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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1975, p. 9

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BLACKBURN-Wayne and C), -n are happy to announce Aarrivai of their son Jeremy êdward, a brother for Susan. 33-i KILLENS, Glenn, Wendy and David are pleased to announce the birth-ot Kristen Elizabeth Anne, 8 lbs. 3 ozs., on August 3, 1975. Proud gran dparents are Mr., and Mrs. Wilf Brown, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Killens, Hampton, and great grand- mother Mrs. E. B. Killens, Whitby. 33 lx POOLER- Larry and ýGail (nee Linton) are proud f0 announce the arrivai of a baby girl, Sara Elizabeth, 8 lbs. 1 oz., born August 5, 1975. Baby sister for Jeremy. Proud g randparen.. are Mr. and Mr.Gord Linton, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa. Special thanks to Dr. Miller and maternilty staff, Oshawa General Hospital. 33-1lx SI MPSON - Rolly and Jo-Ann are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Lisa Michelle, born August 3, 1975,' weighing 8lbs. 1112ozs. Proud eancdparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Macdonald and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simp- son. Proud great grandpar- ont is Mrs. Emily Browh of Port Hope. Special thanks f0 Dr. Ewert, Dr. Anfossi and maternity staff. 33-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ellis, Courtice, are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughtor Linda, to Edward (Ted), son of(, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Broome, Solina. The wedding to ta ke place on Saturday, Soptember i3th, 1975 at Parkwood Estate, Oshawa. 33-if Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- ton, of Kendal, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Kathleen to Mr. Kenneth Sawyer Minion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Minion, Peterborough. The wedding to take place at St. George's Anglican Church, Newvcastle on September 20, 175 at 6p.m. 33-1ix "r.- and Mrs., Harold Mc- Caugh1in, Blackstock, wish f0 announce the forthcoming marriage of theLr caughter, Linda Darlýene, to Roy Wayne son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bradburn, Blackstock. The wediding will be solemnized in Blackstock United Church, Sat., August 30, 1975 at 4 p.m. 33-1ix IV -~.and Mrs. Donald Brad- -.7w>" ish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Donna Marie, to Wayne Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harness, ail of Bowmanville. The wedding f0 take place at Trinity Unted Church on Sept. 27 at 3 33-1ix Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Vermeu- Ion, of Bowmanville, are pleasod f0 announce the forth- coming mirriage of, their youngest daughter, Elizabeth Margaret to Bernard David, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mobach, of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Septem ber 6, 1975 in Rohoboth Christain Reformed Church inBowmanville. 33-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mic- helson, Bowmanville, Ontario, wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their eldest daughter, Judithj Lor- raine, to Larry Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mintz. of Oshawa. Wedding f0 take place, September th, 1975 at Bowmanville Pentecostai Church. 33-1 IRELANO Suddenly at Pickering, Friday, August 8th, 1975,. William lead e ----s- -- Hewson - Holman Mms.,Poarl Hewson of King- ston, wishes f0 announco the engagement of hem daughter, Doreen Willa, to Robert George, son of Mm. and Mrs. Harvie John Holman, of R.R. 4, Port Hope. The weddi1ng wiI11 take place on Saturday, Octo- be,- 25, 1975, af Bethel Church, Johnson Street, Kngston. 33-1ix The famîly of Bud and Marion Honning wish to invite their frionds and relatives to "Open House" on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary, at 37 Duke St., Bowman- ville, Saturday, August i6th trom 2 p.m.- 5 p.m. Best wishesonly. 33-i The fam ily of Fern Brunt invite her' friends, neighbors and relatives f0 an Open House on the occasion of hem 8th birthdlay on Sunday, AuC g s17th, from 2 to 5 p.m. at eor residence, R.R. 2 (3rd lino>, Newcastle. Best wishes only. 33-1 We wish to express our sincere thanks f0 relatives, friends and neighbors for gifts, cards, flowers and good wishes on our forty-fifth wedding anniversary. Electa and Charles Smith 33-1 1 wouid like f0 thank friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness during my stay in hospital and special thanks f0 Drs. H. B. Rundie and J. Rundie and 2nd floor nurses. Ruby Cowey 33-1lx ANY ladies wishing f0 bowi Monday nights, beginning Sept. 8, please phone 623-3184 or 623-5198. 33-1 Reserve Sat., Aug. 23 for Btackstock Fair Parade -at 12:30 - f0 be opened by E. A. Starr. The Rebounders. a Trampoline Acf, Dog Obedi- once Presentation, gand and Folk Dancing by D.S. Park, and many, many other attrac- fions. 33-1 Alliance for Life Meeting (anti-abortion) Wed., August 13 ,at 7:30 p. m., BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 33-1 Plan f0 attend Decoration Day af Pontypool Cemneter j, Sunday, Aug. 17, 1975 at 2.:30 p. M. 32-2 Beginning August 5, 1975 Bowmanville Public Library H'our*s DODDS, Mary A. - in loving memory of my dear wife, who Passed away suddeniy, August i4th, 1972. Always remembemed and sadiy missed by husband John A. 33lx WADDINGTON, Minnie (Babe) - In loving memory of a wonderful mother and gandmother, who passed away August l6th, 1970. There'1s a daughter who misses you sadly, And finds the fime long since you went. For you were my mom and I loved you. Though everyone else may forget, Theme's nothing 50 treasured and nofhing so rare As the love that a mother and a daughter can share. Through joy and fhrough laughfer Sorrow and tears. They dovelop a cioseness That grows through the years. This love thaf fhoy shared Didn'f need to be spoken T'was a wonderful bond That couid nover be forgotten. To others part of the past But f0 us who really loved you Your memory wiIl always ast. - So sadly missed by daugh- fer, Betty, son-in law, Bill, and grat)dchIirL-ri ri nd"'~- Donna. 33-i WANNAN, Wm. R. - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, who passed away on Augost 16,-1972. Though his smhile is gone forever, And his hand wo cannot touch, Stili wo have so many memor les Of the one wo loved so much. His memory is our keepsake, With which we'il nover part. God has him in His keeping, t We have hlm in our hearfs. f - Lovingiy remembered byC wife Doris and family. r 33-lxC KOWAL, Ruby - ln fondr memory of a dear daughter t and loving sister who passeds awvay August 11, 1967.. She suffered in silence no one knew, She neyer deserved what she, went though, God saw you g effing weary, So Ho did what Ho thoug ht best. Ho came and stood befome yoo, And whispered, came and rost, You wished no one a last tare- well, Nor even said goadbye. Please God forgive a sulent tea r, A fervent wish that she were hero. Take came of hem dear Lord as she takes hem est For on this earth sho was the best. -Ever momembemed by moth- or and brothers and sisters. 33-1 x COW an August 10, saufh of Blackstack. Owner phone 1-986-4351: 33-1 Steer aost in Hampton area, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, con- cession 7. Phono 1-655-3450, Broakl. 33-1 The Canadian Statesmal CLRSIFIýED" Monday -12:00 - 8p.m. Tuesday -12:00 -8 p.m. Wednesday -12: 00 -8 p.m. Thursday -12:00 -8 p.m. Friday - 12:00 -8 p.m. Saturday - 10: 00 -5 P.M. 33-i ,RUPP l~K,ý'ý'OnIy The Best FREE HELMET With every Road- ster Il Mini Bike purchase by August 23, 1975. Sale Price - $449.00 Trewin Farmn Equipment Blackstock 986-4283 For All Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 31 Division St. 1 623-7141 COMBINE, Allis Chalmers, Model 90, aillcrop-harvester. Phone 655-4660. 33-1 GARAGE Sale, open daily'on Base Line Road, 4 miles west of. Liberty St. Sign at road. Most articles from an estate. See list at l.G.A. 623-7490. 33--1 f TWO girls' bicycles, banana seat, monkey bars, like new. Phone 987-4586. 33-1 WRINGER washer and stove. Phone 623-7778. 33-1 SIX DAY garage sale, August il to August 16, times 10 a.m. f0 4 p.M. Clearing everything, furniture coliectibles, anti- ques, tools, etc. Located on North Street, Newcastle. Look for signs. 33-1 NEW c rop honey. Get your yearly supply now! Edgar James, Taunton Rd., E., 'l-983-5827. 33-1 COMPRESSOR on wheels. Phone 263-2369., 33-1ix CERTIFIED seed, Fredrick winter wheat, Huron winter barley. Ceresmore Farms Ltd. 623-3552 and 623-7233. 33-6 ONE Honda mini-bike, $120. Two black and white T.V. heads, $12 ea. One go-cart iess motor, $70. Cedlar rails, 70 cents each.,Set of farmi scales, $30. Phone 1-277-2512., 33-1 LARGE capacity hot water furnace, automatic controls, ppe stack, and overflow tank. sed 7 winters, $50. Duro cîrculating pump, cost $107, soîl for $60. Caîl aftr noon, 623-2675. 33-1 AI R conditioners, central and window units. Caîl Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 21 -tf BEDROOM suite, 7 pioco; dining room, 9 pioco; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak. wood. Now furnifure very, roasonable. Phone 1-247-4377o, 52-tf, PADDY'S Market now ha8, new furniture, appliancos,2 'T.V.'s and storeos and also' used furniture and applilances, WilI accopt frado-ins. Paddy'ýj Market, Hampton, phono 263-1 2241. 33-tf: USED Furnituro and Appli-1 ancos. Paddy's Markot,j Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf! -1974 Gloaner FKS -Allis Chalmers 72 -Allis Chalmors 60 -John Deere 95 -Cockshutt 525 -Massey 35 -Massey 90 Trewin Farm Equipment Allis Chalmers Sales & Service Blackstock - 986-4283 33-1 Pick- You r-Own FRESH VEGETABLES Tomnatoes, Beetsl Spanish 1Onions, Etc. Fred Eyman Farmn Courtice From Hwy. 2 Take l3th Line North One Block, Turn Right. 725-8288 33-1 YOMATOES for sale, pick your own. Enniskilien Green Houses. Phone 263-8451. 33-2x ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern wafches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipmenti and qualified Swiss trained' watchmafor. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Loading manufacturer and distributor has above ground I wish to thank rny relatives and friends for cards, flower-, and gifts, while in Lindsay Hospital. Valarie Page 33-1 I would like f0 thank al nighbors, friends and Hamp- ton organizations for being SO fhoughtful in looking affer evoryfhing for me, for cards, visits, giffs and phono cails whiie in hospital and while convalescing and affer retumn- ing home. Sincere thanks Mariorie Higgins 33-i 1 wîsh f0 express my sincore thanks to Drs. Prchal, Ander- son and Pockey, and the nurses and staff at Oshawa General Hospital and many thanks f0 my famiiy and friends for their cards, flowers and wamm fthoughts duing my ecent il lness., Mrs. Ruby Polley 33-1 i would' like to fhank my relatives and friends for taking care of my family and for flowers and cards sent to Me While in hospital. A special thanik you ta Drs. Rundie and Spears and the firsf floor nursing staff. Joyce Burgess 33-1 576-5606 SCREENED and unscreened top soi, screened sand and gravel. Phono 623-3412. 22-tf Imm Boy direct fromn Manufac- ture Rutter Granite Co., Lftd., has a huge soloction of fine, qualîfy monuments, large and small1 f0 fit any noed. Come by bur display yard af 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 085-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf, WATER suppiy- pools, wells etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf USED Furniture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241. 33-tf 'emorials BINGO NE WCAST LE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., August l9th Early Bird Games 7:30 Rogular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsorod by NEWCASTLE LIONS 33-1 SECOND ANNUAL Tyrone Bar-B-Q Sat,,, Aug. l6th, Tyrone Park Dancing under stars to the ",Al- E Is Orchestra" ADMISSION + $5 per couple. Bring your kids - free - Hamburgers, hot dogs and corn oast. Bar-B-Q 7-9; Dancing 9-1. If Tyrone does it it's bound to be great fun. 33-1 PMOSTER BINGO New Starting Time. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponisored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA - 50-tf WOO DVlE W COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M., RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -ff Land-O- Lakes Visit Old Fort Henry. Cruise the Thousand Islands. Golf, fish, swimf, relax in a modern ono-two-three -four-five bed- moom house keeping cottage on beautiful, sconic Hay Bay. Boats, motors at Iow rentai rates. - - AIl you' bring are your towels. Weil stocked grocery store on promises. Make your reservations now. Ca Il 613-354-3644 33-2f Orono District Chamber of Commerce and Newcastle Dopa rtment of Recreation Beef Barbeque MEMORIAL PARK, ORONO WED., AUGUST2Oth, 1975 SERVINGS 5:ooto 8:00 P. M. PROGRAMME Kinsman "'T"' Bail League 4:30 p.m.. Bowmanville Girls vs Orono Girls 5:30 p. m. Bowmanvilie Boys vs Orono Boys 7: 00 p. m. Newcastle Council &Staff vs Durham Regional Govf. BLUE GRASS Music Country Show - 5.30 p.m. Rod Craig and the Country Addition No admission for Bail Games or Western Show Bee! Barbeque Admission Adults - $4.0O Chi ldren - $2.00 under 12 years old. 33-i Escorted Tours Stoney Lake Croise and Tour of Trent University August 1l7th 1 Upper Canada, Tour of Saunders PoWer Dam Auqust 24th Maritimes Tour Septomber 6f h - 2Oth Lake Placid Circle Septembor 26th - 28th Algonquin Park and Gatineau His October 4th and Sth Wheeiing, West Virginia October lOth - l3th Quebec City October lOth - 13th Colonial Viqinia, Norfolk Tour October l8th - 25th Sunshine Party Tours Box 214,,Port Hope Telephone 885-2211 Evenings 885-2200 COMPRESSORS, generators, eloctric motors, grinders, drili presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. We soit, buy and irqde. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30 tf Fat farm raised domnestic rabbit. Tender, del icious white meat., Economica I No Waste Now available a 1 your meat store ,ir supermarket. 30 tt INSTALL AN Q FURNACE HUMIDIFIER H EATE R AIR ÇONDITIONER AI R CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS ANDSERVICE POLI CY CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-tf WHITE"S T..TOWERS TTowers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors R &ar partmnent & Homes , r0- vîraiý. Ask About Our Guarantee Phone CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, chrome suites, buf- fe.t and hutch, sewing mach- ines, sewing table, kitchen cabinet, platform rocker, oc- casional chairs, chestemfield chairs, coffee tables, card table, suitcases, high chair, crib, car bed, small appli- ances, lamps, books. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Tomper- ance St., Bowmanville. 33-1 TWENTY-FIVE ft. Owens inboard cabin croiser, -mint condition, loaded with extras, owner moving, must soîl. Phono 1-983-5432. 33-lx CHESTERFIELD suite, best offer. Phone 623-79ý3. 33-1 SWE ET, fmesh corn. Excellent for corn roasts, freezing, etc. Bruce Taylor, 263-2741. 31-4 APPLES for -sale. This week Red Australian and Early Mac lntosh. Noxt week Melba will , be- moving. Rob Roy Orchards. Phono 263-8492. 33-1 ONE 10' x 12' Woods self- supporting font, bought last year. Asking $70. Cail 623-3292. 33-1 PICK youm own Melba apples and sweet corn.' Bmowview Farmfs, Hwy. 2 easf and jonction of 115. 33-1ix CLEAN wheaf straw, will bale, Kimby area. Phono Woodville (705) 439-2286. 33--1 MODIFIED engine, 318 and, 392 Hemi. Phono 987-4328. 33-i INTERNATIONAL 12 hp hy- dmosfatic gardon fractor with mawom and blade, excellent condition. Phono 1-986-4283. 33-1 JOHN DEERE No. 6 harvos- fer with one row corn head. Phono 1-983-4283. 33-i ALLIS-CHALMERS 72 com- bine, econditioned excellent machine. Phono 1-986-4283. 33-1 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN EQIIP.' 13 E H L2 FARM MACHINERY XKUBGTR COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES- SERVICE - RENTALS Phone 728-6901 OSHAWA SAND AiNID GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Ail Sizes for Drivoways and Parking" Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RIENT 877 King St. East(East of Harmiony) CALL 725-0232 RDSj 'Mount loy. Backhoe Service Trenchos -Drains Foundations and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjoy BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 33-1 REFIGRAION NIT and APPLANCE -AL SER&ICSERIC Sanol- Ene rrises ad ALINTN BricES lckSRVnE PHONE 623-3217 45-ff Rerik, BlderHoe Phone 623-2398 48-tf Portrai lets i 705-e27-261 29 tf Cmeciao. edig Phmnor pairs 29-7x nter onstrio ReaonableRtes ConactRoyrain Apprianc-exService ComercialeandDoesti Refrigeration Ml olr PHONE BERT SYER .)ays .... ....623-5774 4ights ......... 623-31,71 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Han ging Light Trucking and Odd jobs PHONE 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner ®rono 983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41 -tf Bi I Is GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 'y DiisonS., omni BOB BEERSý 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Ca1l1623-2641 33-t% an, Bowmanville. August 13. 1975 Tues., 4:30 p.m. . ...... . . cm e BABYSITTER wanted, amea S * O of Hobbs Dr. and Simpson ___ Ave., starting Sept. 2, in your home, 5 days a week. Please MATURE woman to babysît ca 11623-4162 after 5p.mni for a nurse's children in my 33-1 home commencing Oct. 1. ___________ Vincent Massey School area. RELIAB1'LE Nurses' Aides Write Advertiser 561, C-0 requirod in the new nursing Canadian Stalesman, Box 190, home. Aiso maintenance man. Buwmanville, Ontario. 33-1i CaîIl 987-4252. 32-2 Outstanding Rent-A-Car Franchise Opportunity Get in on the g round f loor with Canada's fastestgrowing Rent-A-Car System! Holiday Rent-A Car has more than doubled ifs number 0f stations in each of the last throe years, 1972, 1973 and 1974. If riow has over 115 stations stretching from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, British Columbia in Canada. If is now in fhe process of oponing stations in Florida and has five openings scheduled in the next two monfhs alone. Holiday is now the second Iargesf Canadian ent-a-car company. But the Companiy's greatesf poriod of expansion is stili ahead, prom ising unpamallbled opporfunities for ambitious business people of proven abilifiy. Home is a chance f0 enjoy the independence of opemating your own exclusive business and fo be associatod with a young, dynamic AIl Canadian organizaf ion, wif h a proven record of success. Invesf ment and operating capital of modesf progporf ions nee ded. Ideal as an added source of income to a relafed business such as car dealership, body shop, garage, etc. Up-to-date systoem of confroîs, complote training, oporating and promnotional facilities supplied. International, roservations system wifh toîl free numbers now in opemation. Go with a winner ..... FuI in and mail coupon bolow, or Phono (519> 672-9580, f0 learn more about thîs excifing business and what if could mean to you and your future. i Franchise DietOrI HoIdyRent.A-ar I mited F.O. Box 2157, Please send me your Franchise Prmgram, tact sheet and Franchise Application Na@ Ades.......................h ........... I ............... ........... Res. Phone No..... A TT E N T 1ION! Farmers and Farmn Workers Fa rmers Do you neod seasonal workers, full-timo workers? Farm Workers We are hereoaheîp you find employment, register with us now. Canada Farm Labour Pool 53 Albert St. Cobourg, Ontario 1-416-372-8737 A * o Osh awa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLÉD UHF - VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanshi pGuaranteed AIl 1priced tf0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Lawn &Garden Ca re Rolling, roto-tilliflg with a commercial machine. Seeding, down new Iawns or old. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone tf C &C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Prof essiona IIy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGIN E îRepairs f0 ail makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 i Stf D. BEERS& SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types., PHONE 623-2263 20 tf CONFIDENTIAL secretary,, would like ta work at home on a part-time basis. Club bulle- tins, essays, etc. 10 years experience as, Girl Friday. Write Advertiser Box 560, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 33-1 LADY wiIi babysit in own home starting Sept. 2, 1975. Please cail after 6 p.m., 623-4834. 33-3 Homne Carpentry, Rec. Rooms - Arborite Fences - Floors Repàirs of a Il types. Free Estimate - Tradesmen Commercial - Residential Phone 623-3194 31 -tf ........... ............ THÉ 12~ORTH1UMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Applications wiII be received by the undersigned untîl 12 noon August 20, 1975 for the position of: Sec reta ry al the Bowna'nvi île CentralI Public Schooî Must have accumate typing, general knowîedge of office procedures and business machines. Abilify to cope wifh work load at peak periods. Please apply in wmifing sfafing- qualification, experience, and telephone number fo: M.A. Mac Leod Business Administrator and Treasurer P.O. BOX 470 Cobourt, Ont. K9A 4L2 33-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Area Maintenance Foreman-Woman Applications wiIl be recelved by the undersigned until Friday, August 22, 1975, for the position of Building and Properfy Maintenance Fore- man-Woman for the- Central Area. Must have provious super- visory' oxporienco. A strong background in building, electrical and mechanical systems is ossential. Apply in writing statin g ex- perience and qualifications f0: M.A. MacLeod Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education BOX 470 Cobourg, K9A 4L2. 33-2 R. N. A. Experienced Preferred. Work AIl Shifts. Phono Mrs. Dennis 623-2553 for appointmnent. 33-2 Help Wanted' -Full time cafeteria short order cook., Five day week, good starting wago. -Dishwasher, -Cafeteria Cashier- good wages. For appoi ntmnent phono 623-3373, ask for Mr. Bourke. 3- BABYSITTER for preschooî- er for haîf days. Phono 1-983- 9317. 33 ix lot us help you make the selection SIMPSON ME-MORIALS,. 49 Lavinia St. Port Hope, Ont. 416-885-6434 Evenings Cali, Mauri Simpson (416) 885-4443 33-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Remnovai 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44tff PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tf Ear piorcing service, Dan Hooper. Phono 623-5747 for appointmnent. 7-tf

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