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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1975, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Stqatesman, Bowmanvilhe. Sentember 3. 197.5 Sertion Twn Dur huam Colle%ge to O"pen Jo-b Readiness Train ing. Centre in Oshawa Church Designedi to bring the Col- leRe to the Community, Dur- ham Colege is opening an Educational -Centre at St. Andrew's United Church in Oshawa.- The centre will serve needs of men and women of ail ages tbroughout the Durham Re- gion, assisting tbemn to get back into the work force. This programme of basic job readiness training is -for individuals who bave need of certain skills to obtain, em- ployment. Most bave been away from the work force for some fiie. Emphasis will beon matne- matics and communications. How to get along witb people, job interviews, effective lis- tening skills, and creative job OPP Golden Helmets Sept., Commis siori ham bas annou Ontario Provinc cision riding team, "The (kl will complete iL program on Fý 22. Following ag formance at Ca Base Toronto,1 11:00 a.m. on Golden Helméf entertain audi fairs throughout ario. Membersc invited to theg The Golden aUDnear at the fI Durham Centi Society Fair September 4; Owen Sound Society Fair, un September Delhi Tobacco tival, Delhi, 13; Acton Agrietl Fair, Acton,g 20; Niaeara -Grar Festival, St.C Septem ber 26 Markbam Agr iety Fair, Mail ober 3; and Brigden Fair den, on OctobE Members of ti mets are ahl vol ally assigned traffic duties at in southern 0 undergo special sions to maint deeree of prec IY( LANDLC INSURA His insurance% the personal pr tenant - 'nor iability for injL on the premise Policy, availabl Insurance.Age, against destruL sonal belonging liability Jame5 In Agencg 24 Ki ' St. E BOWMANV LLI DOUGLAS S. J, Office 623-440é Residence 623-5( 4 at O rono F-i r ner 11H. Gra - by the ride. )unced that the The Motorcycles used for icial Police pre- the. performance are the gmotorcycle sanie machines members use aîden Helmets" on their reguhar patrols.. Al ts 1975 training are 550 lb. powerful 1200 cc Friday, August Harley Davidsons equipped witb radios, fasing lights graduation per- and first aid equipment. anadian Forces The ride is conducted under Downsview, at the direction of Assistant n Friday, the Commissioner R.1 Deve- ts will again roux. Traffic Division. Corp- iences at faîl oral Al Smouter of Downsview t soutbern Ont- Detachment is the Ride- of the press are Master. He is assisted by graduation. Corporal John Arnold of Helmets wilh Whitby Detachment who is fnlwine" fairs: rosponsible for training al ral Agricultural OPP motorcycle patrol mem- at Orono on1 bers. Provincial Constable Jim Wright of Pet erborough is 1 Agricultural the ride commentator. Owen Sound, Other members of the 5; Golden Helmets are: ýo Harvest Fes- Provincial Constable Roland on September Oliver, London Detachment; 1 Provincial Constable John ltural Society Taffe, London Detachment; on September Provincial Constable George Wood., Burlington Detach- me and Wine ment; Cathierines, on Provincial Constable Gary Gristey, Waterdown Detach- rîicultural Soc- ment; -1 rldlam, on Oct- Provincial Constable Dale Ryan, Cayuga Detacbmfent; Grounds, Brig- P5rovincial- Constable Don )er 12. Steele, St. Catharines De- the Golden Hel- tachment; lunteers norm- Provincial Constable Jack 1to fuli-time Barrow, Downsview Detach- it detacbments ment; Ontario. They Provincial Constable Paul il training ses- 'Thompson, Downsview De- tain the high tachment; ision reouired Provincial Constable Jim Bragg, Port Credit Detach- :)UR ment; Provincial Constable Rob )RD HAS Roisn Oak Ridges De- ~~NCErovncialn Constalile Rob Ramsey, Kitchener Detach- ment; .....Provincial- Constable Terry -1, eu,>Goertzen, Bracbridge De- tachment; .. Provincial Constable Tim- Smith, Barrie Detachment. Provincial Constable An- Anthony Parkin, Burlington, Among the intricate mari- eouvres performed by the precision riding unit are the criss-cross, single weave, double weave, threading the needle, the wbeeh, inter-, change, circles and reverse The Golden Helmets were frst formed in 1963. In 1967, Canada's Centennial year, the Golden Helmets represented wil no coerOntario at Canada Week in )roperty of the Ne okCt. A member of th enant's the team participated in the iunes to others opening day'parade of Expo 70 os. A Tenants at Osaka, Japan. fle from James ncy, wiII insure O to h iction of per-'O to th igs, theft, and Mo hs fBae yrisks. otso Bae by E. P. Chant J think it's about time I i sUIWIce thr"" inmy two cents Worth dconcerning capital punish- Limit ment. I am against it. An opinion on this subject re- E., Box 100 quires justification, so here it E, ONTARIO goes... Capital punishment has AMES neyer proved to be a deterrent '6 <~S ~ to murder. It was around with 023 Capone and Dillinger; it bas 5023 been in the Iaw books of most __________ of the countries of the world at AUTO & USED CARS, LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North.of No. 2 on Morgan's Rf.. searcb techniques will be included. The first session will beRin September 2, running 9 a.m. to -4 p.m. with 24 students initially. Garry Booth co-ordinator of Life Skills at Durham College, and Life Skills instructors Cala Schweikert and Ian Stewart will be invohved with the program. one timeor another and, with or without it, there have always been murders being committed. No drastic dedllne in the number of homicides has ever been seen when it has been instituted. No one out to commit a murder has ever said to himself, -Gee, 1 better flot kili hlm, or l'Il be hanged." For ail you good Christians who quote your Bible <by way of Hammurabi's Code) saying - "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", don't forget --one of the biggest parts of your religion is the practice of forgiveness, 50 you're going to have to revoke one part of your rel igion (or the Bible.) before you get into this issue. If you do not, you are goîng to bc a hypocrite. As for the "eve for an eye" theory, if a person attacks another and simply cuts off bis arm, shouldn't the cutter's arm bcecut off too? If justice is that simple for murder, let's have it that simple for everything. Face it - Hammurabi's Code is ancient. It may have been practical in 1792 B.C. in downtown 'Babylon, but we know much more about the criminal mind now. Let's use that knowledge to help and rehabilitate - whipping a noose around someone's neck is no.way to solve a troubled part of society. Now, I have a question which I wish someone would answer for me. Why is practi- cally every great legal mind of our century against capital punishment? Clarence Dar- row (who neyer lost any of the famed murderers he defended to the electric chair, gallows, or gas chamber>, F. Lee Bailey (who defended Sam Shepherd and Albert De Salvo, commonly known as "The Boston Strangler"), and the former Canadian Minister of Justice, John Turner (and the present one, Otto Lang) are ail against capital punishment. Don't the opinions of such experts of the criminal mind carry any weight? The altenative. for capital~ punishment is rehabilatation and-or life imprisonm ent., Sure, keeping a person in jail for'their lif e is expensive, but a life, any life is priceless. Remember this, ail you advocates of capital punish- ment - when you had the riglit, you almost hanged a fifteen Business -Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL 8. Comm. Chartered Accountant 36½/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNOD)DON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic LAURENCF A. GREY L)octor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofi :Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street_ Corner of Horsey Street Phono 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p. m. - including Saturday, Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9- 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.0. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanville Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR.' W. M. RUDELI . ... 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Th urs., 9 'fil 5 Wednesday9'tiI2 Friday 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phono 623-5790 year-old boy named Steven Truscott. The fact that he was probably innocent just adds to the bort-or, If 'fou want to risk that again, go ahead, but you can count me ont. Be neighborly to drivers behind you- when you ar- rive at a toîl booth have the mnoney ready. Be nice to your babysitter, Make sure you leave a num- ber where you can he reached conveniently by the tele- phone. .The Americ-an'Physical1 Therapy Association reveals that more than 150,000 Americans undergo physical therapy daîly for such condi- tions as arthritis, spinal cord injuries, fractures arnd neuro- muscular diseases. Devote your time and money to the therapeutic activities, of the association. Feels government must ensure telephone service CSAO asks Premier Davis to i ntervene with Bell. Toronto -- Theý union representing Ontario's 50,000 provincial employees bas asked Premier William Davis to intervene, stopping "'nothing short of nationalizatioiV' to ensure that Bell Canada provides tehephone service to ahi Ontario residents. In ua letter sent to the premier, Charles Darrow, president of the Civil Service Association of Ontario, said "the board of directors of this union feels the provincial goverriment must be prepared to act and to stop at nothing short of nationalization, if necessary, to ensure that Ontario residents have the tehephonfe service they expect." Mr. Darrow said the CSAO is seeking the support of other unions in Ontario to "petition both the provincial and federal goverriments to take measures to hait this gouging by Bell and ultimately to nationalize the telephone systemn in Ontario so that- residents cari reap the benefits of reduced costs in services rathér than bave those benefits steered into corporate profits." The letter pointed ont that Bell's profit for 1974 was $224 million and that its increase in net earnings betseen 1970 and 1973 was 43.2 percent. At the same time, Mr. Darrow drew attention to the publiclý-owned Manitoba telephone systemn where for the first time in 54 years, the rates are increasing October 1. This i ncrease will mean Winnipeg residents will pay $4.90 a month for telephone service. At present Winnipeg resîdents pay $3.90 per month. "Surely t his says something for public ownership of a telephone system. We beieve public interest must be placed before private profits and dividends. " "I should think that in the liglit of the current election campaigri, you should take seriously the interests of Ontario residents with respect to the alarming, if flot criminal, rate, at which telephone rates have been imposed by this privately- owned monopoly." Mr. Darrow urged Mr. Davis to work with the federal goverriment to establish a public inquiry or a Royal Comùmission with full disclosure of Bell's financial status, as the first step towards reaching the truth of the matter. He said that a corporation that has $224 million in profits in one year and a 43.2 percent increase'in earning over a three year period cari surely be called to account to the public for its "gouging" tactics. Presents New Film A new film entitled "Women in the Environment" produe- ed for tbe, Ministry of tbe Environment will be sbown every nigbt at tbe C.N.E. Starting August 15, at 9.00 p.m., 9.30 and 10.00 p.m. in tbe Queen Elizabeth Building Tbeatre, Environment Ont- ario Minister William G. Newman announced today. "Wben 1975 was designated International Women's Year, the Ministry of the Environ-. ment decided upon a project which would commemorate Women's Year and, serve as a continuing tribute to the bundreds of women working in the environmental field," said Mr. Newman. "Hence the 26-minute film- Women in tbe Environment. "The film is not a catalogue of women's jobs nor a com- mentary on social attitudes. We feel it is an extremely interesting documentary ex- tending through tbe spectrum of environmental work. Guid- ance counsellors, science and biology teacbers as well as the general public sbould find it both informative and stimu- lating." The women in tbe film include a biologist, a lawyer, an engineer, secretary, micro- biologist, lab tecbnician and an acoustical engineer. Wbile most of 'the women work for Environment Ontario, one is witb a consulting company and another witb tbe federal government. Following tbe C.N.E., copies of the film may be obtained for viewing from tbe Minis' try's regional offices in Lor, don, Stoney Creek, Don Mills, Kingston, Sudbury NEED A PL UJbBE R, > 16ALE'TQ UICK. -7 'WEVE THE SERVICE- MAN TODO TUE < HARVEY ORONO 983-5206 'ÉSSo HOME HEAT SERVICE, Joo Cicero is a man with a big hoart. Despite the responsibilitios of an IGA ownor-manager ho stili finds time>to help out in bis community. Joo Cicero is one of the directors of "Wayside House'. This non-denominational group helps mon with drinking problonis ro-adjust their lives and find now jobsý. Whon the bouse first oponed and was trying to, establish itsolf, Joo singlo-handodly suppliod them with ail thoir food needs. After twelve yoars of success a second houso bas boon opened this past June. ts concerned people like Joe who are making their communities botter places in which to livo. This s tho special sort of caro for which Mr. IGA is noted in his store and bis noighborhood, ASSORTED COLIJRS Scott PaperL Towels -R,,ý9 HEINZ CHICKEN NOODLE OR CREAM 0F Mfushroom 4Soup 410-FLS OL- 4 FOR ' IGA ELBOW.SMALL SHEL Macaroni or Spaghetti BA DEODORANT Irish Spning Soap lBAR E FR OZE N Downyflake Waffles Po -IGj BIRDSEYE cONcENTRATED FROZEN Awake Orange Drink TIN)Z ATASTY cHEEsE FLAvORED SNACK" 16 OZ, Cheese Legs K PKG McCormick's Candy EAC AFTERSHAVE LOTION REG. OR FROST LIME 4-FL. OZ. Aqua VlaBTLý. KNOCK KNOCK i$1 Dixie Refi Cups 100~O WESTON'S Graham Squares > " -%z FLAVOR CRYSTALS POLY BAG TangOr)ange 430-OFKS $1 69, 291 490 251~ 791 551 791 1.29 89, 1.09 AIL- PURPOSE oFlour MRS. LUKES, RASP8ERRY OR St-awerry jamn (WITH PECTINI 24-FÉOZ JAR99 IGA SUNNY MORN et ParchmentNets Margarine P KG.-4"l'a ik cANADIAN PROCESS "SINGLES" ARM Et HAMMER Krf heese SuiCes o.$19I Overi Cleaner TIN 7 OZ AÈRO 791 CAN LL 1L 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE cSUNDAY STORE HOURS-^- I10:00 o.m, - 5:00 o.m. MONEY ON QUAI ITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL IsOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALIL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 CALL US[X10%1L TODAYDXF BU Ltio . FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT., SEPT. 3 - SEPT. 6

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