared -mantel. dock, brass jardiniere, brass kettie, 6 pc. pînk anc g reen wasnstand set, china pedestal ohi amp, ches- terfield and matching chairs, swivel chair, end table, dres- sers, 3 pc. bedraomr suite, various mirrors and lamps, chrome kitchen set (like niew), Viking color TV 26" (3 yr s. old,), G.E. Elect. A4 burner stove (like new), and other misc. items. Auctioneer's Note: This is a good! sale with everyth ing in excellent condi- tion, and well cared for. Termns cash. No reserve, to settle estate. Kahn Auction SriePort Perry -985- auto harp, stools, and many other interesting and antique Items. NOTE: A large quanti- ty of plumrb'!ig and insmith iools from tihis estate, as well as,' quantifies of other tools and hardware ite-ms wili be sold Wednesday night, Aug ust 13th, 7:00 p3-m. Plan to attend Fridiay eveningi. Terms: Cash. Auctioneers- Stapieton Bros. 786-2244. 32-1 Saturday, August 9, 1:15 at Saveon Products Warehouse, Hwy..28, Bewdley,. conýising of walnut bedroom suite, librarytable with claw feet, display case, kitchen cabinet, oak' office desk,' chests 0of drawers, oil lamps, -dishes, glassware, crocks,- iron pot, washstands, Clsirtone stereo and radio, rocking chair, chesterfield and chair, books and other items stili being consigned. RQger Bannister, Aucfioneer 797-2651. 32-1 Antique Aucton Selling Sat., Aug. 9 at 11 a.r. shar,p Someof the f inest antiques ever to be offered for sale by auction in t his area. Property of Mr. Storesbergan, Centre St., Orono. lncluded in this sale are the following ite-ms: a Dominion or gani and stool, in pe rfect condition, made in Bowmanville, approx. 80 yrs. ago. An antique walnut dining room 'suite with buffet with leaded glass and 6 chairs, maple settee and matching parlor chairs and upright walnut Be[! piano, brass bellows, spittoon, antique ash can, brass fire starter, brass fireplace ornàments, crocks, a claw foted. lar table, a walhut wing chair, pressback rocker, Victrola with antique records, copper f low,.er holder, a Tiffany lamp, brass match dislienser, an 'antique Empire sofa, a 'six piece toilet set, antique vases, a Guelph stove No. 80, a Stradivarius, a base violin, captain's chair, map le secretary, 2 Westministelr chime dlocks, a wallhanging oil tam p, Mother of Pearl in- laid ta ble, a large tapestry wallhanigin g, an 118 panie glass pine fIatto the wall with key, 4 chicken coopchairs, drop'leaf tables, 1892 Hayne bell tele- phione, conplete set of antique dishes, ouI amnps, with floral designs, two antique bedroomn suites, completeý set of antique Blacksmith tools, antique f0- bacco cutter, antique knitting machine, buggy jacks, buggy frames, tlongue and groove pine lumber, many more antique dishes, copper wash- ing machine, mantel radio, huJmp-back tr-unk, antique coat and hat rack, anid aiso many old docu-nents and psters going back to the beginirng of tnhe 2th Century. Plus mnan y more itemrs too numerous to mention. Be sure to attend this important sale. Charlie Rei.d and Cliff Pe- thick, auctioneers, Lawrence- Harris, c-rk. 2- Bowmanville Prestige Area Six-room brick bungalow, sit- uefed on a Iar ge lot 50, x 166'. Spacious, brig hf and cheerful kitchen and dineffe area. Very im pressivel-y decorated thru' ouf. New autometfic humidi- fier on furnace. Sheers and drapes f0 remain in home, elso carpeting where laid. Ca 1: Helen May 623-7581 728-7344 S 32-1 623-3911 BOWMANVILLE - incomne g roperty, duplex with 1 and 2 edroom apartmnents, close to school and shopping. Clý for more information. STARKVILLE - 40. acres with some bush and creek, facing on 2 roads. Building peýrmit available, asking $25,000 down. COUNTRY LIVING - 4 bedroomn 2 storey homne with double garage, rec. roomn and fireplace, broadloomn and fen- ced back yard, in weil bulît up area near Oirono. Asking $61 ,500. Bill Walller - Port Ferry 985-3680 Helen McDonald -623-7717 Mac McDVonalId- 623-7717 32-1 PRIVATE, easy terms, Bow- manville, 3 bedroomns, large kitchen, recreation roomî-, garage, $43,000. Phone 263- 2591. 321-1 ,-URGÈNTLY REQUIRED!I We, have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? WNe'II be pleased to appraise it for you and hetp you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, cai P. & R. Realty Compan y, Realt or, Bennett, Rd. andNo.2 Hwy., BowAmani- ville 576-6120. 17-tf FRANI REAL RA STTE LIMITED 181,CHU-RCH STREET- BOWMANgVILLE, ONTARIU LlC 1T8 623-4428 Open Hou se - Newcastle Come out this Safurday be- tween 1-5:30 p.m. fo see this exceptional modemn 3 bed- room brick bungalowv. Very seldom do you find a home as well kept as this one. The well- landscaped grounds include fruit trees, many shrubs, flowers, andi a large vegetabie garden. The rec. room, is compieted and finished in knotty pine. Beaufiful hard- wood f loors fhroughouf main floor. $53,600.00. 667 SUNSET BLVID. Take Hwy. 2 into Newcastle, turn south on Miii St. et traffic lights fo Sunset Blvd., turn righf. Follow "Open House" signs. Newcastle - The large rec. room of this 3 bedroom bungalow boasts a Franklin fireplace in an ail brick sefting. Comp letely fenced backyard borders on an- open, green space for privacy. Weil decorated throughout. A value packed, comfortable home e ou should see right now. riced af$54,900.00 Newtonville - 3 bedroom older home on large lot. Completel y redecorated throughout. Reali- y'worthwhile for you ta see. $38,500-00 Millbrook.- Luxuryhomes on 1 to 21/i acre lots. Attached gara ge, broadloom fhrough- ouf. Owner financing makes these very ýeasy fo bu y with e low dlown payment. Only $49,900.00 Cail now for an appointment. Newtonville - 100 acre farm on a good road, 3 miles from 401. Priced at $99,500.00. Open f0 cash offer. 32-1 PRICE REDUCED, Orono, dlean well kept 3 bedroomn home, sewing roomn, laundry room,1 separate dining, close f0 shopping, school and park. Coppertone stove, fridge and dryer inclujded. îImmediîate possession. Listed at $39,900. CHU RCH In couffry, ideal for art shop, antiques, storege, carpentry, etc. Large lot building permit avahlable. On ly $23,000. TEN ACRE refreat hide-away near ski club, creek flowing throug h property, large trout stocked pond, and a furnished winterized cottage. Own your own park for dinly $39,900. BOWMANVILLE double home, one-side with 2-1 bedroom apartments, the other a three bedroom home. New roof and furnace. Swim- ming pool, 2 garages, paved drives, close to schoo i and shopping.'81/2 per cent mort- gage. 3- Peter Kowa I Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Teleehone 623-2453 KEDRON AREA, 4 bedroomn, 2 storey home on large lot. Has rec room and carport. Only $59,900. Terms arranged. CENTRE ST., Bowmanvile. 4 bedroom, 2 storey semi in good condition. Has deep lot and garage. REAL VALU E et $35,900. Terms arrenged. COTTAGE on Green Lake in Buckhorn district. Large waterfront lot. Only 3 years old. Asking $19,000. SERVICE station and lairge home in Newcast le. Ideal opportunity for the ambitious person. Asking $74,900. MINI FARM. 10 acres in Newfonville with a comfort- able home right on the highway. Has barn and drive- shed. Asking $85,000. $25,000 dlown. 35 ACRES with house in Newtonville. Good gravelde- posit; cedar bush and somne workable land. Only $65,000. $25,000 cdown. COMMERCIAL LOT. Just' north of Bowmanvilie on new Scugog Road. 1.8 acres with. frontage on 2 roads., Bargain at $37,500.l G. Brown J. Barton G. Beech P. Kowal1 234 King St. E., BOMrlýi 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 Oshawa - Backspllt Spaciaus 7 room brick semi on quiet court and extra large pieshaped' lot with nice patio and garden. A pleasure f0 show. Askin~ $44,500.00 with terms . Cali ilfie Jost. Bowmanville Backsplit Only 2 years old. In excellent area with attached garage, 3 bedrooms and large family room. This home must be seen. Askin g $53,40(i.00 Terras. Cal Tony Kompr m aker. Bowmanville 2 year old 'twin home on nicely landscaped lot, features 3 bedrooms, large kicean living room, dinng ree. Asking only $41 ,900. Good terms. Mortgage af 83/4 per cent until maturity. Cail Bud Virtue now as owner is trensferred. Bowmainville' Weil kept bungalow in centre of town. Close f0 school and hospifal. Buy this and move in before school sfarts again. Extra large lot and attached garagle. Asking $46,900.00. Cal Jan Oudshoorn. Pontypool Custom home. Stone and cedar shake front. Two tire- L l aces. Three bedrooms. perb ec roomi and bar. Asking $95,000,00. Terms. One mile from Dayliner f0 Toron- to. Caîl Stew M.cTavish. Rick Lake Cottage - Bailieboro 80 x 220 ft. lot. Fully furnished, boat and new mnofor, riding lawn mower. Perfect place for fishing. Ail for $32,900.00. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. Newcastle Bungalo0w 3 bedroomn with Hollywood kitchen and large living room. A big lot te rraced f0 garden area. real g)ood home with hardwood flo6rs and big bay windlow. Asking $48,500.00. Termns. Caîl Bill S utherland. 15 Acre Wooded Rtreat 1 hour from Toronto. Customr built, 3 bedroom cottage on scenic rolling land. Famrily e nioyment for ail seasons. As king $49,500.00 with excel- lent ferms. Caîl Paf Yeo fa view. Building Lot Lovely and wooded, this large 85' x 250' lot ont paved road is weii wifhin comnmufing dis- tance of Oshawa and Bow- manville. Asking $24,900.00 with terms. Cail E ifie Jost. Maple Grove Road 2 acres. 7 roomr sidesplit with 2-4-pce. bafhs. Low taxes. Aufomatic dishwasher, auto- mafic washer and dryer, stove, 2 fridges, and upright freezer, T.V. tower, rotor and colour head. Ail for only $64,900.00. Cali Kay Brown for, inspection. 15 Miles'North - Bowmanvlle Lovel y wooded 10 acres with 4 room cotage, stream iandt pn..Also aeguest cabin. Askns59,90r0.00. Try your offer. Ct K. Brown. Save Money - Move to Newcastle Oniy $58,900.00 for this 3 bedroom brick bungalow completely finished with lots of roomn and many extra, including full waIi stone lire- pilace. Large lot with aftrac- five landscaping. Minutes fromr 401. This bargain will definitely not lasf. Cait Albert Kerekes, Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handile youir home needs anywherè in Canada and U.S.A. * Coast to Coast Real Estate Service 32-1 - 623M7694 13 7 King St. E., Bowman\ville 623-7694 - 613-7661 623-.3702 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 32-1 3 bedroom, insulated cottage. 3Pc bath, hot water, furnish- edc 100 ft. waterfront lot with perfect beach for the "kid- dies." In private Park with excellent fishing. 623-5187 or 623-7624. 30-tf "Waveriy Gardens' in gowmanvillîî Built by Marlênna Devolopmefltt Your Guarantee of Qua lltyConistruction HOÎCMES FROM $47,985 $M,50 SDOWN Features include: Clean Oependable Electruc Heat -Large family kitchon -Flnished family room -CompIetely broadloomed - 1½ baths -Fireplaces .Attached garages -'FuIy sod ed lt Compietely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. to 7 PAL A LSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4 30 p-m Choice of 2DeluxebModels f0 Choose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS B3uilt by Division of Veltri & Son Lim'ited Weil knoWn for quallty construction and superior workmanship. Direct Toronto-Lins 923-9174 43-tf Near shopping centre, double garage, large lot, fireplace, paved drive, inspect tonight. Reduced.- $49,99MO Four bedîroomns, comipletely broadloomned, one-year-old home in country. Owner very anxious. $42,900.00 Two apàrtment home in Village. Ideal for young couple looking for a home plus an income. Cali 728-7328. Restaurant and Garage Situated on good highway, one bay garage, good restaurant and living quarters on haîf, acre lot. Listed at $110,000.00. Large Bowmanviîle Building Lot With trees. Must be sold. Asking $25,200.00. Cal 728-7328 for ful detàils. Affer hours please cail: Bill Ratcl iffe - 655-4457 Ed Varga 728-6322 Ai Werry - 263-8190 Nels Burshaw 728-8266 Alan GlaspelI 723-7618 Kav Hoskin - 576-5239 Lee Rocchetta - 723-8707- Louis Voîf 728-7068 32-1 r-u, rurscu,..ay, .VIY JI, female black Labrador, Provincial Court, Bowman- ville, August 5, 1975. Judge R.B. Baxter presided, with Assistant Crown Attorney N. McCrank and duty counsel D. Barber. Thomas George Dillion, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, along with another party on May 3, was charged with taking goods to the value of $1.10 from the Canadian Tire Store, Bow- manville, pleaded 'guilty~. He walked through the closed cashier wicket. He was put oný probation for two years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour and to remain out of any Canadian Tire store during that timne. Following probation he will be given a conditional discharge1 Harry Balson, R.R. 6, Bow- manville, entered into a bond of $200 for one year from a' charge he is alleged f0 have caused personal injury to a femaleî July 11. He is tokeep away fromn the person invo_ ved and to stay out of The Castie Hotel during that time. Bench warrants to be issued for James and Patrick Saun- ders and J. J. Donovan. Wayne Willis, .17, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, charged June 19 with takirng a 10-speed bicycle pleaded 'guilty'. Information was received from a witness to -the theft. Aniother party took if a part. It was later reassembled and returned to the owner. He was put on probation for one vear with a 9 p.m. curfew for the first six monfis. Robt. Jones, R.R. 2, New- castle, pleaded 'guilty' to a dune 13 charge of being opeatr of, a vehicle with a trilron highway 35, dîd fail to have it held securely. He was northbound and a garden tractor feli off the trailer, it was struck by a southbound vehicle, doing $800. damage to the car and $200. to the truck. The fine was $50. no costs,. in, default 3 days. Ronald Northey, 67 East Beach, Rd., Bowmanville, re- ceived a fine $100. and costs, in default 10 days, for taking a gear shift handie value, $1.50 at the Canadian Tire Store, Bowmanville. This bande was from a roto tiller and the offence occurred on June 18. He pleaded 'guilty'. Wayne Cobbledick, R.R. 2, Newcastle, who has been in custody on a week to week basis for three weeks, was todlay sentenced to jail for 30 days. On July 17, be pleaded 'not guilty' to a charcre laid April 19 tbafhbe did ùilawtully assault poli ce officer T. Molineaux. Consts. Molineaux and Mackey, went to 14 Scugog St., Bowmanville, in answer to a cail from the tenant of an apartment. The constable stepped between accused and a lady and was struck. A struggle began and the Cobbledick was hand- cuffed. He was found 'guilty'. He'%was under the influence of alcohol at the time of his arresf - Lewis Reid, Toronto, in company with another who is not now in the country, pleaded 'guilty' to seven charges of break, enter and theft to cottages in the View Lake area. This took place April 14. He is willing f0 make restitution in the amount of $820. He was put on probation for two, years, to report to officer once a month and attend AA once a week and provide proof to the officer thaât he has attended. Restitu- tion is to be made wîthin 6 montbs. Kenneth McFadden, Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to a June 6 charge of driving while disqualified. Const. Smith observed a vehicle beiniz airiven on King St. E. and the driver attempted to hide his face with his hands. His license had been suspended January 1975. The -fine was $50. and costs,, in default 5 days. He was given 2 weeks to pay. Tony Gomes, R.R. 1, Orono, pleaded 'guilty' to a May 3rd charge of having in bis possession a narcotie. He was also charged with failing to appear in court May 27 and pleaded 'gutty'. Const. Ricard checkeda driver, for a traffic irregularity and found a pipe between the front seats. On the first charge the fine was $100. and costs, in default 10' days. A failing to appear charge brought an additional fine of $50. and costs, in default 5 days. He was giver , one month to pay. 'Anthony Harold Revoy, 17, R.R. 1, Hampton, and Ross F~. Ward, 22, R.R. 1, IBowman- ville, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge of indecent assault on a female on a charge laid May 30. Tbey were remanded out of custody to August 26 for a pre-sentence report. Steven Adcock, 23, Bow- manville, pleaded 'guilty'to char&è laid -April 22 of having marijuana. He was in a car with Timothy Ovenden and aditdownership of the narcotic. The fine was $250. and costs, in default 15 days. He was given 30 days to pay. Junfior Farmers Hast Delegate from U.K.' As a rule, livesfock farmers bier experiences bere, ai seldomn get a chance to fake a idea tMat she is consîderi vacation. Canadian Style Cuisine. Milk cows and laying chick- Thougb Ann mainfains ens haven'ty et been bred to our diet is. not drasi observe weekends and civic différent, she thinks we tE holidays, and if's practically eaf more ice cream, and impossible f0 get a bog sitter greater variation in cE for even a short stretcb these toods and garnishes, 514 days. salad dressings. She ex. But there are always excep-, waffles and maple syri tions fo any general rule, and the first time wbxle in Oni Ann Turner is one of tbemn. As and pointed ouf thaf we fE a delegate representinà the drink greaf quantifies Young Farmer5 of Brifain, certain soft drink. "In B: Ann is currenfly on a fhree Coke is not part of our iat month tour in Ontario. dief." It's not really a vacation in Ann was amused ands the frue sense of the word; 1y perplexed by thei while she is here, Ann is being Caadian obsession wift bllleted in the homes of, local ticiues'. Her own bom farmers so that she can have England is "at leasf' an opportunity f0, observe and years aid, and she made; compare Canadian farming observation a bout somnec methods,witb those in the U.K. museum pieces "We And she needn't worry abouf tbemn as junk af home; wl the extended leave fromber 35 antique to Canadians isr acre farm norfb of Manichest- ly old f0 us. " er; the flock of chickens and 30 By Sept ember llth, Friesian cows are in the good she flues back f0, Mandh hands of ber father and Ann will bave staved brother during ber absence, families in several , tbough tbey likely miss the counties in the 'five: extra hand. designated by Junior F This past week Ann was ers. The two weeks pri staying at the farm of Tom ber deparfure bave bee and Sally Barrie of R.R. 4, free, and she hopes f0 go BowmaxWville, baving a close wifh four other Young F look at their dairy opérat ion ers from Brifain. and etting acquainfed with Their destination is the Duram regio, Rockiès and perhapsVa During ber week lonq visif, ver, if timne permits. Ann's activities weren t con- fined to hehotfarm; she OIUR droped n toseethe Gold's O IU R goat farmn nearby and attend- GERTRUDE REEI ed the Hoîstein Farmers Twi- Born and educated in1 lighf meeting in Newcast le on ingham, 1England, Ger Friday evening. Reed, aged 86, died in Os Beyond the realm of agri- General Hospitai, on Tue cultural inferesfus, there was July 8th, 1975, followinga tirae f0 enjoy other ventures illness. as well. Anni and ber hosfess Daugbter of the late Wi balIy toolc in the ne-w Mefro and Emily Norrish, shE Zoo, the Harbour Theatre in mnarried Septemnber 3râ; Newcastle, a tour of downfown f0 Sidney T. F. Reed. Pre, Toronto, and the Oshawa ly residing in Toronto, sh Centre. been a resident of Bo' Ann's sceiule bas been a ville af 4 Nelson Street a busy one. Since arriving oin the last tbree mronths dune, 5th witb eighf otber Church Sftreet. British colleagues, she bas Mrs. Reed was a mnern covered territory from Nia- St.' George's Anglican CI gara tbrougb Brant and Gray Newcastle, and of the counties before irriving in manville Senior Citizens Durham last Monday. She Surviving are ber daul observed that farming fecb- Mrs. J.H. Meachin (Vivi iniques n nganc, an', uanaaa and fwo grandchildren. are qiesiilar, despite Reverend H.R. Hlayne, some discrepancies in climate castie conducted the fu and terrain. Farms in ber service on Friday, fror area of England tend fo be Morris Funeral Chapel. smaller, than those sbe bas Pail-bearers w:ere M, seen bere, makinz if neces- Weyburn Adamns, I sary fo imporf or buy feed Bradley, Gary Conw,ýa% ratner tnan growing irigflt on Walter Woolley. the premises, as the Barries Beautiful, floral tri On return f0 England, Ann will speak f0 local farming clubs about ber visit to Ontario. She will be required f0o present a project on a topic of ber own choice related fo which thbe deceased wa were received fromi the Citizens Club, 2 and 41 Street Residents, 98 C Street, and Frede Pbarmnacy. Md one ýing is ns that ;ically tend f0 A have certain ;ch as mjoyed .I upfor xtario, tend ft sof a ýrifain. f ionai slighf- great ,h 'an- nïe in t" 500 a wry of Our have what is mere when hesfer, dwitb Dnfario zones F'arm- ior fW «n lef t lo West E'arm- s the xncou- 'Birm- rtrude )shawa aesday, a brief Nilliam he was,ý she had )wman- and for Sat 98 mber of bhurch, eBow- IClub. ughter, ienne) eNew- funeral om the Iessrs. Ernest yv and ributes ým in as held Senior Nelson Church erick's fag on leather coller. North Newcastle. Phone 987-4931. Hockey Greats onHand for K'oho Reception rom, simpson, Steve Cuddie, Carl Brewer and Eddie Snack pose for photos in front of a display of Îýýho hockey equipment. Almost everyone c ame thney should bé used. Weil cbing, including Eddie Shack, much chanc.,ý of him being away carrying one of the known former pro hockey Frank Mabovlich, Tom Simp- injured. famous Kobo Hockey sticks, player Carl Brewer, and Bob son and Steve Cuddie to Tbey were fed wbaf looked following a press reception at Thorndyke, presîdent of At- mention a few. like a submarine sandwich, the new KobQ warebouse in lantis Transportation bave The visitors were shown a baked in the shape of a hockey Oshawa's Industrial Park on combined forces f0 operate new puck-shooting machine stick and called 'Face-Off' Tbursday evening. the warehouse. And quite a called a 'Boni' that bolds 250 that will soon be sold in shops And there were plenty of few of Brewer's present and pucks and can be manipulated at several locations in Toronto exvnprts on hand if. anv forme'r teammates were pre- to give a oalie agoed workout and elsewhere. newsrnen want ed to learn how sent -to help witb the- laun- -n U.fe 'in inut ès'wi îtbhouù t fô R s tAti Ln IFIE

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