lhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmianville, August 13, 1975 Section Two Open Sports Equipment Warehouse in Oshawa Pln' n dNflus' e ' Te ay 0l oen up î"iwcstîm.~a twoh"T" Bal games scheduled In Orono Park-Aug. 20 for 430 pm. an 5:3 p.m Newaste Dy BrbeueOrono Memorial Park on Orono Girls at 4:30 p.m. and show and soorts will he held in Wednesday, AuLlust 2th, the Bowmanville Boys vs the SOrono Boys at 5:30 p.m. 34 King St. W. Highway 401 at Liberty St. Bowmanvllle Barbeque and Blue Grass Music at 5:30 p.m., with Rod Craig and the Country Addi- tion, M.C.,Sterling Mathers at 7:00 p.m. rule Softball Game be- tween Newcastle Council'and Staff vs the Durham Regional, Government. Newcastle Day is sponsored by 'the Orono Chambers of Commerce and the Depart- ment of Recreation of the Town of Newcastle. - MOTO R INN Phone 623-3373 Bowmanville Emphysemna Toil Climbs When statisticians an- nounced recently that deaths from emphysema and other chronic, lung diseases had reached an all-time high, the Lung Associations were not surprised. Nor were physi- cdans, nurses, and therapists specializing in these diseases. Their own experience con- vinced these concerned health professionals that lung disea- ses were on the increase, even though earlier, mortality figures indicated a decline since 1968. Because death figures are one indication of the extent of these diseases the National Cente for Health Statistics was asked to take a dloser look at the data. They discoverèd that a downward trend in the mortality curve actually was a continuing climb upward. An unusual shift in physi- clans' habits in reporting the cause of death was responsi- ble. Before 1969, most physi- cians listed a specific disease such as emphysema on death certificates. After that, more and more began using a general term, "chronic obstructive lung disease". So, while death rates for emphy- sema, asthma and bronchitis were dipping, deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease rose sharply - from a rate of 1.3 per 100,000 in 1969 to 5.4 in 1973. When the figures were combined and corrected, it was clear that deaths from this disease complex had increased 10 per cent from 1969 to 1973. Most emphysema can be prevented. Smoking is the major cause. For more infor- mation about emphysema - and smoking - contact your local lunIZ association,, T1HIS WEEK7 DON'T MISS THE EXCITING. -Ten Lap Demolition Race JMAIN 'DECK DINING LOUNGE Wedinesdaoy Evening Special for Ail of August 1/2 Tender Spring Roast Chicken Dinner$5e Second Chicken $ 0 Dinner $ >CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Saturday Candlelight Buffet featuring ROAST ALBERTA BARON 0F BEEF 6: 00 til10: 00 p. M. liot and Cold Luncheon Buffet Thursday and Friday - 12 noon 'til 2:30 p.m. LIGHTHOUSE LOUNGE Ask About Our Tuesday Evening Ladies' Night These two photos were taken at the opening èf the new Koho sports equipment warehouse in Oshawa's Industrial Park where a press reception was held recently by the two partners involved in the project, Carl Brewer and Bob Vandyke. The Big M, Frank Mahovlich and Carl Brewer discuss, the merits of the 'Boni' puck machine with a perspiring goalie Mike Arrigo, who has been hard at work, kicking out rubber being flung at hîm by the unique, machine. MON DAY .- FuIly Liceuced Premises HAPPY HOURS SATURDAY f rom 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Banquet Facilities Available 'N Lake Road off Liberty St. S. - Marina 623-3501, Hotel 623-4925 #4 * a night of Nostalgia with "Sounds ofthe 501s"l ckand Roll Revival turayAugust 23rd 8:00 p.m. - 12 Miclnight ORONO ARENA Admission: $5.00 per couple Refresh ments COME DRESSED IN FASHIONS FRQM TMIE 50#s PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Sponsored by the GREAT PINE RIDGE KINSMEN "CLUB r Bob Thorudyke and his partner Carl Brewer who is holding his four-year-old daughter Lisa and coincidentally a Koho hockey stick, exchange a few words on the success of the press reception. DOllars & Good pense &gW IuWn J. MEwlLn 1SpecesJ CoBnoMet ta ..AVCQ FNANCIAL SERVICES New carpeting for your home can be one of your most ex- pensive purchases, but now is the time when you should be able to save up to several hun- dred dollars. Traditionally, July and Au- gust are the best months to buy carpeting, wh en savings, often up to 50% or more, are avail- able. Whatever your needs. wall to wall carpeting or area rugs, this is thetime to shop around with serious bargaining in mind. Wool is the most expensive carpeting ma- terial, but it is leg durable, resili- ent, fire iesis- tant 'and easy to clean. Nylon is a e littie less re- silient, but a littie more durable. And acrylic fabrics are long wearing as welI as fade and soit resistant. Rayon is the least expensive carpeting material, but it doesn't hold up welI under beavy use. Here's a. Tip Straight f rom the, Horsles Mouth .Noone 's Motel and Tavern Hwy. 115 and 35, Orono Phone 983-5536. HERE ARE A FEW 0F THE REASONS: *Courteous Service *FuIIy Licenced *Delicio-us Meols * Friendly Atmosphere ASKFORElLEKand GERRY and TELL THEM A NAG ~&ÂI~ OREILENSENT YOU! TRANSPORTATION by CHARTER WAYS Daiy:AUGY4ht SEPT.lst BUS WILL LEAVE 30 MINUTES APTER THE EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW JÀc2~fhq Laand feaW2 MeIOiQ viwnq Io Uâ!I For Information (ail: 623-3811 or1 723-7171 Schedule: ORONO TOWN HALL NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL. BOWMANVILLE. COURTIE ROAD- -9:15 ami.1 -9:30 e. -9:50 it 10:05aen OSHAWA TOWN UNE 1:5au< Rates: Orono and Newco stle: Aduits $4.75 Children Under 12 Yrs. $2.65 Bowmon ville, Courice Road. and Oshawa Town Line: Adults $4.50 Children Under 12 Yrs. $2.501 I Admission to C.N.E. WiJI Be Collected By Driver Bowmanville Pet -Shop 623-2921 LOW 1 LOWI PRICES 1 NOW APPEARI NG Keli Winzey August 11lth f.o 3Oth Corontat ,on RESTA URAfA f MON DAY -THURSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. FRIODAY & SATU RDAY 6a.m.-la.m. SUN DAY 7a.m. - 11301>.m. Serving Delicious ChineseFood Take-ovut Orders a Specialty Fuil Course Meals Un a Homeý-Like Atmospheqre 1 ENJOY A RELAXING MEAL AFTL "" A DAY 0F SHOPPING 9 King St. W. 623-54121 1 - 1 . . . . . . . ............ 1