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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1975, p. 11

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'Ill ""(HuAi 'OGG - To Oral and Joyce ýtRose) a baby giirl, Jodyv 'Melssa Aberta, 6 lbs. 113/4 ozs. on August 29, 197. LTifIè sister for Dorothy, Wendy, Marilyn, Michael and Lori. Thanks to Drs. Anfossi and Sylvester and maternity ward nurses. 36-1 LILLEY - There's another LilIey in the field! Paige Christina, born in Brantford, July 31st, sixth grandchild for Mrs. R. LilIey, Bowmanville. 36-1 SNIDER - Danny and Nancy are happy to announce the arrivaI of a 7 lb. 10 oz. baby girl, Marcia Lynn, on August 30, 1975. First grandchild for Mrs. Ray Munday, and Mr. and Mrs. Hug h Snider. First ?reat grandc hild for Mr. and rs. Walter Woolley. 36-1 TOMLINSON - Perry and Elaine are pleased ta an- nounice the birth of their daughter, Tara Lee, on August 26, 1975, at Belleville General Hospital. Proud g randpanentg are Mn. and M s. William Tomlinson, Oono, and Mn. and Mrs, Joseph Golden, Cannifton. Great grandmoth- er, Mrs. John Wannan, Osh- awa. 36-1 Mr, and Mrs. William D. Dixon, Stirling, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughten, Lorraine, ta Terry, son of Mn. and Ms. Douglas Walton, Newcastle, Ont. The wedding wiII take place on Septem ber 26, at Emmanuel U nited Church, Foxboro, Ontario. ______36-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robet G. Chatten, Orono, are pleased to announice the forthcoming maniage of their daughten, MAary Riuth, ta Kenneth Allan McCurdly, son of M. and Mrs. Alexander McCurdy, Sterling. The wedding will1 ta ke place on Saturday, September 27, 1975 at 1:30 p.m. in Orono United Chumch. 36-ix The family of Mn. and Mns. Evenett Cryderman, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, wish ta extend an invitation ta relatives, friends and neighbors ta attend an open house in hanar- of their 5th wedding annivensary, at their home on September 14, 1975, framn 2-4 p.m. and 7-9:30 p. m. Best wishes only, please. DENSEM, Irene - At the Toronto East General Hospi- tal, on Friday, August 22, 1975, irene Ashton, beloved wîfe of the late Melbourne Densemn, dear mother of Phyllis (Mrs. H. Mellor) and Betty (Mrs. R. Ferguson>, dear sister of Elmo, Michigan; William, Hampton; Merle (Mrs. Clif- ford Swallow), Bowmanville; Amy (Mrs. E. Niddrîe), Tor- onto; and Jean (Mrs. F. Cuickshank), Ajax; prede- ceased by brothers, Herbert and Jack, also survived by' seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Service and committal weme held at Sher- rin Funeral Home, Toronto. Cremation. 36-1 CARNATION For Ail Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 'Flowers Say it Best", VAN BELLE ÈMbALY Delivery te... Oshawa - Bowmanvllle Area Phone 623-4441 B A PRRE T T-ln Iaving memary of a dean tiusband William, who passed away September 6, 1965. His memony is my keepsake, With which l'Il neyer part, God hnas hin'i in his keepinn I have him in my heant. - Lovingiy nememnbered by Winnie. 36-1 BARRETT- In, loýing memory of a father and grandfather, William, who passedi away September 6, 1965. Gone but not forgotten. -- Fondly remembered by daughter Peggy, Carl and grandsons. CARNOCHAN, Grant - In loving memory of, my hus- band, who passed away Sept- ember 3, 1952. And while he lies, in peaceful sleep, His memories, 1 wiliIalways keep. -Sadly missed by his wife, Esther and family. 36-1 w,,' k I wouîd like to thank my relatives, fniends and neigh- bons and Curvply South Plant for visits, f Iowers, cards and food while I was in Bowman- ville Hospital. A special thank- 6ou Dr.- Singal, Dr. Anfossi, r. Cunningham and wonder- fui nurses on surgical flbon. My Sincere Thanks Olga Brough 36-1 Fred and Shirley Draper wish to express thein gratitude for the kindnesses, cards, letter, fîowers, visits and welI wishes shown ta them both during hem recent hospitaliza- tion and convalescence. Thank you, our neighbors and friends; Enniskiîlen United Church and Sunday School; Beehive Rebecca Lodge. To the volunteens, staff, aids, melical and sungical nurses, Memoial Hospital, Dr. Ewert and Dr. Ugray, your cane and expertise will long be nemem- ber. Thank you ta administra- tion, faculty, support staff and students of the Simcoe Build- ing, Durham Coltege, your continuing solicitude and hel r is overwhelming. We especiaï ly thank Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Hey Iand for their daiîy com- radleship. -I prithee aîîow these to suffice until deeds not words speak for me." 36-1 x We wish to express oun thanks ta Il our fniends who contributed to our Retirement Party. A special thanks to the committee in char ge., F rances and Vnn Jackson friends, neighbors and nela- tives for thein visits, flowens and cards while 1 was in the hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Mosienko and Dr. West- garth and all the nurses for their good cane., Darlene West 36-1 Plan to Attend BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB App lef est and Carnival AT TKE LIONS CLUB Evening of Septemiber l9th Games of Chance and Flea Market 36-3 Bethesda Cemetery Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 14 at 2:30 p.m. In case of rain service wiIl be held in-Chapel. PLEASE Do not use wlne to support f owen baskets and no sod digging. The boand will not be responsible for containers. 36-2 YOGA CLASSES BEGINNING Septem ber 9 Fee $20.00 Hampton Ir. Public School 18-9:15 p.m. For Futher Information: 263-2638 36-1 APPEARING.ATý The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTL E COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday Septem ber 5 -6 Dancing 9-1 36-1 Escorted Tours Niagara Falls - "Ma id of the Mist", Scenic Tunnels, Marineland and Game Farm (Optional) - also included Fruit Stails September 7th Mystery Tour September l4th Kitchener Market and Hespîer Woollen Milîs Septem ber 2Oth Lake Placid Circle Septem ber 26th - 28th Algonquin Park and Gatineau HuIs October 4th and Sth Wheeling, W.V. October 1th - l3th Quebec City' October loth - 13th Colonial virginia, Norfolk Tour October lSth - 2Sth Sunshine Party Tours Box 214, Port Hope Telephone 885-2211; Evenings 885-2200 36-1 16 Ft Sa îiboat Used One Season, Sails, Lifelackets, Cushions lnrcluded. Make Deal on Motor. Phone 623-7232 35-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, rain carry ingcsystems. Lorme AMin, 1P rince St., 623-3871. Supremne Window and Dooi Co. 36-1> DAN CE at the BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB Set., Sept. 13, 1975 Music by D.J. FRANK TRULL Tickets - 3: 00 per couple PHIONE C. McDONALD 623-5953 35-3 Ladies if you wish to bowl with the Merry Makers Thurs- day afternoons please caîl Sue Ruddy 623-4615 as soon as possible. We start to bowl Septem ber 4th at 1: 30. 35-2 The Wood Famîly picnic will be helda t Thistle VlIley Park, tember 7th, 1975. Dinner at 1 o'clock. Sports at 2: 30. 35-2x Young Adult Bow/lers. Age 18-27. Anyone wishing to loin p hone Ron Etcher 623-3419 or Heath er Moore 728-2956. League registration and social niglit - Sunda 'y, Sept. 8, 1975, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. League commences Sept. 15, 1975. 36-1 Orono Amateur Athletic Association annual faîl dance Sept. 13, 1975. Orchestra, Ted Koss and the Cavaliers, in Orono Arena. 36-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mînor Softbail JUBILE! PAVILlON OSHAWA WOODVI EW COMM&UNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONOAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST, OSHAWA 21-tf The Bowmanviile Minor Hockey Mothers Association will be having a sale of used hockey and other sports equip- ment on Saturday, Sept. 13 beginning at 9 a.m. in the warm room of Bowmanville Arena. Anyone wishing to donate any articles for the, sale, please contact: Joan Stevens 623-2111, Theresa Far- row 623-7485, Noreen Siggins 623-3133, Pat Lake 623-2947. 35-3 Land-O- Lakes Visit OId Fort Henry. Cruise the Thousand Islands. Golf, fish, swim, relax in a modern one-two-three-four-f ive bed- roomn house keeping cottage on beautiful, scenic Hay Bay. Boats, mnotors at low renta I rates. ..Ail you bring are your towels. Wall stocked grocery store on premises. Ma ke your reservations now. Call 61-3-354-3644 33-2f USED 354D I. H. Tractor (Demon- strator - 50 Hrs. only); 474D I.H. Tractor (600 Hrs.); 434D l.H. Tractor; 414D l.H. Trac- tor with Loader; Satoh 650 Gas Tractor with Allied Loader (20 Hrs. Only); 170 Allis Chalmers, Tractor with Cab and Loader (775 Hrs.); SC4 Case Tractor; No. 30 Cockshutt Tractor; 1. H. 175 Swather; New Holland Raie Thrower; John Deere Flail Type Spreader; J.D. Ground Drve reader; N.H. Flail Type Spreader; Geo. White Spreader; No. 21 l.H. Sureader; I.H. - 9' Trail Cultivator; l.H. - 121/2' Mount- ed Cultivator with Mulchers; Glencoe 12' Mounted, Culti- vator; Triple K - 16' Mountedi Cultivator; Cockshutt 81/2' Trail Cultivator;, Cockshutt 9' Trail Cultivator; 3 F. Cock- COMPRESSORS, genenators, electric matons, gri ndens, drill presses, heavy dluty power tools, etc. We seil, buy anid trade. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30-tf BEDROOM suite, 7 plece; diing room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak Swood. New furniture very s reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 1 1 e52-tf NEARLY new bathtub, floor model, reasonable, 987-4414. 36-1 x LARGE quantity of excellent hay. Neyer rained on, -1-705-, 932-2887. 36-1 ALLIS Chalmers D17, six cy1i nder diesel tractor, motor rebuilt, pre-heater and block heater, good tires, power steering and wheel weights, pulley automatic, trip for plow, also adapter for three point hitch. Phone 263-2185. 36-1 SWIMMING Pool 1' x 4' above ground., Used 4 seasons. Complete with -filter. In good condition. Asking $150. Phone 623-3583. 36-lx 50 GALLON fish, aquarium, frameless, 3,â- plate glass, complete wvith filter, acces- sories, $75. Phone 623-7962 after 5 p.m. QUANTITY 21/2" nails, com- bination wood and electric stove, antique rocking chair, swivel office chair, child's rocking chairs and deacon's bench. 987-4759. 36-1 NEW Holland 716 forage harvester, one Ghal self-un- loading wagon, AIlIls Chalmers blower. 1-786-2512. 36-1 Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITE O Box 133 I318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whltby 668-3552 %%OSHAWA SAND A.ID GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Ail Suzes for Dniveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il-tf SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Lawn & Garden Equipment 1 Only Model 55 (5 h.p.) Ride on Lawn Mower 635.00 525,0 2 Only Model 76 (7 h.p.) Lawn Tractons with 36" 'Mower 1065.00 850.00 1 Only 20" Cut ýEconom y Push Lawn Mower 119.95 99.95 3 Only 20" Cut Deluxe Push Lawn Mawers 139.95 109.95 1 Only Model 526 (5 h.p.) Waik Behind Rotary Tiller 350.00 295.00 2 Only Model 250 Power Washers 425.00 350.00 1 OnIy Model 2550 Power Washem 500.00 425.00 1 Only Model 2A Lawn Sweepem 185.00 149.00 1 Only Trailen (Use with Garden Tractor) 139.00 99.0 1 Only Model 59 (5 h.p.) Shredder Grinder, 350.00 295.00 ROBINSON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Lindsay, Ontario - (705) 324-6136 36-2 WH-IT E'S I.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aeials, Rotons & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 30-tf Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS JNSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aerils Apts. and Homes Pre-Wind REPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed AIl1 priced to SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf WATER supply - pools, wells etc. George Maguime, R.R, 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22tf FR ESH vegetables for freezer or table. Coi-n, tomnatoes, squash, cucumnbers, beets, potatoes, etc. Will deliver. Phone Ted Buttery 263-2511, 34-4 SIDES of beef f nom corn-fed Hereford steer. W. Vaneyk 263-2088. 35-3 CERTIFIED seed, Fredrick wvinter wheat, Huron wintem baley. Ceresmore Farmis Ltd. 623-3552 and 623-7233. 33-6 1 . )r x Eat farmn raised domestic rabbit. Tender, delicious white meat. Economica I No Waste Now available a', your meat store or supermarket. 30-tf PO also 15' fibneglass sailboat, cabin, both excellent condi- tion. Phone 623-5828. 36-1 CHILI sauce tomataes, good quality. Phone 263-2982. 36-1 BUFFET hutch, treddle sew- ing machine, eiectric sewing machine, oak dining roomy table, platform rockers, chesterfieîd suites, chrome suites, single beds, gun rack, occasional chairs. Tawne Used Fumnitume, 19' Temper- ance St., Bowmanviile. 36-1 BED, mattmess, springs, an- bonite kitchen table and six chairs, 2 occasianai chairs, clothes dryer, washing ma- chine, stove, radio. Phone 623-3057. 36-1 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS & EQU IPME NT LAWN &GARDEN EQUI P. M EEH L. FARM MACHINEPY COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES-SERVICE- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 16-tf 0 M4~ FURNACE HUMIDIFIER H5 EIATE R AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POL ICY CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FRE E STIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Z-enith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-tf C &C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf Ail-Type Painting and Roofing Bowmanville, onitania - 623-5038 - INTERIOR and EXTERIOR SEAL-O-MATIC 5SHINGLES 36-4x JACK BURGESS DIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.C. BOX 43 - Bowmnanville 30-tf PADDY'S Market now has, new furniture,' appliances T.V.'s and stereos and alsâ used furniture and applilances, Will accept trade-ins. Paddy'* Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED Furniture and Appli-* ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf AIR conditioners, central and window units. Cali. Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 on Zenith 14620. 21 -tf SCREENED and unscmeened top sal, scmeened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 2t ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti. que dlocks, pocket watcheý and modemn watches a.,d ci ocks. Dur repairs are done witl modern up-to-date equipmnený aind qualifled Swiss trained .watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-f Snowmobi les AR'CTIC CAT and MERCURY <Special Offer) - uy now and save up fo $150. -10 per cent down holds any Cat or Mercury and you pay no interest until Jan. 1, 1976 Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshawa,,Onfario 725-1181 P.S.: Huge savingis on left- aven Ski-dao clothing and accessonies. 36-4 Weekend Special 6Sweetheart Roses Cash ndCarry" CARNATION Flower Shop 33 Division Street 623-7141 36-1 FREEZER CORN NOW READY Fred Eyman Farmn Caurtice, Ontario 725-8288 36-1i Buy direct tram Manufac- ture- Rutten Granite Co., Ltd., has a huge selection of fine, qluality monuments, large and ~mai l ta fit any need. Came by ~treet, Port Hope or telephane ~85-5216 for a monument that ~ndures. 35-tf FINEQU, LITY MONUMÈ TSAND MARK RS $TFFR AIFSJ ý LTE. CUSTOM upholstering, re ering, ne-styiing, vemy me able, work guamanteed, yeams experience. Free mate. Pease CaîliCc DOM EST1 ç & COMM E RI REFRI E RATION UNI and APPLIANCES SALES & SERV Kool Enterprise PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmani DARLINGTON~ MASON RY Brick,.Block, S5V CHIMNEY & FIREPLAI CHIMNEY CLEANINýý Phone 623-2176 Geddes E lectric Renovations - Alterai Rec. Rooms Rewirîng Older Homes New Homes~ Free Estima Phone 623-2398 CENTRAL Marine Elecf ics. Phone 263-2918. Disit for for ComDevM&arin.eF MATURE wamn-an wantec babysit 5 mnonth aid babý hen own homne evemy Wedi day afternoan. Phone 983-9' APPLE pickers. Phone9 4041. LADY ta look atter chiidrer my home, while fathe wvor Phone 623-7962. WANTED, used car dlean persan, samne mechanical al tude heipfui, experience p fermed but not absolule necessamy. Gaod wamrking E <itions and comnDanv be-nef Apply to Bill Smith, c-a Covv Pontiac Buick Ltd.-, 166 K< St. East, Bowmanvil!le. PI- 623-3396. SALES persan required local music studio. Appra) haurs a dlay. Must have0 car. Excellent memunemali Phone 723-0101. WATKINS Pnoducts mc.,c tributor and dealers want Men or wamen, full or p time. Write- 429 Dunda s E Toronto. 34 'ecav- ason- 1,20 e-st!i- ollect 26-tf 'CIAL I TS VICE nville 26-tf one 45-tf c iion s iates YOU SHOULD BE SELLING LOTTERY TICKETS! I Wintario and OIym pic You WiI be amazed at the potenial profit in selling these tickets!I For further information cail: W. G. M. Marketing 110 King St. W. Oshawa 576-9181 36-2 Ca reta ker Applications wviIl be receiv- ed by theundersgned until Friday, Septemrben 6, 1975, fan t-he position of Part Time Caretlaker, 8 hou ns per week at the Hampton Junior Public School. Good knawledge of schooi caretaking procedures and cîeaning mnethods. Ability ta wonk fromi verbal and written instructions and ta get alang, with people. Reply in writing stating qualifications, addmess and telephone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 36-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCTION Applications wilI be eceiv- ed by the undersigned unil 12 noan, Septemrber 8, 1975 for the( follawing positions: F uil1 lime Secreta ry ta work at BALTIMORE, COOK'S AND GRANT SINE PUBLIC SC HOOLS Must have accurate typîng, genemal knowledge of office r ocedures and business, mac- ines. Shorthand an asset. Ability ta cope with work load at peak periods. Assistant to Payroll Department Must have typing, geanerai knawledge of office prace-' dures and business machines. Aptitude in Mathemnatics and an abîlity ta calculate and record paynall deductions is essential. Must be compatible.- Please apply !in writing stating qualifcations, exper- ience, and telephane number ta: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, 1..Bo 70-, coourg1 ont. 1<9A 4L2 36-1 'Bowmanville, September 3,19', DIADLINE FoR, CLASSIFIED >Tues., 4:30 p-m. CE=, a Give younself a head -stanrt to a successf ul caneer in Medical or Dental Office Assising -Day Course 6- 6 months -Night Course - 10 Mofnths -Brand NewA Air- conditîoned Facilities -Ciassnoom and Practical Training lnicludedJ -Advisory Counsel by Doctors and Denists -Student Loans Available Classes Filing Up for Faîl Semester Phone, visit an send coupon naw. .,ru r-joui, 55 Queen St. E. Dawntown Toronto (416) 363-3721 Name ............... Street............... City ......_......... Phone .......Age .. 36-1 Wa rehouse Supervisor Required by smail whole- sale firm in shelf-line garden supply business. Successful applicant will be responsible for ail warehous- ing, receiving and shipping and a small fleet of trucks. Please apply -in wvriting stating background, experi- ence, and salary history to: Box 569 Canadian Statesman Box M90 Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, 36-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATI ON invites applicaions forth following position, duties toý commen ce immediately. CO!URTICE NORT H PUBLIC SCHOOL Brookda le- ô à PÀ Iîi E KingswayTecr Estabiished tnee and shrub Principal's release, fobr nursery in Bowmanvilîe ne- three, h-ait days per week, 30 quimes a heavy machine open- Per cent. ator wifh mechanical back- Please appIy in, writîng ground, for permanient staff. stating qualifications, experi- The successful applicant ence, references and' tele- wiil be esponsible for driving phone numben ta: and servîcing a deisel crawlv- Mn. E. Crawford, Principal er, tree digger, anýd tractor R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ont. work on the iand. Off-season LIC 3K4 he wiIi be required ta service Te.467361 aur tractons and trucks in oun 36-1 own garage wonkshop, a farming background would be SERVICE station attendants an advantage. required, gaad op partunity for Please te [ephone: energetic, relia bIe persan.. 416-623-3345 Apply Imperial Oil Service Centre, Hwy. 401 and Waveriy ta arrange an interview, Road, Bowmanviile. 36-1 33-tf Are You Looking for a Permanent Career? 3 If you've reached the point where your future progress is 48-tf im-ited, then you'll be very interested in this. tran- Exceptional Opportunity! ribu - WAe have an apening for a dynamîc sales representative with a Pro- strang urge to succeed, ta, represent one of Canada's aldest and 16-tf most prominent financial coîmpanies in this area. *This Position Provides: Assured basic income 3 Incentive bonuses ýd ta Generous fninge benefits )y in Professional training Ies- PLEASE SENDO FULL RESUME TO: 9293. Box 5641, c-o Canadian Statesman 36-2 Box 190. Bowmanvîle, Ontario 35-2 987- TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBfR Y BOARD 36- lREQUIRES n ifo Lîbrarian )rks forthe Bowmanvilîe Branch 36-1 UIuties will include, supervision of staff, book selection and - pracessing, readers' assistance and library programming. 35 haur week includes several evenings and alternative Saturdays. up Frine benefits. Salary negotiable. University graduate and-or ipti- si nfca nt experience. DutiestIo commence immediately. pre- Pl ease a ppî y in writing ta: rely D. M. Dineen, Chief Librarian con- NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD f itS. 62 Temperance Street, iýan Bowmnanville, Ontario 36-1 one for )X. 4 owvn ion. 36-1 dis ited. part .ast, 4-4x APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION 0F Operator-Maniager of the Newcastle Arena in the former Village of Newcastle are invited. Starting date October 6, 1975 until a pproximately March 31, 1976 Applications will1 be received uintilIF niday, Septemnber 19, 1975. Ail applicants will be contacted relative ta interviews wîth the iArena Management Board to be held Mfonday, September 22, 1975. Please direct replies ta: Box 153, Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 Ho MAINTENANCE E LECTRICIAN The successful appi icanitwil i have a recognized apprenýticeship or trade school training or equivalent experience. Current experience in industrial relaying control systems, A.C. and DIC machines, switch gears >; etc. is a necessity. Some knowlvedge of electronics would be an, asset. Please apply in writing to: Personnel Dept. ST. MARYS CEMENT COMPANY Box 68, Bowmianville, Ontario or Telephone collect et: 1I-416-623-3341 36-1 Home Carpentry Rec. Rooms - Arborite Fences - Floors Repairsof aIl types. Free Estimnate - Tradesmeni Commercial - Residential Phone 623-3194 31 -tf Lawn &Gardenl Ca re Rolling, roto-tilîing with a comTmercial machine. Seeding down new lawns or old. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 L). BE ERS& SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-t f PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf Anger Construction Co. Concrete, Brick Work, Chimney Repairs Contact Roy Anger 29-7x RELIABLE mother will babysit in her own home. Meals available. Phone 623-4352. BOB BEER$ 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heaing Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cal 623-2641 33-tf DAY care in mny home.- location- central. Please cal 623-4294. 36-4x Refrigeration Aplince Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Coolens PHONE BERT SYER Days.............. 623-5774 Nights ............. 623-31.Z7 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Han ing LgtTruckin and d Jb 623-4728 NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL, MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Ze-nith 14620 GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St-, Bowmanvil1e Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Floal Glass Sealed Units - Se'rmr Windows Store Fronts - f-loaf Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. WATER Wells bored, 30" tue. WNard's Well Boring., Tele phone 342-2030. Representa tive Hamry L. Wiade Tele- 2phone 987-4531. 16 if CLmSSIFIED RDS

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