Manvers Squirts A Championship Basebal Saime between the Manvers qu'rts and the Millbrook Squirts took p lace on Saturday in Millbrook wýith Manvers winning the Cups in a very - ci ,se game. The score being j9at the end of the 7th infing. At the end of the first in nings Millbrook led 6-0 and the end of the second 7-0. Roy Lawrence, Peter Kerr, Todd iel and Paul Smith got four Y îs n while Millbrook got ýài- more in the 3rd to make 'Ixe score 8-4 for Milibrook. In th rt h Scott Naylor touch- ed home and the fifth saw two more for Manvers -touch home, Paul Smith and Tommy Bradley, 'to make it 8-7. Millbrook got a run in the sixth tw make it 9-7 for them and then Manvers boys,( Paul Sn)ith, -John Kerr and Randy Ryley got the three runs that tied and took the game. Randy Ryley's run was the winning run and Tommy Bradley had the third out in the last inning of the gamne. The Manvers team won the James Kioepfer Insurance IrOMnv br- enfed "bv Miss, Kathy Kloepfer and the Ponty- pwi- viD-strict Tropfly Mlrty'ls 4to 1 hpokr presented by Mr. Bob An- thony.1 The players and positions are: Paul Smith, P, 2Law- rene7cyT-Wïmy dlèy, lst; Randy Ryley, 2nd; John Kerr, SS; Scott Naylor, 3rd; Todd Riel'and MarkAshby, RF; Peter Kerr, LF; Warren Preston, CF; Paul Coutu, Jimmy Everding, Scott and Ryan Lebeau also played during the season. The coaches for the team were Dianne and David Ro- f ers; eani mascot was Brad- î .Personals Mrs. Myrtle Nixon of Clear- water, Florida spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark'; Saturday visîtors with them were Mr. Ralph Lane and Mr. and Mr%. Orran Lan-e and son, Jody of Kenora and Mr. Jacob Lowes and son, Gregory of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon have returned home fromt a week's vacation in the Gaspe area. Recent visitors with the W. McMahons include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowett, Nash- ville, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, Peter- borough. Mrs. Barry Preston is home fromt the hospitai and sporting a cast and a pair of crutches, following a roiler skating accident.ii Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Cavan; Mrs. Lillian Fallis, Pontypool and Mrs. Bella Smith have returned fromt a trip to the Western Provinces; while there they attended tlie Golden Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fitch of Belcarres, Saskatchewan, as well as visiting other relatives. Mrs. B. Smith reports that the crops have been very good and they alenjoyed the trip. The Ladies Bowling League roils into action on September 16 at 1:30 p .m. Anyone interested, please contact Mrs. Margaret Wright at 277-2604 or Mrs,. Rene Smelt at 277-2369., Mr. Bilil Sheen has returned fromt his holidays which took hlmt to Vancouver. While there hevisited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordanof New West- BETHANY Liberals Off iciaIIy Open Ccsmpaign Rooms Here minster. On returning to Ontario he visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanderson of Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright of Peterbor- ough; and spent a day at the C.N.E. especially to see the- Lawrence Welk Show, and also to visit with Mr. Larry Ambrose who is Princess Margaret Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son;, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smnith; Mr and Mrs. Mansel Wright. Peterborough; Mrs. Earl Mc- Gi, Peterborough; Mrs. Theltna Scown; and Mrs. Viola Thorndyke soent Wed. at the -C.N-.Erin Toronto ana saw the evening performance of Lawrence Welk. Sympathy is extended to the famnily of the late Mrs. Earl Fallis. ' The Craft meetings are starting again on Tuesday, September 16, in the Grand- view Public Schooi Library from 7:30 to 9:30 in the evening. Come and bring a friend. Everyone is weicome. M ixed Bowling starts on Tuesday, September 16 at 7:30 p.m.' Anyone interested, please contact Mr. David McReelis at 277-2064 or Mrs. Ruth Sinclair at 277-2689. 1Retirement Party A number of persons gath- ered in the United Church basement on Thursday even- ing to honor'Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson on their retiremnent fromn the rural rotepostal service, which thyhve done for 39 years for one route and in Mr. Jackson's words,, "the other for 15 or 16 years. 1 Mr. Alan Beer was the Master of Ceremonies for the occasion and Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Margaret Weatherilt conducted a number of con- tests. The honored couple were then presented with an envel- ope, containing a sum of money of which they expect to purchase a piece offurniture. The committee i charge of the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatherilt. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, September 3, 1975 BLACKSTOCK Mir. and ivirs. Neil Werry and Joy, Mr. and Mlrs. Neil ~Bailey, Howard and Tara Lynne were Sunday supper guests of Mir. and Mirs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton celebra- ting the Thompson's wedding auniversary. MIr. and Mrs. Vernon Assels- tine, Teresa and Pete Gwil- liamn spent Sunday wvith Mr% and MUrs. VanMil near Beaver- ton where Colin Asselstine spent his summer working. Mr. William Baîley and daughter Elaine with her two children fromi Alliston visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey last week. Madame Justice MM Van- Camp returned on Mlonday eveming from an enjoyable holiday in England and South- ern Ireland. Mý'r. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor of Enniskillen were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. Courtnev Graham. A bus wiil be leaving on Saturday mornings startingý September 20 for 13 weeks to December 1:3 for Uxpool, Uxbridge. Registration for the swimming lessons will be Friday, September 5 at 10. a.m. at the home of Mrs. Neil Baiiey, 77 Scuigog St. N. The prices are as follows - Pre-be- ginners - $10; Beginners - $10; Barracuda - $12; Junior - $12; Intermediate - $12; Senior - $12; Bronze Royal Life - $12; Initermediate Royal Life- $12. Bus fee will be 50 cents a child for each Saturday morning. Ir,5O will be collee with registration rnonev. Lt is ieceýsWay that each parent vili take a turn in bus muervision. ;J49 eAftGI1;' MALF 4IUN7N F14E ý.Oci1y Fog "E W PERVAflcU N ~AM lIC.A . 0>4E r4lAKER, T14E t'APPER PAM4 op FHAiemom-, WAe RCgPJTtI MEAP-P Açr AiEW '109 C-Yre CA12>LGIE M>d.L -rC CE5LEBIATE -rj.4r50>'AWNNERSAKi OF HAPANE' OF ATER.5hSON OWF AMEgJKiAP .AF6LrMEU4FWAR MA-0Zgt' f4NoU9Ee -r4E PAÇPPER PAl'J4 WjE9, WICE INIEgN,4TIOPJAL ~4OIU-4CMAM!Om! PIANO AND THEORY TI7-- egnnnqSept. 15, 1975 PLACE - studio in Orono MIETHOD - private instruction following the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. ORFF MUSIC CLASS'FOR BEGINNERS TIME- Saturdays, 10:00 - il :00a.m. PLACE à~ Dikadel Farms, Concession,6, Clarke METHOD - a unique introduction to music following the Orff Method using rhythmnic actiivity, ear training, and various instruments: xylophones, metalophones, glockenspiels, cello, and timpani. ASSISTANT - Miss Amy Morton Teacher: Mrs. .D. Morton A.T.C.M. Member of the O.R.M.T.A. (The Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association) R. R, i Kendal1, Ont. LOA 1 E Telephone (416) 983-5682 IFOALSALE This price includes: - choice of 65 frame styles, shapes and colours. - your prescription in white, rose or green lenses. - one year replacement warranty against breakage. - your choice of case from wide selection. - 4 oz. bottie of eyeglass cleaning solution. ï -Bi-focals in KRYPTOK, FLAT-TOP or ULTEX styles. Ç9~ç ~ Chargex accepted. KRVPTOK ULTEX FLAT-TOP --- 23 Bond St. Ea st Oshawa HOU RS: Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9-5 Friday 9-9 Monday Closed Phone: 728-1261 Next week you can buy the fi nest National Brand, f irst quality Bifocal glasses, complete with the trame of your choice, at the one low discount price of only $35. Oculists' prescriptionsfilled at the same low price. Latest mod and metal styles are only,$12.OO more. Special lenses and tints are also available at 10w discount prices. COMPLUTE SINGLE VISION GLASSES STILL ONLY $28.00 BrokerÏ trames repaired or replaced while you watt. King Qftz CMANY Liberal Candidate from Durham East, Kirk Entwisle, officially declared his Bowmanville campaigni rooms, opposite Frederick's Pharmacy on King Street East, open Friday afternoon followed by some "mainstreeting". To the right of Mr. Entwisle are his wife Wilma and campaign workers, Judy VanNest, John Fowler , Stanley McMurter, Mary Blunt'a'nd John Sturdy. Camipaign worker Pat Marjerrison is standing behind the candidate. ALLIN COLE'S Mobile Automotive Service MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - etc.) F lowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 Specializing In: WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS, Natural and Dried, If your organization is interested In a Free Floral Demonstration, please contact us. 133 Church Street Bowmanville