Sheep Stabilization Program Agricultural Minister Eugene Whelan hasannoun- ced a Sh eep Stabilization Program for 1975. In his statemnent in the program he p oints out that sheep were the first named commodity in the Revised Agricultural Stabili- zation Act to be placed under such a program. The program \guarantees a price support ,',$47.70 per 100 pound ive- weight f or good lambs. If the nationally weighted average price for good lambs falîs- DOllars & Goodpense &sgWWiU IN eMrtin spec~ia Cosukant to .WAVCO FINANCIAL SEP\1CES With the summer season cornes the need to do more yard work, and this includes cutting the grass frequently.' If y ou are among the40 million users of power mowers, ýplease take time to read a few words of caution. There are three danger areas that require particularly special care: steep slopes, gravel drives and low hanging trees. On, slopes, when walking be- hind yoîir mower, mow across the siope, flot up and down the hilI. On a rider - mower, do just the op- posite to avoid the possibility of spilîs. If a slop e is ex- eC tremely steep, you should consider an alterna- tive ground cover. Be extremely careful of grav- el and other small objects which can be picked up by the mow- er's blades and thrown out at terrific speed. Disengage a rid- ing mower's blades and shut off a conventional mower's motor before crossing a gravel area. It is ailso a good idea to periodi- cally check your lawn for small rocks and debris that might be picked up by the mower. Saturday gardeners often be- corne so immersed in their work that they fail fo watch where they are going. Low hanging trees can hit you in the face by surprise, causing you to lose control of your mower and cre- ating danger for you and your family. As wth any power tool, ex- ercise caution, and you can reap its benefits safely. Readers' questions are wet- corne and should be sent to ,Iox5857, London, Ontario. cult ural N below the support price, the Government wIl pay farmers a deficiency payment on al lambs sold for slaughter to packing plants, through live- stock yards, through custom slaughter, and approved plants. The program applies etween January lst, 1975 and December 31st, 1975. If after December 3lst, 1975 a de- ficiency payment is declared, farmers wiil have to apply for f ayment and give proof of sale for slaughter, naine of buyer, and liveweight and-or carcass weight. The $47.70 support price is based on two factors, 90 per cent of the weighted average price during the five year, period from 1970 - 1974 were, good lambs sold at Leth- bridge,.Winnipeg, and Toron- to. The difference between the average production costs in the years 1970-74 and the estimated production costs for 1975. The support price is based on the National, axer- age, not on individual sales. This, then means that each farmer should do his best to get the highest price hie can. at the market place. through this program it is hoped that more sheep will be 'produced, and we will be able to suppiy a larger -percentag e o f the Canadian demand from our own production unit. Ontario Feed Advisory Programi The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food is urging farmers who are plan- ning on sg~bmitting samples to its' Feed Advisory Program to do so as early as possible. Harold Clapp, Dairy Cattle Specialist with the Ministry of Livestock Branch, p2oints out that hay crop samples shoud be sent in by t he end of August, and corn silage samples should be submitted in September. Mr. Clapp says the reason for the urgency is that there is usually a, glut of samples in the fail. Last year for exanîple, over 20 per cent of the end of the years' samples came in November. Under normal circumstances, farmers can expect the results of their analysis within two -weeks,but, with such a large number of samples at one time the results could take up to four weeks to be returned. Mr. Clapp says the best time to take a sample of corn or hay crop silage is during the ensîling process. In the case of grain rations, take the sample from various spots in the bag or 'pile. A ýcoring device is available from the Aricultural Office, Bowman-- ville for samplying hay. It is recommended- that 20-25 samiples be taken and then I'ews composite be made from those samffles in order to get a reDresentative nuanity of your feed-stuff. Feed sampling kits are avaîlable from County Agricultural Offices, and these kits contain a small envelope for the feed sample, a self -addressed envelope, and an information sheet. Mr. Clapp advises farmers to f iii out the information sheet carefully, and clearly identify the type of samples sent in and the type of information that is required by the producer. For more Information on the Feed Advisory Program and sub- mission of samples to the lab, please contact the Agricul- tural Office in Bowmanville. Buy Feeder Cate gEarly With the high price of feed today, cattiemen can't afford to take chances on the, purchase of feeder cattie. Dr. Don Davis, of the Veterinary Services Branch, Ministry of Agriculture and Food says there are a number of things cattiemen can do to help make sure their investment is a sound one. Lt is a good idea to purchase the cattie as early as possible. That way the àn- imals can be shipped and climatized to conditions in Ontario before the inciement weather of fall arrives. He warns cattlemçn not to buy sick or diseased animais no matter how inexpensîve they are, the high mortality rate among such animais makes it difficuit for the producer to come out on top. Dr. Davis advises producers to consîder the purchase of pre-condition- ed cattie, that is animais which have been weaned, vaccinated, and castrated, about three weeks before being shipped. He says pre_- conditioned cattie may be more expensive but, empha- sizes- that pre-conditioning may save the animal from sufferîng additional stress. .Weaning, vaccination, and 'castration immediately prior ,to travel rnay result in the animal being overstressed before it is shipped. The purchase of stale animais, those which have been in the yards for a few da-ys without being sold should be thought over carefully. It is pointed out that there is usually good reasons why these cattle have been passed over, and the buyer should check the animais closely. Faîl Fai-r Time Lt is once again time for-the Annual Faîl Fair in and around your area. We do have lists of the upcoming Fal Fairs during t he months of August, Septemiber, and October'for anyone who wish- es to pick' one up at the -Agricultural Office. In Dur- ham County, we have' the Blackstock Fair coming up on August 23rd, while the Dur- 1aTiVlCra'F-air iil be helZf at Orono on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 4, 5, and 6th. The Annual Port Hope Fall Fair will be held on -Saturday and Sunday, Sep- tember 13 and l4th. The annuai fail fairs provide an opportunity for exhibitors to show their -best produce or domestic work that they have produced or done, during the year, as weli, it gives an opportunity 'for people to get together and compete in livestock and- other competi- tions. Faul fairs provide'an excellent opportunity for people to get together and talk over things that have taken place during the p ast year, and also meet people who you may not have ha the oppor- tunity to have done before. If you are iooking for an entertaining day, keep in mind your local f al fair and you won't be -disappointed if you take you as well as the whole family out to a day at the fair. TELEPHONE: 576-6800 Looking Over En tries lat- Recent Gladiolus Show There was plenty to see at the recent Gladiolus and Dahlia show at Memorial Park Clubhouse andfthese young spectators appear to be most interested in the various exhibits. Desire to erect a building for storage of equi ent has caused Salco Sand and Gravel Limited to submit an'apolica- tion ,for rezoning ýof their propertv in Clarke Township. T he property in question, part of lot 32, concession .8, is -nresentlv zoned "Agricultur- al" under the Clarke zoning hy-law and the applicant is requesting an amenciment to change the status of the existing legal non-conforming use, a sandg and gravel pit on an 83.468 acre lot. As pits and qbuarries are not permitted in tis or an y other zone of the Clarke by-law Planning Direc- tor George Howden says the. applicant would require the insertion of a new zone in this by-law. The Ministry of Natural Resources informed Mr. Howden that since they îssued a licence to operate a gravel pit to Salco Sand in November 1974, they would have no objections to the proposed amendment. They also sug- gest that such zoning is likely to eliinnate future controv- ersy for people moving into the, ~surrounding,.r& The Ganaraska Conserva- tion Auithority state they have no objections while the New- castle Works Department. would like the road allowance between lots 32 and 33 improved to meet the Town's specifications, after which Mr. Howden advises, a by-law can be passed classifying the subject section of the road as an improved road. Mr. -Howden explaîned that the existing pit fronts on a northerly extension of Les- kard Road, a narrow, windîng road not suitable for heavy trucks. He feels that upgrad- ing of this road should not be encouraged due to the scenic beauty of it passing beside Wilmot, Creek. As the site also bas access to 'the road. allowance between lots 32 and 33, maintained by the Town for about 500 feet north of concession 8, Mr. Howden feels the' remaining 6.000 feet of road south of the 9th concession could easily be upgraded to accomnmodate the heavier traffir. Like ail living creatures, mans needs are many. To provide for oneseif onesfamiIy To befree to make plans uuih thepeople who helpgive them lie. Save a littie and. feel les, 0 like a millo Wiith TD Cash-builder Savings. 'Money in the b ank can be a very good feeling. And TD Cash-builder Savings can help you get it. Tell your TD branch how much you -can afford to set aside each pay day, or month. That amnounit wil be regularly transferred from your Chequing Account to your TD ,)?remniurn Savings Account. Iles automnatic. And ,.tes surprising how quickly your savings willgrow. 'The interest on your savings is tax-free up to $1,000 per year. If you need us, we're here with TD Cash-builder Savings. -MToRoNToDUOMINION the bank where people makeŽhe difference ihis week... even next When the price of Coke is lowered you get greater value thon ever. And that's whot's Now your local bottier of Cococ-[ais offering you large-size boffles of Coke that are "Value Priced." So look for the label, marked "Value Priced"- wherever you, buy Coca-Colai in bottle s. The label guarantees greater value thon ever. meal1 thing9. Cffo ke. s label exlrù ~ Trade Mark Reg. À40 OUNCER REFILLABLE *Plus refundable bottle deposit. Available at participating, dealers in the arec served by: FHAMAAB LYSB E vER A GE S, L1"IITED Authorized Bottier of Coca-Colai under cpntract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Both Coca-Coloa and Coke are reg istered trade m arksvwhich iclentify only the product of Coca-Cola Ltd. Ca 1DB7 help you? one of our representatives wiII be at Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Highway 401, Bowmanville,,on Wednesday, AugUSt 27th, 1975 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.1 M.