The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. September 10. 1975 15 q e * * e SCUGOG'Poinýtarea 112 year 0,ldc 3 bedroom brick bungalow vith attached, firished ec room- overlooking lake. Lnt 75x;200. 1-986-4846. 36-2 -Wa.verly Gardensý" In bowmanville Built by -MuIaa1nnâ D.velopmnents 'four Guarantee of QuaWly Construction hOMES PROM $47,985 $4,150 ~features include: Clean 1tpendebI. Electric Heat *Large famIly ktchen Pilîhod family room Complotoly broadlonid 1% 1½bths -FIrfeces -Attathod garages -FuIIy sodded lots *Compltely serviced Open for Ins pectIon Thîs Weekend and Dally 10 A.M.L to I.P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturdlay &Sundlay 1-4:30 p.m. Cholceof 2Deluxe Modeisto Chaos. Prom. MARIANNA DE VE LOPME NTS Sulît by Division of VeltrI a Son Limitod W.ll known for quealfy construction end superlor workmanshlp. Olrct Tpronto Line 9239174 43-tf é,2<3J- 2503 r-;ise Fam 35 acres. Large mnodJern bedroom home. 10 arid feeding loft, 2 Cek, n feedingi a beautif-ul trout pond, $135,000. Teîmsat 10 per cent. BQwmanvýHtte - 2 semî-detach- ed homnes, boy onie or both. 2 bathroomis in each. Garages, paved drives, swiimming pool.-- Homes in goodrea. Close to scIhc>l, and shopping. $40,500 eacr;7ý,¾ per cent mortgage. Orono - Income poperty, 3 apartments aIl in good, repair, monthly income, $490.00. Lot 86' x 170' giving space for enlargement. Owners moving away, make an offer. Asking $63 '00O. OId Country Church- Sol id as the day it was but. Ideal for man y uses and lots of area to builld your dream home amid large shade trees. Unbeliev- able $23,000. Terms available. 37-1 REALTOR Pat Marierrison ' 623-4115 Keni Nicks 623-4050 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville> BOWMANVILLE - 30 acres,. level famm land, ideal home site for mini farm. Convenient commutin g to Oshawa or BowmanvillIe,,$3,000 per acre. BOWMANVI LLE Custom but, brick bungalow, quiet esidential area, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, finished base- ment with f !replace and extra bedroom. Excellent value' at $57,500. NE WTON VILLE Ranch bungalow on a large lot, finished basement, good resident.ial area. $54,900 temms. BOWMAN VILLE Immaculate custom buîlt 3 bedroom house on 1/2 acre lancscaped lot with in-ground $wimmingpPool, finished base-, ment, goodà location, $59,500. 37-1 .We hav;e cash buyers for inrt', r the Bowmanville arebir,ý Perhaps, your home would îbing top dollar? We'Il be plecased to appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For frier.dly efficient sale of your hoF - cail P. & R. Realtý, Corcýiýny, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-tf RESULTS COUNT! Mutiple Lising S.rv ce PORT HOPE AREA 12.5 acres wifh 2 barns and 6 horse stalîs. 4 bedroom brick bungalow, fireplace flue in basement, ec room area. Over 800 ft. road frontage. Home needs some finishing s0 the Vendor is asking only $56,900. Cal Bud Virtue to see this property before the sold signs are put on. ORONO-CENTURY HOME Beautiful redecorated 3 bed- room home on ver y private lot on dead, end street with large workshop garage. ýAsking price $49,900 with terms. To see caîl Christa Winterheît. BOWMANVILLE Just 1isted. Next to library and museum. Thils older, two bedroom bungalow would just fit' anyone, young couple or refired folks, fireplace in living roon'm, spotless condi- tion, oversized garage. Asking $47,500. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. SERVICE STATION - NEWCASTLE Completely renovated 2 years ago. Paved lot, 1/2 acre in size, any gas company can go in. Situated on one of the busiest highways in Ontario, onily 2 miles fmom 401. Asking $55,000 wifh good temms. Cal Charlie Reid. BOWMAN VILLE CENTURY COTTAGE Brick regency cottage on 80 x 148 ft. lot with beaufiful mature trees. 6 roomrs, at- tached garage 20 x 50 ft., 2 storey barn. Close to school and 401 Hwy. Asking $59,900. CalBill Turansky. 4 BEDROOMS - BOWMAN VILLE This neat dlean brick bunga- low issituated on a large lot 60 x 130, finished ec room, large living room, new capeting, single car garage. Best boy in the office. Asking only $47,900. Cal Charlie Reid. LIBERTY ST. BOWMANVIULLE Bungalow only 2 yrs. old. 3 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, electmic heat. Good lot, close to schooî and shopping. Plenfy of room for games and ec oomn in full basement. Asking below e- placement value at only $53,700. Cali Bud Virtue. 100 ACRE FARM AND STREAM Partially rolling land with everflowing stream, tradition- ai farmhoi$ie, barrn and drive- shed, located in ex cellent -a rea only 4 miles east of Orono. Owner moving and anxious to selI. Asking $98,500. Open to offers. Cali Elfie Jost. GARDENERS' DELIGHT - PRIVACY PLUS 11/2 storey, 4 bedmoom home situated righf in Bowmanville on extra large lot of about 3/ of an acre. Lovely lawns with variety f rit trees, assoted berry bse and fully produc- tive garden. Ideal f or the active pensioner. $49,900. Cal Elfie Jost. BUNGALOW - NEWCASTLE A lovely 3 bedmoom house on a large lot 66 x 145 with garden, hardwood and file floors. An excellent boy at $48,500 with attractive mortgage. Ownem moving south. Cali Bill Suther- land. 63 ACRES - KENDAL Beside the Qanaraska River. With old'barn, 30 acres clear. Suitable for a etreat. Asking $61,000 with excellent terms. Cali Bill Sutherland. 85 ACRES TRENT RIVER 3 miles fa Campbellford. Excellent buildings, access to Trent Canal system. Heaîth forces sale. Asking 5$74,500 with good femrms. Askfor Pat Yeo for defails or to view. ORONO Ravine lof 66 x 170, weIl wooded, on municipal water. Ask ing $22,500. Caî11 Pat Yeo to purchase. BOWMANVILLE A value packed comfortable 3 bedmoomn brick bungalow that y ou. should see right now. B5roadloom in living oom and dinfing room, new curtains and drapes included. Secluded, picturesque 60 x 175 garden ini a delightfuî' neighbourhood. OnI y$57,500. Terms. Cali Phyl lis McRobbîe. BOWMANVI LLE Centrally Iocated brick bunga- low, 3 bedrooms on main Ifloor, finished basement. Asking $53,500. Executives are an- xious to settle estate.,Contact Pat Yeo for appointment. 10 ACRES WITH BUNGALOW A beautif ul home with a lovely rolling fully fenced lot. Double detache garajge. Master bed- room 22 x 14 wit h ensuite bath, eat in kîtchen, sepamate dining room. AIl for $79,900. Cail Bill Turansky., BETHANY HILLS 59 rolling acres with frontage on two Iroads, scenic area, close ta ski hils. Asking $54,000, exisfing 9 per cent mortgage. Cali Bill Turansky. BOWMAN VILLE Older 2 storey brick home, separate dining room, f ire- place. Choýce hardwood f loors, 4 spacîous. bedrooms., Lot 52 x 198 with mature trees . Close foi schools and shopping. Asking $65,000 with goocl terms. Cal Phyllis McRobbie. BOWMAANVI LLE Priced at onfly S49,900 with ilow 9pem ce n.fmortgage. is th',,îs 3 bedroom back spîit. 13 x l8 family room. Good area. Spaclous, fully fenced -yard. Hury for thisone. Caîl Phyllis McRobble today. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped tahandle your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. + Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Connie Francis Jack Ricard is pleased to welcome Mrs.* Connie Francis f0 the Sales Staff. Connie has completed the approved Go- vernment Real Estate Course, passed the necessary examin- ations and is icenced to sell Real Estate. She invites her friends and acquaintances to call her at home 623-2440 or office 623-2503. JACK RICKARD LTD. RealItor 123 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. 623-2503 37-1 Maple Grove The September meeting of Maple Grove Women's Insti- tute was held on the- 8th at 8 p.m. in the CE. Hall. The President, Mrs. H. Prescott, welcomed everyone after the summer recess., Two summer meetings had been much enjoyed by the members. On July 29th a surprise 85th birthday pary was held to honor Mrs. L.C. Snowden. SOn August 1.2th, 3 car loads of ladies, 3 men motored f0 Twin Lake and enjoyed a pot luck dinner and afternoon at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton. The Sept. meeting opened w ifh the singing of the Ode repeating of the Lord's Prayer in umison. 1The Roll Caîl Display an article made in Canada and fell where' if was made brought ouf a lot of good articles made right near home. A letter was read from our adopted child. Tickets from the Golden Plough Lodge for their bazaar were available. the Good Neighbor report mojtorcycle. He led the police on a' rne mile hïgh speed chs.Tests< were '.W-.îThe judge remarked "his driving indicates an improper attitude toward driving." The fine was $250 and costs, in detault 20 days. He was prohibifed from driving for one year. He was given one month to pay., Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney N. McCrank and duty counsel K. VanNesf. Bench warrants were issued for Fred Cobbledick, James Leblanc and Lars Bansom. William J. Brown, Bowman.- ville charged July 19, did drive affer consuming over .08 contrary fo section 236 of the criminal code, pleaded eguilfy'. In Newcastle he affempfed f0 pass a car thaf was making a heff furn. Tests were . 11 and .12. The fine was $150.'and costs, in defauhf 10 days. He was prohibited fromn driving for 3 monfhs. Given 4 weeks f0 pa 1y. Henry DeMark, 50, R.R.4, Bowmanvilhe, represented by E.R. Lovekin, was cbarged July 1 with driving affer consuming over .08. He plead- ed 'guilty'. Const. Smith .observed him on King Sf. E. driving slowly. Tests were .25 and .24. The fine was $200 and cosfs, in defauhf 15 days and license suspension' for tbree months. James Leroy McQuaid, Tor- onto, pleaded 'guihty' to a dune 4 charge of driving affer consuming over .08. Be was driving a tractor fraiher. Be gof stuck on the median of 401. Wben officer stopped, lie was asleep in the cab, with lighfs on and engine running. Tests were .27 and .26. A liquor charge was wifhdrawn and liquor confiscafed by consent. Thie fine was $200. and cosfs, in defaulf 15 days. Be was prohibîted from driving for 3 months. Given 1 week f0 pay. Bruce C. Ripley, Young's Point and Toronto; cbarged July 29 did drive whihe disqualîfied pheaded 'guihty'. Hie was driving a Ho-nda southbound on bigbway 35 and stopped for a speed violation. The fine was $250. and cosfs, in defaulf 20 days. He was. given 4 weeks f0 pay. Paul Tuominen, 34 Peacock Rd., Port Ho e, was'charged July 23, wîflh driving aftfer consuming over .08. He plead- ed 'guilfy'. He was easfbound on1 401 and struck a traclor trailor. There w 1ere no injur- ies. Tests were .14 and .14. The fine was $150 and cosfs, in default 10 days. Lcense sus- pension was for fhree monfhs. Be mas given 1 monfh f0 pay. Peter D. Aikenbead, 23, Renfrew, pleaded 'guilfy' June 24 f0 unhawfully fraffick- ing in marijuana.. Two RCMP officers purcbased 2 ounces for $50 at Mosport dune 13. Bis attorney said he bad no previous record. Be had been drinking. Crown Prosecutf E.R. Lovekin asked for a jaîl sentence. The judge remarked "there bas f0 be a deferrent." Be was senfenced f0 30 days f0 be served intermitfenfly f rom 7 p.m. Friday unfil 6 a.m. Monday unfil served. This will be servpd in a centre near Renfrew. Dale Lloyd, 19, formerly of Newtonville and now of 922 Glen St., Oshawa, was to-day put on a three years' probat ion wifh strict ferms. Be is f0 sfay af place of employment, wholly abstain from alcohol or drugs,, be cannot associafe witb anyone known to be involved in drugs. Other than employment, be must be accompanied- by bis wife, on ahI trips outside the home. Be had been cbarged in April with faking a mobile, from 110 Mary St. Oshawa and another charge of baving in bis possession a'1968 Chev, Michael Donaghue, Bow- manville and Oshawa, plead- ed 'guilty' f0o assaulfing Ste- phen Wifberspoon af the Elmhurst Bofel, Newcastle on February 3. Mr. Donaghue asked f0o borrow $200 from Mr. Witherspoon and when refused the money Mr. Wifberspoon suffered a brok- en jaw. The fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days. Be was given 2 weeks'f0 pay. David Anderson, cbarged dune 15 wifh driving while disqualified pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Ricard invesfigatedaa properf y damage accident. Be was driving a Bonda. The fine was $2V,and cosfs, in defaulf 2 days. Joseph Goswell, Bowman- ville, pleaded 'guity' f0 dan- gerous drîving July 30. Be was represenfed by E. R. Lovekin,ý Consf. Schumacber observed Goswell swerve toward hlm on King Sf. E. Goswell was on a ""Home ocQalty SEÉLE CTION SERVICE 1 SATISFACTION LEAN TENDER RIBo4 ROAST Lb. EXTRA LEAN BRAISING RIBS Sc Lb. DIRECT FROM NIAGARA Freestone PEA CNES 6 Qt. Bsk. Ideal for Canning or Freezing Also 6 Qt. Bsk. of Prune Plums MARGARET'S HONEY-DIP ý DON UTS Save 16e59 a Pkg. CHAPMAN'S ITOASMASTER WHITE SLICED Ice Cream BREAD $1.19 24Oz. 70 a'12 Gai. A Loaves i79 Save!! Save!! I Save'!!!! PURINA TENDER VITTLES Lge. CAT ýL,7FOOD Save 24e J59 Bo ALLENS Save 49ce 48 Oz . c APPLE JUICE A Tins BORDENS EVAPORATED 316 Oz.OO 2 %MILK Save 30e Tins 9'9 C :ELICATESSEN FOOD MARKET KigStreet West, BowmanviIle Saturday, September 13 Bank of Montreal - 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wash and Vacuum $1.50 Proceeds for Rehoboth Young People's RaIIy Fund. Another Council Hassie, Develops Over OId Bylaiw Ca rr i e d Over f romCiark SUN WORTHY was given by Mrs. W. Brown. Mrs. L.C. Snowden fbanked everyone for bier, surprise birtbday party. The winners of our School Prizes for mosf improvement in Grade six were G ary Cross af Maple Grove West and Brook Bain af Maple, Grove East. Discussion was held as regards our Day on Sept. 25tb af the Plorugbing Match hospif- ality fent provided by local W.I's. Eacb member 15 f0 make af leasf 1 doz. large plain cookies and several volunfeered f0 help thaf day. The West Durham District 75fh Anniversary is f0 be held on Oct. 8th in the C.E. Hall af Hampton at 6 p.m.. Tickets for the dinner were on sale af $3.75 eacb. Pens are also being sold f0 belp defray some expenses. Our W..Brancb is f0 preDare a number for the varîety programn. Mrs. H. Bradley ana Mrs. J. Hurrie are responsible for this. If was decided to prepare salads for a dinner for Oct. 25fh. Mrs. L.C. Snowden gave the con- sumer report on sboes, fish and the making of a will. Mrs. H. Prescott also read conplaints about the mouse being found in a pie where $25.00 was awarded the com- plainant Mrs. Prescoff also tolU 0of tincting a naîl in funa fish etc. Mrs. W. Polak was in charge of the following pro- gram on Canadian Industries. Mrs. Polak read a paper as regards the Thun der Bay Amefhyst Mine. This is the largest mine of ifs kind in Canada, if nof in the wurld. Many, fourisfs from ail over the world visit this mine. Many samples bofh large and smail are purchased by the visifors. Mrs. H. Prescoft comment- ed on the Motto Credif makes cheap tbings dear. She saîd we are confinually being asked is this on your credif card? Wili this be charge or cash? Many stores are anxious for us to use credif cards or charge ac- counts s0 we will purchase articles from their store. Wifh a credif card, one can buy even if the cash isn'f avail- able. Young people are very vulnerahle f0 bave ail the lafesf when setfing up bouse- keeping. The big sales aftracf many and then when an emergency arises, we are often caught in the middle. This is wben credif makes cheap fhings dear. The meeing closed with the repeating of the Collect in unison. The group in charge served peach shortcake, fea and coffce. Letter Ito Editor Dear Edifor: îng yours truly, were sbocked by this year's hockey fee of $30 per child as announced in The Stafesman, which represents an increase of no less than 150 per cent over lasf year's tee of $12 Per child. Refusal of the Land Division Committee to grant a party an entrance permit brought con- siderable cliscussion auring last week's meeting of New- castle Town Council. The matter regarding pro- perty at lot 5, concession 8 of former Clarke Township, owned by a Mr. G. E. Manger of Agincourt confronted Coun- cil during time allotted for depufations. Mr. Manger advised council bie had been refused an entrance on the basis thaf it contravenes Clarke bylaw 1653, section .4. Councillor Kirk Entwisle defined the bylaw as essenfially being made fa prevent an entrance and consequent building f0 be granted on property not front- ing on a road maintained by the municipality. The sfrong point of Mr. Manger's argument, which drew basic support of council, is that properties on the opposite side of the road owned by a Mr. Kemp as well as a second owned by a Mr. McQueen were granted en- frances last year. Mayor Garnef Rickard, in disagreement, advised thaf Mr. Kemp's enfrance had heen granfed af a portion of his properfy which does not front on the p art of the road maintained by the munici- palify while Mr. Manger's properfy is some 350 feef farther up the road from the point where the municipal maintenance ends. Mr. Manger claimed that the road is presently in use by a variety of vehicles and included in bis plea f0 council that a well driller had no difficulfy getting equipmenf over if fa his properfy. The problem lies wifh the fact thaf Mr. Manger who advised he is now 56 years old, purchased the properfy fo build a refirement home for himself and bis wife, a place f0 which hie would move within the next few years. As a result, hie is anxious fo obtain an entrance permît in order thaf a building permît may be granfed and construction of his refirement home mighf be sfarted. Mr. Manger affer advising he is willing fo pay for road upgrading required in order f0 bc granted an entrance, drew comment from Councillor Ken Lyall wvho suggested fbaf he could foresee fhis becoming another situation wherc the necessary improvements might run in the neighboirhood, of $25,000 for the perit f0 be granfed. Thaf could prove fo be a difficuif requirernent f0 meef. Aftempting f0 find whaf he felt was the quickesf solution to the problem, Councillor Enfwisle moved that the mat fer be referred f0 next week's meeting of the Comn- miftee of the Whole af which fime the director of the Works deparfmenf would be request- ed f0 advise why the permit should not be granted.. Councillor LyalI suggesfed f0 Mr. Manger thaf on Council's approval of such a motion hie was "Just being given another ticket on the mer-orund. Mr. Manger mepled "I'm"f00old for that", to which Councillor Lyall added "you've neyer dealt with this bunch before." Councillor Entwisle then suggesfed that due fo the We al kno w that inflation is rampant,, we also know. or have been fold thaf our national rate of inflation is approximately 10 per cent per year. If is with that in mind thaf an increase in fees for Recreational hockey was an- ticipafed, but how anyone can justify a 150 per cent increase leaves me af a complete loss! T'bis I know, that if wil cleprive many a youngster of the opportunify to play bis belovedi recre afion hockey, which in my opinion is a very poor way f0 combat vandal- îsm. Bihl Smit, R.R. 6, Bowmanville SUN WORTHY Buy3 oMis an enfrance f0 be granted. Mayor Rickard suggested f0 the commiftee that since Mr. Manger and bis adjoinig properf y owners--arê -- parenfly willing f0 enter into an agreemenit for improve- ment of the road that council should follow through wifh the maffer and meef wifh tbem. The Mayor added thaf he believes the reacbing of an agreement is necessary in order f0 prevent a sudden stampede of similar matters which could come if council simphy granfed the permit wifbouf a specific agreement. Mayor Rickard then intro- duccd a motion f0 have the Roads Commiftee conducf a physical examination of the site and proceed in aftempfing f0 reacb an agreement wifh the property owners for im- provement of the road. Councillor, Ann Cowman also requesfed thaf since the road alhowance goes on and on info area of the Ganaraska Conservation Aufbority, that tbey bc inchuded in reaching an agreement. Mr. Manger, alfhough ob- viously somewhaf happier thaf af heasf something is being done, again indicafed that he is concerned with the time clement that might conflict wifh bis wish f0 begin construction of a refirement home on the properfy hy next spring. He reminded the committee thaf a well bas been dug and hydro insfahhed on the oproperfy but that because o these technicalities he "must sit wifh nothing more than a vegefable gar- den. " 1Mr. Lyall, However, assur- cd him the matter is "looking good" and asked thaf he let if follow the proper channels from here. SUN WORTI-I (EQUIVALENT T 5RDCIN Chosef rom any Suinworthy Book Sale Ends Oct 2nd, 1975 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville Pr ovincial- Court ",,,ents [te you to nt ci màice tn he odkc 20 hutcg ýiYûLfI¶ owmivn.QQ oA 'ý44[qWq~ Look for JISL--Signs Corne, See and Compare Save At Least 11O,OOO by driving a few extra miles Lhe 8av[ilgg e11ougý to 0jia oh youk gac 6ot a geoà. $2,000 down to qualified buyers will move you into a beautiful single home with extra large lots to choose from1 Some lots feature trees and year-round running streams. Priced from: 144,900 Trade-Ins Accepted For Information, Caîl 705-932-2132 IRWIN, SARGENT & 'LOWES LIMITED însulting remarks on his motion from Councillor Lyal that be wisbed f0 withdraw the motion. He explained that he had feif bis motion wouid be the quickest way f0 bring the mater f a. head. Mayor Rickard bowever called for Mr. Entwisle not ta withdraw bis motion as he prcfcrred f0 let it stand. Councillor Ivan Hobbs in- jcfe.d thaf Councillor Lyall, wbo bad rcquested the need for more detailed background on an carlier maffer apparent- ly now favored granfing this permit wifhout such back- ground material on the pro- blcm. ground information. Mr. Lyall, however, assured Mr. Hohhs he had considerable backgroung maferial on the probhem. Mayor Rickard finallycal- led for a vote on Mr. Entwisle's motion wbicb car- ried and granted Mr. Manger bis personal assurance that the matter wilh be dealt wifh. At Monday's Commiftee of the Whole Direcfor of Works Jack Dunhamn advised simply thaf the enfrance application bad been refused as the property fronts on an unmain- fained road. in respect f0, Mr. Manger's insistance thaf he should be granfed an entrance as Mr. Kemp had been, Mr. Dunham cxplained thaf Mr. Kemp's permit had been granted by the former Clarke Township on September 10, 1971, a time prior f0 the formation of the Town of Newcastle in 1974. Commiffee Chairman Ken Lvall then remarked fo Mr. Manger thaf he must there- fore consider that those deal- ings were with the Clarke council which he says was an 1'unusual council." Mr. Lyall, accompanied by Councillor Ann Cowman, had inspecfed the area thîs past Sunday and indicafed f0 the committee that the road deemed as improved is essen- tially no better thaf that considered as unimproved, the onfly apparent difference f0 fhem býeing that the "improved" section had the brush cut back some 20 feef from ifs edge. Mayor Rickard poînted ouf thaf at the time Clarke council probably took the word of the developer that the road would be improve 'd f0 an equal standard f0 that portion wbich presenfly bounds part of Mr. Kemp's properfy for wbich reason he was granted a permit. Building inspector Charles Warren advised the Commit- tee that the bylaw requires frontage of 330 feef on a mainfained road in order for